Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra

Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra

We like to think that we are an extraordinary practice that is all about you - your potential, your

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 12/07/2023

We will help you get rid off psoriasis and any other chronic diseases..
For telephonic consultation call 8308830854


Our treatments are just a call away !!
You can consult with us from anywhere...
And medicines will be delivered to your doorstep...
Many patients have benefited from this service.
So do share with the person who needs this !!

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 25/06/2023

Today's free health check up camp


Meet us at fitness multiplex for free ayurvedic consultation and check up, Panchakarma (detox) and Yoga, Pranayama guidance


As Shri Vishwarekha Ayurved celebrates its 9th anniversary
And the world celebrates 9th international yoga day,
We thank all our patients, well wishers and our family for supporting us in bringing Ayurved and yoga closer to you.

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 22/03/2023

गुढी पाडवा celebration in clinic

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 15/02/2023

कालचा दिवस माझ्यासाठी एका वेगळ्याच कारणासाठी खास होता, माझं शालेय शिक्षण प्रायव्हेट हायस्कूल, कोल्हापूर इथे झालं, आपण ज्या शैक्षणिक संस्थेमध्ये शिकलो, अ आ इ पासूनची बाराखडी ते १० वि पर्यंतचा दशकापेक्षा जास्त असा आयुष्यातला सर्वात महत्वाचा काळ ज्या संस्थेमध्ये घालवला, अश्या प्रायव्हेट एज्युकेशन सोसायटीच्याच ‘ तवनाप्पा पाटणे हायस्कूल, राजारामपुरी’ मध्ये विद्यार्थी आणि पालक यांच्यासाठी आयोजित केलेल्या शाळेच्या वार्षिक पारितोषिक वितरण समारंभाचे प्रमुख पाहुणे म्हणून संस्थेचे माजी विद्यार्थी म्हणून मला व माझी बहीण डॉ. रश्मी रणदिवे M.D. Radiodiagnosis , आणि शाळेचे माझी पालक म्हणून आमचे वडील ज्येष्ठ बालरोग तज्ञ डॉ. अशोक रणदिवे निमंत्रित होतो, पण रश्मी वर असणाऱ्या मुंबई येथील शासकीय रुग्णालयातील जबाबदारीतून तिला उपस्थित राहणं शक्य झालं नाही, मी शाळेत शिकताना जे शिक्षक मला शिकवायचे त्यातल्या बऱ्याच शिक्षकांना भेटण्याची संधी मिळाली, व्यासपीठावर बसण्याचा जरी मान मिळाला तरी माझ मन हे प्रेक्षकांमध्ये बसलेल्या माझ्याच जुन्या आठवणींमध्येच हरवून गेलं. मला घडवल्याबद्दल आणि पुन्हा एकदा शाळेमध्ये बोलवून इतका मान सन्मान दिल्याबद्दल मी संस्थेचा, शाळेचा आणि माझ्या सर्व शिक्षकांचा मनापासून आभार मानतो.


Ayurved and Alcohol


Is your child suffering from recurrent cough and cold???


Is your child suffering from recurrent cough and cold??


Ayurved and food antidotes


How to eat curd


4 myths about curd

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 25/10/2022

Hey guys
Are you a foodie and love to enjoy the Diwali snacks of chakli, chewda and laddoos.
But do you also worry about the bloating, hyperacidity, indigestion that follows??
Then follow these few tips and you will indeed have a happy diwali.

No. 1
Don't have the Diwali faral as a meal, like say dinner or lunch, have them as a snack, as it was intended to be..

No. 2
After you have enjoyed the day eating the Diwali snacks, make sure you have buttermilk in the evening or night. You can add some dhania and jeera powder, rock salt and coriander leaves to it and enjoy the masala chaas.

No. 3
The Diwali recipes are made in such a way that their antidotes are already added to them.
For eg. Ladoos have cardamom in them, chaklis have ajwain, Sev has garlic and ajvain and so enjoy these recipes without stress as they are designed to not harm your health

No. 4
and the most important one is to have everything in moderation and eat slowly. Yes, you will experience troublesome symptoms only if you have over eaten or have any predisposed conditions.

So enjoy your Diwali faral stress-free

Have a happy and safe Diwali

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 17/10/2022

Daytime nap and Ayurved


Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 17/09/2022

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 12/09/2022

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 01/09/2022

Mind and Food


Ganpati Bappa Morya


Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 27/08/2022

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 23/08/2022

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 19/08/2022

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 24/06/2022

आपल्याकडे आलेला प्रत्येक पेशंट बरा व्हावा असं नेहमीच वाटतं... पण हा पेशंट बराच झाला पाहिजे अशी अगदी मनापासून प्रार्थना होती .. वय वर्ष ४.. जन्मलेल्या १५ व्या दिवसापासून या बाळाला सोरियासिस चा त्रास होता..संपूर्ण अंगभर पसरलेला हा त्रास इतका होता की त्या पिलाला त्याची मान हात हलवले तरी त्वचा फाटून स्राव व्हायचा.. त्याचा निरागस डोळ्या मधल्या वेदना आणि पाणी मला खरंच बघावले नाही त्या दिवशी.. त्रास सुरू झाल्यापासून अनेक डॉक्टर, स्पेशालिस्ट सर्वांना दाखवून झाले पण त्याला काहीच उपशय मिळत नव्हता.. एका जुन्या रुग्णाचा अनुभव ऐकून ते आपल्या रंकाळयाचा विश्र्वरेखा चिकित्सालयात आले.. आयुर्वेदिक निकषांवर त्याची जेव्हा डिटेल हिस्टरी घेतली तेव्हा आहारामध्ये नियमित दूध-भात, दूध - चपाती, दूध - भाकरी, बिस्कीट, चिप्स हाच त्याचा प्रमुख आहार ( जो आयुर्वेदानुसार विरुद्ध आहार आहे, आणि त्वचारोग होण्यास / वाढण्यास पोषक) त्यामुळे आज पर्यंत त्याने जरी बऱ्याच ट्रीटमेंट केल्या तरी त्याला उपशय मिळाला नाही.. त्याचा आई वडिलांना जेव्हा मी पहिल्यांदा खडसावून ' हे असलं सगळं बंद करा पहिलं ' आणि मग नंतर समजाऊन ते कसं चुकीचं आहे आणि त्याचा ऐवजी त्याने काय खाल्लं पाहिजे हे सांगितलं.. तेव्हा ती माऊली म्हणाली की तिला आज पर्यंत काय खायला द्यावं आणि काय नाही हे कोणी सांगितलंच नाही.. पण त्या दिवसापासून तिने मुलाच्या आहारात हवा तो बदल करून नियमित औषधे देण्यात सुरुवात केली... अवघ्या आठवड्यात आम्हाला अपेक्षित यश मिळण्यास सुरुवात झाली.. सलग १४ दिवस ट्रीटमेंट केल्यावर जवळपास ७०-८० % उपशय मिळाला आहे.. ज्या बाळाला पहिल्या दिवशी उभारता येणं देखील कठीण होतं तो आज examination table वर उड्या मारत होता... त्याचा आणि त्याचा आई वडिलांच्या चेहऱ्यावरचा आनंद समाधान देणारा होता...
उपचार अजून सुरूच आहेत त्याला असाच उपशय यापुढेही मिळून तो पूर्णपणे अजारमुक्त व्हावा हीच श्री धन्वंतरी व सद्गुरू चरणी प्रार्थना 🙏🏽

मित्रांनो.. आपला आजार बरा होण्यासाठी औषधांसोबतच योग्य आहार घेणं हे देखील तितकंच महत्त्वाचं आहे आणि आपला एखादा आजार जर बरा होत नसेल तर तुम्ही जवळपासच्या आयुर्वेद चिकित्सकांकडे जाऊन एकदा त्याचं आयुर्वेदिक निदान आणि चिकित्सा नक्की करून बघा..
जय आयुर्वेद..

We always feel that every patient of ours should feel better...But in this case, I wished with all my heart that this patient HAS to get better...
Age - 4yrs... From day 15 since birth, this child had suffered from psoriasis. This disease had spread all over his body and was so severe that this little one could barely move his head and hands without tearing his skin and bleeding. I could not bare to see the pain and tears in his innocent eyes that day... From the beginning of his complaints, they had consulted many doctors, specialists but found no relief.. they came to our Vishwarekha Rankala Branch after listening to one of our old patients review... When a detailed history of this patients was taken as per ayurvedic parameters, we found that this patient frequently had milk and rice, milk and chapati, milk and bhakri, chips and biscuits as his primary meal (which according to Ayurveda are incompatible foods and known triggers of skin diseases).. that's probably the reason why he did not get any relief from so many different treatments all these years... So firstly I strictly told his parents to stop giving him such foods and explained in detail how these foods are harming him and also told them what all to feed him here on... The mother of this child told me that no one up till now had told her anything about his diet and suggested any changes there.. but from there on she started making changes in his diet exactly as I had asked and regularly gave him his medicines... Within a week we started getting good results... After about 15 days of regular treatment, there is a 70-80% improvement in his complaints... The child who couldn't even move on day 1 was jumping playfully on the examination table today.. the happiness on the face of his parents gave me a sence of satisfaction..

The treatment is still on-going, I pray to Shri Dhanvantari and at the feet of my 'Sadhguru' that this child recovers completely.

My friends, a good healthy diet along with medicines is equally important in recovering from any disease, and if you are suffering from a chronic illness that is not responding to any treatment, then do visit your nearest Ayurvedic doctor for ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment.
Jai Ayurveda

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 23/06/2022

आज *** काकू दवाखान्यात आल्या होत्या.. डॉक्टर 'मी आज पूर्ण बरी झालेय, हे सांगण्यासाठी फक्त आज सांगली वरून आले आहे.. गेले ५-६ वर्ष वेगवेगळ्या शहरात अनेक उपचार घेऊनही माझा पाम (palm) आणि सोल (सोल) सोरियासिस काही बराच होत नव्हता, माझे पाय खाली टिकवायचे नाही, तीव्र वेदना व्हायच्या त्यामुळे मला काहीच करता यायचं नाही.. पण तुमच्या औषधांनी अवघ्या काही दिवसातच फरक पडला .. आणि कित्येक महिने झाले तरी पुन्हा त्रास नाही.. माझे आधीचे फोटोज् असतील तर तुम्ही उपचारापुर्वी आणि नंतर असे टाका.. 'बऱ्याच लोकांना फायदा होईल' अशा म्हणाल्या... पण घाईत प्रत्येक पेशंट चे फोटो काढणं शक्य होत नाही असं म्हणाल्यावर काकू म्हणाल्या, थांबा माझ्याकडे आहेत माझे आधीचे फोटो मीच पाठवते तुम्ही अत्ताचे काढा... मी माझ्या अनुभवाचा ऑडियो पण रेकॉर्ड करून पाठवते तुमच्या रेडिओ चा कार्यक्रमात तो लावा 😀
असे लोक खरंच रोजच्या कामात प्रोत्साहन देतात आणि मग काम करायला आणखीनच हुरूप येते 😀

Today Mrs*** came to our clinic...
"Doctor, I've recovered completely...and i came all the way from Sangli to meet you and tell you this...i spent last 4-5yrs taking different treatments from different doctors from different cities for my palm and sole psoriasis...but found no relief. I couldn't touch my feet to the floor and had severe pain and hence I couldn't do my daily activities. But with your medicines, i could see good improvement within a very few days.. now it's been months since I completely recovered, and my problem has not returned. If you have my earlier pics then please do share the before and after will help a lot of people" she said.

But when we told her that sometimes in haste it is not possible to take before pics of every patient, she offered to send her before pics and asked us to click her after pics too.
"I will send you a testimonial audio too, so you can play it in your radio show" she said.

Such patients really give us a lot of encouragement in our everyday work life and this makes us even more excited and positive about our work.

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 28/04/2022

Had the opportunity to interact with the first year BAMS students of Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurvedic Medical College on Tuesday 26th April 2022, and discuss about the effective management of stress in our everyday life.
I would like to Thank Dr Rohan Bhojkar and ADAMC for inviting me to motivate this new batch in the field of Ayurveda.

Photos from Shri Vishwarekha Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya and Panchakarma Kendra's post 18/02/2022

This patient with a low s***m motility came to our clinic for treatment after he was told that IVF was the only hope for him and his wife to conceive, that too with donor s***m.
He came to us as a last resort but was willing to take treatment, no matter how long it would take.
we started his treatment with oral ayurvedic medicines and panchakarma, and also modified his diet and lifestyle.
Within a few days of treatment, the patient began to feel more active and fresh as opposed to feeling lethargic as earlier.
Sharing his before and after s***m analysis results below.


This week we had a lovely visitor from North Carolina, Dr. Aruna Patki.
A senior Ayurvedic practitioner, Dr Patki got in touch with us on Instagram and Facebook, and a beautiful journey of sharing ayurveda knowledge began.
She came all the way to kolhapur on her India visit, to meet us and we had a wonderful time brainstorming each other.
We also got to share our knowledge of medicine making for 2 days when we made our routine batches of medicated oils and ghees, kushmanda avaleha, brihad haridra khanda, and tandulja nishottar kalpa.
It was an absolute pleasure meeting you ma'am.


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'Padmaj' 2nd Floor, Opp. Jagdale Hall, 1st Lane, Rajarampuri

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Friday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm

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