Ketonai Lietuva

Ketonai Lietuva

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Lyderiaujantys ketonu rinkoje, Pruvit Ketonai yra pačios aukščiausios kokybės produktas.

Natūraliu būdu fermentuoti ketonai yra pagaminti vadovaujantis vėlyvasia technologija ir moksliniais tyrinėjimais.

Keto 101 - What do Ketones Do? 06/03/2021

Dažnai žmones klausia manęs, ka ketonai daro mūsų organizmui. Kas supranta angliškai pasiklausykit daktaro atsakymo.

Keto 101 - What do Ketones Do? KETO//OS® expert Dr. Jacob Wilson explains what ketones do in this episode of Keto 101!Complete the following FULL phrase BY FILLING IN THE BLANK in a COMME...


I’m ready to say goodbye to 2020 and say hello to !

So many lessons learned this year and if I’m being honest to many days wasted on procrastination and being lazy 🤷‍♀️... excuse here, another excuse there, like many of us I’m full of it... guilty! 🙈

Time to kick those bad old habits and reset the 🧠 and body!🧍🏼‍♀️

A team of amazing people 👫 are about to do 21 day challenge to squash the squish. It starts 4th Jan and it’s absolutely FREE for anyone who wants to start with little changes for long term results, loads of tips from the best health coaches in this space 👁

Send me your fav emoji and I’ll send u more info! 💓

Dom D’Agostino - Ketonutrition: From Science to Emerging Applications 12/11/2020

Tiems kuriems idomu moksliniai tyrimai apie keto mityba, ketonu pritaikyma ir kas supranta angliskai, tikrai vertas demesio video. Gana ilgas, beveik valanda, bet rekomenduoju pasiziureti!

Dom D’Agostino - Ketonutrition: From Science to Emerging Applications Dom D’Agostino - Ketonutrition: From Science to Emerging Applications From the JumpstartMD Weight of the Nation Conference 2018 JumpstartMD is a medical prac...


Labai idomu butų sužinoti kas iš jusu praktikuoja badavimą. Prašau atsakykite į šiuos klausimus:
1. Kiek valandų?
2. Kaip dažnai?


Labai grafiskai ir aiskiai pavaizduota kas vyksta kada mes badaujame ir kokia nauda musu organizmas gauna. Jeigu niekada nedarete, pradekite su protarpiniu badavimu 16:8 val ir retkarciais darykite iki 70 val. Yra sunku tas tiesa, kad palengvinti galite pasitelkti musu ketonu gerima i pagalba, tuo paciu dar gautumete tu Dr Berg minetu mineralu, vitaminu ir drusku kuriuos musu organizmas badavimo metu labai praranda ir juos reikia atstatyti.

Alzheimers: Ketones & the Brain 09/12/2019

Dar vienas video įrodantis kad mct aliejus ir aplamai kokoso aliejus yra labai naudingas mūsų smegenų veiklai.

Alzheimers: Ketones & the Brain The studies are now out and the evidence is conclusive. Ketones can replace glucose as a superior energy source for the brain and protect against neurologica...


Ateikite ir pasilabinkite, pasišnekėkime apie ketonus, paragaujame ir nusipirkime! Laukiame visu! # # #

The Brain Needs Animal Fat 29/10/2019

Dar vienas straipsnis apie gyvuliniu riebalų svarba.

The Brain Needs Animal Fat Why humans can't thrive on plants alone.

Keto 101 - Collagen and Joint Health 06/10/2019

Keto 101 - Collagen and Joint Health KETO OS experts Dr. Ken Ford, Dr. Ken Ford, Dr. Jacob Wilson, and Dr. Ryan Lowery explain the benefit of collagen towards joint health in this episode of Ket...


Epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and beyond - research into the therapeutic applications of nutritional ketosis continue to expand. In fact, here recently published a review on the anticatabolic effect of ketone bodies in skeletal muscle [1].
Muscle loss is the result of an imbalance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown, with the latter dominating.
Loss of muscle mass and muscle function is stated by many as a “natural part of aging”, and sadly it is a strong predictor of mortality. Muscle wasting is not only associated with age, but it is also a devastating side effect of many diseases and conditions, including the ability to receive and respond to standard of care therapies - most of which is strongly influenced by inflammation. Despite being a major contributor to poor clinical outcomes, there are currently no effective strategies to mitigate muscle wasting.
How could ketones prevent muscle wasting?
Through the evolutionary lens, it makes sense that ketones offer protection against breaking down our muscle to convert certain amino acids to glucose (aka gluconeogenesis). When we are in a state of nutritional- or starvation-ketosis, we have undergone a transition where glucose utilization slows down and our metabolism has switched to using alternative fuel sources, such as free fatty acids and ketones. If we weren’t able to make ketones from fat we would quickly wither away during times of food deprivation. This explains the muscle-sparing effect of ketosis. In the keto-adapted individual, free fatty acids are the primary fuel for muscle tissue, sparing ketones to other tissues (e.g. brain and heart).
In this particular review paper, inflammation-mediated muscle wasting is highlighted, as it is known that inflammation and oxidative stress pathologically underpin and drive muscle wasting. It is also known that ketone bodies are potent anti-inflammatory molecules and can reduce oxidative stress. The research suggests that ketone bodies, particularly beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), could be preventing inflammation-driven catabolic pathways.
Evidence suggesting that ketones are anticatabolic:
· Experimentally, an elevation of plasma ketones reduced muscle protein turnover in catabolic scenarios, such as surgical recovery, skeletal trauma, sepsis, and severe burns [2]
· Ketones have even been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis in humans and animal models [3, 4]
· In a study of inflammation-induced muscle atrophy, the ketone body, BHB, reduced the marker of muscle breakdown used in this experiment (phenylalanine efflux from muscle) by 70%. They even compared the effects with hyperinsulinemia and BHB was a more potent anticatabolic stimulus [5]
Ketones may just be something that can shine in real-life situations such as sarcopenia, disuse, and disease-related atrophy, such as cancer cachexia. Therapeutic ketosis, whether induced with a ketogenic diet or exogenous ketones, is safe and tolerable. Not to mention that ketones offer a host of other benefits outside of their muscle sparing effects.
We are excited to see where the research is heading because we do believe ketones could have major implications as a mitigation strategy for the sad reality of muscle wasting.
1. Koutnik, A.P. et al. (2019) Anticatabolic Effects of Ketone Bodies in Skeletal Muscle. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 30(4), 227-229.
2. Thompson, J.R. and Wu, G. (1991) The effect of ketone bodies on nitrogen metabolism in skeletal muscle. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 100, 209–216
3. Evans, M. et al. (2017) Metabolism of ketone bodies during exercise and training: physiological basis for exogenous supplementation. J. Physiol. 595, 2857–2871
4. Nair, K.S. et al. (1988) Effect of beta-hydroxybutyrate on whole- body leucine kinetics and fractional mixed skeletal muscle protein synthesis in humans. J. Clin. Invest. 82, 198–205
5. Thomsen, H.H. et al. (2018) Effects of 3-hydroxybutyrate and free fatty acids on muscle protein kinetics and signaling during LPS-induced inflammation in humans: anticatabolic impact of ketone bodies. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 108, 857–867


Atsispausdinkite ir pasikabinkite ant šaldytuvo!

Kad energijos nepritrūktų… 18/08/2019

Mūsų ketonu pristatymas buvo aprašytas vietiniame laikraštyje. Valio!

Kad energijos nepritrūktų… Dineta Babarskienė „Visus visus, kuriuos kamuoja antsvoris, nuolatinis nuovargis, apatijos jausmas, jaučiatės prastai, bet nesiryžtate pakeisti įprasto gyvenimo būdo, galbūt nežinote, nuo ko pradėt…


Vis dar turite laiko. Prisijunkite 10.30am šiandien.

Prof. dr. K.Petrikonis apie tai, kokie pokyčiai vyksta mūsų smegenyse sulaukus 50 metų 07/08/2019

Prof. dr. K.Petrikonis apie tai, kokie pokyčiai vyksta mūsų smegenyse sulaukus 50 metų Pasak Kauno klinikų Neurologijos klinikos Periferinės nervų sistemos ir neuroraumeninių ligų sektoriaus vadovo, gydytojo neurologo, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto (LSMU)...

Photos from Prüvit's post 02/08/2019

Kas norėtų išbandyti ir nevalgyti 60val? Idealus būdas atsinaujinti, išsivalyti ir atstatyti medžiagų apykaita.


Gaila kad anglu kalba, bet galbut suprasite. Buvo kalbama apie:
00:00 Įvadą
07:28 kaip tu žinai kada patenki į ketoze?
10:07 Angliavandeniu valgymas ir ketonai.
12:35 Koks yra Celebration skonis.
13:10 Maišymas įvairių skoniu
14:00 Kurie ketonai geriau, su kafeinu ar be?
16:43 Svorio metimas ir Ketonai.
19:15 Ar saugu gerti ketonus nėščioms moterims?
21:00 Ar galima maišyti ketonus su karstu vandeniu.
23:00 Ketonai ir panikos priepuoliai.
26:55 Vandens sunaudojimas
27:26 Vanilinio skonio ketonai.
28:00 Ar pateksiu į ketoze gerdamas protone?
28:58 Ar diabetu sergantys gali gert ketonus?
30:24 Nauda geriant ketonus.
30:55 Celiacs liga ir ketonai.
33:00 Druskos, tinimas ir ketonai.


Ketones Explained – Canada - Watch Now 27/07/2019

Ketones Explained – Canada - Watch Now Inspired by ketone research, Prüvit’s KETO//OS® Ketone Operating System acts like a 4th macronutrient that delivers superhuman performance fuel to optimize better health, fitness, and wellness.

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