
‘Quo’ means state in latin. The idea behind HealthQuo is to keep a check on your health’s stat


Food cravings are common. The tendency to crave foods high in sugar and fat is well-established in nutritional research. As a food high in both sugar and fat, chocolate is one of the most commonly craved foods.

Some reasons why we crave chocolates:

1. For caffeine boost:

While chocolate does contain some caffeine, it’s typically not very much. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, making you feel more awake and alert. It also affects the levels of certain neurotransmitters in your brain, including dopamine. This may contribute to its addictive nature.

What to do about it

Try a cup of black tea for a caffeine boost rich in powerful antioxidants.

2. Because your body needs magnesium:

ResearchTrusted Source shows that chocolate is high in magnesium. Scientists have questionedTrusted Source whether magnesium deficiencies could explain people’s chocolate cravings. This seems unlikely given that there are other foods much higher in magnesium that people rarely crave, including nuts.

What to do about it

Magnesium supplements are available at your local pharmacy. You can also try eating foods high in magnesium, such as raw almonds, black beans, or whole grains.

The healthiest ways to have chocolate

The healthiest way to get your chocolate fix is to find a chocolate with a high cacao percentage. Chocolates with a high cacao percentage have more antioxidants and less sugar than other chocolates.


Food cravings usually mean your body is trying to tell you something, whether it’s that you’re not eating enough or that you have a deficiency in a certain vitamin or nutrient.

Here are some possible reasons behind your regular fried food craving :
Imbalance in hunger hormones like leptin and ghrelin. This may be caused due to lack of sleep.
Poor hydration can intensify feelings of hunger or cravings in some individuals.
A diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to cravings as a lack of protein and fibres may cause one to feel hungry or experience cravings even if they have otherwise eaten enough calories.
A lack of fat-soluble vitamins might cause cravings for fatty food but there's currently very little evidence to support this theory.
Stress can increase cortisol levels and high cortisol levels are linked to hunger, cravings or binge eating behaviours.

Eating a lot of fried food can lead you to gain weight. Another problem people face is diarrhoea. This may be because fried food can move quickly through the body due to its lack of fiber content or it could stay in one's digestive track for too long and cause bloating. Regular intake of fried food can also increase the oxidative stress on one's body.


Potato chips. Pickles. If you have a salt lick, even better. Are you forever trying (and failing) to give up salty snacks?

It’s possible to minimize those salt cravings. The key is understanding why you have them and planning ahead.

There are possible reasons why you may have salt on the brain:

1. Stress

Stress eating has everything to do with hormone levels. When your body is under stress, it releases cortisol and other hormones.

2. Lack of sleep

Much like stress, lack of sleep affects your hormones — and salt cravings.

When people are tired and crave salt, they have less willpower. Their hunger cues are stronger. They lack the energy to meal prep or go out and buy healthy food choices. All these factors make it harder to fight food cravings.

3. Boredom
A lot of times, eating is just something to do to pass the time. On top of that, salty foods are convenient. They’re usually pre-made, so you don’t have to cook. It’s almost too easy to satisfy those cravings.

So before those salt cravings hit, try these strategies:

1. Eat whole, identifiable foods. Processed foods make up 75% of the sodium consumed. Eating whole foods is just good for overall health — whether you’re counting fat and salt intake or not. Try to avoid or limit prepackaged snack foods and meals.

2. Plan meals ahead of time: It’s so easy to order a sodium-filled meal on your cellphone that’s at your door in half an hour. Meal planning not only gives you control of how much salt you’re eating, it conveniently puts healthy meals or snacks right in your grasp.

3. Get spicy. Salt stimulates receptors in your brain that basically say, “Mmm, this food is tasty.” For the same effect, get your flavor with herbs and spices instead of added salt.

4. Know ALL your options. Potato chips aren’t the only way to satisfy a salty tooth. Try lower sodium options, such as sunflower or pumpkin seeds and low-sodium nuts.

5. Stay hydrated. It’s easy to mix up thirst and hunger cues as well. Having a drink with your salty snack can prevent overindulging.


It’s no secret that consuming too much sugar hurts your health. Sugary diets have been linked to everything from weight gain and cavities to serious problems like diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

But when a craving for the sweet stuff strikes, it can be tough to resist.

These smart strategies can help tame your sweet tooth.

1. Eat a protein-packed breakfast:
Foods high in sugar or carbohydrates spike insulin levels in your bloodstream. When your blood sugar drops again in an hour or two, you will find yourself craving your next fix. You can get off the blood sugar treadmill — and keep cravings at bay — by starting your day off with a breakfast high in protein. Protein gives you energy while keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

2. Improve your sleep:
Poor sleep can affect the brain’s rewards center and make you really attracted to unhealthy or sugary foods.

3. Eat a small portion and savor each bite:
Some people who try to swear off sweets altogether end up losing self-control and binging. If that tends to happen to you, consider giving in to your craving, but limit yourself to a very small portion.

4. Reach for fruit:
Keep fruit handy for when sugar cravings hit. You'll get fiber and nutrients along with some sweetness. And stock up on foods like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

5. Eat regularly:
Waiting too long between meals may set you up to choose sugary, fatty foods that cut your hunger. Instead, eating every 3 to 5 hours can help keep blood sugar stable and help you "avoid irrational eating behavior”.


Have you ever stepped on the weighing machine only to be left disheartened? Well, we have all been there and trust me, I know exactly what that feels like.

When you are working towards a body goal like weight loss or muscle gain, it is very easy to feel down when you don’t see a typical change in the weighing scale .

BUT, I am here to remind you that the scale does NOT define your worth. Your body is not worth the constant ridicule or too fit into the societal image what if they think is right . It is more important to be confident and HAPPY in your own skin.

Bodyweight does NOT always reflect body composition
Scale weight does not always reflect what your body composition is - the scales don’t tell us how much body fat or muscle mass you have, or even where fat or muscle is distributed in the body. Without knowing your body fat percentage or muscle mass percentage, overall weight has very little relevance. Yes, you can buy at-home scales that claim to tell you these things, but the results are usually always inaccurate. The number on the scale is simply just another piece of data!

Many factors affect scale weight
Weighing yourself is not a reliable measure of your body composition because there are SO many factors that affect your scale weight! For example, being on your period will likely make you weigh 1-2kg more, but this weight is NOT due to fat gain. It is just temporary due to fluctuations in hormones and the fact you are menstruating. Other factors that affect scale weight is hydration, bowel regularity, fluid retention, and medication usage. Remember this the next time you are hard on yourself about your weight!


To start off, let us take a look at the differences between fruit and fruit juice. Firstly, the nutritional value. Fresh fruit contains a large number of essential vitamins and minerals that keep our body healthy. On the other hand, fruit juice typically contains fewer vitamins and minerals because they are processed and much of the nutritional value is lost.

Another big difference between fruit and fruit juice is fiber. Fruit contains natural dietary fiber which is essential for our digestion and metabolism. Unfortunately, many of these fibers are removed when the juice is processed.

Now let us look at the caloric content. Many people assume that fruit juice is better because it has fewer calories than a piece of fruit, but this isn’t always true. Even when considering a single glass of juice, it can actually contain more calories than some pieces of fruit. This is because of added sugar or other sweeteners which often make up the majority of its calorie content.

The final factor to consider is the sugar content. Fruits contain naturally occurring sugar which can be beneficial for our bodies when consumed in moderation, however, many fruit juices have added sugars that could increase our risk for health problems like obesity and diabetes.

To summarize, fresh fruit is more beneficial than fruit juice due to its high nutritional value, natural fiber content, lower calorie content, and lack of added sugar. For these reasons, it’s important to prioritize consuming whole fruits instead of fruit juices to reap all of their health benefits.


It's a fact that all calories are not the same. While they may provide the same amount of energy for your body, their dietary makeup and effects on your health can vary widely. Knowing which calories offer what advantages to your diet is important to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the three macronutrients your body needs in order to absorb energy. Carbohydrates, often found in rice, bread, and pasta, give you energy quickly but also can cause a sharp spike in your blood sugar levels. Protein, such as lean meats and fish, offers energy at a slower pace and helps you build muscle. Fats from olive oil, nuts, and avocados are essential for immunity and cell repair, but can quickly increase your calories if you aren't careful.

So it's important to keep in mind that not all calories are created equal; knowing which calories fit best into your lifestyle can make a world of difference in feeling and looking your best. Make sure to include all three macronutrients in your diet in the right quantities for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


If you're looking to improve your health, the scale isn't the only way to measure progress. There are many other indicators that can show you just how far you've come. For example, have you noticed more energy? Feel stronger or more positive? Do your clothes feel more comfortable than before? All these are signs that you're making progress.

Eating healthy can also be an indicator of your progress. If you're reaching for nutritious options because you want to, rather than because you feel like you have to, you're on the right track. Feeling more confident in yourself and in the way you look is also a great sign of progress.

Change isn't always easy, but the end result is often worth it. Little gains add up and before long, you'll be amazed at the progress you've made. When you're feeling down, take a step back and notice all the small changes that have taken place. You'll soon be feeling proud of your accomplishments and ready to keep pushing forward.


Maintaining a healthy diet is key for weight loss, yet sometimes it can feel like you're doing all the right things but still not getting the results you want. That's why portion control is so important. You need to make sure you're not consuming too much, even if it's healthy food. Start by understanding the recommended portion sizes for each food group - these vary based on age, gender, and activity level. Once you have a better understanding of portion size, make sure you're measuring and tracking what you consume. It can help to use smaller plates to prevent overeating. Remember, some healthy foods, like nuts and avocados, have a higher caloric content, so it's important to watch your portions. And don't forget to stay hydrated – water is essential to keep your body functioning properly and helps keep you feeling full. Lastly, keep in mind that it may take some time before results start to show. With consistent effort and portion control, you can achieve your goals!

Let us help you understand your portion sizes better . DM us to know about your calorie requirements


One of the biggest misconceptions about nutrition is that being overweight is the same thing as being unhealthy. We want to clear this up and remind you that you are not fat. You have fat. There’s a big difference between the two.

Having fat does not make you any less healthy. It is important to keep in mind that fat, when it’s in balance with other nutrients, can be beneficial for your health. Fat supports your body’s ability to produce hormones, protects your organs, and helps your body absorb vitamins.

The key to having a healthy lifestyle, then, is not eliminating fat from your diet but making sure you have the right balance of fat and other healthy nutrients. Choose quality sources of fat like avocado, walnuts, and olive oil, along with an array of nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Moderation is key: allowing yourself the occasional treat can make healthy eating more enjoyable.

Remember, you are not defined by your weight. You have many qualities besides your size that should be celebrated. Focus on taking care of your body in healthy ways and nourish it with the right foods.

Get in touch with us to help you get in track. DM us for our packages now.


In today's modern world, our bodies are exposed to a myriad of pollutants, chemicals, and environmental toxins. Over time, these toxins can accumulate in our bodies and lead to various health issues. While our bodies are equipped with natural detoxification processes, excessive exposure or overload can hinder these mechanisms, resulting in toxicity build-up.

1. Unexplained Weight Gain
Unexplained weight gain can often be attributed to factors such as poor dietary choices and a sedentary lifestyle. However, when these factors are ruled out, toxicity could play a significant role. Toxins are stored in fat cells as a protective mechanism, leading to an increase in fat tissue. This can lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

2. Digestive Distress
Digestive distress, including bloating, gas, constipation, and indigestion, can signal a toxic burden on your digestive system. Toxins can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, leading to gut dysbiosis. Additionally, toxin exposure can irritate the gastrointestinal lining, leading to inflammation and compromised digestive function.

3. Persistent Fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a common complaint among individuals exposed to high levels of toxins. Toxins can disrupt cellular energy production and impair mitochondrial function, leading to a decrease in overall energy levels.

4. Skin Issues
Skin issues such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes can indicate an underlying toxic burden. Toxins can disrupt hormonal balance, increase inflammation, and impair liver function, all of which can contribute to skin problems.

5. Brain Fog and Cognitive Impairment
Toxins can cross the blood-brain barrier and interfere with neurotransmitter function.

6. Weakened Immune System
A compromised immune system is another telltale sign of toxicity. Toxins can suppress immune function, leaving you more susceptible to infections, allergies, and chronic illnesses. An overburdened immune system may struggle to respond effectively to threats, leading to recurring health issues.


Monday reminder


What defines a healthy lifestyle? Is it how much one eats or how balanced one’s meals are? Is it the variety of foods or the number of calories consumed? The answers to these questions can be confusing and vary depending on who you ask. Today, we are here to clear up the confusion and talk about the difference between diet and health.

When we refer to diet, we are talking about what someone eats. A person’s diet can be composed of a variety of foods with different amounts of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. What you consume for breakfast, lunch, and dinner makes up your diet. The focus in regards to diet is often on quantity, variety, and balancing out different nutrients.

On the other hand, health looks at more than just what someone eats. It’s not just about consuming a balanced set of foods or counting calories but rather a person’s overall wellness. This comes from many different angles and can include physical activity, adequate sleep, mental health, and social wellbeing. Health is not just about avoiding disease or illness but also striving for general well-being.

The fundamental difference between diet and health comes down to mentality. A diet-focused mentality often comes with the idea that restrictions must be made in order to stay healthy, while someone with a health-focused mentality takes preventative steps in order to stay healthy. In terms of diet this could mean eating a variety of healthy foods in moderation while with health it could mean being physically active and socially engaged to boost all-around wellness.

Overall, while both diet and health are important, it’s important to remember that health is much more than what you eat. Taking into account all aspects of health such as exercise, mental wellbeing, and social interactions can help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Contact us for a healthy lifestyle change now !


Today, I want to talk to you about motivation. So many of us have dreams, goals, and aspirations—but turning them into reality is a whole other story. It’s not easy to stay motivated and make your dreams come true.

I know what you’re thinking: “Yeah, yeah I’ve heard this stuff before.” You tell yourself that, but do you really believe it? Do you think to yourself, “this time I’m going to make a change and do something different”?

You can’t rely on a million motivational quotes, a thousand before and afters, or a hundred healthy meals to make it happen; the truth is, you need to really want it. It’s all up to you to get off your butt and put the work in to get the body and life you want.

So, let me tell you this: anyone can start, but not everyone will finish. It’s up to you to stay motivated and stick with it when things get tough. Don’t be afraid of failure—instead, fear settling for mediocrity and never giving yourself a chance to reach your potential.

You won’t be perfect from the start, but that doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of success. It’s essential to believe in yourself and trust the process. Take small steps towards your goals each day—research healthy recipes, plan out a fitness routine, whatever it takes to make progress—and you'll be that much closer to achieving your dream body and life.

Remember: it's ok if you don't get it right the first time. Keep trying and never give up until you attain the body and life you want. And if all else fails, listen to some motivational quotes, watch some before and afters, or cook yourself some health meals—just don't forget that motivation comes from within.


If you’re looking for advice on how to eat healthier, then you’ve come to the right place.

Often times when it comes to eating healthier, we focus on low-fat and low-calorie options. But nutrition isn’t just about cutting out fat and calories, it’s about providing your body with real foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

These essential nutrients are necessary to maintain a healthy body and support vital bodily functions. Focusing solely on fat and calorie count can leave us deficient in certain vitamins or minerals.

We suggest stocking up your pantry with nutrient-rich foods such as leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These types of foods will help ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal health.

By making healthy food choices, you can ensure you’re getting enough nutrients to stay energized throughout your day. Fresh fruits and veggies make great snacks that will fill you up without giving you that crash afterwards.

If you do want to indulge in a treat once in a while, that’s totally fine. Just remember to balance it out with a serving of healthy food afterwards. Make sure what you’re eating is giving your body the nutrition it needs.

Nutrition is something we all need to think about in order to stay healthy. The good news is that eating nutritious foods can be enjoyable and satisfying too.

DM us for all your nutrition related queries

Photos from HealthQuo's post 17/07/2023

It's so important to take care of our bodies, and one of the best ways to do that is by drinking water on an empty stomach. Drinking water on an empty stomach can have a tremendous impact on the health of our skin, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Let's start by looking at the effects of drinking water on an empty stomach on our skin. As you can imagine, having plenty of water in your system can help keep your skin hydrated, and keep it looking glowing and healthy. This is because water helps flush out any toxins or contaminants that are lingering in our skin, leaving us with clean and healthy cells.

Next, let's take a look at how drinking water on an empty stomach can help boost our energy levels. When we drink water on an empty stomach, it helps to break down the food we eat faster, which in turn provides us with an energy boost. This can also help us to stay focused throughout the day, as we'll be getting more energy from our food.

Finally, regular consumption of water on an empty stomach can help boost our immunity. This is because water can help flush out any harmful bacteria and toxins in our system that could otherwise cause us harm. By drinking water on an empty stomach, we can help protect ourselves from colds and other illnesses.

So there you have it - all of the wonderful benefits that drinking water on an empty stomach can have for us. Not only will you be rewarded with a great looking complexion, more energy, and improved immunity, but you'll also be doing wonders for your digestive system too. So make sure to squeeze some water into your morning routine and reap the benefits.


Many of us get caught up in worrying about elements of our lives that we can’t control, such as weight fluctuations, the rate of our progress, or getting sick or injured.

It is important to recognize that these things are out of our control and instead focus on what we can control, such as our daily habits and decisions. We can decide how much we exercise, how much sleep we get, and the quality of food we put in our mouths.

Focusing on these areas will help us maintain optimal health, both physically and mentally. Exercise helps manage weight, increase energy, and reduce stress. Adequate sleep improves cognitive functions related to memory, decision-making, and creativity. And eating nutrient-rich foods fuels our bodies with the resources we need to operate optimally.

Another thing we can control is our mindset. We have control over our thoughts, and how we choose to view situations. Practicing gratitude can help us develop an overall positive outlook that will also boost our mood and make us more resilient to difficult times in life.

Finally, don’t forget to factor in self-care as well. Make time for activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading a book, taking a long walk outside, or engaging in a creative hobby. Taking a break from your typical routine can be beneficial to help ground and reset for the next day.

So remember that there are certain elements of our lives we can’t control. Instead of wasting energy worrying about them, put your focus on the areas we can control like exercise, sleep, food quality, gratitude, and self-care. It is these decisions that will help us achieve optimal health and wellbeing.


Eating healthily and having a balanced diet is essential, and calories can help you do just that.

Now, calories are the most basic unit of energy found in food, and are essential for your body to function. To stay healthy, you want to make sure you’re taking in the right amount of calories to match your activity.

Sometimes people forget that calories matter, even on the weekend. Whether you’re at home or out with friends, it’s important to pay attention to the calories you’re consuming.

For example, if you’re eating out at a restaurant, look at the menu before ordering and choose a meal that won’t overload you with calories. Keep in mind oily foods and fried items usually have more calories than other options, so opt for something a little lighter.

When you’re at home, you may feel tempted to have something naughty and unhealthy, or have snacks to refuel throughout the day. However, it’s important to make sensible choices when it comes to your snacking habits. Frozen treats and chips may seem like the go-to option for a snack but, instead, try something like grilled vegetables, fresh fruit or yogurt – all of which are delicious and lower in calories than many other snacks.

It’s also important to watch what beverages you drink. You may think that drinks are calorie-free, however this is generally not the case. Drinks like soda and energy drinks are full of empty calories which offer little nutritional value. Opting for tea or coffee with skimmed milk, or just plain water can help reduce how many extra calories you’re taking in.

In essence, being mindful of your calorie intake is important whatever day of the week it is - that way you can make sure that you’re keeping healthy and taking in the vitamins your body needs.


Are you often feeling tired and exhausted? If you’re not getting enough energy, there could be several reasons why.

First, you may be eating less calories than your body needs. Eating the right amount of calories for your activity level is a key factor in having enough energy. If you don’t eat enough, your body won’t have the fuel it needs to give you the energy you need to get through the day.

In addition, poor sleep routine can leave you feeling fatigued. The quality and amount of sleep you get plays an important role in keeping your energy levels high. If your sleep is interrupted or poor quality, you can end up feeling exhausted the next day.

It’s possible that you’re over trained as well. If you’re overworking yourself in your exercise routine, it can leave you feeling drained and low on energy. Listen to your body and know when it’s time to take a break.

Another reason you may not have enough energy is if you’re vitamin deficient. Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to produce energy, so make sure your diet is providing these nutrients.

Finally, not being active enough can lead to fatigue. Make sure to get enough activity each day to help keep your energy levels up.

In summary, a lack of energy could be caused by eating less calories, poor sleep routine, overtraining, vitamin deficiency, and not being active enough. If you’re feeling tired throughout the day, look into these possible causes and find a way to give yourself a boost of energy!

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