
DESPINA is the lab on Big Data Analytics at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the Università degli Studi di Torino.

We conduct exploratory and applied research into collection, integration, management, and analysis of data related to business, economy, and society. Despina merges different expertise able to explore on the verge of ICT, social sciences and mathematical sciences to provide first-class theoretical and applied research. Despina has implemented collaborations with its four main constituencies. We pr 27/09/2019

Sei interessato all'economia della complessità e dell'innovazione? Vuoi scoprire di più sulle applicazioni di network analysis e machine learning agli ecosistemi innovativi?
Dal 7 al 9 ottobre 2019 si terrà a Torino, negli spazi di Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli, la conferenza “Tracking Innovation Trajectories in the Complex Economy. Network analysis and big data for risk mitigation”.

L'evento esplorerà tecniche quantitative per prevedere le traiettorie dell’innovazione e valutare i relativi impatti socio-economici. I partecipanti potranno assistere a relazioni da parte di studiosi di rilievo da tutto il mondo (CERN, Oxford, ETH Zürich, UC Berkeley, Bogotà, Yonsei University – tra le altre) e prendere parte a due workshop esclusivi
uno su Complexity Economics, organizzato dal NAEC Innovation Lab dell'OCSE;
uno su Innovation Mapping, organizzato da Nesta UK, che analizzerà alcuni metodi quantitativi di data visualization.
Le registrazioni per la conferenza sono aperte fino al 4 ottobre. Maggiori info sul sito della conferenza.

L’evento è promosso e organizzato dal CEST in collaborazione con INET, Despina — Big Data Lab (Università di Torino), EAEPE e Politecnico di Torino. Sponsorizzano l'iniziativa: Nesta UK, IN Srl, OCSE, Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli. It is now quite well accepted that innovation can be modelled as an evolutionary process in a complex space involving patents, countries, innovators, assignees, companies and products. Forecasting innovation trajectories and emerging value chains would be of paramount importance to mitigate and mana...


Presentazione di SEED per futuri studenti ma aperta a tutti!

Photos from Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems's post 19/03/2018

Call for APPLICATIONS for the III edition starting August 2018 is NOW open at:

MADAS Master in DATA SCIENCE for Complex Economic Systems is a one year full-time Master program offered by the prestigious Collegio Carlo Alberto in Torino (Italy).
Taught in English MADAS takes a path-breaking perspective on knowledge from Machine Learning to real problems of social science and innovation economics with dedicated labs on agent-based modelling and network analysis, econometrics, marketing and risk, IoT.
The course is composed of more than 400 hours of teaching plus seminars plus internships in partner companies.
cohort 2017/18

The State of ML and Data Science 2017 08/11/2017

The State of ML and Data Science 2017 A big picture view of the state of data science and machine learning that shares who is working with data, what’s happening at the cutting edge of machine learning across industries, and how new data scientists can best break into the field.

Big Data: i dieci strumenti gratuiti per ottimizzare l'analisi dei dati 15/06/2017

Big Data: i dieci strumenti gratuiti per ottimizzare l'analisi dei dati On line sono disponibili moltissime soluzioni completamente gratuite che permettono di impratichirsi con i Big Data.


Massimiliano Nuccio on Twitter “ on the legal and ethical aspects of the , we have to take on resposabilities to shape present-fu…”

MADAS 15/02/2017

MADAS MADAS is a one year full-time postgraduate program (II level Master Degree) taught in English that welcomes young scholars and professionals with different backgrounds (e.g. economics, physics, computer science). MADAS takes a path-breaking perspective on economics by focusing on nonlinearities of p...

Internet delle cose, troppi dati danno troppo potere: ecco i rischi per la concorrenza 13/02/2017

Internet delle cose, troppi dati danno troppo potere: ecco i rischi per la concorrenza Nel mercato Iot sono presenti pochi grandi gruppi aziendali che operano dentro una moltitudine di mercati e una grossa parte della competizione avviene esclusivamente tra loro. Le piccole e medie imprese sono dunque confinate in una coda della domanda

Nexa Conference on Internet & Society 2016 - "Internet of Things: heaven or hell?" | Despina - Big Data Lab 28/11/2016

Do not miss the next Nexa Conference on Internet & Society 2016 organized by Nexa Center for Internet & Society that will take place December 2nd at Politecnico di Torino.
This year the theme is "Internet of Things: heaven or hell?"
Experts will discuss the interface between the IoT and the circular economy, focusing on two parallel tracks: the risks embedded in the new era of the Internet, and IoT as a potential facilitator of the circular economy.
Massi Milian O Nuccio will be there discussing IoT and competitiveness, monopoly and price discrimination.

Nexa Conference on Internet & Society 2016 - "Internet of Things: heaven or hell?" | Despina - Big Data Lab Friday, December 2nd 201

Il futuro dell’Università di Torino passa attraverso la scienza dei dati Pt. 2 16/11/2016

Il futuro dell’Università di Torino passa attraverso la scienza dei dati Pt. 2 Università di Torino con Collegio Carlo Alberto e Compagnia di San Paolo presenta le attività di ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data

Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data 02/11/2016

8 novembre 2016 - Collegio Carlo Alberto
Una ricca sessione di poster accompagnerà il seminario: Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data
Si raccomanda l'iscrizione

Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data

Timeline photos 01/11/2016

Magda Fontana and Racca will present their paper "Topic Modeling and historical thinking: a tale of uncertainty in economic thought" during the Session on Complexity and Evolutionary Economics at The 28th Annual EAEPE Conference 2016 that will take place on 3-5 November at the Manchester Metropolitan University

Home » CAPS 27/10/2016

CAPS - Paper submission - Deadline November 30th
The conference on Complexity-Based Analytics and Policies for Social Good (CAPS) is focused on analytics, complexity, policy, and social good. It is organized by the Journal for Policy and Complex Systems (JPCS), issued by Policy Studies Organization.
The best papers will be published in a special issue of the journal.
More details can be found at:

Home » CAPS

L’Università di Torino verso il futuro. Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data 26/10/2016

"L'Università di Torino verso il futuro. Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data" - Martedì 8 novembre presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto.

L’Università di Torino verso il futuro. Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data 8 novembre 2016 Collegio Carlo Alberto Sala Gialla, Via Real Collegio, 30, Moncalieri Lo sviluppo tumultuoso delle tecnologie digitali e l’affermarsi di Internet come mondo virtuale che diventa sempre più integrato alla quotidianità hanno esponenzialmente accresciuto la disponibilità d'informazione…

Automating big-data analysis 22/10/2016

Automated generator of research questions for lazy researchers

Automating big-data analysis With new algorithms, data scientists could accomplish in days what has traditionally taken months.

Timeline photos 07/10/2016

Marco Guerzoni has presented Despina's perspective on value at the opening ceremony of , the new center Università degli Studi di Torino specialized in . Looking at the history of scientific revolutions, Prof. Guerzoni has found in the actual hype on Big Data similarities with the progressive transformation of XIX century inventions into disruptive innovations and technological change.


Italo died on sep 19th 1985. As a writer he had already understood potential and limitations of and .

"I asked Lotaria if she has already read some books of mine that I lent her. She said no, because here she doesn’t have a computer at her disposal.
She explained to me that a suitably programmed computer can read a novel in a few minutes and record the list of all the words contained in the text, in order of frequency. “That way I can have an already completed reading at hand,” Lotaria says, “with an incalculable saving of time. What is the reading of a text, in fact, except the recording of certain thematic recurrences, certain insistences of forms and meanings? An electronic reading supplies me with a list of frequencies, which I have only to glance at to form an idea of the problems to book suggests to my critical study. Naturally, at the highest frequencies the list records countless articles, pronouns, particles, but I don’t pay them any attention. I head straight for the words richest in meaning; they can give me a fairly precise notion of the book.”

Lotaria brought me some novels electronically transcribed, in the form of words listed in the order of their frequency. “In a novel of fifty to a hundred thousand words,” she said to me, “I advise you to observe immediately the words that are repeated about twenty times. Look here. Words that appear nineteen times:
Blood, cartridge belt, commander, do, have, immediately, it, life, seen, sentry, shots, spider, teeth, together, your…
“Words that appear eighteen times:
Boys, cap, come, dead, eat, enough, evening, French, go, handsome, new, passes, period, potatoes, those, until…
“Don’t you already have a clear idea what it’s about?” Lotaria says. “There’s no question: it’s a war novel, all actions, brisk writing, with a certain underlying violence. The narration is entirely on the surface, I would say; but to make sure, it’s always a good idea to take a look at the list of words used only once, though no less important for that. Take this sequence, for example:
Underarm, underbrush, undercover, underdog, underfed, underfoot, undergo, undergraduate, underground, undergrowth, underhand, underprivileged, undershirt, underwear, underweight…
“No, the book isn’t completely superficial, as it seemed. There must be something hidden; I can direct my research along these lines.”

Lotaria shows me another series of lists. “This is an entirely different novel. It’s immediately obvious. Look at the words that recur about fifty times:
Had, his, husband, little, Riccardo (51) answered, been, before, has, station, what (48) all, barely, bedroom, Mario, some, Times (47) morning, seemed, went, whom (46) should (45) hand, listen, until, were (43) Cecilia, Delaia, evening, girl, hands, six, who, years (42) almost, alone, could, man returned, window (41) me, wanted (40) life (39)
“What do you think of that? An intimatist narration, subtle feelings, understated, a humble setting, everyday life in the provinces … As a confirmation, we’ll take a sample of words used a single time:
Chilled, deceived, downward, engineer, enlargement, fattening, ingenious, ingenious, injustice, jealous, kneeling, swallow, swallowed, swallowing…
“So we already have an idea of the atmosphere, the moods, the social background…We can go on to a third book:
According, account, body, especially, God, hair, money, times, went (29) evening, flour, food, rain, reason, somebody, stay, Vincenzo, wine (38) death, eggs, green, hers, legs, sweet, therefore (36) black, bosom, children, day, even, ha, head, machine, make, remained, stays, stuffs, white, would (35)
“Here I would say we’re dealing with a full-blooded story, violent, everything concrete, a bit brusque, with a direct sensuality, no refinement, popular eroticism. But here again, let’s go on to the list of words with a frequency of one. Look, for example:
Ashamed, shame, shamed, shameful, shameless, shames, shaming, vegetables, verify, vermouth, virgins…
“You see? A guilt complex, pure and simple! A valuable indication: the critical inquiry can start with that, establish some working hypothesis…What did I tell you? Isn’t this a quick, effective system?”

The idea that Lotaria reads my books in this way creates some problems for me. Now, every time I write a word, I see it spun around by the electronic brain, ranked according to its frequency, next to other words whose identity I cannot know, and so I wonder how many times I have used it, I feel the whole responsibility of writing weigh on those isolated syllables, I try to imagine what conclusions can be drawn from the fact that I have used this word once or fifty times. Maybe it would be better for me to erase it…But whatever other word I try to use seems unable to withstand the test…Perhaps instead of a book I could write lists of words, in alphabetical order, an avalanche of isolated words which expresses that truth I still do not know, and from which the computer, reversing its program, could construct the book, my book."
Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller (1983 - London: Vintage, 1998), pp. 186 - 189.

Google in Bicocca: incontro con Steven Scott - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca 31/08/2016

If anyone in Milano on Friday evening, can't miss out!

Google in Bicocca: incontro con Steven Scott - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Il Director of Statistics Research di Google presenta un suo lavoro sui sistemi di previsione a breve termine. Il 2 settembre 2016, ore 17 in U6.

Hollywood looking at big data to find the next big hit | SmartData Collective 17/08/2016

Customer intelligence in the : is it possible to forecast and plan the next blockbuster building on global trends?

Hollywood looking at big data to find the next big hit | SmartData Collective There may be hidden creativity within your Facebook posts and tweets. Moreover, it might even be used to create the next blockbuster in Hollywood.

Timeline photos 28/07/2016

Formazione e
Magda Fontana Marco Guerzoni Massi Milian O Nuccio Vittorio Carlei Stefano Terzi Paolo Giudici Paola Cerchiello Consuelo Nava Fabio Montobbio

The workin group on commissioned by the Italian Department for Education University and Reseach has just presented a report to the Ministry.
MADAS is among the few postgraduate courses offered by Italian universities!

Il nuovo master Unito-Collegio Carlo Alberto che piace anche negli USA 11/07/2016

Il nuovo master Unito-Collegio Carlo Alberto che piace anche negli USA Big data, economia aziendale e statistica nel master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems dell'Università di Torino

Why We Need More Domain Experts In The Data Sciences 15/06/2016

We strongly believe data science is not simply about soving problems by deploying powerful algorithms, but rather a useful tool to explore and understand complex problems. This is the learning approach of MADAS - Master in Data Science for Complex Economic System.
Info: [email protected]

Why We Need More Domain Experts In The Data Sciences How the narrow focus on statistics and computational expertise is holding “big data” back from its true potential.


Despina Big Data Lab Università degli Studi di Torino is proud to be major partner in MADAS the new brand post-graduate master in data science at Collegio Carlo Alberto
A unique program aimed at studying from a different epistemological and methodological perspective. Students will be provided with a strong quantitative background which includes tools in analytics to explore and understand complexity in , and systems.
For further information and application


Timeline photos 11/05/2016

Are you looking for a post-graduate course in Data Science for Business and Economics? Are you ready to spend one year in Turin? Stay tuned

Vuoi che la tua università sia il Università più quotato a Turin?
Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.



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