Donner Sang Compter

Lebanese blood donor organization working for a sustainable flow of blood & love all over the country

DSC is a non-profit non-governmental organization which promotes responsible citizenship through raising awareness on and encouraging safe blood transfusions in Lebanon by organizing blood drives in universities, companies and public places in partnership with most hospitals in Lebanon.

-----> Emergency Number 01-390320


!!! Final open letter to our beloved members of the community !!!

Today, we celebrate the official birthday of our humble little organization. We may have turned 14 officially, but our mission had begun long ago.

It's a moment to pause and reflect on the incredible journey we’ve undertaken together, the invaluable experiences we've shared, the enduring friendships forged and the remarkable contributions of our dedicated team and volunteers.

Throughout these very active years, our call center received 160,000+ cries for help from families of patients undergoing different types of surgeries in addition to chronic patients suffering from cancer, dialysis and thalassemia (to name a few).

With over one million outgoing calls and the generosity of donors, we are proud to have secured over 60,000 successful blood and platelet donations to 142 hospitals. To all the families that we were able to support, we wish your loved ones well. And to those that we were not able to support, please accept again our apologies but we surely did our best to help.

We are proud to have introduced the concept of mobile blood donation campaigns in the country and to have organized 1,312 of them in less than 10 years and collected 44,332 blood units through many partnerships and collaborations. These collected units helped so many patients without having them even realize that it was all due to efforts of volunteers and blood donors that they would never meet; and that’s the point! Thank you to all schools, universities, private and public institutions who welcomed us with open arms to create this enjoyable and accessible blood donation experience.

We are proud to have conducted over 5,000 conferences, interviews, sessions, interventions, in schools, universities, companies, scout groups, religious groups and political parties to shed light on this crucial cause that often goes unnoticed.

Notably, we are proud to have achieved all the above while keeping our financial independence. We have sustained ourselves through local funding without ever receiving any financial support from international organizations or embassies. That is why we counted on you, our beloved community, every time we organized fundraising events. We are forever grateful to all individuals and/or local institutions that supported us financially throughout all these years.

In summary, we are proud that a total of 105,000 voluntary blood units from the call center and the blood drives combined were donated through Donner Sang Compter over 15 years.

See our full impact:

And here, we would like to take a moment to give credit where it’s due:

First and foremost, to the selfless blood donors who generously donated their time and blood for the wellbeing of their unknown brother or sister in need, anonymously. Some of you didn’t hesitate to go every three months and this is the best form of social solidarity to witness!

Secondly, the 5,000+ trained volunteers who, despite witnessing volunteers of international NGOs being compensated, and despite the dire economic circumstances in Lebanon, dedicated themselves to the cause without complaint, understanding the essence of true volunteerism and altruism.

Thirdly, the hospitals that acknowledged and supported our efforts, actively participating in blood drives to increase their blood stock levels proactively without waiting for emergencies to happen.

Finally, the call center operators, predominantly students, who deserve special commendation for their dedication as they respond to anger and frustration with professionalism and compassion.

BUT… whose responsibility is it really to secure blood?

In order to fight the injustice and last-minute stress that patients go through on a daily basis, Donner Sang Compter was founded with the aim to create a movement and engage the largest number of people through nationwide awareness campaigns around the importance of giving blood voluntarily. This simple, free and spontaneous act makes those who do it, and those who receive it, happy; and we are very grateful to have seen it grow exponentially.

This movement was based on the three major pillars: Emergency Response through the call center, Proactive Response through the blood drives and Community Engagement involving blood donors and volunteers. It also grew internationally and we are proud to have been part of the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO), representing Lebanon since 2012, and to have organized the International Youth Forum in Lebanon, twice.

Despite succeeding on that front, we unfortunately find ourselves helpless when it comes to the broader experience of blood requestors and blood donors at all public and private blood banks, which are beyond our control.

After more than 14 years in the field, we have some questions to raise:

1- Are blood banks promoting and accepting voluntary blood donation (not to a specific patient?)

2- Are blood banks doing their best to keep their stock level high by conducting regular blood drives proactively?

3- Why aren't the "standardized eligibility criteria" established by the government and the concerned committee in 2015 being implemented uniformly across all blood banks, which continue to follow their own individual criteria? Whose responsibility is it to enforce these standards?

4- Are blood banks ensuring the best experience to donors by offering them: a welcoming and friendly environment, free parking, refreshment and a smooth donation process with minimal waiting time?

5- Why aren’t the concerned entities organizing any public campaigns to promote blood donation despite the dedicated funds received? (such as breast cancer awareness, COVID-19, quitting to***co, etc.)

6- Who is in charge of transporting blood units? Is it acceptable (and safe?) that the family do it themselves in a bag full of ice?

These challenges and the lack of collaboration and proper coordination across the stakeholders pose significant obstacles to our work, causing frustration for the patients, their families, and the blood donors involved. While we have tirelessly raised these concerns, unfortunately, our voices remain unheard within the network.

On top of that, and due to the lack of funds over the past year and a half, we were compelled to shut down our offices in Saida and Tripoli, downsize the team, and unfortunately, observe a significant decline in the quality of our services. But this situation is no longer viable. Therefore, we will sadly be closing our Beirut office today.

As we bid you all farewell, we would like you to remember that Donner sang Compter is not just a non-profit organization.
Donner Sang Compter is a philosophy of life, a way of living.

We hope that you will carry DSC values of heart integrity, sacrificial love, courageous faith, empathetic humility and peaceful wisdom wherever you go in the hope of achieving our long-awaited dream of reconciliation, justice, equal rights and peace in our beloved Lebanon.

والحمدلله على كل شي

One Love,
Yorgui Teyrouz
On behalf of DSC team

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 21/05/2024

Hats off to the students of jamhour promo 2024 for their wonderful effort throughout the year and particularly on their "fete du college" blood drive! .

Our yearly blood drive was just another amazing success!

Thank you for Dany , the students, the administration and all those who donated blood! See you very soon! 🙌


Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 19/05/2024

نظمت جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل حملة تبرع بالدم في الجامعة اللبنانية - كلية العلوم الاقتصادية وإدارة الأعمال الفرع الثالث بالتعاون مع مستشفى سيدة زغرتا الجامعي في حرم الجامعة.
شارك عدد كبير من الطلاب وأعضاء الهيئة التعليمية والموظفين في الحملة بشكل فعّال في هذا العمل الإنساني الذي يحمل قيمًا عالية
of Economics and Business Administration

@‎Saydet Zgharta - University Medical Center‎

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 15/05/2024

Some of the vibe at our very beautiful drive with our new collab Budget Lebanon and Avis Lebanon thanks for hosting us you have amazing people keep the blood running! See you soon.

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 14/05/2024

Champs you are a champ! Consistency is key, thank you for carrying the cause and spreading the awareness about donating, see you again🙌 🩸🇱🇧
Champs Fitness Development Centre
Special thanks to Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 10/05/2024

Lebanese university students you were amazing 👏 with a 40 blood units collected!! Keep it up and thank you for hosting us🙌 see you soon!.

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 01/05/2024

Grateful for the opportunity to give back at our annual blood drive in The Remembrance Day of the Armenians, organized with AGBU. Together, we're making a difference and honoring a legacy of compassion.

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 29/04/2024

Despite the pressure of exams, the incredible AOU students are finding time to give back and donate blood. Let's make a difference together!
Thank you AOU for hosting us see you soon🙌
Special thanks to Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 27/04/2024

رغم الظروف التي تمر بها البلاد رغبة الشعب بالحياة اكبر من اي شيء
نظمت بلدية زغرتا-اهدن بالتعاون مع
street festival
مهرجان الربيع بهدف نشر الامل والسعادة
وكان لجمعية العطاء بلا مقابل دعوة لنشر التوعية حول أهمية الدم ضمن حملة تبرع بالدم في هذا النشاط
Municipality of Zgharta Ehden بلدية زغرتا-اهدن
Street Festival
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 26/04/2024

Our monthly blood drive at Mar Charbel was spectacular, Thank you to everyone who donated and showed their dedication to saving lives. Your generosity is truly inspiring. God bless each and every one of you! 🙏

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 25/04/2024

بدعوة من جامعة سيدة اللويزة - الكورة شاركة جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل بحملة تبرع بالدم بهدف نشر التوعية حول أهمية الدم في حياتنا اليومية ضمن نشاط يوم الجامعي المفتوح الذي نظمته الجامعة و استقبلت طلاب ثناويات محافظة الشمال
شكراً جامعه سيدة اللويزة - برسا
Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU)
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 23/04/2024

Thrilled to share the success of our recent blood drive at Le Mall! ✨ It was truly beautiful to see the community come together for such a vital cause. Huge thanks to Le Mall for their incredible support and hospitality! 🙏

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 17/04/2024

حاجة الدم لا زمان و لا مكان لها.
في كل دقيقة هناك شخص بحاجة للدم
ومن هذا المنطلق تعمل جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل بالتعاون مع الجميع لتلبية هذه الحاجة من خلال مركز الاتصالات او من خلال الحملات التبرع بالدم
اخرها حملة تبرع بالدم بعيد الفطر بمعرض رشيد كرامي - طرابلس
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع بجو من الفرح
Street Festival

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 29/03/2024

بأجواء من الفرح والحياة و بدعوة من تجمع طرابلس حياة نظمت جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل بالتعاون مع مستشفى النيني حملة تبرع بالدم في معرض رشيد كرامي طرابلس
شيبيها وشبابها تبرعوا بجو من الفرح والسعادة
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع
طرابلس حياة
على هذه الثقة
Nini Hospital
على هذا التعاون

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 19/03/2024

Few days ago, our very own Dany, was accompanying one of his students, .iskandar donating blood for the first time on his 18th birthday!
Of course Dany, giving the , donated next to him his 160th!
What a beautiful way of celebrate your birthday Karl!

Passing on the flame to the next generation!
Thank you Dany! Welcome to the club Karl!

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 14/03/2024

We've teamed up with IUL University for a special collaboration, and our recent blood drive was a huge success! 💪 Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make a difference in our community. Together, we're saving lives!
Special thanks Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center
Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL)

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 04/03/2024

The giving hand
The symbol of our movement!

The first step in blood donation is learning to give a hand to someone you don't know!
Start by getting this habit, give and give more!
Enjoy the beauty of giving!

Thank you for this wonderful session during Camp Baden Powell, where passion and dedication were seen among this generation, eager to serve their future!


Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 27/02/2024

Thrilled to share the success of our recent blood drive at City Center! The turnout was incredible, and seeing the community come together to save lives was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported cause! ❤️

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 26/02/2024

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity!Thank you Beit Aam for hosting us hope to see you soon!🙌


Special thanks to Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 23/02/2024

يوم بعد يوم تزداد ثقة المجتمع بجمعية العطاء بلا مقابل وذلك من خلال دورها في التوعية عن اهمية التبرع بالدم في حياتنا اليومية.
واستكمال للتعاون مع جامعة البلمند نظمت جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل حملة في مبنى الجامعة في عكار بالتعاون مع مركز اليوسف الاستشفائي التعليمي
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع
مرة اخرى شكراً😍
University of Balamand - UOB
Centre Hospitalier El Youssef

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 21/02/2024

نود أن نشكر كشافة الرسالة
لدعم قضیة التبرع بالدم!

أظھر المتبرعون مستویات عالیة من المواطنة والعطاء في هذا الوضع الصعب، حیث قاموا بالتبرع بالدم لیصبحوا متبرعین بالدم بشكل منتظم.

یشرفنا أن نشارك مؤسسة تؤمن بالمسؤولیة الاجتماعیة، ونتطلع الى المزید من التعاون بكل شيء یھدف
لخدمة المجتمع والوطن.
معا یمكننا إحداث فرق!
شكر خاص Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 10/02/2024

Our yearly blood drive at Mar Maroun Church was an incredible blessing and truly beautiful! ❤️ Seeing our community come together to donate and save lives fills our hearts with gratitude. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event a success!
Mar Maroun - Haret Sakhr

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 09/02/2024

مرة اخرى تثبت جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل حاملة راية التبرع بالدم انها امتداد من جيل الى جيل ومن جامعة بيروت العربية فرع طرابلس و بشهادة مدير الجامعة الذي أكد على اهمية عمل الجمعية ودروها في موضوع الدم في حياتنا اليومية.
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع
Beirut Arab University
مستشفى النيني
على إنجاح هذا النهار والى مزيد من التعاون

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 05/02/2024

Day 2 at BAU University: The students are unstoppable! 💪 Today, we witnessed incredible responsibility as they stepped up to donate blood at our successful blood drive. Their generosity and compassion are truly inspiring!
Thank you Beirut Arab University

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 02/02/2024

Proud of BAU University's consistent blood drive! The students' kindness shines bright as they give the gift of life through regular donations. Together, we're making a difference one drop at a time.🙌
Beirut Arab University

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 31/01/2024

Our blood drive at RHU University was absolutely thrilling! It was heartwarming to see students giving from the depths of their hearts. ❤️ Together, we're making a real difference and saving lives!
Special thanks HHUMC مستشفى حمود الجامعي

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 20/01/2024

مع بداية عام ٢٠٢٤ انطلقت حملات التبرع بالدم على كافة الأراضي اللبنانية وبدعوة من الجامعة اللبنانية نفذت جمعية العطاء بلا مقابل بالتعاون مع مستشفى النيني حملة تبرع بالدم في حرم الجامعة اللبنانية كلية العلوم فرع الثالث طرابلس. طلابها تبرعوا بجو من الفرح والسعادة.
شكراً لكل الابطال الذين تبرعوا او حاولوا التبرع
الجامعة اللبنانية
Hopital Nini
شكراً مستشفى النيني على إنجاح هذا النهار والى مزيد من التعاون

Photos from Donner Sang Compter's post 19/01/2024

Our blood drive at IUL University was a true masterpiece! 🎨 Amid exams, The students showcased the art of giving, proving that compassion knows no bounds. 💪📚 Kudos to everyone who contributed to this beautiful display of generosity!
Special Thanks to HHUMC مستشفى حمود الجامعي
And Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL)

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One Blood, One Love

Founded in the year 2006 by current president Yorgui Teyrouz, Donner Sang Compter strives to promote the importance of blood donation throughout Lebanon and connect those in need of blood with those capable of donating blood.

Donner Sang Compter went through a series of ameliorations to further enhance not only the link between donors and recipients but also DSC itself with the rest of the country. To make that endeavour an on-going success, blood drives (in partnership with different hospitals), stands, awareness sessions - to name a few - are held across the country at companies, universities, events and more in order to help provide blood donations to hospitals and answer any questions our audience may hold including when one may/may not donate blood.

The heart of it all, our call centre, receives numerous amounts of demands per day and the employees situated there work tirelessly to ensure that each and every one of them is fulfilled. How are donor contacts received? Blood drives, recruitment sessions and (flyer/online) registrations all help widen the scope of our data base.

Volunteers/Members play major roles within all this as their time donations help quicken the steps needed to make every endeavour a success. Our thanks to them is never-ending; we are one big family! #OneBloodOneLove

Videos (show all)

Tune in to this Interview on Aghani Aghani with Abdallah Assaad during which Yorgui Teyrouz discusses the life-saving im...
Hello from Montreal 🇨🇦 Brothers and Sisters, it's time for our *One Blood Reunion*!Grab your loved ones and meet us tomo...
In this powerful documentary, Al Araby TV العربي 2 takes an in-depth look at our organization's mission to promote blood...
Keep the pulse! Donate Blood!See the need around you on and donate if you can! By the talented @bahaakhaddaj M...
You give a little, you get a little! You give a lot, you gain a lot! Mabrouk to all the new volunteers!! More doors open...
منشكر دعمك الدّايم لقضيّة التبرع بالدم، إنتَ اللي كنت توصّل صوت المرضى المحتاجين عالعالي ❤️ سلملنا على محمود مبسوط (فهما...
Blood donors, you are the real heroes! 🦸‍♀️🩸 THANK YOU & Happy World Blood Donor Day!#WBDD2022 #WorldBloodDonorDay #Give...



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