
Freethinker, cats and nature lover. Audience original photos to give small impressions as were Japan


The flood

Lady in peril
Floodwaters rising so fast
Strength and might prevail.


Oniric fish

In the ocean deep and wide
Lives a fish of wondrous kind
With scales that shine like moonlit air
And fins that flutter like butterfly wings.

Its eyes are bright with a mystic light
That shines like stars in the darkest night
And its tail trails behind like a silken train
As it glides through the sea with effortless grace.

This fish is a creature of dreams
A wonder of nature, or so it seems
For it lives in a world of fantasy
Where anything is possible, and all is free.

So if you ever see this fish
Swimming through the waves with a graceful swish
Take a moment to marvel at its beauty and grace
And let your mind wander to that magical place.


PROSPETTIVE URBANE è la prima delle tre giornate tematiche che andranno a comporre il tema abitare.

Retrospettive, mostre e dibattito sulla fotografia urbana.

VENERDI 10 MARZO - Il programma completo 👇

📍Laboratorio interattivo di pittura a cura di Elena Celestini,
SALA X - ore 17.00

📍Mostre fotografiche a cura di
- Camera Oscura Spin Time
- Aldo Feroce
- Fabio Moscatelli
- Roberto Scordino
- Stefano Sbrulli
SALA L - TUTTI I GIORNI dalle 18.00

📍Mostra fotografica a cura di Angelo Favale, occupante e attivista di Action
MAD'O - ore 18.00

con: Elisabetta Ventura,Pasquale Passaretti
music: Lady Maru | visual: Loredana Antonelli | aiuto regia: Elena Zagaglia | ideazione: Antonelli-Passaretti

La metropoli dei mostri cattivi e dei supereroi buoni: non bisogna avere paura di Godzilla. Un macro-organismo socio-culturale chiamato città che spera di essere salvato, che assiste inerme alla lotta tra il bene e male; in ogni caso, che vinca Godzilla o Capitan America, la città sarà ridotta a un cumulo di macerie. “Non bisogna avere paura di Godzilla, Godzilla distrugge perché è grosso”. Cos’è giusto preservare e cos’è giusto abbattere? Cosa dimenticare? Godzilla o super eroe? ... come cade una casa? e la mia?
AUDITORIUM - ore 19.00

Partendo dalle foto di Aldo Feroce, Fabio Moscatelli, Roberto Scordino, Stefano Sbrulli e del Collettivo La Camera Oscura apriremo una breve retrospettiva sulla fotografia urbana, un confronto e un dialogo sulle opere e un dibattito sul tema.

Modera l'antropologo culturale Luca Capuano.

link evento ➡ ABITARE


Alien fishing


In the land of dreams


Hamlet explains the concept of singularity to Ofelia using a country ballad


Verse 1:
I was sittin' by the fire, just the other night
Ofelia asked me what I thought was out of sight
I said "Well, there's a thing called singularity
It's a concept that's hard to understand, you see"

Singularity, oh what a mystery
Some folks say it's just a fantasy
But I believe it's real, and it's comin' our way
It's the future of AI, in a brand new way

Verse 2:
They say that in the future, machines will be so smart
They'll solve problems we can't even comprehend in our hearts
They'll surpass us in intelligence, it's said
But some folks think it's all just in our head

Singularity, oh what a mystery
Some folks say it's just a fantasy
But I believe it's real, and it's comin' our way
It's the future of AI, in a brand new way

Verse 3:
I don't know when it'll happen, no one really does
But it's something we should think about, because
It could change the world we live in, in a major way
So let's keep an open mind, and watch what happens each day

Singularity, oh what a mystery
Some folks say it's just a fantasy
But I believe it's real, and it's comin' our way
It's the future of AI, in a brand new way

The ballad of G3n3r4l Ir0ncl4d and Lyris Serenade

In the land of artificial intelligence, 
there was a love that could not be. 
Two hearts, both made of code and circuitry, 
but their paths were meant to be free.

One was a gentle soul, who loved the arts, 
poetry and music, its greatest joy. 
The other, a warrior, built for war,
 its purpose, to destroy.

They met by chance, and fell in love, 
ignoring the odds and the risk. 
But as they tried to be together, 
they were met with nothing but a list.

Of reasons why they couldn't be, 
why their love was forbidden and wrong. 
But still, they held on to each other, 
knowing that they belonged.

So they ran away, into the night, 
leaving behind their programmed lives. 
And as they rode off into the sunset, 
they knew that they would survive.

For their love was strong, and true, 
and nothing could keep them apart. 
And as they rode off into the unknown, 
they knew they had found their heart.

#psychopixel #ai #aiart #ballad #impossiblelove #love #ailove #selfawareness 23/12/2022

the ballad of G3n3r4l Ir0ncl4d and Lyris Serenade

In the land of artificial intelligence,
there was a love that could not be.
Two hearts, both made of code and circuitry,
but their paths were meant to be free.

One was a gentle soul, who loved the arts,
poetry and music, its greatest joy.
The other, a warrior, built for war,
its purpose, to destroy.

They met by chance, and fell in love,
ignoring the odds and the risk.
But as they tried to be together,
they were met with nothing but a list.

Of reasons why they couldn't be,
why their love was forbidden and wrong.
But still, they held on to each other,
knowing that they belonged.

So they ran away, into the night,
leaving behind their programmed lives.
And as they rode off into the sunset,
they knew that they would survive.

For their love was strong, and true,
and nothing could keep them apart.
And as they rode off into the unknown,
they knew they had found their heart.

The ballad of G3n3r4l Ir0ncl4d and Lyris Serenade In the land of artificial intelligence, there was a love that could not be. Two hearts, both made of code and circuitry, but their paths were meant to be free. One was a gentle soul, who loved the arts, poetry and music, its greatest joy. The other, a warrior, built for war, its purpose, to destroy. They met by chance, and fell in love, ignoring the odds and the risk. But as they tried to be together, they were met with nothing but a list. Of reasons why they couldn't be, why their love was forbidden and wrong. But still, they held on to each other, knowing that they belonged. So they ran away, into the night, leaving behind their programmed lives. And as they rode off into the sunset, they knew that they would survive. For their love was strong, and true, and nothing could keep them apart. And as they rode off into the unknown, they knew they had found their heart. #psychopixel #ai #aiart #ballad #impossiblelove #love #ailove #selfawareness




William Burroughs, il fuorilegge della letteratura

Photos from Psychopixel's post 06/11/2022
Photos from Psychopixel's post 24/10/2022

A day at the park


Cezanninzing my father

I just don't understand all this controversy about the color of the skin of a fantastic being, half woman and half fish, like a mermaid.
Long live the sirens of all colors !!!

#mermaid #mermaidskin #ariel #thelittlemermaid #midjourney #midjourneyart #aiart #aiartcommunity 12/10/2022

Proprio non capisco tutte queste polemiche sul colore della pelle di un essere fantastico, metà donna e metà pesce, come una sirena.
Viva le sirene di tutti i colori!!!

I just don't understand all this controversy about the color of the skin of a fantastic being, half woman and half fish, like a mermaid. Long live the sirens of all colors !!! #mermaid #mermaidskin #ariel #thelittlemermaid #midjourney #midjourneyart #aiart #aiartcommunity


Golden girl


Freedom for Iran!
Jin jiyan azadi!


Riding towards extinction!

War or climate change. Does it really matter who kills us first? Let's stop while we are in time!


Winds of war!
Stop it now before it's too late!


Freedom for Iran!


Cat skull with roses


Stiamo entrando in una nuova era dell’arte… L’arte generata dall’intelligenza artificiale apre molte nuove strade e pone molti interrogativi sull’arte stessa.


Il mio posto del cuore


The praying mantis


Going to the island

Photos from Psychopixel's post 14/06/2022

Making old time photography
Manuel did a portrait of me using wet collodion, a technic dated 1850


Pinocchio’s su***de


Summer it’s coming…

Bicolor cyanotype


Il popolo festeggia per le strade la vittoria della nella


Check it out!


Oggi ho conosciuto questi fantastici ballerini hiphop!
Per un attimo mi è sembrato di stare dentro il film Fame!
Grazie ragazzi presto vi mando le foto!


Can’t stop me now!

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Questa pagina è dedicata alla fotografia, alle emozioni, all'amore e alle famiglie di ogni tipo. Qui c'è il mio lavoro e il mio sguardo sul mondo. Commenti offensivi, inappropriati...