Fondazione Child

The Foundation Child’s main objective is to promote a child-centered culture through study and research.

Today, the spread of mental health disorders in children and adolescents is becoming a vast and urgent problem. In particular, experts are detecting an increasing number of disorders concerning social, emotional and cognitive development, as well as other specific symptoms such as anxiety, behavioral and intellectual difficulties, and problem of adaptation. The current knowledge of these mental di

La promozione della cultura dell'infanzia, lo scopo di Fondazione Child 18/02/2020

The Foundation Child is pleased to announce the 16th Training Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for young researchers in child and adolescent psychiatry.
The aim of the course is to provide a high-quality intensive training experience that will offer foster skills in the relevant elements of clinical science (diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most important childhood psychiatric disorders) and research (designing a research project, research methods, basic principles of statistics, writing and presenting scientific work).

Here you can find more information, download the brochure of the seminar and apply:

La promozione della cultura dell'infanzia, lo scopo di Fondazione Child

La promozione della cultura dell'infanzia, lo scopo di Fondazione Child 16/01/2020

The Foundation Child is pleased to announce the 16th Training Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for young researchers in child and adolescent psychiatry.
The aim of the course is to provide a high-quality intensive training experience that will offer foster skills in the relevant elements of clinical science (diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most important childhood psychiatric disorders) and research (designing a research project, research methods, basic principles of statistics, writing and presenting scientific work).

Here you can find more information, download the brochure of the seminar and apply:

La promozione della cultura dell'infanzia, lo scopo di Fondazione Child 13/05/2019

The International Research Seminar in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry promoted by Fondazione Child has reached its 15th edition. The one-week training will involve young child neuropsychiatry professionals from the main universities around the world. 47 researchers will have the opportunity to discuss and work on the new challenges that childhood and adolescent neuropsychiatry is facing today together with a world-famous faculty. The open session took place yesterday at Villa Aurelia congress center in Rome.

For more information ➡️


Foundation Child Team at the IACAPAP 23rd World Congress in Prague promoting the 15th International Training Research Seminar (Rome, May 2019)


L'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, con il patrocinio della Fondazione Child, organizza il convegno “Dalla Ricerca alla Pratica Clinica: il Futuro della Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza”, che si terrà sabato 14 aprile presso l'Accademia Militare di Modena.

Affronteremo il ruolo della ricerca e della formazione e lo sviluppo di best practices nella salute mentale del bambino e dell’adolescente e in riferimento allo studio, alla diagnosi, e al trattamento della psicopatologia. In particolare, verranno delineate le nuove evidenze scientifiche e cliniche in ambito internazionale. Il convegno vedrà, infatti, la partecipazione di esperti di rilevanza
internazionale e in rappresentanza di network europei e americani.

Sarà sottolineata l’importanza dell’early child development e i nuovi scenari di intervento precoce e in emergenza, anche dal punto di vista dei servizi sul territorio e dei centri riabilitativi. Si discuterà sul focus sulla prevenzione e sulla promozione del benessere, come base necessaria per lo sviluppo di un ambiente per lo sviluppo cognitivo, relazionale ed affettivo del bambino, sin dai primi giorni.

Programma del convegno:

Per iscrizioni:


From 15 to 20 of April, in Italy, Fondazione Child will hold the 14th Edition of the International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
A 6 days program in English that involves an excellent team of researchers and academics from across the world.
Apply if you want to gain profound knowledge and insights into the most current and relevant areas of child and adolescent psychiatry clinical practice and research.
Don’t waste time, applications are open until the 18th of January!
More info on or at [email protected]



From 15 to 20 of April, in Italy, Fondazione Child will hold the 14th Edition of the International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

A 6 days program in English that involves an excellent team of researchers and academics from across the world.

Apply if you want to gain profound knowledge and insights into the most current and relevant areas of child and adolescent psychiatry clinical practice and research.

Don’t waste time, applications are open until the 8th of January!

More info on or at [email protected]

Empatia tra neuroscienze e aspetti applicativi - Report dal convegno, Roma 2017 11/12/2017

Empatia tra neuroscienze e aspetti applicativi - Report dal convegno, Roma 2017 Studiosi provenienti da tutto il mondo si sono dati appuntamento a Roma per confrontarsi sull’ impatto che l’ empatia ha nel contesto delle relazioni umane

Photos from Fondazione Child's post 03/11/2017

14th International Training Research Seminar in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - A Research Training Course for Junior Investigators
15-20 April, 2018

Empathy Neuroscience Conference - Professor Leckman - Yale 13/10/2017
Professor Leckman speaks about the upcoming Empathy Neuroscience Conference (October 18-19, Rome, Institute of Health)

Empathy Neuroscience Conference - Professor Leckman - Yale


"This conference is an important opportunity to extend the recent United Nations Seminar [link to] on the role of empathy in the Israel-Palestine conflict. I strongly support the work of the two charities Fondazione Child and Empathy for Peace in exploring how to translate empathy neuroscience into policies to achieve conflict resolution."

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Director, Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University


14th International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The childhood's culture promotion, the purpose of Foundation Child Foundation Child, the foundation with the aim to promote the research of the causes and treatments of physical and mental diseases

Empathy Neuroscience: Translational Relevance to Conflict Transformation 07/06/2017

Empathy Neuroscience: Translational Relevance to Conflict Transformation Empathy Neuroscience Conference: Translational Relevance to Conflict Transformation This conference brings together empathy neuroscience research to tackle a key translational challenge: its relevance for conflict transformation. It focuses on the idea that taking the other person’s perspective is…

Better Internet for Kids - Event in the Italian Parliament marks Safer Internet Day 2017 08/02/2017

Safer Internet Day 2017

Better Internet for Kids - Event in the Italian Parliament marks Safer Internet Day 2017 How can politics intervene in preventing cyberbullying? Do you wake up at night to check your phone? Are you listening to YouTubers’ suggestions? Do you think that the internet will be a safer place in 2017?

EBOOK: IL NOSTRO POST(O) NELLA RETE - Telefono Azzurro 08/02/2017

EBOOK: IL NOSTRO POST(O) NELLA RETE - Telefono Azzurro EBOOK: IL NOSTRO POST(O) NELLA RETE. Quello che ogni genitore deve sapere: prospettive, sfide e responsabilità La Rete, uno spazio per scrivere insieme una nuova grammatica delle relazioni Fin dagli inizi di questa rivoluzione digitale, che ormai costituisce la quotidianità di ciascuno di noi, l’err...

The childhood's culture promotion, the purpose of Foundation Child 07/12/2016

13th International Training Research Seminar - 12-17th March 2017 - Bertinoro, Italy

The childhood's culture promotion, the purpose of Foundation Child


Now we are also on Wikipedia - Check this out

Fondazione Child - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fondazione Child (Foundation Child for Study and Research into Childhood and Adolescents) is a global-oriented foundation.

Look to Japan for the secret of healthy children 21/10/2015

born in are projected to live the longest, healthiest lives on Earth. Learn more about food culture & health for kids!

Look to Japan for the secret of healthy children CHILDREN born in Japan are projected to live the longest, healthiest lives on Earth. Irish children, on the other hand, are down at number 19 in the league table.

Timeline photos 19/10/2015

Check out WHO and UNAIDS new Global Standards to improve the quality of health-care services for . How much do you know about the right to health?

Early exposure to to***co as a cause of behavioral problems in children 18/10/2015

According to studies, emotional disorders ca be associated with exposure to environmental to***co smoke (ETS) during both the prenatal and postnatal periods

Early exposure to to***co as a cause of behavioral problems in children Researchers from Inserm and Pierre and Marie Curie University, in collaboration with the university hospitals of six French cities, have analyzed data on pre- and postnatal exposure to to***co in the homes of 5,200 primary school children.

Anxiety In Children May Be Prevented With Family Therapy 15/10/2015

Did you know that up to 50% of children who have a parent with an anxiety disorder also develop a disorder themselves? Learn more

Anxiety In Children May Be Prevented With Family Therapy Anxiety tends to run in families. Now, researchers say they may have found a way to help these families.


Fondazione Child acknowledges the serious efforts undertaken by the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children and its partners to put an end today's refugee crisis and the hard conditions both parents and children are experiencing.

Timeline photos 28/09/2015

Last week, ICMEC’s Global Training Academy, in partnership with the UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and UNICEF provided online child protection training to prosecutors and judges from 5 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Last week, ICMEC’s Global Training Academy, in partnership with the UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and UNICEF provided online child protection training to prosecutors and judges from 5 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. 61 participants attended!

Parents 'must stop checking their phones in front of their children' 22/09/2015

Parents' technology obsession affects youngsters' mental health and school work. How to prevent it?

Parents 'must stop checking their phones in front of their children' Children are picking up technology obsession from their parents - and that is beginning to affect their mental health and school work, says London-based child health education specialist Dr Aric Sigman.

What to do if your child is being bullied or is bullying 20/09/2015

What to do if your child is being bullied or is bullying?

What to do if your child is being bullied or is bullying Children of every age are learning to manage relationships, just as they learn reading, writing, math and science.

Playtime is crucial for a child's development – cut it at your peril 18/09/2015

Research found that play can enhance early development by anything from 33% to 67% by increasing adjustment, improving language skills and reducing social and emotional problems.

Playtime is crucial for a child's development – cut it at your peril More schools are shortening the day by cutting break and lunchtimes, with worrying implications for young people’s wellbeing and learning

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