Iyengar Yoga - Indre styrke

Ho 30 anni di esperienza insegnando 80-100 persone di tutti i tipi e età ogni settimana per anni.

Photos from Iyengar Yoga - Indre styrke's post 12/01/2024
Photos from Iyengar Yoga - Indre styrke's post 12/01/2024

Grazie mille a Secondo Marabolo per l'invito ed a tutte e tutti voi, che sono venuti al seminario 6-7 gennaio a Crema!

È stato un vero piacere incontrarvi - alcuni di nuovo ed altri per la prima volta! Grazie per essere molto attentivi, entusiastici e disciplinati. Abbiamo goduto l'accolto piena di cuore e anche la cena insieme!!
Ecco delle immagine di alcuni bei momenti...
Alla prossima!

Noi abbiamo già programmato tre seminari ad Isasco al mare:
Pasqua 30 marzo - 1 aprile.
Agosto 4-9 Bilingue
Agosto 13-18
Tutti sono benvenuti!
Paolo e Lya

Photos from Iyengar Yoga - Indre styrke's post 10/01/2024

Dear Friends of yoga!
Thanks for all your joy and enthusiasm, all your discipline and openheartedness, all your faith and stamina throughout this New Year seminar!!
It was a great pleasure to teach and be together with you both during the classes and during walks, dinners and the nice party we created together.
We wish you a happy and great time on and outside the mat this coming year and hope to see you again!
Thanks, tak, grazias, Danke, grazie!!
Paolo and Lya

Care amiche, cari amici di yoga!
Grazie per tutta la vostra gioia e il vostro entusiamo, tutta la vostra disciplina e cordialità, tutta la vostra feducia e vigore durante questoseminario di Capodanno!
È stato un grande piacere e di insegnarevi e di stare insieme sia durante le lezioni che sulle camminate, le cene e alla festa bella, che abbiamo creato insieme!
Auguriamo un bel tempo quest'anno sia sul che fuori il tapettino e speriamo di vedervi dinuvo!
Thanks, tak, grazias, danke, grazie!!
Paolo e Lya


Stay centered 🕉

Jetsun Milarepa (Tibetan: རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་ལ་རས་པ) was a Tibetan Buddhist master. He compared the way our ego-mind continously runs after thoughts to a dog that is always chasing after sticks. He recommends that to be like Buddha, our mind should be more like a lion..

India unveils ‘flatpack’ field hospital with mini x-ray for use in disaster zones 14/12/2023

So cleverly thought, and delivered with the heart ❤️

India unveils ‘flatpack’ field hospital with mini x-ray for use in disaster zones The portable unit, comprising mini cubes of medical equipment, enables surgeons to be operating within an hour, designers claim


Søndagens vandretur bragte os op til colle di Portia med udsigt til Gran Paradiso 🤩
To en halv times vandren opad i solskin med bare arme og ben på en af årets sidste ture er et rent energitilskud via naturlig pranayama!
(Yama betyder bjerg på japansk 😉)
Der er stadig plads til et par let øvede elever på zoomholdet om tirsdagen kl.17.00-18.45 ❤️

Photos from Iyengar Yoga - Indre styrke's post 03/12/2023

Vi har været på weekendkursus med Gabriella Giubilaro i Milano og har arbejdet fra grunden; fødderne, at kunne strække arme og ben korrekt til ADHO MUKHA VRKSASANA, PINCA MAYURASANA, URDHVA DHANURASANA, SIRSASANA, VIPARITA DANDASANA og SARVANGASANA samt en times Pranayama i morges.
Gabriella er er skøn lærer; ekstremt erfaren og vidende, afslappet, humoristisk og ikke mindst venlig! ❤️ 🕉 Yogastudiet GANGA Yoga er dejligt rummeligt og indehaverne søde og imødekommende ❤️


Der er plads til 2-3 entusiastiske og let øvede yogaelever på mit Zoom-yogahold Tirsdage kl. 17.00 - 18.45 trin II-III. Pris 100 kr per deltagelse - gratis prøve.
Interesseret? Skriv en mail: [email protected] eller send en Whatsapp. Tak!

Europa, ferma la violenza di genere! 25/11/2023

It's a huge problem all over Europe, not just in some far exotic country!
Spread the word that we have to stop this together ❤️ ♀️♂️☯️

Europa, ferma la violenza di genere! Siamo di fronte a un’opportunità storica, per proteggere le donne dalla violenza di genere in tutti i paesi europei. In tutta l’UE, saranno garantiti gli stessi diritti di base, supporto telefonico gratuito disponibile 24 ore su 24 e 7 giorni su 7, o rifugi per donne e bambini. Firma per suppor...


Cold season..

Iyengar Yoga Sequence
for Colds

It's that time of year again when the temperature drops and colds are on the rise.

When the immune system is compromised, we suggest this sequence specifically provided by BKS Iyengar in The Path to Holistic Health. It really works!

Even if you are not unwell, this sequence will support your immune system.

Coming to a class when ill can make you feel worse and viruses are easily spread. Please stay home if you are unwell.

You can pick up a print out of this sequence at our studio in Maida Vale or we are happy to email you a copy.

[email protected]


Pray for Peace


Asanas is just one part of yoga...

‘Power of the masses’: the day Iceland’s women went on strike and changed history 26/10/2023

We could use much more of this uniting our forces to stop violence against women, to create equality rights and fair wages - or even stop war.
Think about it for a moment, and then tell me why we don't use our power?

‘Power of the masses’: the day Iceland’s women went on strike and changed history 1975 strike was a pivotal moment for the country – but 48 years later, Icelanders today protest at gender inequality


Drømmer du om at komme igang med yoga, fordi du kan mærke at kroppen kalder?
Tænker du på at finde måtten frem (næsten) hver dag og møde dig selv og finde din rytme, men får det ikke gjort?

Så er online-yoga med mig måske en god måde at få kyndig vejledning og inspiration samt finde det sted i dit hjem, hvor det føles naturligt at finde ro, trække vejret lidt dybere og se mere klart.

Det er ALDRIG for sent at komme igang med yoga!

Mandage kl. 16.45-18.30 Trin I-II
Tirsdage kl. 13.15-15.00 Kvindeholdet
Tirsdage kl. 16.45-18.30 Trin II-III

Små hold med stort overblik og individuelle hensyn!
Det koster ikke noget at prøve ud over din beslutning og indsats.
Efter gratis prøve er prisen 100 kr via mobilepay per deltagelse. Send en mail [email protected]


Who is this wild woman that you talk about?

Is she the one in the portraits and photographs with crazy hair, a fire in her eyes holding her sword, wearing her primal outfits of designer shapes and colours perfectly clad as it fits her slim lined body, with a perfect face of makeup from a bottle and brush, that was first tested on raw animal skin just to be sure it was safe for her?

Is she the one that roars at others, demanding justice, fighting for the rights in order to claim she has played her part?

Is she the one who imagines that wild nature is fierce and forthright throwing caution to the wind, Believing that to dance without a care in the world means she is free?

Do we really know what the wild woman is?

I have been tired of glossy images, and new-age interpretations that even use the artefacts and headdresses of our native sisters, to prove some kind of lineage or bespoke claim of a primal life-force.

I have been tired of the notion that we all strive to be her without even knowing what she is.

Not one of us can say we are wild and free, as long as we conform to the standards of society's grip, as long as we succumb to the payments of a corporate system or offer our labours to ones that would rule with an iron fist.

Not one of us can utter a word of honest authentic nature if we are part of that system that would harm another or even clothe our bodies with fabrics from a factory of sweat and toil and a meagre allowance that would barely feed the family pet.

No, wildness comes from stillness, the quiet unspoken observations of the animal protecting her young. The watching and waiting for the right moment when the kill can set in, in order to feed her offspring.

The waiting, the resting, the nourishing, the feeding, the keeping warm, she is a mistress of the stillness and the quiet, for if not she will not feed that day, she will miss the opportunities.

She will be carried into the thoughts of man who says she is not enough, so she will hectically attempt to live her life to the fullest, forgetting the seasons, forgetting the environmental connections and where vanity sets in
she will be too concerned with what others think of her and how they look and speak to her.

When she forgets the silence she is no longer wild, she is a thinking machine that has lost her way and has no idea where her spirit lies.

In the wild heart she is not indoctrinated with a man's opinions and portrayals of what her perfect being should look like.
She knows her purpose in life and will remain sure footed till the last breath, in order to insist that she is in service to the greater good and not hypnotised by wealth or stature.

She watches and waits with a keen eye in order to rectify lost opportunities, she unravels the knots of her traumatic past, recognising that freedom means releasing the victim and making friends with her history and all of her experiences.

She knows how to heal the wounds as she licks them clean with no blame or curse on the perpetrator.

She is kind and loving to all, without expectation of reward, she knows right from wrong and is prepared to admit to her own mistakes.

She can be aged with haggard lines across her face, her body soft as the skin lessens it's taught sinewy expressions.
Her joints might ache but she will dance a gentle dance deeply connected to the rhythms of her heart.
She can be of many an age.
But make no mistake, she can be all of these, but the wild and free more often takes maturity and a deeper understanding of the meaning of life.

For only then can she be truly free in her heart, body and mind, where she is not limited with the expectations of others she has no need to conform to society’s models.

She sees beyond the glossy imagery and the illusion, she just knows how to be herself.

Caroline Carey
Middle Earth Medicine


Iyengar Yoga retreat by the sea in Liguria near Finale Ligure!
You are invited from the 27 December 2023 to the 1st of January 2024 taught by Paolo Rava and Lya Saaek!
We are very happy to organize this bilingual (Italian/English) retreat for all levels!
Awareness on body, breath and mind will be the keywords of these 6 days together. Grounding through attention on the feet and legwork, strengthening of the core and going deeper inside through opening the groins and stretching iliopsoas, we slowly approach the back bends to expand the inner space and create freedom of the body and experience a relaxed mind.

Wednesday 27th of December: 13:30 - 14:30 Arrival
Wednesday: 15:00 - 19:00 Yoga 19:15 Cooking dinner together.
Thursday to Sunday: 9:00 - 13:00 Yoga 19:00 Cooking together or dining out.
Sunday 31st of December: 19:00 Cooking New Year’s dinner together and celebrating the New Year.
Monday 1st of January: 10:00 - 12:00 Yoga 12:00-13:00 Lunch and cleaning up.

Cleaning of the yoga room and house is part of the seminar for everyone also if you stay overnight elsewhere.

Paolo Rava e Lya Saaek, certified IYENGAR ® Yoga teachers: Paolo, Intermediate Junior II, with 40 years of experience and Lya, Introductory II, with 31 years of experience and passion for the therapeutic aspect of Iyengar yoga.

Registration and information:
[email protected] Whatsapp +45 24270450
[email protected] +39 3386658053

For a limited number of participants there is a possibility to stay in the house, otherwise there are several campsites and Bed & Breakfast nearby and we happily send you a list.


We're in this together and have to find solutions together to heal our home.


Cara! Sei invitata a partecipare a un seminario di Iyengar Yoga per le Donne condotto da Lya Saaek il 7-8 ottobre `23 a Isasco, sopra Varigotti (Finale Ligure).

Venerdi 6 ottobre ore 20:00 - 21:00 Arrivo
Sabato 7 ottobre ore 9:00 – 13:00 Yoga
Domenica 8 ottobre ore 9:00 – 13:00 Yoga

Lo yoga
Lavoriamo dai piedi sia sulla flessibilità che sulla forza delle gambe e del bacino. Imparerai ad usare, stirare e rinforzare i muscoli del core: il pavimento pelvico, il diaframma, gli addominali e lo psoas – per ottenere una base sana per la colonna vertebrale, la postura e il tuo benessere.
Il focus è migliorare la connessione al tuo corpo attraverso il flusso libero del respiro, diversi esercizi e posizioni yoga (asana), gioia e buon umore per ottenere la consapevolezza, la forza e il coraggio di prendere cura di te stessa.

Tempo libero
Sabato pomeriggio puoi andare alla spiaggia di Varigotti, camminare nelle colline di Le Manie o semplicemente stare in giardino per sperimentare la tranquillità e bellezza della valle di Isasco e la splendida vista sul mare.
La sera possiamo cucinare insieme o andare a cenare a Final Borgo – un meraviglioso paese medievale.

C’è la possibilità di pernottare in camera condivise in casa o mettere la tua tenda in giardino prendendo in prestito un nostro materasso o avere una lista di B&B dei dintorni.
Iscrizione: [email protected] WhatsApp +45 24270450
Scadenza per l’iscrizione: Domenica 24 settembre.

Lya, danese, ha 30 anni di esperienza di insegnamento di Iyengar yoga a centinaia di persone, soprattutto donne, e ha una passione per lo yoga terapeutico. Fa anche programmi personalizzati.


Kære Yogaven!!
Jeg håber du har nydt sommerens frihed, har fundet ind i hverdagens routine og igen længes efter en ugentlig tid til dig selv!
At komme igennem alm. stivhed, rette op på skævheder, forbygge eller åbne kroppen, så livsenergien flyder og du er glad kræver din indsats!
Mandag d. 4. og tirsdag d. 5. september er der igen Yoga med Lya på Zoom for nybegyndere og mere erfarne.
På mine tre zoom-hold har du mulighed for at blive undervist og rettet, så du langsomt og sikkert kan opbygge smidighed, styrke, kropsbevidsthed og mental ro - i dit eget hjem. I denne sæson er der ekstra fokus på bækkenbund og mavemuskler...
Prisen er 100.- pr. gang, (der betales for mindst 4 gange). Jeg holder øje med dine betalinger og tilbagebetaler for meget op til jul. Du kan begynde hvornår som helst! Skriv en mail til [email protected]
Mandag kl.16.45-18.30 Iyengar yoga Trin I-II start d. 4. september, hvor nybegyndere kan være med! Et godt valg, hvis du er meget stiv eller har problemer med ryggen.
Tirsdag kl. 13.15-15.00 Kvindeholdet start d. 5. september. Et godt valg, hvis du har fysiske skavanker og brug for ro.
Tirsdag kl. 16.45-18.30 Iyengar Yoga trin II-III start 5. september, hvor flere udfordrende bagoverbøjninger og omvendte stillinger er en del af programmet.
Mange glade yogahilsner!!

Firma ora 👉 Obbligo formativo nelle scuole per il contrasto violenza di genere 08/07/2023


Firma ora 👉 Obbligo formativo nelle scuole per il contrasto violenza di genere Mancano ancora 1.854 firme!


Even though the seminar for women finished a week ago, I still want to thank you all for coming and making it a great time for practising, learning, having fun and and being together!

I really hope, that we can make a similar seminar taught in English next summer, because it was a great joy to teach only women and address some of the specific challenges we have as women both practising yoga and in our daily life.

And if enough Italian women would like a seminar just for women, I could make 2 weekend seminars taught in Italian. Just let me know and I start planning!!!
I would love to share a lot of pictures, but this page doesn't allow or I'm not capable of doing it... Anyway, here's a moment of real joy!

Save the Kresna Gorge 04/07/2023

Maybe it's not in your back yard - but every bit of nature counts as a whole!
You could use five minutes of your time and write a letter to the EU commission.
Nature needs your voice!

Save the Kresna Gorge Bulldozers are cutting through one of Europe’s richest wildlife sites. And the European Commission is funding it! Sign the petition to save the Kresna Gorge:

Without nature, there’s no food. 14/06/2023

Some politicians claim that protecting nature will put food production at risk. Complete nonsense - and they know it. All they want is to uphold the nature-destructive methods of big agribusiness, at the expense of farmers and nature.

Without nature, there’s no food. Sign our statement and say no to the nonsense arguments that nature protection and food production cannot go together.

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Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.

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Hvad er en Iyengar Yogalærer?



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She/Her Licensed English teacher 🇬🇧 Polyglot ✅️ Online classes available now 👩‍💻

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L’inglese con Ms. Sirianni! Parlo di slangs, phrasal verbs, vocabolario in contesto e tutto cio?