Wee Care Clinic

Wee Care Clinic is a multi speciality clinic with services in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Vaccinations, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Developmental Pediatrics.

Pediatrics, Child Specialist, Newborn Specialist, Vaccination center,Child Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Child and adolescent Guidance, Child development


Kids and Covid 19


वी केयर कलीनिक, बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ, डा. आशीश गुप्ता

लौकडाऊन के कारण कलीनिक रोज़ाना सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 7 बजे तक खुला रहेगा. रविवार केवल इमरजेंसी केस के लिए खुलेगा

लौकडाऊन की सथिती में यदि किसी भी कारणवश आप शाम 7 बजे तक न आ सकें तो हमारी ओनलाईन या टेलीफोनिक परामर्श सेवा के लिए 7838220500 / 9953051903 पर कॉल करें. (MCI गाइडलाइन्स के तहत आप बच्चों की आम बीमारी के लिए अॉनलाइन परामर्श कर सकते हैं)

सोशल डिसटेंस व आपकी सेफटी बनाए रखने के लिए हम IAP की गाइडलाइन्स के तहत हमनें कुछ नियम बनाए हैं-

बीमार बच्चे ( SICK CHILD OPD) सुबह 10 बजे से 1 बजे और स्वस्थ बच्चे ( WELL BABY VACCINATION OPD) दोपहर 3 बजे से 7 बजे तक रहेगा

अपने टीके ( Vaccination) समय पर लगवाऐं

केवल ऐपौंटमेंट लेकर अपने समय पर ही आऐं ताकि ऐक समय केवल ऐक ही परिवार कलीनिक के भीतर हो. कोरोना संक्रमण के कारण हम एक टाईम सलौट में केवल एक बच्चे को देख रहे हैं

आने से पहले आप मुखय समस्या फोन पर हमारे डाक्टर से चर्चा कर सकते हैं ताकि आपको कम समय कलीनिक पर लगे

कलीनिक में फेस मासक लगा कर आऐं, अंदर आते ही हाथ सैनिटाइज़ करें, बिना बात यहां वहां वेटइंग रूम में या अपने चेहरे को न छुएं, डाक्टर के कमरे में केवल एक जना ( attendant) बच्चे के साथ जाए, हमारे स्भी स्टाफ से भी सोशल डिसटेंस रखें

इन परिस्थितियों में माता पिता बच्चों के साथ कलीनिक पर बिल्कुल ना आऐं: 10 वर्ष से कम या 65 वर्ष से ज्यादा उम्र ; कोविड ( Covid 19) पौजिटिव सटेटस ; पिछले 15 दिन से बुखार, खांसी या सांस में तकलीफ ; पिछले 1 महीने में इंटरनैशनल टरैवल ; कवारेंटीन ; कंटेनमेंट एरीआ या रेड ज़ोन में निवास-- इन परिस्थितियों में अॉनलाइन या हासपिटल में परामर्श करे


Photos from Wee Care Clinic's post 23/06/2020

All patients visiting the Clinic are requested to cooperate in a pre visit telephonic screening. 💫🕵‍♀️

In current high risk situation in Delhi we are taking all precautions to prevent cross infection to Non Covid patients and to healthy healthcare workers at our clinic. 🙏

Your cooperation and accurate information will help us to segregate suspected clients, take adequate PPE precautions for our doctors and staff and prevent any chance of cross infection at the clinic. 🙏😷

We also request all to read our guidelines for a safe clinic visit. 🧿


Stay Safe 🙂


CORONAPHOBIA : Fear of Corona Virus Infection, CORONA VIRUS OCD, Corona Disease Anxiety

Dharmesh is a young man father of two living with his family & old parents. Since corona lockdown his life has changed. He is always scrutinizing very closely his visits outside home, or objects purchased to spot transmission of virus. He has become extremely conscious, keeps sanitizing all touch surfaces repeatedly, keeps washing his hands multiple times a day and upto thrice on each handwash. He has a fear that he might transfer Corona to his parents or kids. He is unable to clear this fearful thought till he has washed and cleaned his hands or the surfaces multiple times. Hd is always restless never calm, too preoccupied with Corona. He was overdoing reading on Corona on the internet. In his mind he calculates each tiniest step by which the virus could land up inside his home. More than the lockdown the fear has changed his life.

Checklist for Corona Virus Anxiety:

I am very worried about the Corona Virus Outbreak

I am taking precautions to prevent infection

I am constantly following all news updates regarding the Virus

I have stalked up on supplies to prepare for problems related to the outbreak

For my personal health I find the Virus to be much more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

I feel that the health authorities are not doing enough to deal with the Virus.

I am worried my friends or family will be infected

I take more precautions than most people to not become infected.

I am worried about the society, economic recession, food shortages, quarantine, lockdown, medical expenditure, death, healthcare collapse, travel ban etc.


Bipolar Disorder important Information for patients, family members as well as professionals.


To our dear nurses for their compassion, care and kindheartedness.



We are taking only 1 patient inside the clinic at any given time to avoid overcrowding.

Patients are requested to strictly adhere to allotted time slot at the Clinic so that no two families reach at the same time.

We are maintaining 30 minutes slots to allow staff to sanitize.

Only 1 parent allowed to accompany the child inside the clinic waiting hall or inside the doctor's room.

Senior citizens and healthy siblings of the sick child are not allowed to accompany the child.

Online Video Consultations may be booked for mildly sick children, routine non emergency advise or where parents are unable to reach the clinic or nearby hospital due to lockdown. Online Consultations are charged at same Consultation Fee as Clinic Consults as advised in MCI guidelines for Tele Medicine during Covid 19 outbreak. Book Consults at 7838220500.

Book Online Consultations for Mild illnesses. Many can be treated completely with simple remedies.

We recommend parents to avoid taking telephonic advise without booking a proper Online Consultation. This allows us to follow best practices and maintain proper records of the child. For underprivileged patients the clinic and staff is always ready to help.

When visiting Clinic avoid touching multiple surfaces, your own face, or carrying unnecessary handbags.

Patient and Attendants must wear a face mask.

At entry the staff gives you a form as per IAP Guidelines to fill. Also rub hands for 20 seconds with sanitiser on entry.

Reduce total time spent inside clinic.

Maintain Social Distance from all the clinic staff also.

Clinic is cleaned with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite freshly made- EVERY 4 hours the railing, door k***s, doctors table, desks, chairs; EVERY 24 hours the floor; AFTER EVERY PATIENT the stethoscope, bed & equipment

Sick children examined in separate room.

Vaccination for healthy children in separate room.



Dear patients,

To help you all understand how things are going to be in medical practice as we move forward, I am sharing with you the guidelines that have been suggested to us when we examine patients in our clinics and hospitals.
These are important for both you, the patient, and us, the healthcare providers so that we may be safe and keep others around us safe.


We are dealing with an entity of which we still have very limited knowledge.

I urge you to spread the word amongst your friends and family to avoid going to hospitals and clinics for minor and routine ailments and rely on Video Consultations as far as possible.

You could share this article with them or direct them to this page, so that they may read more about Covid19 which I will try and post from time to time.

"Please avoid unnecessary visits to clinics or hospitals, overcrowding in waiting halls, long discussions inside doctors chambers, all for your sake and for the sake of those around you.”

Some General Instructions have been suggested to us for our day to day OPD Practice and we would be following these in the coming days. These guidelines are revised and updated by issuing authorities from time to time. The purpose is to prevent spread of the virus which is known for silent transmission and asymptomatic cases. No one is exempt from getting infected.



• Restrict OPD Consultation timings and by seeing patients with prior appointments only. Refrain from seeing walk-in patients.
• Keep the Clinic door open throughout the OPD hours.
• Detailed screening history and temperature testing to be done by the Nursing staff before registration.
• Address and contact details of every patient to be noted.
• All Fever, Cough and Cold cases to be referred to the nearest Government/ Municipal hospitals as per the latest notifications in your region.
• Only 1 adult accompanying the child or patient ( adult patient preferably without a relative / accompanying person) enters the clinic /reception area at a time.
• Hand Sanitizer to be kept at the entrance of the hospital/clinic for each individuals use before entering.
• Every patient to be allowed inside only if he/she is wearing a face mask as it has been made mandatory by most city authorities.
• Maintain social distancing between the staff and patient
• Maintain adequate distancing between patients.
• Patient should be instructed not to touch any furniture, table tops, door handles etc during the registration process.

• All Doctors and health workers are expected to wear basic safety measures like wearing a 3 ply surgical face mask (N95 preferably), Goggles or Eye wear, Face shield, Disposable examination gloves, OT gown (if PPE not available) and shoe covers. The degree of protective gear varies from OPD chambers to more intensive areas of the clinic or hospital.
• Use Hand Sanitizers after consulting or examining each patient
• No Nasal / Oral examinations to be conducted as far as possible
• Avoid using AC in the consulting room. Well ventilated room with consulting door kept open always is advisable.
• All patients to wash their hands before entering the consulting room.
• Avoid the use of mobile phones and laptops inside clinics.
• Keep minimal equipment in the consulting room. Remove unnecessary things.
• Frequent cleaning of door k***s and tables.
• Accept digital payments like payTm/card/NEFT as far as possible.
• Sanitise ur spectacles, eyewear, mobiles etc after OPD hours.
• Sanitization / Fumigation after OPD hours.

Patients who shouldn’t be seen in the OPD:
• Domestic / International travel to Covid affected regions in last 1 month
• H/o Fever
• H/o Dry Cough
• H/o Breathlessness
• H/o Sore throat
• H/o recent onset Anosmia
• H/o change in taste
• H/o contact / exposure to any suspected Covid-19 positive patient.



Sharing information on News 24 on Corona Virus


On News 24 sharing information on Corona Virus.


What if visiting the clinic can't be POSTPONED?
Take the right PRECAUTIONS & Follow our guidelines.

क्या 20 May तक India में खत्म हो जाएगा Corona ? || News24 26/04/2020


क्या 20 May तक India में खत्म हो जाएगा Corona ? || News24 क्या 20 May तक India में खत्म हो जाएगा Corona ? || News24 News24 motto of 'Think First' is reflected in its YouTube channel as well, as it brings to you the ...


We are taking all possible precautions to work with caution during the COVID Outbreak.

Registered Patients can contact for online follow up.

Whenever visiting the clinic take due precautions and follow all guidelines that will be advised prior to your clinic visit by our team.

Help us contain the speed of COVID.


We are trying to support our ongoing clients by providing online video consults as people are unable to reach clinic during Covid Lockdown imposed by the government.

Supporting the Government's stand on Stay Home and Social Distancing at Wee Care Clinic all services Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Psychology can be availed by Online Video Consultation.

Call 7838220500 for details.


Registration open for Adolescent Girls Workshop


Internet , Social Media, Gaming, Technology addiction is harming our young. Excessive use leads to academic decline, behavior changes, school avoidance, relationship abuse etc. Bring your child early to treat internet harmful use.

"Pesticide levels in soft drinks too high" 29/04/2019

*Pesticide Percentage (%) in cold drinks released from IMA (Indian Medical Association) recently*

_1 Thums up 7.2%_

_2 Coke 9.4%_

_3 7 UP 12.5%_

_4 Mirinda 20.7%_

_5 Pepsi 10.9%_

_6 Fanta 29.1%_

_7 Sprite 5.3%_

_8 Frooti 24.5%_

_9 Maaza 19.3%_

*It's very dangerous to the Human Liver, Results in Cancer*
*Please pass it to all known persons in your contact*

"Pesticide levels in soft drinks too high" New study indicates pesticides 24 times higher than Bureau of Indian Standards norms

पेट की दवा पर अलग-अलग दावे वीडियो - हिन्दी न्यूज़ वीडियो एनडीटीवी ख़बर 08/02/2019

Watch Dr Ashish Gupta on "School Deworming Program Opinions

"पेट की दवा पर अलग-अलग दावे वीडियो - हिन्दी न्यूज़ वीडियो एनडीटीवी ख़बर

पेट की दवा पर अलग-अलग दावे वीडियो - हिन्दी न्यूज़ वीडियो एनडीटीवी ख़बर पेट की दवा पर अलग-अलग दावे हिन्दी न्यूज़ वीडियो। एनडीटीवी खबर पर देखें समाचार वीडियो पेट की दवा पर अलग-अलग दावे दिल....


We are expanding our services.

Now Ms Ramita PhD Special Education in LD, Autism and MR has joined us.

For children struggling with reading and writing contact the clinic for an assessment and intervention planning.


Merry Christmas

India begins testing samples of Johnson & Johnson baby powder 20/12/2018

Baby powders

Well mother's should know this


India begins testing samples of Johnson & Johnson baby powder India's federal drug regulator has begin testing the samples of Johnson & Johnson's baby powder after a report that the baby powder contains cancer-causing a...


The Right Reasons to meet a Psychiatrist


Dr Tina Gupta MD Psychiatry AIIMS

Post Partum Depression is common.
After child birth if you experience- mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping, negative thoughts- consider meeting a Psychiatrist for help. PPD is also seen in new father's. Treatment is safe for the breastfeeding baby.

"I never thought I had Post Partum Depression"


World Health Organization (WHO)

Vaccination Clinic for Children

5 facts you need to know about vaccines


Students suffering stress, anxiety and depression. Get the right diagnosis and the right treatment. Psychiatry Clinic for Young Persons unique mental health needs. Meet Dr Tina Gupta MD Psychiatry AIIMS to discuss issues that affect young people in schools , colleges and workforce. You can book sessions to discuss issues ranging from academic performance, self confidence, relationships, mood, anxiety, sleep, eating disorders, sexuality and self harm behaviours.

Call today at 9711887732
Learn about updates, practice information and services at https://www.facebook.com/psychiatryforwomen/. For more info visit us at http://www.weecareclinic.in/students-suffering-stress-anx/b214?utm_source=facebookpage


Depression help center in Delhi. Best treatment for Depression. For Work related stress and Burnout contact Dr Tina Gupta. At Wee Care Clinic Hauz Khas.

Do you know someone going through this......

A 40 year old senior director at one of the most coveted development agencies in the world walks in one day in a state of a panic attack. She was the perfect taskmaster with many rewards and accolades in her basket working a whopping 16 hrs each day. Sifting through 200 emails daily, running between meetings, managing a team of a dozen people and carrying operations in three countries in three time zones. Rushing to a high profile meeting in morning to a different city and returning by day end to start next days work. She sounds a superhuman. This was her normal work life.

Despite seeing red signals that her body is giving up on so much stress she kept waiting for the right time to take a break till the mind snapped. So many things were going wrong. The sense of urgency to answer the mails while she eats. Available to kids just as a rushed mom sneaking a good night. Longing to meet her parents and fix up her house. One panic attack was the final signal to STOP. TAKE A BREAK. TAKE ACTION.

Excess work stress effects our mental health in many harmful ways. Stress can be managed by learning the right ways.

Book for Stress Assessment management training at Dr Tina Gupta's centre.


Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Counseling Clinic in Delhi by Dr Tina Gupta MD Psychiatry AIIMS, Wee Care Clinic Hauz Khas, Max Saket and Max Panchsheel Park.

Ten signs that you might need a consultation:

You are having sudden mood swings, irritation or anger outbursts.
You are feel sad, depressed, hopeless or down most of the times
You worry excessively or feel anxious most of the time
You cannot overcome the impact of past traumatic or painful memories or events.
You think about self harm or su***de
You are using alcohol, sleeping pills, or other drugs to numb emotional pain
You are having difficult time coping with daily challenges at work or school
You have serious anger issues
You have irrational fears or beliefs
You have troubled relationships

If you know someone who needs help call us at 7838220500
Wee Care Psychiatry Clinic
C23 Hauz Khas


Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Counseling Clinic in Delhi by Dr Tina Gupta MD Psychiatry AIIMS, Wee Care Clinic Hauz Khas, Max Saket and Max Panchsheel Park.

Ten signs that you might need a consultation:

You are having sudden mood swings, irritation or anger outbursts.
You are feel sad, depressed, hopeless or down most of the times
You worry excessively or feel anxious most of the time
You cannot overcome the impact of past traumatic or painful memories or events.
You think about self harm or su***de
You are using alcohol, sleeping pills, or other drugs to numb emotional pain
You are having difficult time coping with daily challenges at work or school
You have serious anger issues
You have irrational fears or beliefs
You have troubled relationships


Looking for a Psychiatrist in Delhi. We specialize in Women Mental Health issues in Delhi. We are Best in class Treatment providers for for Stress, Anxiety, Depression. To book appointment with the most trusted Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist in Delhi call us today at Wee Care Clinic Hauz Khas Delhi.


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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

News 24 Dr Ashish Gupta
Sanitization of Wee Care Clinic
Online Wee Care Clinic
Women Mental Health ......because your happiness is important.Psychiatry For Women is a unique initiative started by Dr ...
Air pollution in DelhiHow it effects our children...
Air pollution in Delhi. The ill effects on our children's health.





Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 8:30pm
Sunday 7pm - 8pm

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