
Helping people achieve excellence in life by developing optimal health in body, mind and spirit.

Fitness is not about just looking good but it is about adding value to all of life.


🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 Join the FitFuge Wellness Camp for an unforgettable journey towards a healthier, happier you! 🏋️‍♀️🌿

🚀 Ready to embark on a transformative adventure? Look no further! The FitFuge Wellness Camp is here to elevate your fitness game and boost your well-being. 🌈💪

Here is the perfect opportunity to jump start your wellness journey!!!

🌟 What's in store for you at FitFuge? 🌟
✅ Expert-led fitness sessions tailored to all levels
✅ Nutritional workshops for a balanced lifestyle
✅ Mindfulness and meditation to find your inner zen
✅ A supportive community to cheer you on
✅ Tons of fun and positive vibes!

Join in with your family and friends (bring your children along)!!

📅 Save the date: April 10th -13th
📍 Location: Kitesurfing Lanka Kalpitiya.
🎟️ Reserve your spot now:

Let's make this journey towards wellness a shared experience! Tag your fitness buddies and spread the word. 🤸‍♂️💬


Open invitation to join our fitness workshop tonight :).

Here is your chance to learn exactly what you need to do to get into the best shape of your life in 2024!

- Learn about the 3 key pillars that you need to focus on (fat loss is not one of them).
- How should you train and how often
- How to create a healthy eating habit (I am not a fan of diets)

and some very special bonus tips.

Online workshop starting at 7.30pm today.

Sign up on this link and you will receive the zoom link for the workshop before 6.00pm.


Final call... Our beginner programme begins on the 2nd of January 2024.... Register now!!
To register click here...


Give yourself the best gift this Christmas!!

Registrations are open for our online beginner programme starting on the 2nd of January.

At a special discounted price!!

This programme is designed for anyone at any fitness level to get started on their health journey. I am so confident of the programme that after the first 3 sessions if you choose to stop I will give you a full refund :).

SO you have nothing to lose but everything to gain... The workshop alone is worth more than Rs7500.00!! You will learn all that you need to decide on your fitness programme for 2024 whether you choose to continue with the programme or not. If you wont stop :).

Please register on the link below and you will receive a message with the payment details.

Starting Date: 2nd January
Thursdays & Fridays at 7.30pm

Investment is only RS 7500.00!!

Total of 8 sessions

1 workshop
1 Assessment
6 beginner sessions

Have a wonderful end to the year!!



Our passion for fitness is based on our desire to increase the quality of life for as long as we live on earth, as much as it is within our power to do so!!!

Here is a testimonial from a participants who joined our beginner program sometime back...

Stay tuned as we will be opening registrations for another batch that will start in January 2024 :).

Photos from FitFuge's post 01/12/2023

Getting fitter by the day ... the newest members to join the fitfuge community...and already doing things that they never thought they could ...or would 🙂.

- Pictures were chosen by them 🙂.


Highlights from our day out 🙂!!!


Christobel Refuge doing Fitfuge proud 🙂💪💪.

According to the WHO the average person will spend the last 10 or more years of their life in ill health.

At fitfuge we want to change that narrative 🙂💪.

Your retirement life can be an adventure 😉.


According to the WHO the average person on earth will spend the last 10 years of their life in sickness and under some form of medication....

But it doesn't have to be that way...

If you want to take control of your health and increase the quality of life as you age join us on the 26th of August 🙂. There is NO AGE limit.

Sign up here to book your place ...

Photos from FitFuge's post 27/05/2023

Fitfugers on 🔥 at the Methodist College OGA sports meet!

Nirmali competed in the 100m for the first time in her life. She never did athletics in school but was confident and brave to run against past athletes!!! And she didn't come last 😉.

Cheryl smashed it!!! 😀💪💪

GOLD in the 100m
Silver 4x100 relay
Bronz 400m

They were on 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fitfugers at the Methodist college OGA sports meet. Nothing like putting your fitness level to a test ...and have fun 🙂.


We love encouraging families / couples to train together!!! Whatever the age you will push hard ... and push each other hard. And enjoy the thrill of journeying together towards optimal health.

Photos from FitFuge's post 14/03/2023

Whether in Sri Lanka or Germany … you do hand-stands!!


Training from Newfoundland, Canada. Wherever you are, Fitfuge is there 😉.

Photos from FitFuge's post 28/01/2023

A workshop on fitness and optimal health for the CINEC senior management team.

The purpose was to motivate, educate and create a healthy culture personally and collectively.

We discussed ...

- Key fundamentals to staying healthy
- Debunked certain myths related to fitness and health
- Learnt the art of training at any age or fitness level
- The problems with dieting and weight loss programmes.
- How to scale movements according to your fitness level.

It was a fantastic time with a great group of individuals who were fully engaged!!

Photos from FitFuge's post 28/12/2022

We are ready to launch your fitness journey in 2023.
Train from wherever you are with our online live traning sessions and join a community committed to pursuing optimal health.

Contact us on +94 77 728 7646 for details.

Let your journey begin!

Photos from FitFuge's post 07/12/2022

As we reach the end of another year at Fitfuge we dont make resolutions ... we finish strong! And then prepare to get stronger in the coming year... in body, mind and spirit.

We want to keep pushing our body, mind and spirit to the next level ...

We evaluate ...assess and reset ... then push to the finish line!!

Home Main 14/11/2022

Today is World Diabetes Day... It is the trend to have a day for everything so that you can market something...

BUT... Sometimes it has its benefits.. where people become aware of things that we sometimes want to forget....

This is what Professor Sir Steven Bloom (Head of the Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism Division from Imperial College in London at Hammersmith Hospital) has to say...

"Diabetes, is not producing enough of the hormone, insulin. Because of the lack of insulin, we have blood sugar levels which are too high. That high level of sugar in our blood slowly poisons parts of the body. The eyes, the heart, the nerves and also the blood flow to our feet and our fingers".

Truth ... Diabetes is fatal if not managed.

Some of the top risk factors for contracting diabetes are...

1. Being overweight and/or Obese
2. Inactivity (If you are active less than 3 days a week)
3. Smoking

How to manage/prevent Diabetes (type 2)

1. Get active
2. Eat healthy
3. Bring down your weight

To find out more contact us...

Home Main If you're looking for a new way to achieve your personal best in health and fitness and to live a happier, more fulfilled life join our programme today to take your fitness journey to its next level.


Lack of exercise is going to cost you more and more (refer attached article) ... the average person will live the last 10 years of their life in sickness (as per the World Health Organization).

Dont wait for your new year resolution in January to begin your fitness journey ... contact me today to begin your journey towards optimal health.

Our programmes are ONLINE ... and structured for you to succeed.

Whatever your age or fitness level you can get stronger and healthier and live a more vibrant and pain free life.

All the best

Refuge #:~:text=Almost%20500%20million%20people%20will,physical%20activity%20among%20their%20populations

"Almost 500 million people will develop heart disease, obesity, diabetes or other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) attributable to physical inactivity, between 2020 and 2030, costing US$ 27 billion annually, if governments don’t take urgent action to encourage more physical activity among their populations."

Photos from FitFuge's post 05/09/2022

After another successful workshop on fitness and health with Khane Properties .


Here is a testimonial from Lakshan as posted on FB. The key to his success is commitment, discipline and consistency!!!

Welldone Laki 🙂.


The journey from
Weight 82+ kg to 62+ kg
Waistline 38” to 32”
From comfort fit to slim fit

We started our lifestyle change in November 2020, when we enrolled with Rabindranath Refuge’s FitFuge program. I’m happy to say that I have achieved my hard target of weight reduction: 20kg. While the ultimate objective is a healthy lifestyle and optimal living, achieving the number was great for optics. I had given myself 2 years to achieve this, and have done within 22 months. Why this number? My ideal weight as per BMI cal is an upper limit of 66-67kg. By coming down to 62 level, I have a buffer for sustainability. This is my story of getting there.

First 6 months (November 2020 to March 2021) were quite easy - lost 10kg. Initial 3 months of no sugar. Then moderate diet changes (reducing carbs, avoiding sugar in the nights etc), and twice a week of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with Ref.

Then, April 2021 to March 2022 I gained 4kg and was at 76kg. This was when Ref and I had a chat on specific diet plans. Crash diets are not part of the FitFuge program - but Ref advised me greatly on the benefits of two popular diets - Keto and Intermittent Fasting.

Keto is not a long term sustainable diet - it was definitely good for a short while, and gave a spurt of weight loss. I coupled it with intermittent for maximum effect for a period of 6 weeks. I lost 8 kg and was down to 68kg by April 2022. Keto is extremely low (almost zero) carbs, high fat and high protein- a diet that fit right up my alley - the meat lover in me enjoyed it, and I had Dilukshi preparing my meals with amusement.

I continued the intermittent fast for 3 more months. Intermittent is where you take in your calories within an 8 hour period, hence for 16 hours, you don’t take in any food - I did this by skipping breakfast. And no, it did not cause and discomfort or gastritis. Not taking any carbs and skipping a meal was difficult for about a week, but the body adjusted - drinking substantial water is also a key factor.

While I am back to taking in carbs, it’s quite low. Very small quantity of red rice for lunch, ata flour chapati for dinner - but bigger portions of meat and vegetables.

The exercise factor was crucial. Other than the two HIIT workouts, we play badminton 2-3 times a week / or exercise bike + core workout routine for about an hour.

I am healthier, fitter, more energetic - and happier. The only issue was my wardrobe. I didn’t buy new clothes until a couple of weeks ago, as I was still shedding weight. My trousers were hanging and shirts swimming on me. A few people have told me that I looked too thin to an unhealthy level - some have even asked whether I was sick. Cost of the wardrobe change was a small price to pay.

My cholesterol / triglyceride medication is down by over 80% and all counts (lipid profile, blood sugar, liver, kidneys etc) are perfect - I check quarterly, and have seen improving numbers every quarter. I have been able to reduce my pressure tablets as well.

Why all of this? Everyone knows I am a foodie - am I happy to give up eating? Absolutely not - all of this, is so that I can eat what I want, when I want it, for a sustainable time period, and not be worried about conking off. There is no secret or magic formula: good old hard work, commitment, consistency, and sacrifice- all for a better life and sustainable enjoyment of everything I love.

Now that I have achieved the goal, is it over? Nope - this is a lifestyle change - the weight loss and slimming down is a byproduct. Ultimate goal is a healthy, happy life.

Disclaimer: what worked for me, may not work for you. If anyone wants to try, get a professional opinion. Happy to share information about our journey- and of course, readily recommend which started us on this.

(I don’t have proper “before and after” photos. Had to crop others out of these photos, taken in November 2019 and yesterday, for comparison).

Photos from FitFuge's post 27/08/2022

Optimal health is for everyone! Conducting a workshop on fitness and health to all ages.

- Learning the core pillars of optimal health.
- The keys to growing young
- healthy eating habits and the problem with dieting

The feed back was exciting ...

"we never heard this topic explained in such a simple way"

"I realized that anyone can achieve a healthy lifestyle"

"I was nervous about going to a gym or starting exercises, but with what you shared I realized that it can be done"

Photos from FitFuge's post 31/05/2022

Another week at fitfuge has begun.

We train because we believe that optimal health (in body, mind and spirit) is crucial to facing the stresses of life.

I received the following text message last week ...

"Somehow with consistent workouts I have better realationship with food plus I feel good too. These days it really gets you down seeing how people suffer, but the workouts help me be positive. So thank you."

Lets control what we can and help whome we can to come through these trying times. Together we can.

Stay strong


Such a priviledge to partner with some fantastic instructors in yet another Totalfit Level 1 training programme, where we certified 4 more coaches to join the Totalfit coaches community.

We have so much more in store for the future ... with the purpose of brining optimal health to as many people as possible throught the world.

If you are a coach, or you are interested in becoming one and would like to know more about these trainings do contact us.


You can take away the electricity, the petrol, the gas ... but we will not let you take away our sanity ...

Workouts in the dark :)

We are facing tough times. These are difficult days filled with discouraging news and events. How do you preserve your sanity when everything around you appears to be crumbling?

1. We need to separate the things we can't control from the things we can control.
2. Worrying over what we can't control is futile and will not help us or the people around us.
3. Focus on what we can control and manage it as best as we can, that will establish a sense of stability to life.
4. Focus on helping others who may be in greater need than us.
5. Once you have control over your life and emotions, think of what you can do to bring about change.

Photos from FitFuge's post 29/03/2022

We begin another week of training ...

And our healthy lifestyle habit for the month is 'spending time with friends'.

The power of friendship (community) in transforming the body and mind cannot be overemphasised. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

Having a motivating and encouraging community around you is an absolute necessity for a healthy body and mind. Surround yourself with a few good people that you would want to be influenced by; and spend time with them.

So coming back to our healthy lifestyle habit ...

1. Choose a group of people and individuals that you want to be influenced by.
2. Schedule time with them on a regular basis
3. Meet with them at least once a month (once a week will be fantastic)

Photos from FitFuge's post 11/03/2022

And we keep training ….

We are living in difficult times. Inflation, lack of essential commodities and a host of other things that can be added to the list both national and international. Anger, anxiety, and depression are fast becoming a common state that people are living in.

This is when optimal health in body, mind and spirit is needed the most ... and we continue to train, stay connected and help each other live life. Anxiety is a natural human emotion that we all feel, but it does not have to cripple you.

You can either allow circumstances to define your life or choose your response to the circumstances around you.

Whatsapp us on 0777287646 for more details.


Let's make 2022 happen!

Beach Hotel Kappalady Kalpitiya | Sri Lanka | Elements Beach & Nature Resort 04/01/2022

Hi Everyone,

I have fantastic news! We are going to start the year with a bang!

Imagine starting the year with a fitfuge transformational camp at one of the most scenic locations in the country!! That is exactly what will be happening.

Check out the location here ....

It will be a blast!

Come alone or bring your family and friends. The purpose of this retreat is to help you step into the new year with a positive mindset and a clear life strategy to make the next year a special one ...

Accomodation for only 28 beds ... SO register now to book your slot in.

Options and cost is as follows ... AND you can choose to stay for either two or three nights :).

Families and couples can have their own villas / cabana

Prices are per head

Cost (non AC) :
2 nights = 19500.00
3 nights = 27,000.00

Activities / facilities included in the package:

Infinity pool
3 trainer kites will be available for us to use
One kite surfing demonstration
SUP (stand up paddle board)

Activities which can be booked separately:

Dolphin watching – 2900 LKR for Sri Lankans (6 people in the boat)
20% discount on kitesurfing lessons, according to the prices on our website

As soon as the registration form is filled you will receive an invoice for the payment to be made and your place confirmed :). Please send me a whatsap message on 0777287646 once you fill the form.

Registration link

For more details click on the link below...

Beach Hotel Kappalady Kalpitiya | Sri Lanka | Elements Beach & Nature Resort Elements Beach & Nature Resort is back to NORMAL OPERATION! We are happily welcoming vaccinated and non vaccinated guest from Sri Lanka as well as vaccinated overseas travellers. Enjoy a safe beach holiday on our 22 acre private beach front property with beach restaurant, nature pool and private vil...

Photos from FitFuge's post 03/01/2022

Start your transformation today!!

If you are serious about taking control of your life and your health in 2022 ... Join the Fitfuge community ... we don't just promise results ... we lead you into a lifestyle!

Click the link below to check out the programme options and to schedule your free consultation.

Contact us to schedule your FREE consultation!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Ratmalana?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

About us

At Fitfuge we believe that fitness is much more than just the physical transformation of an individual, but a holistic journey towards optimum health that includes the transformation of the body, mind and Spirit. We focus on building relationships, improving motivation and leading individuals towards a vibrant life of purpose and intentional living.

Focused training

Personalised training in small groups. Whatever your fitness level is or whatever the age category. We have had ages ranging from 12 year old’s to our oldest client aged 82 being part of the focused training programmes. What ever the condition you are in (post pregnancy, recovering from lower back issues or weak knees) this programme is for you.

Fit-Mums programme

Videos (show all)

Our passion for fitness is based on our desire to increase the quality of life for as long as we live on earth, as much ...
Highlights from our day out 🙂!!!
Christobel Refuge doing Fitfuge proud 🙂💪💪.                      According to the WHO the average person will spend the l...
Are you a MUM? This is for you!!! You may have missed the webinar BUT you dont have to miss this!!!Sign up today for our...
Join the FitFuge online community today! Call or Whatsapp - 0777287646#fitness #gym #workout #fitnessmotivation #motivat...
Join the FitFuge online community for an optimal health experience. Call or Whatsapp - 0777287646
The benefits of a basic push up.


Lumbini Mawatha, Pirivena Road

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