IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya

Iran Medical Clinic
The Red Crescent Society of Iran started its operation in Kenya 20 years ago.Right now IRCS runs two Medical clinics in Nairobi,Kenya

Photos from Pergas Group's post 22/07/2019


Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 14/02/2018

Dr. Shahrezsee:
Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya with the joint effort of Green Africa Global Foundation held free Health and Environmental camp for almost 600 of children in Kanyorosha and Five star primary schools in Kangemi Slum area on 9th Feb 2018.


Vacancies available for registered nurses and pharmaceutical technologist at IRAN MEDICAL CLINIC. please send your CV to [email protected]


We would like to inform you that due to our annual system upgrading Iran Medical Clinics will remain closed from 7th to 12th August 2017. Normal services will resume on 14th August 2017. We apologize for inconveniences caused.
Iran Medical Clinics’ Director

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 08/07/2017

X-RAY Services at Iran Medical Clinic
In order to upgrade the services to patients IRAN MEDICAL CLINIC in addition to the ULTRASOUND CLINIC has set-up an X-RAY department which is now operational at Ngong Road Branch.

Photos from Green Africa Global Foundation's post 06/07/2017

President election

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 27/04/2017

Health and Environmental Awareness Program
Health and Environmental Education and Awareness Program for Kenyan governmental schools in slum areas
Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya , with join effort of Green Africa Global Foundation implemented “Health and Environmental Awareness Program”, for more than 1000 children in Kawangware slum area.
While environmental protection issue is one of the luxuries for some countries, in other courtiers it has remained as community’s basic right, which is still missing.
According to the report of The Water & Sanitation Crisis in Kenya, with a population of 46.7 million, 37 percent of Kenyans still rely on unimproved water sources, such as ponds, shallow wells and rivers, while 70 percent of Kenyans use unimproved sanitation solutions. This translates into more than 17.3 million people using unimproved water sources and 32.7 million people using unimproved sanitation facilities.
These challenges are especially evident in the rural areas and the urban slums.
After visiting the slum area and situation status, it is clear that the environmental education in schools of the slum areas is very poor. The living conditions in this community which has been chosen, is very far below the required standards. A quick look can show a lot of water and soil pollution, poor waste management systems, smelly sewage, dismal or no health facilities, sanitation problem and few infrastructures.
To deal with these challenges we must adequately prepare the children for the future they will inherit. That requires a commitment to provide children with environmental education and knowledge that helps them become the educated thought leaders of tomorrow.
We create a strong link between the children, parents and teachers, and engage them in efforts to protect their ecosystem.
Students can transfer their knowledge into positive environmental actions in their own schools and communities.
Improving the level of awareness of local people on the importance of clean and sustainable environment and its habitat and reducing pollution were part of the main objectives.
For achieving these aims we have done below activities:
Key activities
We involved children as a fundamental tool to impact the community by changing their culture and making them leaders of environmental conservation.
1. Auditing the school before starting the project.
2. Establishing Green Africa work-group in the school.
3. Pre- Evaluation of the Health and Environmental knowledge of the students.
4. Training workshop for school teachers about Health and Environmental problems.
5. Local teachers transferred the knowledge about Health and Environment to the students.
6. Post - Evaluation of the Health and Environmental knowledge of the students.
7. Holding the first painting contest, on reduction of waste production and conservation of the Environment.
8. Holding Free Healthcamp to check on the children’s health and well-being of the society.
09. Green Festival with football match with the message of Health and Environment, painting Gallery and recycled product prepared with students.
10. Select and awarding 10 best active students, who tried to change the school in-to green school.
Dr.Abdolreza Shahrezaee Director of Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya: This project started from January to April 2017. Iran Medical Clinic with the team of this project particularly “Green Africa Global Foundation” wish and are looking for opportunities so that this successful project can be repeated and continued. But to continue along this path, we seek the support and participation of other partners.

Photos from Green Africa Global Foundation's post 09/04/2017

We are looking forward for the best for kenya


Iran Medical Clinic in Nairobi is looking for a Registered Pharmaceutical technologist.
Send application to our Email: [email protected]

Six employés du CICR tués en Afghanistan 09/02/2017

Six employés du CICR tués en Afghanistan Un convoi d’aide a été attaqué par des hommes armés. C’est le choc à Genève. Les autorités afghanes accusent Daech

Photos from Green Africa Global Foundation's post 25/10/2016

good try keep it up for positive change!

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 15/10/2016

Kakamega is a county located in western Kenya. The medical team flew from Nairobi to Kisumu, and then drove for 55km to Kakamega and another 25km rough road to Nambache.
Nambache is a green place but underprivileged as the people have no access to health facilities and also the area is prone to malaria. According to our discussion with the Ministry of Health, Kakamega County, Iran Medical Clinic held a free medical camp in a school compound in Nambache on 8th October 2016. The medicine and medical supplies had been transported a few days before the material day.
On this day more than 750 people were treated by the doctors, Mother and Child Health services that included; family planning, vaccination and Pre-natal care and VCT for HIV were some of the services rendered. The people were very excited and happy to receive the free medical services and the event was nicely captured by the media.
The County’s Ministry of Health requested for more free medical camps in other areas within the county and support from Iran Medical Clinic to put up a medical institution in the area.

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 07/10/2016

Iran Medical clinics in Kenya donated Ksh.10, 000,000 (USD100, 000) medicine and medical supplies especially for the benefit of mothers and children of Mandera County. Mandera is a county located in the North Eastern part of Kenya bordering Ethiopia and Somali. More than 80% of the population consists of the displaced people from Somali. Due to overcrowding, weather and inadequate health facilities, these communities face big health challenges and lack of health services on daily basis so does the county government as it lacks the necessary requirements to run an effective healthcare system. According to the discussion and subsequent agreement between Dr. Abdolreza Shahrezaee, Director of Iran Medical Clinics and the Ministry of Health services, Mandera County, the clinic donated more than 50 items of medicine and medical supplies especially for the benefit of mothers and children of Mandera County at a cost of Ksh.10, 000,000 (USD100, 000) to the Ministry of health services, Mandera County.
The clinic has entered into an M.O.U with both the Kenya Red Cross Society and the Ministry of Health for partnership in providing health services to communities

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 21/09/2016

In September 2016, Iran Medical clinic in Kenya held a free medical camp in Nairobi County that targeted women and children.
The medical camp which served the underprivileged residents of Kiambiu, an informal settlement in Kamukunji sub-county with the slogan HEALTH IS WEALTH was organized in collaboration with the Kamkunji sub-county and Frontier Grass-root Community a non-governmental organization.
The free services provided by Iran Medical clinic included; consultations, free medicine and also blood tests. It served more than 360 patients focusing mostly on women and children to increase their access to healthcare.
In addition, specialized services provided without cost to the residents of the area included cervical and breast cancer screening, VCT and family planning services were also provided by the professional team on site.
Iran Medical clinic holds free medical camps for the underprivileged in various areas around the country at various times every year.

Photos from Green Africa Global Foundation's post 19/09/2016

Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya & Green Africa Global Foundation joint effort on Health and Environmental Education Program
Sep - Nov 2016

Timeline photos 01/09/2016

Partnership with HESHIMA KENYA
Dr. Abdolreza Shahrezaee Director of Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya reported:
We have entered in to a partnership with Heshima Kenya which is an organization for supporting women and girls who suffer from war and violence. We made an agreement to provide medical services in various fields like general treatment , specialized clinics ,mother and child care ,health talk in our clinics and hold free medical check up in their hostel.
Heshima Kenya serves East Africa’s most vulnerable refugees – orphaned and separated refugee girls in Nairobi, Kenya. The young women of Heshima Kenya have been separated and orphaned due to war, conflict, violence and terrorism.
They have fled persecution in their home countries and have been torn from their families. While many have witnessed the death of their parents, others believe their families might be alive but have no knowledge of where they are. With very limited access to formal assistance in Nairobi for shelter, education, and medical care, they often suffer extreme poverty, as well as cope with the physical and emotional scars from war and, in many cases, abuse and exploitation.
Unaccompanied refugee girls and young women face unique risk factors, including:
• Sexualized violence and physical abuse
• Marginalization and living in impermanent and hostile environments
• Domestic servitude
• Higher risk of depression, PTSD and stress-related conditions
• Higher rates of illiteracy and less avenues for achieving self-sufficiency
• Higher risk of forced marriage and early pregnancy
• Higher risk of FGM/FGC and complications as a result of surviving FGM/FGC
• Xenophobia, extortion and persecution from host communities
The young women Heshima Kenya serves exemplify these vulnerabilities. Upon entry to our programs:
• 60% report experiences of SGBV, although this number is believed to be closer to 80%, as many do not report these incidents due to fear and shame
• 20% have experienced forced marriage
• 60% are mothers already, typically due to sexualized violence
• 70% experience illiteracy and have had little to no formal schooling prior to enrollment

Timeline photos 17/05/2016

Ngong Road Branch Tel: 0702050058
Park Road Branch Tel: 0202371254

Iran Red Crescent Society Started providing medical services in Kenya more than eighteen years ago. Iran medical clinics are located in two different parts of the Nairobi:
1) Adams Rrcade along Ngong Road apposite the Shell petrol station 2) Kinshasa Road in Park Road
More than 60,000 patients are attended to in different departments of the Iran Medical clinics annually, our priority has been to provide special services to; Children under five years, Mothers , Refugees, the Disabled and Homeless people.
The clinics also provid medical services and Screening of diseases (Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancers ) through Free Medical Camps by outreach programs in different parts of the country.
These facilities provide various medical services including general practitioner consultation, pharmacy, laboratory services, dentistry and physiotherapy and also ultra sound services. Specialized clinics that include surgeon, gynecologist, eye specialist, nutritionist, dermatologist and also ENT. Moreover it has a haemodialysis department in partnership with Africare Dialysis Center at the Park Road branch.
In addition to the above services, the clinics provide free of charge Mother and Child Health Care services which include family planning, mother care during and after pregnancy, baby well fare clinic and vaccination among others.

The institution has also partnered with various companies and learning institutions to provide medical services to their staff.
The clinic is looking forward to preparing for an exchange program between Iranian medical specialists and their local counterparts on research and treatment programs.

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 09/05/2016

Everywhere for Everyone
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on 8th May annually.
More than 60,000 patients are attended to in different departments of the Iran Medical clinics this year, our priority has been to provide special services to; Children under five years, Mothers , Refugees, the Disabled and Homeless people.
The clinics also provided medical services and Screening of diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cancers ) through Free Medical Camps by outreach programs in different parts of the country including; Bungoma county, kirinyaga county, Nairobi Sports Club and Nairobi CBD.
In commemoration of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day (8th May 2016) the clinics offered one day Free medical services to all people who attended the clinics. Moreover we held a free health screening camp at Uhuru Park, Nairobi where we offered check-ups for; Blood glucose, Blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI) and by using questionnaires to record the health status (family medical history, life style and health follow up) of each person then the nutritionists and the general doctors gave the necessary recommendations.

Untitled album 09/05/2016

Iran Medical Clinics

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 11/11/2015

Kirinyaga County is a county in the former central province of Kenya. It is located east of Nairobi county with 130km distance. On 7th November 2015, the county held a marathon to raise cancer awareness. The IRAN MEDICAL CLINIC-KENYA in collaboration with the Kenya Red Cross and KIRINYAGA COUNTY conducted a free cancer screening and awareness camp for the people who attended the event.
Dr Abdolreza Shahrezaee Director of Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya said That:
“In regard to the screening, Iran medical clinic-Kenya team assessed the weight, height, and BMI of each patient and checked their blood pressure. The team using a questionnaire assessed the patient’s lifestyle and medical history by evaluating their blood lipids history, blood sugar history, kidney functions, different types of cancers, history of STI’s and UTI as well as any familial history related to these diseases.Depending on the history taken, the patients were tested for blood sugar level and PSA (prostate cancer). And for breast and cervical cancer screening, ladies were referred to other partners who were present at the screening camp.”
Dr.Shahrezaee Said:
“More than 330 people availed themselves for the screening, 155 of them were tested for PSA, 252 were tested for Blood Sugar and also 87 women were referred for breast and cervical cancer screening.During this occasion all participants were given information on the importance of prevention and early detection of different types of cancers and chronic diseases.
The exercise was successful and the people of Kirinyaga County were very happy and grateful for our services.”

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 13/08/2015

Service to disadvantaged children at Kasarani

Kasarani is a highly populated marginalized area located in the Eastern part of Nairobi. At the heart of Kasarani lies Maji Mazuri Children’s Centre which caters for disadvantaged children most of who are physically and mentally challenged. Through the sponsorship of some organizations and individuals, they take care of their basic needs.

Director of Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya, Dr.Abdolreza Shahrezaee :

One of the volunteers at the children’s centre approached Iran Medical Clinic for assistance hence the children’s plight was brought to our knowledge. We arranged for some food supplies which were brought to the institution in advance. One day later in conjunction with the management of the centre and some volunteers, we organized for a general medical check – up for the children and staff i.e. general doctor and medicine. We arranged for the volunteers to prepare lunch for the kids with the food supplies brought in earlier.
We also met some young volunteers from Europe who were painting the walls of the center and generally beautifying it.

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 09/08/2015

Homabay Senator visited Iran Medical clinic

After operating successful free medical camp at Hope Special School, Waondo in Homabay County, by Iran Medical Clinic, and providing different health services such as check up, laboratory tests, medication and dental services to the children and the people as well, the county senator, Hon. Moses Kajwang paid a courtesy call to our institution.

The county senator was welcomed and shown round the different departments of our Ngong Road clinic by the clinics’ director, Dr. Abdolreza Shahrezaee. Hon. Kajwang expressed his willingness and desire for future co-operation with Iran Medical Clinic in the medical field as need may be.

Photos from IRAN Medical Clinics - Kenya's post 04/08/2015

Dr. Abdolreza Shahrezaee Director of Iran Medical clinics in Kenya reported:
The County Government of Bungoma, Investment department in the office of the Governor and the Kenya Red Cross, Bungoma Branch requested Iran Medical Clinics in Kenya to carry out a medical camp in Bungoma County. The Red Cross responsibility was to identify a special school, mobilize the community, avail help staff/volunteer and coordinate the event. The county Government was to avail some nurses and clinicians while the Iranian Red Crescent provided doctors, technical staffs, medicine and equipment. The school provided space, water and the patients.
Bungoma County which borders Uganda is located in western part of the country and is ranked third among most populated counties after Nairobi and Kakamega respectively. In terms of poverty prevalence, 53% of Bungoma County’s population lives below the poverty line. The County has been impacted perennially by common disasters facing Kenya as a country. Examples of such disasters include floods, crimes, insecurity, road accidents, diseases especially Hiv/Aids, diabetes and Malaria.

The successful medical camp was held at St. Dennis Lobolina a special primary school at Miyanga in Bumula sub-county Bungoma County.
We were able to treat more than 500 people from the community, pupils from the school and a neighboring school. Services offered incorporated general consultation, laboratory tests and medicine, dental clinic services, anti- jigger campaign and treatment, health talks and maternal health care among others. The Beyond Zero Mobile Clinic was also availed to provide service. The camp which began at about 10am in the morning was closed at about 5pm after exhausting our planned stock of drugs

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