SAMAR Brands

SAMAR Brands

SaMaR is NATURAL skincare SOLUTION & hair care routine, SaMaR helps people to feel confident by make

The page is giving an opportunity for people to back to earth and engaging with nature. We tell more about the key roles of some herbs and plants in our daily health, moreover, we show how nature can benefit our skin, provide a solution for majorities of our problems. Also, It helps to prevent and improve the quality of health and skin. Our products are a natural base that combined the best natural resource with innovative technology to give blessing results.


🐣 a tutti


When we talk about we actually talking about spiritual and physical purification. Ramadan divided in 3 parts:
The first 10 days called the days of mercy as god put a mercy upon his people
The second 10 days called the days of forgiveness. As God stand there and listen the prayer of his people asking for forgiveness and reply to that.
The third 10 days called the days of prevention of hell. God choice every night thousands of his people to give them the free ticket to heaven.
By the end of this month people who do go, pray and work hard they feel lightning and pleasing for the coming days.
Ramadan is like refreshing and restarting point because as human when we do sin them we ask god for forgiveness then we make sin again and again we reach the point where we feel embarrassed to ask for more forgiveness, and here It comes Ramadan once a year to clean up our sins and brings us one step closer to god
for all


What it’s the different between the the three
meant to hydrate and moisturizer your skin
meant to reduce the symptoms of the Derma disease or heal the early stages. The formulation mostly combines natural ingredients and biotechnology’s
is a prescribed by doctor or pharmacist and it formulated with AP to treat the disease


Best natural hair care product


The beauty of the river by night a city of great wealth


#من اهم المواد الفعاله في سيروم الشعر للتطويل من منتجات دكتوره ايمان الملك
#زيت الخروع
هو زيت طبيعي يتم استخراجه من بذور نبات الخروع، وقد تم استخدام هذا الزيت على مر العصور في الكثير من الاستعمالات الطبية والغذائية والتجميلية، ويعد استعماله للشعر إحدى استعمالاته التجميلية.

#فوائد زيت الخروع للشعر وفروة الرأس
1- تحفيز نمو الشعر
2- علاج قشرة الشعر
3- التهابات فروة الرأس
4- علاج جفاف الشعر
5- علاج تساقط الشعر
6- يحارب علامات الشيب
استخدامه لزيادة نموه
وصفة لزيادة كثافة الشعر

#الصفحه 👇

#انستغرام 👇
متوفر الان في الاستور
وعند مندوبينا للطلب :
مصر : 00201123936870
الامارات : 00971544147386
اوروبا وامريكا واستراليا: 00393511603012
او عن طريق الصفحة الالكترونية



حنستناكم اليوم المساء الساعة ٨ مساء بتوقيت روما علي زوم في ورشة بعنوان ماذا بعد الحرب والهجرة كيف نبداء من جديد

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My customers just love the skincare products that I made.
You can shop your cosmetics in our online store


اسباب تساقط الشعر وطريقة العلاج


you can shop now in our website


we offer you the best


enjoy your natural skincare routine


we carry the responsibility to take a good care of our environment


vegan is the future


enjoy your green cosmetic


its our responsiblity to take a better care of our environment


Let's try something different today, who knows it may change our life for good through , and

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Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.

Our Story

A brand of HoPe

SaMaR brand was born to create a spiritual bond between beauty and nature. It responds to nature intensive needs for care and respect on behalf raising the quality of living for both individuals and the environment. to give a hope, and spread an atmosphere of health, wealth and gratification.

we offer unique natural products to serve our daily needs for beauty look as well as helps to prevent and pre-heal several health problems that related to skin conditions.

Our originality lie behinds wonderful beauty accessories and supplements.

Video (vedi tutte)

اسباب تساقط الشعر وطريقة العلاج
Best #LipBalm for this #winter With Vitnam E . 100% natural #vegan
your skin care is your wealth #skincareroutine #beauty #natural #ecofriendly
your hair is our essential care, our fantastic hair cream indicate to #curly and dry scalp to give deep moisturizing and...
مقدمة بسيطة عن البراند وصاحبته
your skin can glow, your hair can grow, with the right skincare routine, visit our store to purchasehttps://samarbrands....
our hair oil from SaMaR rich with 25 #natural oils including #pumpkinseedoil that help to enhance hair growth, it #UNISE...
our amazing hair oil from SaMaR cosmetic includes 25 important oils for hair health, regenerating and growth. its Vegan,...
We are coming with a fantastic Natural / Vegan Cosmetic brand, that offers the ultimate natural Hair and skincare soluti...
احلي زيت شعر . يمنع تساقط الشعر ويساعد على النمو ويغذي بصيلات الشعر .  مصنوع في اليطاليا بخبرات سودانية.100% طبيعي.  22 ...
This is the best organic regrowth, regenerate #hair  #serum #regrowth #haircare
Time to take good care of my skin #beauty #natural #skincareroutine #cosmetics


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