CPS-IoT Week 2022

CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things.

It brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS, and IoTDI, multiple workshops, tutorials, competitions and exhibitions from industry and academia.

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Program 02/05/2022

CPS-IoT Week 2022 starts tomorrow with workshops, tutorials, and competitions! Check out the program at https://cpsiotweek.neslab.it/program.php! There's still time to register and it only costs 10USD!

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Program

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Program 12/04/2022

The program is online, including three keynotes (Johansson, Benini, and West), five exciting top conferences, workshops, tutorials, and competitions!! Check out cpsiotweek.neslab.it/program.php for full details and registration options! Regular attendee registration is only 10USD!!

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Program


Despite the best efforts of the whole organizing committee, the tail of the pandemic is preventing us from running CPS-IoT Week with an in-person component, as we planned originally. CPS-IoT Week will therefore run as a virtual event. Opting for this choice instead of a hybrid event was a tough decision where we had to strike a balance among several constraints. Detailed information, including registration options, will be available shortly on the website of CPS-IoT Week and of all its conferences and related events.

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Events 23/12/2021

CPS-IoT Week will feature an exciting selection of workshops on hot topics in the area! Check out https://cpsiotweek.neslab.it/events.php . Most deadlines are in the second half of February 2022!

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Events Localization-of-Things for Cyber-Physical Systems Octopus: Versatile Wideband MIMO Sensing Platform for Edge Intelligence in AIoT Publishing Your Validation Data to the Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization


The call for workshops and tutorials is out!! https://cpsiotweek.neslab.it/call_for_workshops_tutorials.php

2022 CPS-IoT Week - Call for Workshops and Tutorials Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held as part of CPS-IoT Week 2022 (www.cpsweek.org) in Milan (Italy) on May 3-6, 2022.


CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things. It brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS, and IoTDI. It will be held in Milano (Italy), May 3-6 2022.

Vuoi che la tua azienda sia il Organizzazione Senza Scopo Di Lucro più quotato a Milan?
Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.


Via Washington 66

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Istituto Bruno Leoni Istituto Bruno Leoni
Piazza Castello, 23
Milan, 20121

Idee per il libero mercato.

Circolo UAAR di Milano Circolo UAAR di Milano
Via Brusuglio 70
Milan, 20131

Circolo di Milano dell'Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti

Centro NEMO Milano Centro NEMO Milano
Piazza Ospedale Maggiore, 3
Milan, 20162

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Via Marsala 9
Milan, 20121

DESTINA IL 5 x 1000 ALL'ANA indicando nella dichiarazione dei redditi il codice fiscale 97329810150

Banco Alimentare Banco Alimentare
Via Legnone 4
Milan, 20158

Recuperiamo eccedenze dalla filiera alimentare e le ridistribuiamo gratuitamente a strutture caritative in Italia.

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Via Virtuvio 41
Milan, 20124

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PUPI Onlus PUPI Onlus
Via C***o Di Cavento 7
Milan, 20148


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Via Canonica 72
Milan, 20154

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Via Boccaccio 32
Milan, 20123

Tutela, salvaguardia e valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico, storico e culturale della Compagnia Marionettistica Carlo Colla & Figli. www.fondazionecarlocolla.it

Fonte di Speranza ONLUS Fonte di Speranza ONLUS
Corso Magenta, 46
Milan, 20123

Fonte di Speranza è attiva nei paesi più poveri del mondo con progetti a favore di donne e bambini.

Associazione CAF Associazione CAF
Via Andrea Salaino, 7
Milan, 20144

Dal 1979 accogliamo e curiamo minori vittime di abusi e maltrattamenti e offriamo un importante sostegno alle loro famiglie in crisi.