International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat

International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat

M. Tech I B. Tech I Polytechnic I D. Vocational Courses I BBA I BCA


Unlock your potential with a BBA at IITM Group of Institutions! 🚀 Don't miss out, secure your future today. "

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 10/04/2024

🚢 Meet Sahil Jangra, a rising star from IITM Group of Institutions, who has set sail for an extraordinary journey as a Technical Officer in the Merchant Navy! With his exceptional skills and dedication, Sahil is ready to navigate the high seas, ensuring smooth sailing for vessels worldwide. Follow his inspiring journey as he embraces challenges and triumphs in the maritime world. 🌊👨‍✈️

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 04/03/2024

International Institute of Technology and Management, Murthal Organized a Seminar to aware the first time voter on 04.03.2024. There were more than 100 students participated in the seminar.


BCA Department of IITM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS -MURTHAL in association with "Shri Ram Chandra Mission" has successfully conducted 3-days meditation program. The main speaker was Shri Ramesh Kumar Chahal ji.

More than 100 students participated and benefited through this meditation program.

"About Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM)" :

Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) was registered in India in the year 1945. The Mission is considered a non-profit spiritual organization in India, and in all the countries where it is registered.
Over the years, the Mission has grown enormously. It now has more than 1,000 centres in India, and is present in 90 countries spread over all the continents. There are more than 200,000 abhyasis worldwide practising the Sahaj Marg system of meditation.
The Mission does not charge any fees of any kind for this spiritual training.
SRCM is the skeleton around which the spiritual edifice of the organization is built. As such, it is meant to be virtually invisible but must nevertheless support the spiritual work of the Master and provide the services that are required by the abhyasis.
The current president of the Mission is Shri Kamlesh D. Patel.

Services Offered by Shri Ram Chandra Mission are :

a) Instruction in Meditation: Instructors, referred to as prefects, provide introductory, one-on-one meditation instruction; ongoing individual meditation sessions; and support for the spiritual growth and understanding of abhyasis (practitioners).

b) Group Meditations: Abhyasis meet and meditate together in their local areas. Meditation centres offer a large number of materials books, audio tapes, videos and DVDs for further study and guidance.

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 24/02/2024

ECE and EE Department of
International Institute of Technology and Management- Murthal( IITM - Murthal) has organised Online Webinar on 20th February, 2024 at Zoom Platform . Topic of Webinar was " Campus to Corporate".

Program was aimed at preparing students to navigate complexities of the corporate world. The said webinar sought to empower them with skills , knowledge,and mindset necessary for smooth transition from academia to a rewarding professional career.

The key speaker during the said programme was Ms. Meenakshi Bansal. Around 70 students of prefinal and final year of B.Tech (ECE, EE, CSE, CE,ME) , and BCA participated in online webinar held on zoom platform.


It is a matter of great pride that *Er.Ajay Pawar (Assistant Professor , Department of Civil Engineering at IITM Group of Institutions, Murthal)* has written & published the book “Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering” through “Satya Prakashan - New Delhi”.

About the book:

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering is a subject of immense significance in the present world. That is why it forms an important part of the syllabi of diploma 2nd Year Civil Engineering Students. The present book is an endeavor to provide insight into the subject as well as to caber the needs of the students, particularly the students of civil engineering pursuing courses in different universities and colleges of Haryana. The subject has been dealt with for an examination point of view. A very careful effort has been made to present the complicated aspects of water supply and waste water treatment in the simplest possible manner with the chief focus on the comprehension abilities of the students. The book provides the updated knowledge as the latest amendments have been carefully incorporated at appropriate places. The key features of the book are systematic presentation and simple language of the subject matter which empowers even an average student to grasp the content in the most logical way. Additionally, each chapter concludes with an assignment unit which covers objective-type questions, Fill in the blanks, long and short questions for quick revision and a memory test for the students. Experiments at the end enhance the book comprehensively.



In Cricket final match, International Institute of Technology and Management- Murthal (IITM) beat DCRUST and won the Gold Medal. Four students of IITM- Murthal have also been selected for the University Team.

Many congratulations to all the participants and winners.

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 24/11/2023

*“Awaken with Potential: Anandmurti Gurumaa”*

Sadgurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa, a revered spiritualist, visited “International Institute of Technology and Management (IITM-Murthal)” on 24th November 2023 to address IITM-Murthal staff, faculty & students. She delivered an outstanding, inspirational lecture and conducted motivational discussions on “Awaken with Potential”.

Anandmurti Gurumaa, is a spiritual leader, revered master who has been bestowing liberating wisdom upon people. Her pragmatic teachings are a great source of guidance for innumerable people from all walks of life leading them above the mundane of everyday existence. She has extensively spoken on subjects like mind, meditation, emotions, health, indulgence, reality, God etc. and given erudite commentaries on numerous scriptures including the Srimad Bhagawad Gita, Sri Guru Gita, and the Gurbani, to name a few. She has devised a vast array of meditation methods, written several books, and given in-depth discourses on numerous sages from diverse backgrounds – whether it is Buddha, Kabir or Rumi, Sikh Gurus, Sufi mystics or the Zen masters. Her discourses, meditation retreats and workshops are held from time to time at different places across the globe.

Enlightenment is the greatest gift you can give not only to yourself but to entire mankind. Interaction with a Living master is akin to interaction with GOD, for we get to know who we really are and what we really need to do in life. Spirituality, positive thinking, key to happiness, managing relationships are the important aspects of life.

At IITM-Murthal, Venerable Master spoke elaborately on the beneficial effects of the wonderful Yogic technique, emotions, meditations, “Awaken with Potential”.


Capturing the vibrant creativity of our students through mesmerizing Rangoli art! 🎨 Keep shining always ✨

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 18/11/2023

"हम एक बने , हम नेक बने : गीता मनीषी स्वामी ज्ञानानंद जी महाराज"

गीता मनीषी स्वामी ज्ञानानंद जी महाराज ने एक दिवसीय फैकल्टी डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम के लिए आई.आई.टी.एम ग्रुप ऑफ इंस्टीट्यूशंस-मुरथल का दौरा किया। स्वामी ज्ञानानंद जी महाराज एक भारतीय महामंडलेश्वर संत हैं जो भगवद गीता पर अपने शोध और एक प्रसिद्ध गीता वक्ता के लिए जाने जाते हैं। स्वामी ज्ञानानंद ने अब तक कई किताबें भी लिखी है जिसमें गीता प्रेरणा, कृपा और ज्ञान साधना है। एक प्रसिद्ध और सम्मानित गुरु, स्वामी ज्ञानानंद को उनके असाधारण योगदान के लिए बहुत पसंद किया जाता है, गीता का प्रसार करने और एक स्वतंत्र दुनिया बनाने की उनकी इच्छा के साथ, स्वामी जी ने हमेशा अपनी प्रबुद्ध दृष्टि के माध्यम से दुनिया को अपनी सेवा प्रदान की है। उन्होंने गीता की व्याख्या की है और विश्व स्तर पर कई पेशेवरों को प्रेरित किया है। वह एक हिंदू दार्शनिक और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता भी हैं। वह "श्री कृष्ण कृपा सेवा समिति" नामक वैष्णव धर्म का पालन करने वाले संगठन के संस्थापक हैं। उन्होंने भगवद गीता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए "जीआईओ गीता" नामक एक अन्य संगठन की भी स्थापना की है, इसलिए उन्हें गीता मनीषी स्वामी श्री ज्ञानानंद जी महाराज के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। स्वामी जी का लक्ष्य दुनिया को गीता, आध्यात्मिकता और हमारी प्राचीन वैदिक संस्कृति की जड़ों के माध्यम से एकजुट करके रहने के लिए एक दिव्य, समृद्ध और शांतिपूर्ण दुनिया बनाना है।

“फैकल्टी डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम” के दौरान उन्होंने श्री भगवत गीता, आध्यात्मिकता, मानव मनोविज्ञान, टीम प्रबंधन, तनाव प्रबंधन, समय प्रबंधन, संघर्ष प्रबंधन और अंततः जीवन सहित जीवन कौशल से संबंधित अनुसंधान के कुछ अग्रणी क्षेत्रों में ज्ञान अंतराल को पाटकर नई बौद्धिक पूंजी के निर्माण के बारे में चर्चा की । ध्यान, सेवा, और मानवता के प्रति समर्पण (सत्संग, सेवा और सुमिरन) और “हम एक बने हम नेक बने” के दिव्य विचारों के बारे में चर्चा की ।


Spreading smiles and positive vibes this Chatt Pooja! 🌺✨


Embrace the awakening with Anandmurti Gurumaa's wisdom at our college! Unlock your potential and soar higher. 🌟


May the divine craftsman bless us with skillful hands and innovative minds. Happy Vishwakarma Pooja! 🛠️✨


Wishing everyone a joyous Goverdhan Pooja filled with blessings, love, and moments of togetherness. 🌿🙏


"Happy Haryana Day! 🎉 Embracing the rich heritage and vibrant spirit of our beloved state. Let's continue to grow, prosper, and celebrate together. "

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 17/10/2023

IITM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, MURTHAL participated at BRIDGE'23 Program organized by ICT ACADEMY on 16th October 2023 at Hyatt Regency, New Delhi.


During the program, following were the major key note speakers/guests/ attendees:

a) Mr.Thiru Dr Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, Hon'ble Minister for Information Technology & Digital Services,
Government of Tamil Nadu

b) Prof T G Sitharam, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education

c) Mr.Hari Balachandran, Chief Executive Officer, ICT Academy

d) Sh.Lakshmi Narayanan, Director, ICT Academy & Emeritus Vice Chairman, Cognizant

e) Sh.Rajesh Nambiar, Chairman & MD - Cognizant and Chairman- NASSCOM

f) Dr. Anbu Rathinavel, Chief Design Officer Intellect Design Arena & Head and Co-founder School of
Design Thinking

g) Mr.Ankit Kakkar, Director - Technical Services Engineering, MongoDB

h) Dr G Sainarayanan, Technology Director, HCL Technologies

i) Mr Neeraj Narang, Global HCM Product Strategy Director and APAC Lead, Oracle

j) Mr.Shivakumar Gowdaiah, Country Head & Director, Trailhead Academy, Salesforce

k) Mr Goutam Bhattacharya, Chief Executive Officer, LSSSDC

l) Mr. Brajesh Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, IASC Sector Skill Council

m) Mr. Mohit Soni, Chief Executive Officer, Media & Entertainment Skills Council

n) Ms. Shalu Manan, Global Talent Supply Chain & TalentMatch Leader, Genpact

o) Mr. Anand Pujari,Manager Education , AutoDesk

p) Mr. Gaurav Hazra, Vice President & Head Government Affairs India & APAC, Cognizant

q) & many other Academicians/ Technology Partners

Sessions that were organized during Bridge'23 were:
i) Technology Trends/New Age Tech/Deep Tech

ii) Aligning institutions for New Age Skills

iii) Future of Work

Dr.Rajesh Goel ( Director General at IITM GROUP of INSTITUTIONS MURTHAL) also had a in-person interaction with the following eminent personalities for bridging gap between institution and industry :

1.Mr Hari Balachandran, Chief Executive Officer, ICT Academy, Chennai

2. Mr Kamal Chhabra , Founder & CEO, KC GLOBED

3. Mr.Moorthi Kanagaraj, Founder & Director, Enthu Technology Solutions Pvt


"Remembering the principles of peace and non-violence on Gandhi Jayanti. Let's strive to be the change we wish to see in the world. "

IITM Group of Institutions wishing you a happy Gandhi jayanti to all

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 29/09/2023

COCACOLA Company did activation campaign for CHARGED by Thums Up (at IITM CAMPUS on 28th September 2023) , the newest product from Coca-Cola.

Charged is an energy drink specifically targeting the youth, hence company chose IITM CAMPUS for activating its product & distributed samples among students in a fun & engaging manner.

During the activation they ( company) engaged with the consumers/students through an immersive setup & an interactive game near Canteen Area of IITM Campus on 28th September 2023.

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 25/09/2023


Glimpses of World Pharmacist Day celebrations held at IITM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS MURTHAL .

Activities like Tree Plantation, Declamation Competition, Poster Making Competition , Quiz Competition etc were organized with full zeal and enthusiasm.

Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 15/08/2023

"Celebrating freedom, unity, and the spirit of our nation!
"As we remember the sacrifices of our heroes, let's come together to honor their legacy and celebrate the spirit of independence. "Every flag, every anthem, every story tells the tale of our nation's journey to freedom. Join us as we celebrate India's independence at IITM Group of Institutions Murthal Sonipat Delhi-NCR "


Congratulations for the successful launching of chandrayan 3


"Get ready to groove with the sensational Ranjeet Randhawa! for an unforgettable night of Electrifying Beats and Chart-Topping Hits at our college function. Let the music take over as Ranjeet Randhawa sets the stage on fire with his signature style and incredible energy.
IITM Group of Institutions Murthal Sonipat Delhi-NCR.
For further Guidance or solving Query , please contact : 8607100643,8699626529


"Get ready to groove with the sensational Ranjeet Randhawa! for an unforgettable night of Electrifying Beats and Chart-Topping Hits at our college function. Let the music take over as Ranjeet Randhawa sets the stage on fire with his signature style and incredible energy.
IITM Group of Institutions Murthal Sonipat Delhi-NCR.
For further Guidance or Query please contact : 8607100643,8699626529

Photos from IITM Group of Institution's post 12/06/2023
Photos from International Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat's post 12/06/2023

Placement Drive - The Muthoot Group - Offer Letter - 2023
Sharing moments of Success, Distributing Offer Letters to the students of BCA, placed at The Muthoot Group during the campus placement drive organized by the Department of Training & Placements for the 2023 passing out Batch.

IITM Group of Institutions wishes all the selected students the very best in their future endeavors!!

To Join, Contact us at
Placement Cell: +91-8699626529

Admission Helpline Number: +91-8607100642, +91-8607100643
Toll-Free: 1800-121-8617

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49, Milestone, G. T Karnal Road, Murthal, Sonipat (NCR-Delhi)

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm

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