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Spreading seeds of consciousness and wellbeing through yoga and massage therapy.
Summer solstice, full moon, my Papa's would be 86... International day of yoga, National Indigenous Peoples Day... All of this is generating so many waves inside me. Waves of thoughts, memories, reflections, emotions... All of it merges and creates opportunities for me to observe, learn, unfold and repeat... Observe, learn, unfold...In this process I meet with my shadows. They are so good at taking different forms that when I think I have them dominated or trascended they comeback through the back door and sneak themselves back in. But it is the process they make me go through as I learn to live with them that allows me to see my light.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May all the beings of the world be happy, may all the beings of the world be free.
Aldea Maya-Ha has everything you need to host YOUR retreat. Located in the Mexican jungle of the Caribbean Area, 25 minutes from the Cancun airport, 10 minutes to the beach and surrounded by cenotes this is the perfect place for a spiritual connection and a recharge. Feel free to inbox me for more informations on our options and availabilities.
Join us for a the jungle fo Puerto Morelos, Mexico. March 26th-30th
Yesterday we decided to go for a ludic practice through partner yoga (*different from acro yoga). Working in teams we learnt to stretch and balance with the help and support of another person. We learnt how the trick to reach balance in certain Asanas is to provide and receive to right amount of support. If one gives more or takes more, the balance is broken.... Asanas and the whole yoga practice bring us so many messages to take beyond what seems like a physical practice. Yoga teaches us lessons and show us paths.
Feliz día del Amor y la amistad!! Una oportunidad más para vibrar alto desde la energía del Amor.
"Ultimately, Love is everything"
"-Are you scared of what 2024 might bring? The world is crazy.
-I think it will bring me flowers
-Yeah? And why is that?
-Because I plant flowers"
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Setu Bandhasana or Dvipada Pithan-when used in Vinyasa (dynamic sequence)-, this Asana has many names according to its many variations. When realized statically (first picture), it helps strengthening thighs, buttocks and back while stretching neck, tórax, abdomen and other back muscles involved in back bends. Done in a more restorative way with a block supporting the sacrum (second picture), this Asana helps releasing tensions in the sacral area while still favoring the circulation towards the pelvic area and organs. Strapping the thighs help avoid the opening of the knees which tends to close the sacral area and happens when the hips are tight. I often love to integrate Dvipada Pithan, a more dynamic way of integrating this Asana, to my practice and classes. As you inhale coming up, you can bring the arms back (picture 3) and bring them back to your sides as you comeback down with your pelvis on the exhale. In all cases, if your neck is tight, a blanket or two under net you head and shoulders will be necessary.
Amigos si quieren donar una chamarra, comida enlatada o quieres saber cómo colaborar ahí está el número, compartan para que la banda que lo necesite se entere ❤️
ARDHA PADMASANA (half lotus state) is my favorite Asana to sit in meditation or do pranayama or even to sit in a restaurant when the chairs are uncomfortable...😬. For me, it allows a slight hip stretch and it's an Asana that helps me ground. If your hips are tight you might prefer SUKHASANA (second picture with my dear Sandra!). To bring more comfort, feel free to sit on a block or two or a pile of blanckets. This extra level helps elevate and tilt your pelvis forward which contributes to your hips opening without creating unnecessary tensions in your back. 🙏
"Sthira Sukham Asanam"
If Patanjali's yoga sutras are the guidelines for the whole yoga practice, remembering and integrating this one by coming back to it constantly (Sutra 2.46), help us build a proper practice.
Sthira: Steady, firm, conscious, alert, present...
Sukha: relaxed, comfortable
Asanam: Even if we often refer to Asana as a "pose" or "posture", Asana is a state of body and mind.
So to practice yoga is to look for a Conscious, present, mindful, Steady yet comfortable state in the ex*****on of your asanas. And to achieve that, one must breathe as breathe is the link between body and mind.
Seed an intention .. a student once asked me "what does it mean to seed an intention? I never know what my intention should be". I always say that intentions speak the heart language. It presents itself when we leave place for silence. It surges. Learning to listen at what presents itself is part of the journey. Quieting the mind to listen with the heart. Sometimes the intention shows up for others, inviting us to place our part of this energy for someone else's healing. Sometimes it's for our own growth. Sometimes they seem like mountains and sometimes like pollen. Sometimes they take the shape of a word..."peace", "calm", "let go"...sometimes the shape of an image, sometimes it just stays silent. Let the intention come to you without forcing it. Invite your intention to present itself and listen. If you only find silence maybe that, is the intention.
Visiting the cenotes, I always ask permission to the entities, the guardians of the place that are present. I then immerse myself in this unique silence proper to these underworld wonders. A slow transformation operates in those magnificent caves as, drop by drop, cathedrals are being created. Our own transformation happens's a slow process that can lead to just as magical results.
LAYLA... One of those magical places that allow you to lay down in Savasana bathed both by the sunset and moon lights. To rest in Savasana is to give yourself the space to integrate the benefits of your practice. Observe your body breathe, let go of remaining tensions, rest.
Welcome. Bienvenus. Bienvenidos.
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I am a holistic massage practitioner and an certified from Thailand, working in Cancun.
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