Parcson Wellness

Odisha's first and best wellness center since 2016.
20yrs of Expertise Services.

Verified with Justdial. Transparent Client Satisfaction and Reviews of services.


Happy Utkal Divas 2023...
Greetings and best wishes to the people of Odisha on Statehood Day!

We Dreamt, We Fought and We Achieved. Happy Odisha Foundation day!

We ,from Parcson Wellness (First Wellness Start Up Company from Odisha providing allied health services since 2016) stand for every individual of the state to experience such love, affection,healthy,fit and happiness on this special day, because it is such a special event. Happy Utkal Divas.

We send our warmest congratulations to the people of Odisha on the occasion of Utkal Divas.
"Your Wellness Our Priority"....


Vestibular rehabilitation is an evidence-based approach to managing dizziness, vertigo, motion sensitivity, balance and postural control issues that occur due to vestibular dysfunction.

Patients with vestibular impairment typically experience issues with gaze stability, motion stability, and balance and postural control. Vestibular rehabilitation is, therefore, focused on addressing these areas of pathology or dysfunction.

Vestibular disturbance is a significant issue globally. It is estimated that 35.4 percent of population aged over 40 have experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction. The likelihood of experiencing vestibular dysfunction increases with age.

80 percent of people aged over 65 years experience dizziness - in 30 to 50 percent of cases this dizziness is caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
75 percent of adults aged over 70 years have a balance impairment.

Nearly 85 percent of adults aged over 80 years have vestibular dysfunction.
Individuals with vestibular dysfunction are eight times more likely to experience a fall, which is significant as falls are associated with significant morbidity, mortality and economic cost.Moreover, the number of people experiencing vestibular dysfunction is expected to grow due to our ageing populations.

Dizziness and vertigo are not interchangeable terms:

Dizziness is a non-specific term used to describe a variety of sensations such as light-headedness, disorientation and presyncope.
Vertigo is a specific type of dizziness where there is the illusion of movement in the environment (e.g. spinning, whirling)
Vertigo is caused by both peripheral and central vestibular diseases. It is often rotational (i.e. the room spins around the patient), but there can also be linear disruptions or, less commonly, the patient might feel that his / her body is moving relative to the environment.

Dizziness and vertigo are both purely subjective phenomena. There is no objective means of measuring them, so the patient’s subjective history is key.


7th Anniversary Celebrations of Parcson Wellness Pvt Ltd.
16th March till 16th April 2023.
50%off on All Monthly Physiotherapy Packages.


New Challenges...2023
New Motivations...Ahead

You are not sick when you are injured...

Rest is not the answer to your injury...

Activity and Therapy help healing most...

Being physically healthy is not expensive!!

Being Injured is..

So Prevent Injuries!

All@Parcson Wellness

So let's not wait for perfect conditions to begin.

Let's begin to make perfect conditions for a healthy physical condition.


Guilain-Barré syndrome or GBS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system causing weakness and abnormal sensations in the arms and legs. Some people will have problems in their facial or respiratory muscles and may require ventilation.

It is a rare condition that usually recovers after a few weeks or months. Guilian-Barre syndrome can occur after a person has had symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection. Occasionally, surgery or vaccinations will trigger the syndrome. However, it is unclear why it occurs in some people and not in others.

Physiotherapy treatment will promote recovery and help people with Guilian-Barre syndrome keep their work, home and social life as active as possible. Physiotherapy will help people maximise their potential and assist in returning them to a level they were previously.

Types of Guillain-Barré syndrome

The types of GBS include:
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)
Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy
Miller fisher syndrome
Sensory Guillain-Barré syndrome

Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome

The doctor will take a detailed clinical history medical examination to confirm a diagnosis of Guillian-Barre syndrome. Your doctor will particularly want to know of any recent possible infections or vaccinations, toxin exposure (such as insecticides or solvents), alcohol intake, tick bites, and family history of nerve disease. Investigations will normally be supported by blood tests, a lumbar puncture and electromyogram (EMG) before a diagnosis of Guillian- Barre syndrome is given.

What causes Guillain-Barré syndrome?

Guillian-Barre syndrome is caused by inflammation of the peripheral nerves supplying your muscles, joints and skin. This inflammation prevents the nerves from working properly and slows the conduction of signals travelling along the nerves. The most common explanation for the inflammation is that white blood cells start attacking the nerves.

What are the effects/symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome?

Symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome include pins and needles, numbness and weakness in the legs and arms. In mores serious cases the bladder, breathing and facial muscles may be affected.

Around 80% of people recover and numbness begins to recede and strength begins to come back.The time taken for recovery to occur is very variable taking weeks, months or even years. Physiotherapy will help speed up recovery.

Some people are however left with severe difficulties that interfere with mobility and everyday tasks. Improvement is fastest during the first few months but people can continue to make improvements even years after the occurrence of Guilian-Barre syndrome.

Physiotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome

Physiotherapy treatment for Guillain-Barré syndrome should start in hospital and continue until you have reached your maximum potential.

Physiotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome will:
Increase muscle strength
Increase mobility
Increase balance
Retrain normal patterns of movement
Increase fitness and energy levels
Improving posture when sitting, standing and sleeping
Increased ability to relax
Minimise secondary complications such as muscle contractures and chest infections.
Promote recovery

The exercise program will depend on your individual needs and will be centred around:
Teaching exercises to strengthen your muscles using them correctly as often as possible
Exercises to improve posture and balance in sitting and standing promoting everyday tasks and independence
Stretching to lengthen tight muscles
Exercises to increase your stamina and reducing fatigue
Exercises to enhance functional abilities
Breathing control and assisted coughing if appropriate to maintain a clear chest
Hydrotherapy treatment to relax muscles and improve walking
Our specialist neurological physiotherapists aim to get you back to full function as soon as possible so to book an appointment whatsapp 9776633745, book online or alternatively request a free phone consultation.


Happy New Year to All-
Your wellness Our Priority!!!!

If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.

If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.

Happy to be reaching out 25 destinations of wellness in bhubaneswar services.

Wishing you all a happy and fit year ahead.

Timeline photos 31/12/2022

Happy New Year to All-
Your wellness Our Priority!!!!

If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.

If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.

Wishing you all a happy and fit year ahead.

Timeline photos 25/12/2022

Bobath is a type of physiotherapy treatment which aims to improve movement and mobility in patients with damage to their central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Many physiotherapists use Bobath in the rehabilitation of patients with neurological conditions to promote the sensory and motor pathways and facilitate normal movement and motor control.

The Bobath concept continues to develop in concordance which changes in the presentation of individuals with different neurological conditions. Bobath also changes with the emergence of new theories, models and information.

This Workshop is designed for clinical applications on adult and paediatric neurological conditions.

Eligibility Criteria to attain this workshop-PT's,OT's,Post Graduate Students,Interns,Final Year BPT Students.


Sprained Ankle

Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur among people of all ages and at all activity levels; in fact, they are the number one reason for missed participation in athletics.

An ankle sprain occurs when the strong ligaments that support the ankle stretch beyond their limits and tear. The severity of a sprain can vary greatly depending on the number of ligaments involved and the extent to which the ligaments are torn.

Most sprains heal with conservative treatments like ice, elevation, over-the-counter medications, and simple rehabilitation exercises. However, if ankle remains swollen or painful for several weeks despite conservative treatments, or if the patient has difficulty putting weight on ankle, it may need to be evaluated to ensure that patient does not have a severe ankle sprain or fracture.


A Golden Ticket For Your Wellness...
Your Wellness Our Priority..
Our Priority is Complete Rehabilitation.

"Gift Someone Who is Your Priority"


joint pains are common in winter season

Winters require extra care for people who are prone to such pains and are suffering from joint-related disorders. Regular exercise, wearing warm clothes and hot water bags can help in management of such pains.

The cold weather can apparently reduce blood circulation to fingers and toes which could worsen joint pains. Another reason could be muscles becoming tighter at lower temperatures resulting in stiffness and pain. Besides, people tend to stay indoors during winter season which could mean limited exposure to sunlight and may result in Vitamin D deficiency.

1. Wear warm clothing: It is important to retain body heat and keep your joints warm during winter season for pain relief.

2. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise will help keep your joints supple and maintain flexibility. It could also help with lubrication of the joints and improve blood flow. Make sure to warm-up before your workout or exercise routine to prevent injuries.

3. Stay active, lose weight: Changes in dietary habits and reduced physical activity during winters can result in weight gain. This increases the load on major joints like the knees which can cause or worsen joint pain. Reducing body weight can help prevent pain.

4. Stay hydrated, eat balanced diet: Dehydration can cause fatigue and muscle pain. Have plenty of fluids and eat healthy to ensure intake of essential nutrients including calcium and vitamin D vital for bone and joint health. Avoid consumption of excess salt, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods which can worsen joint pain.

5. Comfort your aching joints: Application of heat in the form of a hot water bag or electric heating pad can provide comfort to aching joints. Warm baths can also help relax muscles and relieve joint pain.


Tabes dorsalis, the most common form of late neurosyphilis, begins as a spirochetal(Treponema pallidum) meningitis. After 10–20 years of persistent infection, damage to the dorsal roots is severe and extensive, producing a set of characteristic symptoms and signs. Symptoms are lightning pains, ataxia, and bladder disturbance; signs include Argyll Robertson pupils, areflexia, loss of proprioceptive sense, Charcot joints, and trophic ulcers. Lancinating or lightning pains are brief, sharp, or stabbing in quality and are more apt to occur in the legs than elsewhere. Sensory disturbances such as coldness, numbness, and tingling also occur and are associated with impairment of light touch, pain, and thermal sensation. Episodes of visceral crisis, characterized by the abrupt onset of epigastric pain that spreads around the body or up over the chest, occur in some 20% of patients.

Most of the features of tabes dorsalis can be explained by lesions of the dorsal roots, dorsal root ganglia, and posterior columns.Ataxia is due to the destruction of proprioceptive fibers, insensitivity to pain follows partial loss of small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, and bladder hypotonia with overflow incontinence, constipation, and impotence is the result of sacral root damage. Pathological studies disclose thinning and grayness of the posterior roots, especially in the lumbosacral region, and the spinal cord shows degeneration of the posterior columns. A mild reduction of neurons in the DRG occurs, and there is little change in the peripheral nerves. Inflammation may occur all along the posterior root.

Physiotherapy management includes Frenkel's exercise, strengthening exercises, balance retraining and use of assistive devices.

Aims of physiotherapy management include:

Improve coordination
Improve muscle strength.
Improve muscle endurance.
Improve balance.
Improve posture.
Retrain normal movement pattern.
Educate the patient about sensory loss and precautions to be taken.


Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. This muscle is important in lower body movement because it stabilizes the hip joint and lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body. This enables us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another, and maintain balance. It is also used in sports that involve lifting and rotating the thighs -- in short, in almost every motion of the hips and legs.

The sciatic nerve is a thick and long nerve in the body. It passes alongside or goes through the piriformis muscle, goes down the back of the leg, and eventually branches off into smaller nerves that end in the feet. Nerve compression can be caused by spasm of the piriformis muscle.

Piriformis Syndrome Signs and Symptoms
Piriformis syndrome usually starts with pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttocks. Pain can be severe and extend down the length of the sciatic nerve (called sciatica). The pain is due to the piriformis muscle compressing the sciatic nerve, such as while sitting on a car seat or running. Pain may also be triggered while climbing stairs, applying firm pressure directly over the piriformis muscle, or sitting for long periods of time. Most cases of sciatica, however, are not due to piriformis syndrome.
Understand the piriform issue then only treatment will be well directed.


Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, and peace and security. It is also central to the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind. The commitment to realizing the rights of persons with disabilities is not only a matter of justice; it is an investment in a common future.

The complex and interconnected crises facing humanity today, including the shocks resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other countries, a tipping point in climate change, all pose humanitarian challenges of an unprecedented nature, as well as threats to the global economy.

Most often, in moments of crisis, people in vulnerable situations such as persons with disabilities are the most excluded and left behind. In line with the central premise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no one behind”, it is crucial for governments, public and private sectors to collaboratively find innovative solutions for and with persons with disabilities to make the world a more accessible and equitable place.

Parcson Wellness is always there for PWD's.

One stop@Parcson Wellness can be fullswing for your physical freedom and inclusion.


SpOrtho has come this December 2022...
Lets recharge up for the winter....
Early bird for 1st 100 registration...
Waiver of Rs1000/- in Rehab* Packages...
Sports Rehab @ Rs3750/-
Ortho Rehab @ Rs5200/-
Spine Rehab @ Rs6300/-
Joint Rehab @ Rs4950/-


Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rehabilitation
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a key structure in the knee joint kinematics, as it resists anterior tibial translation and rotational loads. The ACL provides approximately 85% of the total restraining force of anterior translation. It also prevents excessive tibial medial and lateral rotation, as well as varus and valgus stresses.Despite of that its primary role is a proprioceptive function due to the presence of mechanoreceptors in the ligaments. Because of that an ACL injury might therefore be regarded as a neurophysiological dysfunction and not as a simple peripheral musculoskeletal injury.As a consequence of its complex role in the kinematics of the knee, when an ACL injury occurs there are both clinical signs and subjective instability and therefore a comprehensive rehabilitation program is needed. Injuries to the ACL are relatively common knee injuries among athletes[6] and females are two to eight times more likely to sustain an ACL injury than their male counterparts.

The injuries can range from mild (such as small tears/sprain) to severe (when the ligament is completely torn). When an ACL has a complete rupture and there are clinical and subjective signs of instability, a surgical reconstraction is needed. However it is not self-evident that an ACL Reconstruction will automatically lead to a return to preinjury activity level.

The ACL rehabilitation is both for conservative and surgical options. Conservative treatment of an ACL injury could be the best choice for sedentary patients. Indeed patient age, sportive activities and foremost subjective instability symptoms in daily life activities should be considered when deciding for or against ACL reconstruction. In those cases a physiotherapic program of complete re-gain of ROM, a comprehensive program of reinforce and restore of proprioception and a normal gait pattern training could be the best rehabilitation protocol. However if symptomatic instability of the knee is not reduced after physiotherapy nor after adjustment of activity, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is recommended. This might prevent multiple interventions because of further meniscal and cartilage damage.

ACL tear
It is useful to remember that injuries to the ACL rarely occur in isolation. The presence and extent of other injuries may affect the way in which the ACL injury is managed. Indeed the mechanism of injury can damage also the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) or the meniscus. Other associated injuries could be microfractures or bone contusions, both with or without chondral injuries.]In those cases the ACL Rehabilitation program must be not standardize and consider the comorbidity.

The major goals of general rehabilitation of the ACL-injured knee:

Gain full ROM of the knee
Repair muscle strength and proprioception
Gain in good functional stability
Reach the best possible functional level (walking, running, jumping...)
Decrease the risk for re-injury
Return to sport


What to look out in a BEST Physiotherapy Clinical setup:-

P-Preferred nearby " Location" to save time.
H-Having "private cubicles" to be distraction free.
Y-Your "convenient" hours(Patient 1st Priority).
S-Super "active" PT sessions with plan of action.
I-Individual specific with "one-on-one" treatment.
O-Observing,setting,"documenting", achievements.
T-Therapy to be focused on specific "expertise".
H-Having individual patient specific "routine".
E-"Ethical Billing" avoiding unwanted physio sessions.
R-"Registered Physio" who does thorough assesment.
A-"Advanced Treatment" techniques or equipments.
P-"Place" (designated)to perform quality exercises.
Y-Your "Physio" should be fit enough to guide.


Importance of physical activity for older adults’ health is well documented. Physical activity in later life reduces the risk of disease, helps to manage existing conditions and develops and maintains physical and mental function . Inactive (defined as not meeting physical activity recommendations) older adults are at an increased risk of developing illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease , as well as experiencing a loss of mobility and functional independence due to declines in muscle mass, physical and neuromuscular function (e.g., muscle strength, power), and increased risk of sarcopenia.

The partial or total interruption to habitual physical activity can lead to deterioration in several metabolic and functional outcomes in older adults and there is concern that the regular and extended periods of lock-down may have increased risk for, and potentially worsened, existing chronic health conditions and caused acute and chronic deconditioning in the older adult population.

Various programmes have typically focused on physical activities that can be easily implemented in the home with minimal equipment, such as chair-based exercise. Chair-based exercise is a seated, structured and progressive exercise programme, which uses a chair to provide stability and can be used by older adults and those who may be frail or deconditioned. This type of exercise enables older adults to participate in safe, simple, and easily implemented physical activities.


Physical therapy is one of the most common treatments for chronic neck pain. Most physical therapy programs for neck pain involve applying treatments to reduce pain and/or stiffness enough to begin an exercise program of strengthening and stretching the neck. The specific methods and exercises used in physical therapy, as well as the duration of the treatment plan, can vary from person to person.

Physical therapy for neck pain typically includes the following goals:

Reduce pain and stiffness
Improve head and neck range of motion
Develop dynamic strengthening of the neck and its supporting musculature
Develop strategies to prevent pain from recurring.


Syringomyelia is a condition in which a fluid-filled cyst called a syrinx forms within the spinal cord. The syrinx can get bigger and elongate over time, resulting in damage to the spinal cord and compression and injury of the nerve fibers that carry information from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa.

The fluid in the cyst is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid normally surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. CSF also fills connected cavities within the center of brain called the ventricles, which continue to a small central canal that runs the length of the spinal cord.

In a patient with syringomyelia, CSF collects within the tissue of spinal cord, expands the central canal and forms a syrinx. Generally, a syrinx develops when the normal flow of CSF fluid around the spinal cord or lower brain stem is disturbed. When syrinxes affect the brain stem, the condition is called syringobulbia.

The upper portions of your spinal cord (Cervical and Thoracic) are often affected by syringomyelia.

Who does syringomyelia affect?

The majority of people with syringomyelia are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, but it can also develop in young children or older adults.

How common is syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia is rare. It affects approximately every 8 out of 100,000 people and accounts for up to 5% of paraplegia (paralysis of your legs and lower body) cases.

Physical Therapy Rehab :-

Treatment to fix the underlying cause and prevent further damage to your spinal cord usually involves some type of surgery. General therapies to manage symptoms include:

Pain management and medications.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Limiting certain activities.

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Videos (show all)

Happy Utkal Divas 2023...Greetings and best wishes to the people of Odisha on Statehood Day!We Dreamt, We Fought and We ...
Vestibular rehabilitation is an evidence-based approach to managing dizziness, vertigo, motion sensitivity, balance and ...
Guilain-Barré syndrome or GBS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral ...
Sprained AnkleAnkle sprains are common injuries that occur among people of all ages and at all activity levels; in fact,...
joint pains are common in winter seasonWinters require extra care for people who are prone to such pains and are sufferi...
Tabes dorsalis, the most common form of late neurosyphilis, begins as a spirochetal(Treponema pallidum) meningitis. Afte...
Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciat...
Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, and peace and securit...
SpOrtho has come this December 2022...Lets recharge up for the winter....Early bird for 1st 100 registration...Waiver of...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) RehabilitationThe anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a key structure in the knee joint...
What to look out in  a BEST Physiotherapy Clinical setup:-P-Preferred nearby " Location" to save time.H-Having "private ...
Importance of physical activity for older adults’ health is well documented. Physical activity in later life reduces the...




Bhubaneswar, OD

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Friday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 1pm

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