Goethe-Institut Libanon

The Goethe-Institut is Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide. It also offers a comprehensive examination program.

Since 1955, the Goethe-Institut Libanon organizes and supports a broad spectrum of cultural events that present German culture and promote international cultural exchange. The work of our language department concentrates on training workshops and seminars for teachers of German as a foreign language. The library and information service of the Goethe-Institut Libanon aims to provide an accurate, pl


In the light of the current situation in the country we regret to inform you that Goethe-Institut Libanon will only work in a limited way. We are closely monitoring developments and will provide updates as the situation evolves. Please understand that emails might not be read immediately.

Due to the security situation, the customer office is expected to remain closed until 31 October 2024. All exams booked will be rescheduled. All courses will be reorganized online. We will contact you directly if you are affected by these measures. We kindly ask for your patience as this may take some time.

Thank you for your understanding.


Due to the current security situation Goethe-Institut will be closed from 30.09. to 5.10.24. We will re-scheduling onsite courses and exams and will be reaching out to you over the coming days if you are affected. We kindly ask for your patience as we work this out and respond to the situation. Stay safe.

Please be advised that we cannot respond to all emails immediately.


Please note that we decided to amend the opening hours of the CUSTOMER OFFICE as followed:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 am - 4 pm
Wednesdays, 1 pm - 6 pm

Goethe-Institut Libanon stays open to the public and we are doing our utmost to provide you with exams and language courses based on the security situation.

Please note, that the situation may change on short notice. We kindly ask you to follow our announcements and read your emails.

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 24/09/2024

The institute is open to the public. We are doing our utmost to provide you with our exams and language courses as long as the security situation allows this.

Please note, that the situation may change on short notice. We kindly ask you to follow our announcements and read your emails.

We understand that you may wish to postpone your exam. If so, please let us know - at the latest - the day before until 2 pm and we try to reschedule your exam accordingly. You find all exam dates available on our website.


Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 20/09/2024

Are you very busy and therefore prefer a more flexible offer? Then our Blended Learning course is just the thing for you.

⭐ Register at our customer office until Wednesday, September 25, and grap one of the remaining spots. It's 170 USD only. ⭐

Practice your vocabulary and important grammatical structures and idioms at your own pace online on our learning platform. Your teacher will assist you along your way by providing individual feedback on your submitted work. Meet online twice a week in the evening with your teacher and group and improve your speaking skills.


Goethe-Institut Libanon will be closed today for Eid al-Mawlid al-Nabawi. We applogize for any inconvenience caused. Our onsite classes will take place tonight.

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 13/09/2024

With a scholarship from our institute Shady participated in a Goethe language course in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, to improve what he has learned with us. Let's see, how he liked it:

⭐Während meines Aufenthalts in Schwäbisch Hall habe ich wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt. Es war faszinierend, Menschen aus allen fünf Kontinenten zu treffen, die alle die gleiche Leidenschaft für die deutsche Sprache teilten. Diese internationale Atmosphäre bereicherte den Kurs und ermöglichte spannende Diskussionen über unterschiedliche Perspektiven. Die Stadt Schwäbisch Hall selbst war ein Highlight. Obwohl klein, überrascht sie mit ihrer Geschichte und ihrem Charme. Man nennt sie zu Recht die „kleinste Metropole der Welt“. Die Menschen vor Ort waren unglaublich gastfreundlich, was meinen Aufenthalt umso angenehmer gemacht hat. Der C1.1-Kurs war nicht nur sprachlich herausfordernd, sondern auch thematisch äußerst spannend. Wir behandelten viele aktuelle Themen wie Umweltschutz, Digitalisierung, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Künstliche Intelligenz, alles Themen, die in unserem Alltag relevant sind. Mein Aufenthalt in Schwäbisch Hall war eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. Danke Goethe-Institut Libanon !! ⭐

Thank you, Shady, and congratulations.

Every year, students of Goethe-Institut Libanon are eligible to apply for one of three language courses scholarships in Germany. The next round will be offered in 2025.

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 10/09/2024

With a scholarship for a Goethe language course Chahd spent 4 weeks in Dresden, Germany, to improve what she has learned at our institute. Let's see, how she liked it:

⭐️Ich habe den Intensivkurs B2.1 beim Goethe-Institut Dresden besucht. Es war eine wunderschöne Gelegenheit, die deutsche Sprache zu lernen. Im Unterricht haben wir Deutsch von hervorragenden Lehrern gelernt und das Lernmaterial wurde mit verschiedenen Techniken vermittelt. Wir haben nicht nur im Unterricht Deutsch gelernt, sondern auch die Sprache verwendet, um innerhalb und außerhalb des Unterrichts miteinander zu sprechen, was uns sehr geholfen hat, unser Sprachniveau zu verbessern.
Darüber hinaus haben wir die Geschichte Dresdens entdeckt, indem wir im Rahmen des organisierten Kulturprogramms verschiedene Orte besucht haben. Ich habe mich in die wunderschöne Landschaft und die erstaunliche Stadt verliebt. ⭐️

Thank you, Chahd, and congratulations.

Every year, students of Goethe-Institut Libanon are eligible to apply for one of three language course scholarships in Germany. The next round will be offered in 2025.


Wir suchen zwei neue Kolleg*innen:

am Goethe-Institut Libanon in Beirut
Beschäftigungsumfang: 100%

am Goethe-Institut Libanon in Beirut
Beschäftigungsumfang: 100%

Wir suchen zum schnellstmöglichen Termin eine/n qualifizierte/n Sachbearbeiter/in für unser Kundenbüro und eine/n Vertragslehrer/in für die DaF-Qualifizierung. Die Stellen sind für ein Jahr befristet mit der Option auf Verlängerung.

Alle Informationen finden sich auf unserer KARRIERE-Seite:

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 09/09/2024

إذا كنتم في حاجة إلى شهادة لغة، فلا تفوّتوا مواعيدنا لشهر أيلول.
نحن نقدم مجموعة واسعة من امتحانات جوته من A1 إلى C1.

لمزيد من المعلومات عن مواعيد الامتحانات المتاحة حتى نهاية العام يرجى مراجعة موقعنا الإلكتروني www.goethe.de/2imti7an.

يرجى ملاحظة أنه لأسباب إدارية نحن نسجل حتى 13.09 لمواعيد أيلول فقط. لمواعيد امتحاناتنا في تشرين الأول يرجى زيارتنا بدءا ًمن تاريخ 16.09.

If you are in need of a language certificate, don’t miss out on our September dates.
We are offering a wide range of Goethe exams from A1 to C1.

For more information on available dates until the end of the year please check our website www.goethe.de/exams.

Please note, due to administrative reasons we are only registering September dates until 13.09. For our exams dates in October please pass from 16.09. onwards.


🚨ACHTUNG ÄNDERUNG🚨Der Online Termin am Mittwoch 25.09.2024 wird um 16 Uhr stattfinden!

Du sprichst bereits Deutsch auf B1 Niveau und möchtest bald in Deutschland arbeiten? Dann komm zu unserem kostenlosen Bewerbungstraining!

Im Training lernst du, wie du eine Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt erstellst und wie du dich auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch vorbereiten kannst.
Der erste Teil des Trainings wird online und der zweite Teil vor Ort am Goethe Institut stattfinden, beim Präsenzteil des Trainings ist für Verpflegung gesorgt.

Registriere dich hier: https://survey.goethe.de/index.php/266364?lang=de
oder schreib uns an: [email protected]

We will soon also host a training in English - stay tuned!

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 03/09/2024

🌍 Exciting News! 🌍

We are thrilled to share that Sleiman Corbani was invited to North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from August 28th to September 1st, 2024, as part of the International Visitors Programme of the NRW KULTURsekretariat! 🎶

He participated in the press trip for the “FEL!X Historically Informed Festival of the Cologne Philharmonic,” exploring the vibrant cultural scene of NRW! 🎵

Mr. Corbani, director of Les Musicales de Baabdath festival, was suggested by the Goethe-Institut Libanon, highlighting our ongoing partnership in various musical and educational projects.

Here are some insights and impressions from his visit! ✨


Sie brauchen ein Goethe-Zertifikat auf Niveau-Stufe C1? Verpassen Sie nicht die Prüfung am 13. September und schreiben Sie sich noch diese Woche bei uns im Sprachkursbüro persönlich ein.

Sie erreichen uns montags, dienstags und donnerstags von 9 - 16 Uhr, mittwochs von 13 - 18 Uhr und Freitags von 9 - 13 Uhr.


Based on your demand we decided to open an additional A1 onsite course starting September 16th.

Meet your classmates and teacher three times per week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 pm til 8 pm at Goethe-Institut and pass the whole lever after 12 weeks.

If you like to reserve online: www.goethe.de/beirut/courses or come by our institute during our office hours.


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

Bahaa Souki is a Beirut-based visual artist whose work primarily revolves around pigment ink. Since 2016, he has explored human behavior and subconscious memories through various mediums, including painting, photography, and video. A graduate of the Lebanese University’s Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Bahaa has exhibited his work in numerous group exhibitions and collaborations in Beirut and internationally. In 2022, he held his first solo exhibition in Beirut, delving deeper into personal and collective experiences.

“Bread and Spring of Plastic” is Bahaa Souki's latest project, reflecting on the transformation of his childhood landscape as natural environments are replaced by industrial expansion. Using pigment ink, pens, and oil pastels, the artwork captures the fading presence of berry trees, olive trees, and gardens, now threatened by concrete and plastic. This project preserves the memory of a disappearing natural world while depicting the encroachment of industry. The only color left is that of plastic, symbolizing the ongoing struggle between nature and industrial growth.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

We are pleased to present today Yara Al Khoury, a theater maker and poet who uses movement as a poetic form of expression. Trained in physical theater and dance, she has worked with both local and international choreographers. Yara has performed in notable projects like Zoukak’s "Pinocchio" and Beirut Physical Lab’s "Imprints," and co-published "Untitled: Collage and Poems on Paper." As an independent artist, she collaborates with cultural organizations to create art that is authentic and resonates on both personal and communal levels.

Yara Al Khoury's latest project, “If you feel lonely, take a walk”, is a physical theater performance exploring themes of entrapment and loneliness through the experience of a young woman in a mental hospital. Developed during residencies at Amalgam Studio, Hammana Artists House, and Zoukak Theater, the piece features a solo performance by Natasha Karam and is directed by Yara, with a creative team including scenographer Mara Ingea and light designer Antonella Rizk. Stay tuned for a powerful exploration of isolation and the human spirit.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

Meet today Joy Moughanni, a Beirut-based producer, engineer, and songwriter, known for his innovative approach to sound and music. A partner at Tunefork Studios and mentored by Fadi Tabbal, Joy has formed the electronic groups Pomme Rouge and Gizzmo, and produced four EPs. He has transitioned into a successful solo career, collaborating widely in Beirut. A 2023 OneBeat fellow, Joy's work blends ambient and hip-hop influences, shaped by his architectural studies and live performances.

Joy Moughanni’s new project, "A Separation from Habit," includes an album and workshop exploring Lebanon's recent years of crisis. The project reflects on personal and collective grief, social fragmentation, and historical realities through archival soundscapes and contemporary music. It seeks to turn individual experiences into a collective sonic journey, offering an emotional exploration of a shared, distorted reality.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


⚡️ Take advantage of one of the few remaining spots in our classroom courses of B1 and B2 level - starting September 16th. ⚡️

Meet your classmates and teacher Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 pm til 8 pm at Goethe-Institut Beirut and pass the whole level after 12 weeks only.

If you like reserve online: www.goethe.de/beirut/courses or come by our institute during our office hours reipening on September 2nd. We are looking forward to meeting you before September 7th.

Photos from Goethe-Institut Libanon's post 27/08/2024

سيعيد معهد جوته بيروت فتح أبوابه في 2 أيلول.
⚠ حتى 13 أيلول، سنقوم بالتسجيل للامتحانات التي ستجري في أيلول فقط. ⚠


سيتم التسجيل لكلا الدورات الحضورية و الأونلاين خلال ساعات العمل المعتادة. إذا كنتم قد حجزتم مكانا للدورات أونلاين، يُرجى الحضور إلى مكتب عملائنا في أقرب وقت ممكن لتسديد الرسوم.


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

Stay tuned as we continue to introduce more talented artists in the days ahead!

We are pleased to introduce today SNAKESKIN, a Beirut-based electronic dream pop duo known for their moody and luminous sound, blending ambient and industrial elements. Formed by Fadi Tabbal and Julia Sabra, their critically acclaimed debut was released in 2022. Their new album, "They Kept Our Photographs," drops on September 27, 2024, via London’s Mais Um label.

SNAKESKIN has received the cultural grant for their European tour from October 11-21, 2024. They'll perform their new album in France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

We are pleased to highlight another one of our 8 recipients—stay tuned as we continue to introduce more talented artists in the days ahead!

Patrick Sfeir, born in Beirut in 1985, has always been captivated by the art of animation. From his childhood days of tagging walls and painting characters, Patrick pursued his passion all the way to the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA), where he earned his Master's degree in animation. His journey took him from the Borisfen-Lutece studio in Kiev to Seoul’s renowned “Meditation with a pencil” studio, where he honed his skills as a 2D animator and character de, born in Beirut in 1985, has always been captivated by the art of animation. From his childhood days of tagging walls and painting characters, Patrick pursued his passion all the way to the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA), where he earned his Master's degree in animation. His journey took him from the Borisfen-Lutece studio in Kiev to Seoul’s renowned “Meditation with a pencil” studio, where he honed his skills as a 2D animator and character.

In 2021, Patrick founded Marsam AlHakaya, an independent educational initiative in Animation Art. Marsam AlHakaya offers an intensive 9-month program to nurture the next generation of animators in Lebanon. This year, they’re expanding to include shorter, public workshops, making animation and character design accessible to a broader audience. They will host Samaka School from Cairo for a series of workshops that will further enrich our community's creative landscape.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

We are pleased to highlight another one of our 8 recipients—stay tuned as we continue to introduce more talented artists in the days ahead!

Mayssa Jallad, is a talented singer-songwriter, urban researcher, and historic preservationist based in Beirut. After studying and practicing architecture in New York, Mayssa returned to Beirut in 2018 to embark on the challenge of transforming her architectural research into music, therefore living through all the multiple crises Lebanon has witnessed, and also engaging with the broadening political imaginary that the October 2019 uprising allowedMayssa Jallad, is a talented singer-songwriter, urban researcher, and historic preservationist based in Beirut. After studying and practicing architecture in New York, Mayssa returned to Beirut in 2018 to embark on the challenge of transforming her architectural research into music, therefore living through all the multiple crises Lebanon has witnessed, and also engaging with the broadening political imaginary that the October 2019 uprising allowedMark Schonbach.

Mayssa's groundbreaking project, “Marjaa,” brings together music and architecture to explore the untold history of urban violence in Lebanon. Her first solo album, “Marjaa: The Battle of the Hotels,” released in March 2023, is a unique blend of music and storytelling, diving deep into the turbulent history of Beirut’s luxury hotel district during the Lebanese civil war.

Stay tuned for Mayssa’s European tour in December 2024, where she will be showcasing her powerful music alongside stunning visuals by director Ely Dagher.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's ALMU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

We are pleased to highlight today, one of the 8 recipients — stay tuned to meet more artists soon!

Joseph Khallouf ( Josef X Kalüf ) is a Beirut-based director with a career spanning nearly two decades. Known for his films like "Holiday in the Mountains," "Beit Byout," and the powerful documentary "Conflict." Former Directing instructor at Antonine University. In 2023, he curated the "Letters" project with 18 Lebanese filmmakers. Currently developing his feature narrative, "The Dream Maker."

Project Spotlight: "Letters"

In October 2023, amid Lebanon's ongoing challenges, Joseph united 18 Lebanese filmmakers for a project. "Letters" captures the nation's emotional state during the turmoil and the war on Gaza, with each filmmaker crafting a personal letter and transforming it into a short film. These films explore the profound question: "What are you feeling right now?" The result is a powerful mosaic of emotions, reflecting Lebanon's contemporary experience.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Introducing the Goethe-Institut Libanon's AL-MU7AFFIZ Cultural Grant Awardees!

We are pleased to highlight one of the 8 recipients — stay tuned to meet more artists soon!

Laura Menassa, a Beirut-based photographer and a member of Collectif 1200 and WomenPhotograph. Laura’s workexplors themes of identity, body image, and cultural norms. Through her lens, she navigates the delicate balance between the personal and public, uncovering the unseen stories that shape our lives.

Project Spotlight: "You Told Me I Was Beautiful"

Laura’s current project is a powerful exploration of eating disorders and the societal pressures women face across the Arab World. By engaging in intimate conversations with women, she exposes the complex dynamics of beauty standards, body image, and the struggle for self-definition in a world often dominated by external expectations.

For more details: https://www.goethe.de/ins/lb/en/kul/sup/aca.html


Are you an IT-Expert wanting to work in ? You don't know exactly how the recognition of IT qualifications works and what employers value? Learn more about it at our free online information event with ProRecognition.

Secure your spot and register via this link:

The event will be held in English with the option for subtitles.

هل أنت خبير في تكنولوجيا المعلومات وترغب في العمل في #ألمانيا؟ لا تعرف بالضبط كيف يعمل الاعتراف بمؤهلاتك وما هي القيم التي يقدرها أصحاب العمل في #ألمانيا؟ تعرف على المزيد حول هذا الموضوع في حدث المعلومات المجاني عبر الإنترنت مع ProRecognition.

سجل عبر الرابط: https://survey.goethe.de/index.php/957822?lang=en

سيقام الحدث باللغة الإنجليزية مع ترجمة باللغة العربية

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Beirut?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Since 1955, the Goethe-Institut in Lebanon organizes and a broad spectrum of cultural events that present German culture and promote international cultural exchange. The work of our language department concentrates on training workshops and seminars for teachers of German as a foreign language. It also offers a comprehensive examination program.

The library and information service of the Goethe-Institut Libanon aims to provide an accurate, pluralistic view of German culture, politics and society. Moreover, we offer the public a multifaceted collection of books, audio-visual materials, newspapers and journals in various languages for everyone, who takes an interest in Germany or is learning or teaching the German language.

Videos (show all)

How do memory and heritage manifest in the body? In the first residency of the project "Un|controlled Gestures - 3rd Edi...
Project Pre-Integration is back with informative events regarding all your questions about life in #Germany. We are kick...
Sprichst du gut Deutsch und möchtest Einblicke in den Arbeitsalltag einer deutschen Firma bekommen?Bewirb dich jetzt bis...
PerformanceTRANSIT TRIPOLIDates: 14,15,16,17th & 21, 22, 23, 24th of March 2024Venue: Al Madina TheaterTime: 8:45 PM.Lan...
Are you a nurse, a doctor or a student of medicine and would like to continue your career in Germany? If your level is A...
Are you a nurse, a doctor or a student of medicine and would like to continue your career in Germany? If your level is A...
We are opening our institute to the public.🟢 Speak your first words of German, win a language course, or get deep insigh...
This year, ريف - REEF focus delves into the theme of transformations - from the shifts in our environment to the social,...
High teaching quality, fun and success. Competently and efficiently, our standard and intensive courses - onsite and onl...
LAST CHANCE 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Enroll in our A.1.1, A.1.2, B.1.1. or B.1.2 onsite courses starting in mid-July and lasting till en...
Alaa Fleifel from International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Discover the work of 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓵 𝓞𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓻 (@carolohair) and 𝗧𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗾 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀: 𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝘂𝗺𝗽, the performance she developed dur...




Beirut Digital District

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00

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