Radiantheat Waters

We are the total solution provider for seawater desalination, water distribution, water storage, water plumbing, swimming pool equipment and installation,


Get UPTO 30% OFF on all Kent Water Purifiers this Ramadan!

Visit our showroom or contact 79 00 799 for more information.

Radiantheat Waters We are the total solution provider for seawater desalination, water distribution, water storage, water plumbing, swimming pool equipment and installation,


Here's to a refreshing start in 2024! 💧✨ Enjoy up to 30% off on all KENT water purifiers with this YEAR-END SALE. Clean, pure water is just a message away, and your health deserves the best. Hurry, this offer will only last till 31st December 2023! 🎉💦

Photos from Radiantheat Waters's post 23/08/2023

💧Water purifiers for commercial spaces!

Kent - trusted by millions!

Photos from Radiantheat Waters's post 20/08/2023

Some highlights of the Soneva Namoona Israafumadhu Misraabu - Fen edition event at Baa Maalhos School:

Some major objectives included
▪ Creating a common understanding of the waste and water consumption in Maalhos.
▪ Introduce zero waste philosophy and familiarize with basic zero waste thinking

The expo also focused on empowering the Maalhos community by providing them with valuable information about the numerous environment and health benefits of water filtration systems.

We supported the community with detailed product catalogues, exclusive discounts and flexible financing options for plastic free drinking water source - Kent water purifiers.

Photos from Radiantheat Waters's post 10/08/2023

Here’s why we think Kent Water Purifiers can make things easier for you!

Contact us at 7900799 for more information.


Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Independence Day!

-Team Radiantheat-


Pure water, pure life! KENT GRAND is here to make every drop count!

-Utilises a multiple purification process of RO+UF+TDS Control to make water 100% pure
- It is equipped with Mineral ROTM Technology that retains essential natural minerals
- Has a storage tank of upto 8L

Suitable for all homes, apartments, offices, and even small restaurants & Cafes!

DM or contact us at 790 07999 for more Information!


JETCOM 82 -The centrifugal self-priming pump is complete with an ejector and diffuser for high priming capability. Suitable for sucking from well up to 9 meters! Provided in 3 different material pump body: cast iron, stainless steel, and technopolymer!

- Has an operating range flow up to 80 l/min, head up to 62 m
- Self-priming up to 9 meter
- Has a working pressure of 8 bar
- Handles a Max liquid temperature of 40°C

For the best quality pumps for you DM or contact us at 790 07999!


Say goodbye to impurities and hello to a refreshing, healthier you with the Kent Prime Plus Water Purifier.! 💦✨


Grab on to this incredible opportunity to save big and experience something truly special. Tag a friend who works in the CIVIL SERVICE INDUSTRY to be a part of this amazing offer!


DM or contact 7970133 for more information.


Radiantheat Waters We are the total solution provider for seawater desalination, water distribution, water storage, water plumbing, swimming pool equipment and installation,


LIKE our page,
SHARE this post,
and stand a chance to win a KENT Mineral RO Water Purifier System
3 Winners will be announced on 20th Dec. 2022 at 4:00pm
Here on our FB Live.


Available from Radiantheat Waters Showroom, 5GF8+2PF, H.Nooali, Hithigas Magu, Male', Maldives 20022
Hotline: 7900799, 7970133


ބޯފެން ހޯދުމަށް ކުރާ ހޭދަ ކުޑުކުރެވޭ، ގޭތެރޭގަ ޖާގަ ސަލާމަތްކުރެވޭ...ކެންޓް ވޯޓަރޕިއުރިފައަރ ހީޔާރުކުރައްވާ

Radiantheat Waters showroom
Call: 9700799, 7811179
Email: [email protected]


ޤައުމީ ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުންތައް އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ. ދިވެހި ޤައުމުގެ މިނިވަންކަމާއި ޤައުމިއްޔަތު ޙިމާޔަތްކުރުމުގެ ތައުފީޤު ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް މިންވަރުރައްވާށިއެވެ.


ކެންޓް ބްރޭންޑް ގެ ފެން ޕިއުރިފަޔަރ ކުރާ މެޝިނެއް ބެހެއްޓުމުން ޖީބައްލުއިވެ، އަބަދުވެސް ބޯފެން ލިބެންހުންނާނެ ކަމުގެ ގެރެންޓީ ލިބި އަދި ތިމާވެށި ރައްކާތެރި ކުރުމަށް އަމަލީގޮތުން ބައިވެރިވެވޭ!

Radiantheat Waters showroom
Call: 7900799, 7811179
Email: [email protected]


ކޮންމެ މީހަކުވެސް ދުވާލަކު ބޯންޖެހޭ އަށް ތަށި ފެން ބަރާބަރަށް ބޯ ނަމަ، ރާއްޖޭގައި ކޮންމެ ދުވަހަކު ބައި މިލިޔަނެއްހާ ޕްލާސްޓިކް ފުޅި އުކާލެވޭނެ. އެއީ މަހެއްގެ މައްޗަށް 15 މިލިޔަން. އަހަރެއްގެ މައްޗަށް 450 މިލިޔަން.

ޕްލާސްޓިކް މަދުކޮށް ތިމާވެއްޓަށް ލިބޭ ގެއްލުން ކުޑަކުރުމަށް
ކެންޓް ވޯޓަރ ޕިއުރިފަޔަރ

Radiantheat Waters showroom
Call: (Viber) 7900799, 7970133
Email: [email protected]


ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ 57 ވަނަ މިނިވަން ދުވަހުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހާ ލޮބުވެތި ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން

Warm greetings & best wishes on the occasion of the 57th Independence Day of the Maldives.


ފެންފުޅި ގަތުން ކެންސަލް... ގޭގަ ތާޒާ ބޯފެން ތައްޔާރު ކުރުމުން : ޖީބައްލުއި، އަަބަދުވެސް ފެން ލިބެން ހުރޭ، ފެންފުޅި ބެހެއްޓުމަށް އިތުރު ޖާގައެއް ބޭނުމެއްނުވޭ، ހުސްފުޅި އުކާލާކަށް ނުޖެހޭ، ޕްލާސްޓިކް ފެންފުޅިން މަދުކޮށް ތިމާވެށި ހިމާޔަތް ކުރުމަށް އެހީތެރިވެދެވޭ!!
ކެންޓް ވޯޓަރ ޕިއުރިފަޔަރ ހަރުކޮށްގެން އަމިއްލައަށް ސާފު ބޯފެން ތައްޔާރު ކުރަމާ!..

Radiantheat Waters showroom
Hotline: 7970133, 7900799, 7811179(Viber)
Email: [email protected]


ފެންފުޅި ގަންނާކަށް ނުޖެހޭނޭ ! ފެންފުޅި ބަހައްޓާނެ ޖާގަ ނެތިގެން އުޅޭކަށް ނުޖެހޭނެ! ހުސްފުޅި އުކާލާކަށް ނުޖެހޭނެ!... ބޯނެ ފެން ހުސްވެގެން އެކަމާ ވިސްނާކަށް ނުޖެހޭނެ!
ކެންޓް ވޯޓަރ ޕިއުރިފަޔަރ އެއް ގޭގަ ހަރުކޮށްލުމުން ބޯފެން ހޯދުމަށް އެކަމާ އިތުރައް ވިސްނާކަށް ނުޖެހޭނެ..

Radiantheat Waters showroom
Hotline: 7970133, 7900799, 7811179 (Viber)
Email: [email protected]

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Videos (show all)

Here are 5 reasons why Kent Water Purifiers are your best option!✨We provide 1-year warranty, FREE Delivery and FREE Ins...
KENT Crystal Alkaline, a technologically advanced RO Water Purifier with Alkaline that enhances the pH level of the puri...
ކެންޓް ފެން ފިލްޓަރ އަކީ ދުނިޔޭގެ އެންމެ މަތީދަރަޖާގެ ސޭފްޓީ ސެޓްފިކެޓް ލިބިފައިވާ, މިލިއަނަކަށް ވުރެން ގިނަ މީހުން ބޭނު...
އެދުރުންގެ ދުވަހުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހާ ލޮބުވެތި އެދުރުން ނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން.
This World Heart Day, drink only 100% pure drinking water and keep your heart pure, strong & healthy.#watersshowroom
Introducing KENT Alps+ UV is World’s 1st Air Purifier equipped with UV LED, HEPA Filter and Purity indicator. It filters...
Introducing KENT Alps+ UV Air Purifier - world’s 1st air purifier with UV LED that kills virus and bacteria in indoor ai...
Keep the sea plastic free,...cut plastic, save a life, save environment...SAY NO TO PLASTIC POLLUTION..Radiantheat WATER...
Happy World Environment Day! 🌍 🍃#watersshowroom #kentro   #WorldEnvironmentDay #ecofriendly
Introducing KENT Alps+ UV Air Purifier - world’s 1st air purifier with UV LED that kills virus and bacteria in indoor ai...
Choose only the best for your family - because they deserve pure water, pure food, pure air & pure living...#watersshowr...
ރޯދަ ސޭލް ނިމޭނީ...މެއި 15 އަށް. މި ފުރުސަތުގެ ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން% 100ސާފު ބޯފެން ގޭގަ ހުރެލާގެން ތައްޔާރު ކޮށްލައްވާ!! މިލ...



H. Nooali, Hithigas Magu

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday 08:30 - 17:30

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