ByGrace Herbal fertility Solution.

ByGrace Herbal fertility Solution.

by grace herbal fertility solution

By grace herbals is a naturopathic enterprise which for many years has expertised in alternative medicine for blocked fallopian tubes , fibroids,ovarian cysts, endometriosis,hydrosalphinix,PCOS..amongst other related illnesses..we treat n God heals


God is the greatest healer🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼



Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs,that includes the uterus,fallopian tube and the ovaries. It most often occurs when s*xually transmitted bacteria infection spread from the cervix into the womb,fallopian tubes and ovaries.

♦️Causes of Pelvic inflammatory disease:♦️

several different types of bacteria can cause PID, including the same bacteria that cause the s*xually transmitted infections (STIs) gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease:
1.Pain or tenderness in the stomach or lower abdomen (belly).
2.Abnormal va**nal discharge, usually yellow or green with an unusual odor.
3.Chills or fever.
4.Nausea and vomiting.
5.Pain during s*x.
6.Burning when you p*e.
if you suspect that you have pid,book treatment with us today through +2540762204477


Infertility Caused by Damaged or Block
Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes overview
Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes is a common cause of female infertility, because inside the fallopian tu

The fallopian tubes are a reproductive organ in a woman’s body that connect the ovaries and the uterus. When a woman ovulates, her eggs travel from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. S***m travels from the va**na through the uterus to the fallopian tubes, where it joins with and may fertilize the egg.

Once the egg is fertilized, the resulting embryo must travel from the fallopian tubes to the uterus in order for pregnancy to occur. Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes can prevent a woman from getting pregnant by interfering with the movement of the s***m to the egg or the fertilized egg to the uterus.

What causes damaged or blocked fallopian tubes?
Illustration of the female reproductive system where blocked fallopian tubes can occur | Loma Linda University Center for Fertility
Illustration of the female reproductive system
Due to their small size, the fallopian tubes are easily damaged or blocked. The fallopian tubes are most commonly blocked or damaged because of scarring on the walls of the tubes caused by infection. Aside from infection, which can be due to various causes, tubes may be blocked by disease or damaged from surgery. The more frequent causes of tubal occlusion follow.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
PID is an infection that can develop when s*xually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other infections go untreated. It is typically caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. PID causes inflammation near the fallopian tubes, which can lead to the development of scar tissue and blockages.

How one woman was able to get pregnant after being diagnosed with PID-related infertility.
Endometriosis is when tissue from a woman’s endometrium, the lining of the uterus, begins to grow outside of the uterus on other pelvic organs. During menstruation the endometrium is typically shed and released from a woman’s body as flow from her period. However, the endometrium tissue that is growing outside of the uterus does not shed like normal tissue. This causes inflammation and can lead to the development of scar tissue.

Endometriosis that develops on or near the fallopian tubes may scar or block the tubes, which can cause tubal infertility.

Past surgeries can also be a cause of damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. In particular, surgery for medical problems like uterine fibroids or endometriosis and other types of abdominal surgery may cause scarring that affects an egg’s ability to travel through the fallopian tubes.

Ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes, rather than in the uterus. Because fallopian tubes are small and narrow, the fertilized egg does not have the room it needs to grow. This can cause the fallopian tubes to rupture, which is life threatening and also renders the woman infertile.

If a doctor identifies an ectopic pregnancy before the fallopian tube ruptures, then surgery can be performed to remove the fertilized egg. Surgery can lead to fallopian tube scarring and sometimes removal.

Tubal ligation
Tubal ligation is an elective surgery in which a woman decides to have the ends of her fallopian tubes cut or blocked to prevent any future pregnancies. This procedure is sometimes referred to as “having your tubes tied.” Tubal ligation can be reversed in some cases, but it requires additional surgery.

Symptoms of damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Unlike many other infertility conditions, blocked fallopian tubes do not typically have any associated symptoms. However, many of the conditions that lead to damaged or blocked fallopian tubes do cause symptoms. For example, endometriosis and PID may cause painful periods, pain during in*******se or heavy bleeding during and between periods.

Infertility or having trouble getting pregnant may be the first sign that a woman has blocked fallopian tubes. In the case of hydrosalpinx (when the fallopian tube has filled with fluid), a woman may also experience abdominal pain and unusual va**nal discharge.

Diagnosing and treating damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Doctors usually diagnose tubal blockage and damage using a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test. During a HSG procedure, a doctor fills the uterus with a solution containing dye to provide visual contrast, then uses an X-ray to look at the uterus and fallopian tubes. If the doctor determines that a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked, laparoscopy, a kind of minimally invasive surgery, may be performed to investigate the blockage.

The treatment for tubal disease will vary depending on the type of damage or blockage. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the blockage. However, surgery is not always beneficial. If the damage or blockage cannot be treated, then a woman may still be able to get pregnant through IVF.

Types of treatment for damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Hydrosalpinx treatment and surgery
In order to treat hydrosalpinx, which is when the fallopian tubes have a blockage causing fluid buildup, a doctor generally performs either a salpingectomy or a salpingostomy. In a salpingectomy, a doctor removes part of the blocked fallopian tube. This procedure improves the likelihood of conceiving through IVF more than other possible surgical treatments.

During a salpingostomy, a doctor creates a new opening in the fallopian tube near the o***y. Eggs from the ovaries can then travel through the new opening to the fallopian tubes. Over time, scar tissue can sometimes grow over this new opening, causing a new blockage. A variation of the salpingostomy is the fimbrioplasty, which involves creating a new opening and rebuilding the fimbriae (tissue near the ovaries). Doctors may recommend either procedure depending on the placement of the blockage.

Each of these surgeries typically requires a two- to three-day stay in the hospital and a four- to six-week recovery time. Risks of the surgeries include growth of new fallopian tube scar tissue, increased chance of ectopic pregnancy and such complications of surgery as blood loss, pain, and damage to organs or tissue.

Tubal cannulation
Tubal cannulation is a nonsurgical treatment for fallopian tube blockages, especially blockages closest to the uterus. During this procedure, a doctor guides a catheter through the va**na and uterus until it reaches the blockage. X-rays or ultrasound helps the doctor find the exact position of the blockage during the procedure. The doctor will then inflate a small balloon or use a thin wire to remove the blockage.

Tubal cannulation has minimal risks and downtime. Risks include infection and creating a tear in the fallopian tube wall.

Tubal ligation reversal
During tubal ligation reversal, a doctor surgically removes blockages from the fallopian tubes that were placed or added during a previous tubal ligation procedure. In many cases a doctor performs a tubal ligation reversal by removing the parts of the fallopian tubes with the blockages and reconnecting the two ends of each tube in a procedure called tubal reanastomosis.

Before scheduling the procedure, a doctor will evaluate if the woman is a good candidate for tubal ligation reversal. Women who had tubal ligation using tubal rings or clips have the best chance of achieving pregnancy naturally after tubal ligation reversal.

The procedure is considered an abdominal surgery and has a two-week recovery time. Risks of the tubal ligation reversal include infection, bleeding, scarring and increased chance of ectopic pregnancy.

Fertility after treatment for damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Age, length of fallopian tubes, amount of tubal scarring and severity of associated fertility conditions all play a role in a woman’s ability to get pregnant after having fallopian tube blockage treatment. Between 10 and 80 percent of women whose treatments are successful are able to get pregnant in the future.

While there is no guarantee that a woman will be able to achieve pregnancy after tubal blockage treatment, certain factors do make pregnancy more likely. Women who had blockages near their uterus, rather than structural blockages or scarring, are more likely to be able to get pregnant after treatment. Additionally, women whose fallopian tubes are at least 7.5 cm in length after tubal surgery have a better chance of conceiving than women with shorter fallopian tubes.

Age can also factor into a woman’s fertility. Women who are over the age of 35 may have decreased fertility and need to consider undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF after fallopian tube blockage treatment.

IVF with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
IVF is recommended for women who wish to get pregnant but have damaged or blocked fallopian tubes that cannot be treated. Even in instances where a woman no longer has fallopian tubes, she may be able to get pregnant through IVF. This is because during an IVF procedure, a fertilized egg at the embryo stage is placed directly into a woman’s uterus, bypassing the need for the s***m and egg to travel to the fallopian tubes or of a resulting embryo to travel to the uterus.

Risks of IVF include ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome caused by fertility medications, increased chance of multiple pregnancy (twins or more), and egg retrieval complications, such as infection, internal bleeding and damage of pelvic organs.



What is Secondary INFERTILITY?
Secondary infertility is when a couple has had at least one child, is trying to get pregnant again, but doesn’t conceive after at least one year of trying. This diagnosis can be confusing and mind-boggling. You had no trouble getting pregnant last time. So, why isn’t it happening now?

The most important thing to know is that, in the vast majority of cases, infertility is not your fault. We know this doesn’t make it easier to cope with, but it can help you feel more empowered to find evidence-based solutions that may help you successfully conceive.

Here are some of the most common causes of infertility in general, which usually relate to secondary infertility, too.

- Male infertility due to low or absent s***m count, problems with s***m shape (also known as s***m morphology), or problems with s***m movement (also known as s***m motility)

Ovulation disorders:
Most female infertility is due to ovulation disorders. In fact, 40 percentTrusted Source of women with infertility don’t consistently ovulate. Problems with ovulating can be caused by several conditions and factors, such as:

- Hormonal imbalance
- Blocked tubes
- PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases)
- Uterine fibroids
- If age 35 or over.
- C-section scarring
If you had a cesarean delivery with a previous pregnancy, it’s possible to have scarring in the uterus.
- Endometriosis among others.


Ultimate me**es colour guide


What Does Va**nal Discharge Mean?
va**nal discharge is fluid released by glands in the va**na and cervix. The fluid carries dead cells and bacteria out of the body, and va**nal discharge helps keep the va**na clean and prevent infection.
Normal va**nal discharge varies in amount and ranges in color from clear to milky, white discharge. Discharge may have a slight odor as well, although a foul, fishy odor is a sign of an infection.

“There are times when discharge amounts can change, “Immediately after a period, there is almost no discharge. Two to three days after the period ends, there is a thick, white discharge. A few days later, the consistency changes to appear more like mucous. Before ovulation, the discharge becomes clear and sticky, and before the next period, discharge is thick and white in consistency.”

Va**nal discharge during pregnancy is thin, white, milky and mild smelling. The amount of discharge also increases during pregnancy. However, during perimenopause and menopause, discharge decreases due to low levels of estrogen.

The following can cause estrogen levels to drop, leading to little to no va**nal discharge:

Medicines or hormones used in the treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, fibroids or infertility
Surgery to remove the ovaries
Radiation treatment to the pelvic area
Severe stress, depression or intense exercise

Va**nal Discharge Color Meaning
If thick, white discharge goes along with other symptoms, such as itching, burning and irritation, it is probably due to a yeast infection. If not, it is normal discharge. You may also notice an increase in thick, white discharge before and after your period.

Yellow discharge is abnormal discharge, as this is a sign of a bacterial infection or s*xually transmitted infection. There also may be an odor associated with it.

Brown discharge may be caused by irregular period cycles. If brown discharge keeps appearing, a patient should schedule an appointment with a provider to be evaluated. This could be a sign of uterine or cervical cancer. Additionally, during menopause, a woman should not have any type of va**nal bleeding, which is also a sign of uterine cancer.

Having green discharge is not normal. This is a sign of bacterial infection or a s*xually transmitted infection, such as trichomoniasis. Anyone experiencing green discharge should see her provider. If you are diagnosed with trichomoniasis, you’ll be placed on antibiotics.

Yeast infection discharge is caused by an overgrowth of fungus in the va**na. Symptoms of yeast infection discharge include a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge, along with itching, redness, irritation and burning. Roughly 90 percent of women will have a yeast infection at some point in their life. Yeast infections are not contagious, and over-the-counter antifungal creams are available for a patient to use. But, if symptoms don’t improve with treatment or she has more than four yeast infections in a year, she should see her provider.

“Stay aware of normal and abnormal changes in va**nal discharge. This allows you to identify infection and other problems. If you have any questions about the type of va**nal discharge you’re experiencing, contact your nearest health facility.


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets in an o***y or on its surface. Women have two ovaries each about the size and shape of an almond on each side of the uterus. Eggs (ova), which develop and mature in the ovaries, are released in monthly cycles during the childbearing year ,here are some of the signs and symptoms;
Pain areas: in the back, pelvis, or side part of the body
Pain circumstances: can occur during s*xual in*******se
Menstrual: abnormal menstruation, irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, or spotting
Also common: hirsutism or leg cramps.


Cervical Mucus DISCHARGE.

Cervical mucus discharge often greatly secrete during a woman’s peak period. Peak period is your fertile Days in which if raw s*x is engage, there is high chance of getting pregnant. This period should be shun for s*x for those who are not ready for conception. Having cervical mucus discharge is a sign that you are in your fertile period. If often occur under the influence of estrogen hormone. This hormone tend to become higher during fertile period and become lower after ovulation and during menstrual phase. Cervical mucus discharge aids conception by accelerating s***m motility. Immediately after s***m is being Ej******ed, the s***m capacity usually increased. This is needed to meet up with the egg cell in the Fallopian tube. Cervical mucus discharge prevents s***m cell from being attacked by Va**na PH level which is naturally acidic ( between 3.5 ~4.5ph level. It also prevent it from being attacked by antis***m antibodies in the va**na and enhance s***m movement. It aids in achieving conception if always experienced during your fertile period. Lacking cervical mucus discharge does not mean you can’t get pregnant. You can rehabilitate this mucus with some specific recommendation that will elevate and stimulate your Estrogen hormone. Cervix has a protein structure called Estrogen receptor, The estrogen bind to this structure on your cervix and begin to produce mucus which is valuable to your conception achievement and also serve as peak period sign during ovulation phase.


I treat but God heals..women fertility health care is my priority.


There's a common secret in every culture, and it is not that birth is painful, but that women are very strong, Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world, It is the glorious life force. It's huge and Scary - it's an act of infinite optimism, A mother is love, and God is love, You may not have one, but you'll always have one. Smile all moms and mothers figures Happy Mothers' day!
herbals. Fertilitysolution #


So shall it be in jesus name.


May the lord open all your wombs in jesus name. 🙏


2022 is the year getting children for those who have been struggling n so shall it be in jesus name.


Mens wellness n s*xual health is our priority.

Photos from ByGrace Herbal fertility Solution.'s post 01/01/2022

Many men suffer in silence due to erectile dysfunction, low testosterone level, premature ej*******on, low libido/low s*xual drive among other issues. Call/ visit/text us to get more information on our ayurvedic herbal medicine for men wellness and s*xual health with no side effects, 100%pure herbal..


By grace herbal fertility solutions wishes all of our esteemed customers a happy new year. We really appreciate everyone for making us grow as the best suppliers for natural herbal products n ayurvedic medicine.. Thanks for choosing us to serve you well.


Redclovers and rasberry leaves for triggering ovulation, balancing of both progesterone n estrogen levels, thinning of the cervical mucus, strengthening n uterus cleansing also benefial for men with low testosterone levels.


Miti ni dawa..Ezekiel 47:12 ...And on the banks,on both sides of the river,there will grow all kinds of trees for food,their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail,but will bear fresh fruit every month because the water for them flows from the sanctuary.Their fruits will be for food,and their leaves for healing."


Fibroids are non cancerous growths in the uterus that can develop in or outside the uterus,some symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding,prolonged me**es,pelvic& pains.if left untreated they can continue to grow both in size and number.fibroids usually don't interfere with getting pregnant, however its possible that fibroids-especially submucosal fibroids could cause infertility & pregnancy pregnancy loss.large fibroids may prevent a foetus from growing fully due to decreased room in the womb.for effective herbal fibroids treatment call/WhatsApp us on +25470762204477


We got solutions of majority of problems affecting a woman reproductive systems such as endometriosis.,which is the presence ond growth of functioning endometrial tissue in places other than the uterus.,polycystic ovarian syndrome( PCOS),fibroids etc


It's very possible to get pregnant following our treatment for blocked tubes,but chances of pregnancy depends on severity of the block.A successful pregnancy is more likely when the blockage is near the uterus, however success rates are lower if the blockage is at the end of the fallopian tubes near ovaries.Whatsapp us on 0711865993 to understand your chances of a successful pregnancy after treatment.


100% herbal

Bodyguard is our liquid remedy for unexplained infertility,blood purifier, suppressed periods, sterility,low libido, book call 0789770093


Bodyguard is our liquid remedy for unexplained infertility,blood purifier, suppressed periods, sterility,low libido, book call 0789770093

Photos from ByGrace Herbal fertility Solution.'s post 16/03/2020

Gyna care is one of our many products that proves useful in curing tubular blockages by reducing inflammation, healing of scar tissues due to ectopic pregnancy,promoting blood flow to the tubes..Gyna care works wonders in the treatment of blocked tubes..... For some it cures fibroids,n polycystic syndrome (PCOS),,it's composition includes well blended herbs like ginseng, goldenseal,redclovers,dongquai,etc which are finely selected from well cultivated trees , , tubes. us 0711865993,0789770093

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God is the greatest healer🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
God is the greatest healer
We treat and God heals
We treat and God heals
May the lord open all your wombs in jesus name. 🙏




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