UNFPA Lebanon

Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 25/09/2023

The workshop entails discussions about teaching Family Planning Counseling in midwifery schools in Lebanon. Midwives, teachers, and instructors from different universities came to the meeting. They talked about what's happening now, what's difficult, what's missing, and how to make it better. They also talked about how a group called the Lebanese Order of Midwives can help. Twenty people from USJ, UL, and Sainte Famille University came to the meeting.

Mona Mneimneh, who teaches students to be midwives at Lebanese University, Campus of Hadath said, "We really needed this meeting. It was like a place where universities could talk about how they are doing with teaching family planning counseling. Everyone wants to make it the same and better in all midwifery schools." 📚👩‍⚕️

United Nations OCHA Ordre des Sages-Femmes du Liban

هدفت الورشة إلى مناقشة دمج استشارات تنظيم الأسرة في مناهج مدارس القبالة القانونية في لبنان، بمشاركة قابلات قانونيات ومعلمات ومعلمات من جامعات مختلفة. ركزت المناقشة على الوضع الحالي والتحديات والفجوات والاقتراحات للتكامل الأمثل، ودور نقابة القابلات اللبنانيات في تسهيل هذا التكامل على المستويين النظري والعملي. حضر ورشة العمل 10 مشاركات من جامعة القديس يوسف، وجامعة سانت فاميل، وجامعة سانت فاميل

وقالت منى منيمنة، مدربة القابلات في الجامعة اللبنانية "كانت هناك حاجة ماسة إلى ورشة العمل هذه وكانت بمثابة منتدى تفاعلي حيث شاركت الجامعات التقدم الذي أحرزته في مجال استشارات تنظيم الأسرة، وكلها تعمل نحو الهدف المشترك المتمثل في دمجها في مجتمع متكامل بطريقة منظمة وموحدة في جميع مدارس القبالة"


أنك أحد الذين استفادوا من المؤتمر الدولي للسكان والتنمية؟

فقد شهدت المنطقة العربية تغيرات ملحوظة في ملفها الديموغرافي وصحة الأمومة وتمكين المرأة وتنمية الشباب.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن عمل المؤتمر الدولي للسكان والتنمية في المنطقة العربية: http://unf.pa/ICPD-ASRO

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 19/09/2023

على مدى السنوات الثلاثين الماضية، حقق المؤتمر الدولي للسكان والتنمية تقدما ملحوظا حيث وضع كرامة الأفراد وحقوق الإنسان، بما في ذلك الحق في تنظيم الأسرة، في قلب التنمية.

صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان يوفر جميع الحقائق حول المؤتمر الدولي للسكان والتنمية:http://unf.pa/ICPD-ASRO

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 14/09/2023

Today, Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of UNFPA, visited the Al Makased Primary Health Care Center in Beirut run by UNFPA Lebanon's implementing partner, which integrates sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with Gender-based Violence (GBV) services for vulnerable communities. "I'm impressed with the integration and how GBV is addressed in conservative communities" said Dr Kanem, "Women feel comfortable and welcomed here" she added.

Challenges and prospects 10 years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration Day 1 13/09/2023

Happening NOW!!

The opening session of the 6th Regional Review of the ICPD in the region featuring high-level participants who will highlight the population's welfare and people's individual rights as means to achieve .

Challenges and prospects 10 years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration Day 1

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 22/08/2023

UNFPA Lebanon signed today an agreement with the Lebanese Parliament in support of the monitoring of the sexual harassment law 205 passed by the Parliament in Dec
2021. This partnership will be carried out in close collaboration with the Women and Children Parliament commision and complements related actions supported also by UNFPA to ensure the implementation of the law. The agreement was signed by Parliament Secretary General Adan el Daher and UNFPA Lebanon Head of Office Asma Kurdahi.
Stay tuned for more updates.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA
National Commission For Lebanese Women NCLW
Inaya Ezzeddine

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 20/08/2023

It takes a village to support a person in need during a humanitarian crisis.

Even during the worst circumstances, humanitarians spare no effort to ease suffering and bring hope.

On , let’s re-commit to supporting their life-saving mission.

Photos from Akkarouna's post 14/08/2023
Photos from Caritas Lebanon's post 14/08/2023

Exciting News! Introducing GenF: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Arab States! 💪

Join us with Startups without Borders for the GenF mentorship program! Tailored for women entrepreneurs, this is a great chance to enhance your business. ⏳ Applications open until August 20th! Apply here: https://shorturl.at/dKL24. Tag and share this post with women entrepreneurs who should know about this golden opportunity


Join us on World Population Day, 11th July, as UNFPA Lebanon, in partnership with and under the patronage of MP , President of FAPPD, organizes a groundbreaking policy event. 🙌🌟

🔎 Our mission: Empowerment, Rights, and Choices for All! 💪❤️

At this high-level gathering, we'll be tackling the most urgent issues faced by marginalized communities. By introducing empowering laws and policies, we're paving the way for meaningful choices and the exercise of fundamental rights.

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 05/07/2023

👴🌍 Aging in Lebanon and the Region: Unveiling the Facts! 👵🌍

Did you know? 🤔 Lebanon and its neighboring countries are witnessing a significant demographic shift with an aging population. Here are some eye-opening facts about older persons in the region.

هل تعلم؟ 🤔 لبنان ودول المنطقة المجاورة يشهدون تحولًا ديموغرافيًا مهمًا بسبب تزايد نسبة الشيخوخة في السكان. إليك بعض الحقائق المذهلة حول كبار السن في المنطقة

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 05/07/2023

We are thrilled to share with you a remarkable initiative in Lebanon! 🇱🇧

📍Location: American University of Beirut
🗓️Date: July 4th, 2023

📢 "Improving the Rights of Older Persons in Lebanon: Training Workshop Initiative"

With Lebanon having the fastest-aging population in the Arab world, there is an urgent need to address the challenges faced by older persons. In collaboration with HelpAge International and UNFPA Lebanon , AUB University for Seniors organized a two-and-a-half-day training workshop, titled "Life with Dignity for Older Persons: Integrating a Human Rights-Based Approach in Ageing Policies."

Dr. Hector Hajjar - هكتور حجار , Minister of Social Affairs, honored the event with his esteemed presence during the workshop's opening.

The very first training workshop in Lebanon and the region was attended by 27 participants representing policy makers, civil society, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, and older persons. Their collective efforts aimed to enhance policy formulation and review related to older persons, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected.


UNFPA Lebanon sends its warmest wishes for a blessed and joyful Eid to you and your loved ones.

بالنيابة عن صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان في لبنان
نرسل لكم أطيب التمنيات بمناسبة على
أن يكون مليء بالبركات والفرح لكم ولأحبائكم.

Photos from Abaad's post 26/06/2023

🔍 Did you know? Revealing facts in Lebanon on United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA UNFPA Lebanon


The country's ageing population is rapidly growing. On UNFPA Lebanon and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA are calling to safeguard the well-being and dignity of our elders.


On , United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA and UNFPA Lebanon highlight the harsh reality that traditional practices and discrimination put older women at higher risk of ill-treatment.


Coming together to combat violence and elder abuse. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA and Lebanon are joining hands to define what it means and take a stand. 💙🤝

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 01/06/2023

🗣️ Let's Talk, Let's Empower! 🔊

UNFPA Lebanon teamed up with their partners, Amel Association International and Caritas Lebanon ,and roved the roads across Lebanon on Menstrual Hygiene Day! 🚀🇱🇧

🚐Mobile units "GirlsTalk_WeListen" 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏻 were distributed around different areas, raising awareness on menstrual hygiene management. From cities to villages, the mobile units visited women and girls💪✨
And that's not all! UNFPA Lebanon with their implementing partners distributed dignity kits that are packed with essentials.

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 31/05/2023

UNFPA Lebanon hosted yesterday an incredible event on menstrual hygiene in Lebanon to celebrate the Menstrual Hygiene Day! 🩸💫

With the participation of NGOs, UN agencies, and Sida, we came together to discuss the remarkable progress made in this field. Here are the key messages we retrieved:

1️⃣ Collaboration and coordination among different actors and stakeholders are crucial for success. Together, we can achieve great things!

2️⃣ MHM awareness sessions and education are of utmost importance and should reach all community groups, including boys and men. Let's break the taboos together!

3️⃣ Schools and the education system play a vital role as an entry point for MHM awareness. Education is power!

4️⃣ Multisectoral coordination ensures a holistic approach to address various MHM needs. Let's leave no one behind!

5️⃣ Inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWD) and minorities is paramount at all levels, from assessment to planning and implementation. Diversity strengthens us all!

6️⃣ Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and reusable pads are excellent practices that we should build upon. Sustainability is key!

7️⃣ Connecting reusable pad production with the livelihood sector allows women to participate in income-generating activities. Empowerment through economic independence!

Let us prioritize Menstrual Hygiene and make it accessible for all. Join us in this crucial journey! 💪💙


صدر التقرير السنوي للصندوق الإنساني للبنان لـ2022!

✅28.3 مليون دولار مخصصات
✅50 مشروعًا
✅41 شريكًا

مكنت مخصصاتنا المنظمات غير الحكومية المحلية والدولية من الاستجابة لاحتياجات الأشخاص الأكثر ضعفًا من لبنانيين ولاجئين سوريين وفلسطينيين ومهاجرين.

اطلعوا على التقرير عبر الرابط: 🔗t.ly/LE2u See less

United Nations OCHA Lebanon


📢 Exciting News! 🌸✨ The CVA Report 2022, which assesses our ground-breaking Integrated Approach to Menstrual Hygiene Management, has finally been out, and we couldn't be happier! 🩸💪
Explore the recommendations that will support in laying the foundation for a future that is inclusive and powerful for women and girls in Lebanon, here: https://rb.gy/60n0h
Menstrual hygiene matters, inclusive Lebanon, and empowerment via education.

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 11/05/2023

Led by Ministry of Public Health Lebanon UNFPA Lebanon joined the national delegation to the International Materna Newborn Health Conference held in Cape Town along with UNICEF Lebanon, World Health Organization (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office) , ALMAKASSED , and AUBMC - American University of Beirut Medical Center , with the aim to enhance knowledge for advancing maternal and newborn👶


معدلات #الخصوبة ليست المشكلة ولا هي الحل. أطلق صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان وجامعة الدول العربية تقرير حالة سكان العالم 2023...

لتتعرفوا على المزيد
يمكنكم/ن مشاهدة الإطلاق الإقليمي هنا 👇 🔗https://t.co/N7tbNX7mUR

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 05/05/2023

Happening now! the Lebanese Order of Midwives teamed up with UNFPA Lebanon and UNICEF LEBANON to celebrate under the patronage of Minister of Public Health Dr. . A fantastic opportunity to highlight the impact of midwives.
UNICEF Lebanon
UNFPA Lebanon
Ministry of Public Health Lebanon


May the spirit of Eid fill your hearts with joy and blessings! UNFPA Lebanon sends warmest wishes to all those celebrating, may this auspicious day bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to you and your loved ones.
نتمنى أن تملأ روح العيد قلوبكم بالفرح والبركة! يبعث صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان في لبنان بأحر التمنيات للجميع ، عسى أن يجلب هذا اليوم السلام والسعادة والازدهار لكم ولأحبائكم.

Photos from UNFPA Lebanon's post 13/04/2023

The UNFPA Lebanon recently conducted a study on people with disabilities and found that they are among the most vulnerable and socially excluded populations facing a variety of GBV-related risks. These risks include child marriage, exploitation, intimate partner violence, and sexual harassment. We believe that everyone deserves to live free from violence and discrimination, and we are committed to working towards a world where people with disabilities are empowered and have equal access to rights and opportunities.
Raghida Ghamlouch George Okais

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World Population Day 2023
Livestreaming of the high-level meeting hosted by the United Nations Population Fund in Lebanon
From our offices in #Lebanon, we are celebrating the strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere on this ...
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Breast Cancer Awareness 2022
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بعد أن أقرّ المجلس النيابي القانون الذي يجرم التحرش الجنسي وويرمي إلى تأهيل ضحاياه في كانون الأول من العام 2020، تطلق ال...
!رشّة وحدة#القانون_حدّكUNFPA Lebanon United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWANational Comm...




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