Always One Step Ahead towards Humanity

Photos from EKHUJ's post 30/05/2022

"A helping hand is a ray of sunshine in a cloudy world"

-Devasted pre monsoon flood has hit many parts of our state, the catastrophe has caused immeasurable misery and desolation to the lives of many, Now, we the members of Ekhuj has tried our best to help them rebuild there part of lives, its a long way we know, but a small helping hand is something they need the most at this moment, we have conducted a Flood Relief Aid at a village in Roha, Nagaon, and we successfully provided more than seventy ration packages to the effected families and sanitary pads to those in need.

Thank you each and everyone who supported us in this event

-অলপতে হৈ যোৱা বলিয়া বানৰ কবলত পৰা বানাক্ৰান্ত ৰাইজক সহায়ৰ অৰ্থে আজি মে ৩০ (২০২২) তাৰিখে আমাৰ সংস্থা "এখোজ"ৰ তৰফৰ পৰা এক বান সাহায্য কাৰ্যসূচী ৰূপায়ন কৰা হয় । ইয়াৰ উদ্দেশ্যে আমি নগাওঁ জিলাৰ অন্তৰ্গত "ৰহা" অঞ্চলত প্ৰায় ৭০ ঘৰ লোকক তেওঁলোকৰ নিত্য-ব্যৱহাৰ্য সামগ্ৰী তথা খোৱা-বোৱা সামগ্ৰী আৰু লগতে মহিলাসকলৰ বাবে চেনিটেৰি পেডৰ যোগান ধৰো ।


Wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Eid🤲


Congratulations to every member of Our Ekhuj family as we have completed One year with our Organization today ♥️🎉✨


Merry Christmas to all 🎄🎉✨


Happy Gandhi Jayanti🤍
from *Ekhuj Family*

Photos from EKHUJ's post 12/09/2021

আজি ছেপ্টেম্বৰ ১২ (২০২১) তাৰিখে আমাৰ "এখোজৰ" তৰফৰপৰা নগাঁও চহৰৰ হয়বৰ গাওঁত অৱস্থিত "সদৌ অসম গ্ৰাম্য পুথিভঁৰাল" সংস্থাৰ দ্বাৰা পৰিচালিত "সন্ত বিনোৱাজী জ্যেষ্ঠ নাগৰিক গৃহ" ত এক অনুষ্ঠান আয়োজন কৰা হয় ।
আইতা সকলৰ লগত সময় অতিবাহিত কৰি আমি সকলোৱে নথৈ আনন্দিত হ'লো ।
নেদেখাজনে যাতে তেওঁলোকক সদায়ে কুশলে ৰাখক তাৰে প্ৰাৰ্থনা জনালোঁ

Photos from EKHUJ's post 05/09/2021

5th September, Sunday 2021
Location : Taptijuri L.P. School, Bamuni kondoli
Today our Ekhuj team distributed food to the students of Taptijuri L.P. School on the occasion of Charity day.
We are thankful to each and every member of Ekhuj team and the 4 students of AEC who helped us to made this event a great success💚

Ranoj Pegu


On this Janmashtami may all your wishes come true and May Lord Krishna show you the right path in your life 💝


As our flag rolls up high, let every furl bring pride, glory, and joy to your heart🇮🇳
This Independence Day let’s take a pledge to protect the peace and unity of our great nation. May the future bring more glory to our great nation.
Wishing all a very happy Independence Day❤


What a historic moment!!!!🤩

Congratulations on winning the first gold medal 🥇 for INDIA 🇳🇪
We take a bow with pride! You inspired billions of hearts today❤

Now he becomes the second Indian to win an individual Gold Medal in Olympics after shooter


মিজো- অসম সীমান্তত সংঘটিত ঘটনাটোত যি সকল জোৱানে নিজৰ ৰাজ্যৰ হকে প্ৰাণ আহুতি দিলে সেই জোৱান সকললৈ শ্ৰদ্ধা নিবেদন কৰিছো । পুনৰ মিজো - অসম সীমান্তত শান্তি ঘূৰি আহক আৰু লগতে জোৱান সকলৰ পৰিয়াললৈ সমবেদনা যাচিছো ।
তেওঁলোক আমাৰ হৃদয়ত সদায় অমৰ হৈ থাকিব❤️

A deep solace to the heroes of Assam who lost their precious lives in Mizo-Assam brush. May their soul rest in eternal peace and Almighty shower solidity to their families.

Their sacrifices will be in our heart forever! ❤️


About us -

Aims & Objects of the Society-

Art & culture
i) To arrange various games and sports, culture and literary competition in various areas and thereby try to encourage the people in these fields .

Rural development

i) To promote activities for educational and socio-economic development of the society both in rural and urban by providing various training programs, source etc, to the youths for their future economic guarantee for their self employment and absorption.
ii) To organize training and awareness programs, camps etc. on the rural development program policies of the government.
iii) To organize workshops/ seminars/ conferences etc on issues relating to improve the quality of life in rural areas.

Science & Technology

i) To organize seminars, conferences, meetings demonstration public opinion to the various problems involving education by way of applying scientific education.
ii) To encourage the application of science and technology in proper manner improving the day to day life style and livelihood .


Kargil vijay diwas is a great day to remember n salute the valour of our soldiers, who fought gallantly to defend our country. They laid down their lives for the honour of our great Nation n for its people. We remain ever indebted to the sacrifices made by our Brave hearts❤


This Eid, let's protect one another by staying inside and be grateful for each other's lives.
Wishing each and everyone a happy and peaceful Eid-ul-Adha. Stay home and be safe!


When there are tears, you are a shoulder
When there is pain, you are a medicine
When there is tragedy, you are a hope
When there is need, you come as a warrior
Happy National Doctors day🙇

Photos from EKHUJ's post 21/06/2021

21st June, Family members of Ekhuj came forward to provide "Today's Breakfast" to some of our police personals in Nagaon.

They are our frontline warriors, who left no stone unturned to defeat this widespread, a deep respect for them are always in our heart❤️

We have executed an act of charity, providing light meals to them, it was not a totally planned drive, but we have succeeded to do so, we will surely be looking forward to arrange a total planned charity drive in the coming days.
We urge each and every responsible socially active citizens to come forward and help the needy ones as per your capacity in this dark days of life. Your one small step will make a bigger impact.
নগাঁও আৰক্ষী - Nagaon Police Assam Police Anand Mishra IPS Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Assam

Photos from EKHUJ's post 21/06/2021

আজি নগাওঁ চহৰৰ মাজমজিয়াত আমি ‘এখোজ'ৰ তৰফৰ পৰা নিজৰ সাধ্যানুসৰী কৰ'ণা মহামাৰীয়ে আৰ্থিকভাৱে জুৰুলা কৰা দৈনিক হাজিৰা কৰি জীৱন নিৰ্বাহ কৰা প্ৰায় সত্তৰজন লোকক সামান্য সাহায্য প্ৰদান কৰিলো। এই কাৰ্য্যসূচীত আমাৰ সহযোগী হিচাপে থাকে ‘এঠেলা মাৰ' পৰিয়াল। নিজৰ সামৰ্থ অনুসৰী দৰিদ্ৰ জনগণক সহায় কৰিবলৈ আগবাঢ়ি আহিবলৈ আমি সামাজিকভাৱে সচেতন প্ৰত্যেকজন নাগৰিকক অনুৰোধ জনাইছো ❤️🙏🏻।

We, the family of ‘Ekhuj' in collaboration with ‘Ethela Mar' fraternity executed an act of charity, sufficing to feed nearly 70 daily wage labourers. We request all socially aware citizens to help the ones in need as per your capacity: alone we can never, but together ‘WE CAN' ❤🙏🏻

Photos from EKHUJ's post 19/06/2021

‘Love is feel but gender is real. Pride is nothing but love is everything’ as a contrary to the biased love-hate gender statistics love will conquer all above and it did. So where we really feel love, it is just bounded by the social norms of hatred and unbiased entitlement of generational hierarchy so at the end love wins. Its the emotionally encrypted sentiment of warmth within the chemicals of affectionate’s so lets just love it the way it is and nourish the way it should be!

Written by Victoria Bora ( M Bora)

Happy ♥️♥️


বিশ্ব পৰিৱেশ দিৱস উপলক্ষে, নগাঁও কলংপাৰ শাখাৰ অসম বিজ্ঞান সন্মিলনয়ে নগাঁও মহাবিদ্যালয় (অট'নমাচ) ৰ সহযোগত আয়োজন কৰা চুটি ছবি নিৰ্মাণ প্ৰতিযোগিতাত আমাৰ NGO ৰ প্ৰতিভাৱান সদস্য Sanjivani Bora ( Sanjivani) আৰু Jagjit Singh ( Jit Singh) য়ে নিৰ্মান কৰা চুটি ছবি "মুলাই" ক "শ্ৰেষ্ঠ চুটি ছবি" হিচাপে বাচনি কৰা হৈছে | আমি চুটি ছবি খন আপোনালোকৰ আগত আগবঢ়াই দিছোঁ |
আজিৰ দিনত যিকোনো বস্তু "Share" কৰিবলৈ অতি সহজ | কিন্তু অকল সেইটোৱেই যথেষ্ট জানোঁ ?
আনে কৰিব বুলি যদি আমি হাতত হাত থৈ বহি থাকোঁ তেতিয়া আমাৰ এটি ভাল ভৱিষ্যতৰ কামনা কৰাৰ কোনো অধিকাৰ নাই | পৰিৱৰ্তন আনিবলৈ আমি সকলোৱে নিজেই সেই দিশে "এখোজ" লবয়ে লাগিব |
শেষত আমি ধন্যবাদ জনাব বিচাৰিছোঁ “ভাৰতৰ অৰণ্য মানৱ” ৰূপে খ্যাত শ্ৰী যাদৱ “মুলাই” পায়েং ডাঙৰীয়াক যাৰ পৰা এই চুটি ছবিখন নিৰ্মানৰ বাবে অনুপ্ৰেৰণা লোৱা হৈছে | তেওঁ আমাক দেখুৱালে যে মনৰ দৃঢ়তা থাকিলে কোনো কামেই অসম্ভৱ নহয় | আজিৰ প্ৰজন্ময়ে যাতে তেওঁৰ পৰা প্ৰেৰণা লৈ উন্নতিৰ পথত কাম কৰি‌ যায় |❤️
এখোজ পৰিয়াল

Photos from EKHUJ's post 05/06/2021

বিশ্ব পৰিৱেশ দিৱস উপলক্ষে অসমৰ নগাঁও জিলাৰ 'এখোজ' নামৰ বেচৰকাৰী সংস্থাটোৱে বৃক্ষ ৰোপন কাৰ্যসূচীৰ লগতে আৰ্থিকভাৱে দুৰ্বল শ্ৰেণীৰ কেইঘৰমান লোকক মাহেকীয়া ৰেচন ,দুটাকৈ গছপুলি প্ৰদান আৰু N95 মাস্কৰ যোগান ধৰে।সংস্থাটোৰ প্ৰায় সকলোখিনি সদস্যই শিক্ষাৰ্থী হোৱা হেতুকে তেওঁলোকে হাত খৰচৰ টকাৰেই এই সাহাৰ্য আগবঢ়ায়।
তেওঁলোকৰ এই পদক্ষেপ অতিকৈ শলাগনীয় আৰু সমাজত ইতিবাচক প্ৰভাৱ পেলাবলৈ সক্ষম হ'ব।আমি সকলোকে আহ্বান জনাও যে এই সংকটৰ সময়ত সকলোৱে যেন সহায়ৰ হাত আগবঢ়ায়।


A reminder to never take our planet for granted .


আমাৰ এখোজ পৰিয়ালৰ ফালৰ পৰা আপোনালোক সকলোলৈকে পৱিত্ৰ ঈদ-উল-ফিটৰৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা যাছিলোঁ ❤️



Trees are the necessity to human lives. And we all are aware of the present situation in India, people are dying due to lack of oxygen.. What does it signify ?

Keeping that in mind, Ekhuj Organisation initiated a Tree Plantation Drive on 10th May 2021. A few members gathered for the purpose. There was proper maintenance of Covid protocols.

Let's all be responsible towards our mother nature
We urge you all to do your bit


অসমীয়া নৱবৰ্ষৰ আন্তৰিক শুভকামনা সকলোলৈ থাকিল।শান্তি, সম্প্ৰীতি, ভাতৃত্ববোধ আৰু সহযোগিতাৰে আহক আমি নতুনক আদৰণি জনাওঁ


~Happy Social Work Day.

Photos from EKHUJ's post 08/03/2021

First of all, we would like to thank Head Mistress of Blind Academy, Barhampur, Nagaon for allowing us to organise todays event on her school .


Keeping positive thoughts in our heart we tried to contribute something what we could towards the students of the school. As we all know the second wave of the Covid19 virus is striking the world again. Holding this thought in our mind, we donated some of essential things such as mask and sanitizers which we think may protect them from this mutant virus species.

Despite being a blind, there accuracy, simplicity, discipline honour towards elders, ability to do things eye catches us and many, we know our contribution is very small but we hope other organisation and people would help anywhat they could in the days to come✨

Photos from EKHUJ's post 01/03/2021

Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy.”
– Buddha
Keeping this words in our mindset, our team along with ISEVA organised a post Covid19 awareness program helping the needy ones with some amount of food and contributing them masks and sanitizers .

On 28th Feb of '21, We visited Bamuni area under the block Barhampur, Nagaon where we find an impovarised village, and decides to donate our commodities there, we know our help is just like a boat floating in a vast ocean, still we tried our very best to contribute something what we can towards them.


"Youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow"
Saluting the youth icon of India Shri Swami Vivekananda Ji
Wishing everyone a Happy National Youth Day,2021 🙏

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Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm

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Dedicated Towards Humanity - DTH Dedicated Towards Humanity - DTH
Nagaon, 782003

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Naba Astha Foundation Naba Astha Foundation
Nagaon, 782002

Naba Astha - Non Profit Organisation Established in 2007 Registration No. : NG/254/H/110

Ishan Research and Welfare society Ishan Research and Welfare society
Nagaon, 782124

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Serve Humanity Foundation, Kaliabor Serve Humanity Foundation, Kaliabor
Misa, Kaliabor, PIN-, P. O Missa
Nagaon, 782138

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Babu bhaiya fan club Babu bhaiya fan club
Upper Pathri Nagaon
Nagaon, 782101

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ISEVA_the_ngo ISEVA_the_ngo
Nagaon, 782001