Expert Dental Solution

B.D.S. from Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital (Navi Mumbai)
Cosmetic Dentistry from UK (Chica


If you have a Dental Emergency Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681


Care After Tooth Extraction - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

It is said that one can keep the teeth healthy by taking diligent care of it. However, it is not in every case. Dental Surgery Specialists get so many patients who need to undergo the devastating experience of losing their teeth despite all care and precautions

Why does it happen? While the dental surgeon doesn’t leave a stone unturned to save the tooth, he must decide on tooth extraction. What are the scenarios when Tooth Extraction Treatment becomes unavoidable?

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: It is one of the common extractions performed by doctors. The wisdom teeth or ‘third molars’ grow when you reach in the late teenage or early twenties. These teeth don’t create a problem with most of the people, but sometimes they cause trouble. When there is not enough room for the teeth to grow, they can’t come out fully by breaking through the gum. It is quite painful and disturbing. Sometimes, they grow horizontally or diagonally, pushing the adjacent teeth. If it causes severe pain and misalignment of the adjacent teeth, then doctors decide to go for Tooth Extraction Treatment.

Extraction of teeth due to infection: Infection in the gums or Gingivitis is one of the primary reasons for teeth extraction. Sometimes, the infection spreads so rapidly that when the patient meets the Dental Surgeon the damage has already happened. When a bacterial outbreak happens, the jaw bone damages and the teeth show movement. To save the teeth, the doctor performs surgery to clean the infection. Artificial bone is filled in the gaps to eliminate the possibility of infection again. In most of the cases, teeth are saved. However, at times, surgeons do not have any option other than removing the teeth. Nowadays, Tooth Extraction Treatment is performed using advanced, sophisticated methods. These painless procedures are fast, effective and less invasive. Several choices are there to replace the extracted teeth. The artificial teeth are identical to the natural teeth in appearance as well as functioning. The Best Dental Clinic will offer state-of-the-art facilities and advanced machines so that patients get incredible results

Care of tooth extraction: Since Tooth Extraction Treatment is performed under local anesthesia, it is completely painless. However, as the effect of anesthesia reduces, slight pain is felt. Doctors prescribe antibiotics and painkillers for a few days. It reduces the risk of infection and pain. To make the recovery period easy, Dental Surgery Specialists will recommend few things.

Use of salted water: When lukewarm water with a pinch of salt is used, it keeps the mouth clean and free from infections. Simply fill the mouth with it and rinse after a couple of minutes. Swill rigorously as it may dislodge the blood clot. If it happens, then you will experience bleeding again.

Don’t poke the socket in any case: The place from where the teeth have been extracted becomes delicate and tender. Never attempt to poke it with the tip of the tongue or any other object. It will remove the blood clot, and bleeding will start again. If the bleeding continues, then you should rush to the Best Dental Clinic. These precautions will help in recovering fast.


The Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon Performs Complex Corrective And Reconstructive Oral Surgeries - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

Amongst the different streams of dental specialists, Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon stand out differently. Why is it so? It is because they are the people who spend another four years in the specialization.

They learn the skills of general surgery and anesthesiology. They master the emergency medicine techniques also

They can deal with problems associated with the soft and hard tissues of the jaw, mouth, and face. Since the upper jaw is called maxilla in the medical jargon, the branch is known as maxillofacial surgery

In super-specialty hospitals such as Expert Dental Clinic, you get the infrastructure and operating facilities that suit the requirements of maxillofacial surgeons. When the dental expert suspects a problem related to the misalignment of the jaw, he refers the case to a maxillofacial surgeon

According to Expert Dental Solutions who is a renowned dental expert, most dentists can resolve common dental issues, but for specific problems you need specialists. The maxillofacial procedures are considerably invasive procedures. Hence, more profound sedation is required

Procedures that can be treated by regular dental surgeons: To get dental procedures like extraction, root canal treatment or cosmetic procedures you go to the one of the Best Root Canal Treatment Centers. These are known as routine dental procedures that are performed in the clinic using sedation dentistry techniques

Nowadays, dental clinics offer cosmetic procedures also. As the equipment and tools become affordable and you get skilled doctors in cosmetic dentistry, the processes are available at affordable prices

The Teeth Whitening Treatment Cost is well within reach of everyone now

In which case you need maxillofacial surgeons: However, the same is not valid with specialized maxillofacial surgeries

Corrective jaw surgery or Orthodontic Surgery which corrects the misaligned bite
Corrective surgery for congenital (by birth) abnormalities or deformities
Treatment for a severe orthodontic condition
Treatment for skeletal issues
All these surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.
The surgeon first repositions and reshape the bones of the jaw and face. Then, does the realignment of teeth and jaws

In case of palate surgery or cleft lip surgery, oral surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons work together and correct the defects in the facial structure. Since these defects are by birth, they need great expertise. Hence, the procedures can’t be compared with the Teeth Whitening Treatment Cost

Maxillofacial surgeons perform reconstructive surgeries also Traumatic dental injury can happen due to several reasons, e.g., workplace or sports injury, removal of the tumor or some other operation. After a traumatic dental injury,a reconstruction surgery becomes mandatory in some cases. The reconstruction is required when there is major damage to the facial structure

The maxillofacial surgeon in Expert Dental Solutions is specialized in reconstructing or repairing the facial structure. He works on the hard and soft tissues to restore the face as close as possible to the original. Sometimes, doctors want to have a solid foundation before performing cosmetic or restorative dental procedure. For example, for a successful tooth implant, the inherent bone structure must be stable. If it is not, then a bone grafting procedure is required. Expert Dental Solutions Clinic has all the necessary facilities to perform it. The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon operates and make it ready for tooth implantation. Even to make the removable denture a comfortable fit, they make the jaw bone smooth and within the shape


Dental braces, the treatment to make the teeth aligned - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

A healthy smile not just adds value to your personality, but also indicates the total body health. If there is any problem with the oral health, then one must consult an expert dentist who can correctly diagnose the problem and treat it. With the advancement in the dental treatment, now we have several experts who are proficient in the niche of the dental treatment. In the era of specialization, you should meet the right doctor to receive the right treatment. For example, if the alignment is not proper, then you may require Dental Braces Treatment. The expert doctor will make them perfectly aligned

A long array of oral care tools and procedures available nowadays. Deciding which one is ideal can be quite confusing sometimes. Hence, one should gather sufficient knowledge about the problem first. Also, it is important to know about the expected cost of each treatment before you fix the appointment. The more complex treatment is needed, the more expensive it is

Even in a category, the cost may differ. For example, Periodontal Treatment Cost in Dombivli can be lower than bigger places like core Mumbai or Bangalore. It all depends on which hospital you are trying

What is the alignment of teeth: As mentioned earlier, it is very much possible to align the misaligned teeth perfectly using braces. The technique is quite popular amongst the youth. Also, people from the glamor world are also using it to correct their smile. It is important for them to have properly aligned teeth because it makes a substantial difference in the appearance

When you search for the best Dental Braces Treatment you may get an extensive list of choices. Based on the preference of your doctor, you can pick the appropriate method. Here are a few choices

Fully invisible braces: These braces can correct the smile without creating a hindrance to the normal life. They are almost invisible. The braces are clear, comfortable and quite convenient. It is possible to correct under bites, deep bites, cross bites and widely spaced teeth using these braces. Since it is possible to remove the braces during the treatment, brushing or flossing is no longer a problem

Visible braces: Visible, metal braces are non-removable. Reaching the complete gum or tooth area would be trouble while flossing. From the starting to the completion of the treatment, you can’t see the progress. Whether it is dental alignment cost or Periodontal Treatment, one has to get the idea of it beforehand. Sometimes, hospitals charge extravagantly just because they are well-known and established. Hence, it is important to find out an affordable hospital without compromising the quality. Dental Braces Treatment will just not restore the appearance of the teeth, but it eliminates other health risks as well. The cosmetic benefits are known to everyone. However, braces improve the health of facial muscles and supporting bones

In a multispecialty dental hospital, you can get a variety of treatments. From cosmetic dentistry to orthodontists and periodontitis to gum treatment, you get everything under one roof. Since the hospital provides treatment of multiple types, Periodontal Treatment Costs less than other hospitals

Our Orthodontic Experts say that it is not a good thing to avoid or linger on the dental treatment. Seek the corrective measures timely and avoid bigger problems.


Gum diseases can be far riskier than you think - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

Yes, experts say that nine out of the ten gum problems become complex because people do not receive proper Gum Disease Treatment. They either tend to ignore the problem or try home remedies of Over-The-Counter drugs that offer temporary relief but not the permanent solution.

What could be the ill-effects of gum problems: Well, people do not imagine anything beyond bad breath and bleeding gums while answering this question. To your surprise, the harmful effects of gum diseases could be as severe as heart disease. Research says that people having periodontal diseases have double the risk of heart disease. Hence, it is advised to meet expert Orthodontists Specialists as soon as the preliminary indications of gum problems. Problems associated with the gums are difficult to handle if they become severe. The earlier you receive treatment, the faster you get rid of it.

What is the link between heart problems and gum diseases: Experts suspect to things inflammation caused by the gum problems and the suspected role of bacterial infection.
When the gums get infected, the protective barrier between the gums and the connective tissue breaks down. It causes infection and inflammation. When the infected person chews food or brushes the teeth, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream. They can move to the other parts of the blood circulation system in our body. It could lead to the formation of cardiovascular disease. The natural reaction of our body to the infection is inflammation. When the oral bacteria move through the body, it can cause arterial plaque which is a type of inflammation.
When researchers studied people having atherosclerosis problem, they found that the fatty deposits contained oral bacteria. It is an indication that the oral bacteria can traverse through the circulation system and trigger more serious problems. If the deposits narrow arteries beyond a level or clog them wholly; there could be a heart attack or stroke.
Hence, meet an expert and receive Gum Disease Treatment to minimize the risk. Check the gum problem by routine checkup

What is the best way to avoid the problem: “Prevention is better than cure”; the good old cliché holds true here. You must be vigilant and alert about gum problems because they don’t show any indication initially. Check if there are any traces of blood while you brush the teeth. Check if you feel foul taste persistently or bad breath. Is there any change in the color of the gums? Do they appear swollen or tender? If yes, then you must visit Orthodontists Specialists who can diagnose and treat the gum diseases.
Not only he will treat the problem effectively but will also give valuable inputs about bringing the change in the oral hygiene so that the problem doesn’t rebound.

Symptoms of gum disease
Tender, swollen gums
Redness and bleeding
Receding gums
Lose or separating teeth
Pus formation between the teeth and gums
Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
Change in the alignment of the teeth

These signs indicate that you need to visit Orthodontists Specialists and get proper Gum Disease Treatment to live a healthy, risk-free life.


Orthodontist, The Specialist For Misaligned Teeth – For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

People think that Expert Dental Solutions Clinic in Dombivli deals only with the problems associated with the dental health. However, it is a wrong impression. The world of dentistry has several facets that deal with different issues related to the teeth, gums, jaw, and jawbone and so on. According to our dental experts, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics are the branches that gained importance in the recent years
Orthodontics deals with the problems such as malocclusion, a condition in which the position of teeth is incorrect. It causes an improper bite and hampers the appearance

Other than malocclusion, he can achieve the following
Alignment of the tips of the teeth
Correction of improper bite
Improvement in chewing ability
Speech correction
Removal of gaps between the teeth
Improvement of gum health,
Prevention of excessive wear

An orthodontist is proficient in his field. He can quickly analyze the issue and suggest the right treatment. Several medical devices are used during the treatment; plates, headgear, and braces are to name a few

When should one see an orthodontist: The orthodontic treatment is immensely helpful in several conditions

Crowding: When the jaw is narrow, all teeth don’t get enough space to grow. Hence, they become misaligned. The orthodontist removes one or more teeth to make some room. The teeth are aligned later. There is no space left in between the teeth after alignment

Spacing: It is the opposite of crowding. Here there is uneven space between teeth which impacts the appearance. Protruding front teeth or Asymmetric teeth: Such teeth don’t look right. Moreover, there is a high possibility of damage during accidents. Orthodontic treatment aligns the teeth well

Correcting impacted tooth: Sometimes, adult tooth doesn’t come out or come partially. The treatment can fix the problem

Misaligned bites: Orthodontists can treat all types of misaligned bites. In the reverse bite, the upper teeth bite inside the lower bite when the teeth are clenched. In the deep bite, the upper jaw comes down too far over the lower jaw. In open bite, the upper and lower teeth don’t properly fix when clenched
The Dental Specialist check the type of problem first. If it is in the scope of orthodontic treatment, then the case is referred to the concerned specialist

Braces: Braces are used for aligning the teeth. Brackets, bands, and wires make braces. Bands serve as anchors for the appliance. They are fixed firmly around the teeth. Brackets are connected to the front of the teeth. Wires pass through the brackets. They put pressure on the teeth and align them gradually

Space Maintainer: If there is a loss of a baby tooth, then the space maintainer is used. It prevents the adjacent teeth from moving into the gap. Space maintainers can be fixed-space or removable. Aligners, headgears and lip and cheek bumpers are removable appliances. Aligners are braces for adults whereas a headgear is a strap used for slowing the jaw growth

Whether it is an orthodontist or the Dental Surgery Specialists In Dombivli, the dental treatment takes some time. Hence, a high degree of patience is required to get the best benefit


Endodontics As Known As RCT – For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

The main purpose of endodontic treatment (root canal therapy) is to remove the diseased pulp, clean and shape the root canal system, disinfect the contaminated root canals, and then obturate (fill) the root canal system to prevent re-infection and promote periradicular healing. The aim is to have radiographic evidence of healing, with no postoperative lesions present, and restored periradicular health if preoperative lesions were present. The main reason for dental pulpal problems has been related to bacterial contamination of the root canals. Therefore, significantly reducing the bacterial load within the root canal system, and then filling the canals with an inert obturating material aid in preventing bacterial re-infection.

Endodontic therapy is not only performed when pain relief from an infected or inflamed pulp is required. It is also done to prevent adverse signs and symptoms from the surrounding sequelae and promote the healing and repair of the surrounding periradicular tissues. An example of which is if there is trauma to a front tooth which has caused it to be avulsed from the bony socket; endodontic treatment is required following re-implantation to preserve the aesthetics and function of the tooth, even though there may be no adverse symptoms of the dental pulp, or pain present at the time.

Endodontists are specialist dentists with additional training, experience and formal qualifications in endodontic treatment, apicectomies, microsurgery, and dental emergency and trauma management. The use of magnification devices such as microscopes, and dental loupes have been widely accepted among endodontists and practitioners

If the dental pulp (containing nerves, arterioles, venules, lymphatic tissue, and fibrous tissue) becomes diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth.
Inside our teeth are tiny cavern-like passages called canals that contain sensitive living tissue (pulp), blood vessels, and nerves. Endodontists specialize in diagnosing and treating issues within our tooth. For example, if your tooth’s pulp becomes infected you may need a root canal. If your dentist believes a root canal is necessary, they may recommend you visit an endodontist for treatment.


Implant, An artificial Tooth - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

A dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth or a bridge into that area. An implant doesn’t come loose like a denture can. Dental implants also benefit general oral health because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth, like bridges.

How do Dental Implants Work: Because implants fuse to your jawbone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges mounted to implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth an especially important benefit when eating and speaking. This secure fit helps the dentures and bridges as well as individual crowns placed over implants feel more natural than conventional bridges or dentures.

For some people, ordinary bridges and dentures are simply not comfortable or even possible, due to sore spots, poor ridges or gagging. In addition, ordinary bridges must be attached to teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth. An advantage of implants is that no adjacent teeth need to be prepared or ground down to hold your new replacement tooth/teeth in place.

To receive implants, you need to have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. You must also commit to keeping these structures healthy. Meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits are critical to the long-term success of dental implants.
Endosteal implants: These are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone. Once the surrounding gum tissue has healed, a second surgery is needed to connect a post to the original implant. Finally, an artificial tooth (or teeth) is attached to the post-individually, or grouped on a bridge or denture.

Subperiosteal implants: These consist of a metal frame that is fitted onto the jawbone just below the gum tissue. As the gums heal, the frame becomes fixed to the jawbone. Posts, which are attached to the frame, protrude through the gums. As with endosteal implants, artificial teeth are then mounted to the posts
Some Problems you might be facing because you didn’t opt for an implant:
Missing teeth may affect the way you speak and chew.
If a missing tooth is not replaced, the teeth around it can move. This can affect your bite and place more stress on your teeth and jaw joints.
Teeth that have tipped or drifted are also harder to clean. This puts them at a higher risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
Bone loss can occur around the missing tooth.
You may not like the way a missing tooth affects your looks.


Orthodontics - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

Braces Fillings Caps, Orthodontists help with crooked teeth, but they assist patients with other issues as well. So these include overbites and underbites, crossbites, spaces between teeth, overcrowding of teeth, and the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Additional problems with the jaw also need to be treated by an orthodontist.
While a dentist may be trained to provide orthodontic care in addition to extractions, TMJ treatments, and fillings, trusting your smile to an orthodontist can better balance the different procedures you require. A crown is a cover or “cap” your dentist can put over a tooth. The crown restores the tooth to its normal shape, size, and function. A crown can make the tooth stronger or improve the way it looks.

Reasons you may need a crown:
You have a cavity that is too large for a filling
When a tooth that is cracked, worn down, or otherwise weakened
If you have had root canal treatment — the crown will protect the restored tooth
You want to cover a discolored or badly shaped tooth and improve your smile

Dentists that specialize in the alignment of teeth, and provide services related to:
Misaligned teeth
Crowded teeth


Cosmetic Dentist - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

With the help of cosmetic dentistry, you can improve your smile and have teeth you’re proud of. Our clinic provides you several cosmetic dentistry options, including cosmetic, smile design, teeth whitening services and veneers.
Tooth Whitening: Teeth become stained for many reasons – drinking coffee, tea or wine; smoking; and even aging can discolor teeth. Tooth whitening is a process that makes discolored teeth whiter. The bleach used for in-office (chairside) whitening is stronger than the bleach found in at-home whitening kits. Keep in mind that not everyone’s teeth can become movie-star white. Your dentist can recommend the whitening treatment that is right for you.

Veneers: Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are bonded, or cemented, to the front of your teeth. They are custom-made of ceramic or composite resin, and look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to fill spaces between teeth and to cover teeth that are stained, poorly shaped, or a bit crooked.

Smile Design: Smile Design means designing any changes that you would like to make to your smile, the effect of which would be to improve your self-confidence and lifestyle.
This can involve filling of gaps left by missing teeth, improving the shape of your teeth, changing the position of your teeth and improving the appearance of your teeth.
Sometimes the changes can be very small in functional terms and yet have a profound effect on your appearance.

Our consultation will be with an experienced team member who will listen to your concerns and be able to talk to you about what kind of treatment may be suitable for you and how we have treated.


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

You can think of the oral and maxillofacial region of your body as the mouth and all its connecting regions. You obviously chew with your jawbone and your teeth. This area is part of the network with your face, head, and neck. When you have oral and maxillofacial surgery, someone operates on your face. The only question is exactly where this happens. Now that you know where it happens, you can guess the causes for this kind of surgery. The most frequent reason is that you need to replace some teeth. Generally, this happens due to trauma or illness. A punch in the mouth or car wreck might displace your teeth. The surgery would fix or replace the impacted area.

You also might develop a disease in your mouth or its surrounding region. A tumour or cyst could jeopardize your heath, especially if any cancerous cells are a part of the infected area. When that happens, you may need part of your jaw removed or reconstructed.
Of course, you could require this sort of surgery for simpler reasons. The hinge of your jaw might not function right. If so, temporomandibular joint surgery (TJS) will correct the issue. Simple jaw alignment is another possibility. Oral and maxillofacial surgery treats numerous conditions, some of which are more serious than others.
What Do Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Do: This specialist focuses on treating problems related to the hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth, and jaw. You don’t need an oral surgeon for every type of oral surgery. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in treatments that require complex procedures or deep levels of sedation – beyond nitrous oxide or laughing gas. In fact, oral surgeons are the only health care professionals besides anesthesiologists who can administer all levels of sedation. Procedures performed by oral surgeons include tooth extractions, corrective jaw surgery, and cleft lip or cleft palate surgery.

The job has many other requirements beyond crisis support, though. This kind of specialist must know and treat a range of injuries and illnesses across four major parts of the body: the neck, face, jaw, and mouth. The most frequent surgery is tooth extraction, especially when a person suffers from impacted wisdom teeth. Sometimes, this surgery isn’t an emergency decision but a proactive one to prevent later tooth problems.
Some conditions may require this sort of surgery. People with cleft palates and lips can receive treatment to correct the problem. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon will alter the facial structure to fix the physical issue. It’s considered a medical rather than cosmetic surgery, though.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons must know how to treat hard and soft tissue issues. A professional must work on sensitive areas like the gums and tough structures like the jawbone and parts of the neck. It’s a demanding job, as the surgeon must understand all dentistry, general medicine, and many forms of surgery.


Paediatric Dentist - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

Pediatric dentists are to a child’s oral health like pediatricians are to their overall health. They’re dentists who specialize in the oral development and care of children from infancy through their teens.

Pediatric dentists help your child stay on the path to a lifelong, healthy smile. They provide routine exams and cleanings, habit counseling (stop thumb sucking), fillings for cavities, and diagnosis of oral conditions associated with other diseases like childhood diabetes. Pediatric dentists monitor the development of your child’s smile and recommend specialists care when needed, like orthodontics.

Pediatric dentists promote the dental health of children as well as serve as educational resources for parents. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that a dental visit should occur within six months after the presence of the first tooth or by a child’s first birthday. The AAPD has said that it is important to establish a comprehensive and accessible ongoing relationship between the dentist and patient – referring to this as the patient’s “dental home”. This is because early oral examination aids in the detection of the early stages of tooth decay.

Early detection is essential to maintain oral health, modify aberrant habits, and treat as needed and as simply as possible. Additionally, parents are given a program of preventative home care (brushing/flossing/fluorides), a caries risk assessment, information on finger, thumb, and pacifier habits, advice on preventing injuries to the mouth and teeth of children, diet counseling, and information on growth and development.


Oncology Dentist - For best consultation Contact “Expert Dental Solution” @ 9930821681

Get information of Oral cancer and consult your doctor. The dental oncology team is devoted to working closely to enhance the quality of life of those fighting cancer.

Dental oncologists provide periodic care during and after cancer therapy. So dental oncologists not only provide general dental treatment, including restorative dentistry. But they also treat and manage the dental and oral side effects and sequelae of cancer therapy such as mouth sores, thrush, and dry mouth. Furthermore, dental oncologists are knowledgeable in the developmental side effects of cancer therapy. They are equipped to uniquely treat pediatric patients with a history of cancer.
Professionals are dedicated in meeting the oral health care needs of individuals battling various forms of cancer at all stages. That’s why we have experience in treating and managing oral side effects and complications that can arise as a result of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other immunosuppresive treatments such as bone marrow transplants and stem cell transplants.

We also specialize in the treatment of complex oral issues in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren’s Syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis as well as individuals undergoing solid tissue or organ transplants. It is important to see us as soon after diagnosis as possible so there is much we can do to prevent significant oral pain and infection by seeing you before the treatment. Even if you have already started receiving care, we can manage your oral health and dental needs throughout your treatment and beyond.
There are some stages which we cannot avoid in our life and oral cancer is a panic movement for all of us, therefore if you find any problems regarding your oral health do visit our clinic to get best treatment.

Patient Services:

Pre-therapy assessments and oral health plan
Prevention & treatment of mouth and throat sores
Prevention and treatment of dry mouth and reduced salivary flow
Management of oral and head and neck pain
Restorative and therapeutic dentistry
Dental hygiene instruction
Management of taste alteration and/or taste loss
Oral cancer screening and early detection, diagnosis and plan
Smoking Cessation
Regular consultation with other members of your oncology team

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About Us

15 years of experience in the field of Dentistry

Served in St George’s Hospital (GDC) the renowned Government Dental Hospital

We have 3 Dental Clinics in Dombivli

We offer quality dental care at affordable prices






Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1:30pm
6pm - 9:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 1:30pm
6pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 1:30pm
6pm - 9:30pm
Thursday 10am - 1:30pm
6pm - 9:30pm
Friday 10am - 1:30pm
6pm - 9:30pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm

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