Your Soul Temple Yoga

☯ Public and Private Yoga Classes in Playa del Carmen
☯ Групповые и Частные Уроки Йоги в Плая дель Кармен ⇊ RU ⇊
Welcome to Your Soul Temple!

This is a place where you can practice yoga, nourish you soul and find your happiness. Yoga can mean different things to every single person. For me it is the union of body, mind and soul. It is this connection that teaches to slow down, to let go of what no longer serves, to practice patience, heal and transform. If you would like to cultivate flexible mind not just body, I would be very happy to


💡Your body can stand almost everything, it is your mind that you have to convince 💡


It is hard to feel content when the weight is pulling on you, leaving you out of balance. But what is important - how do you come back to standing, regain and maintain the balance afterwards... ⚖️


What is your plan this summer? 🌻
Here in Playa del Carmen a lot of expats leave for the summer, some due to the very hot weather and hurricaine season, some to see friends or family and some (like me ☺️) to explore other opportunities. I have made a decision to temporary suspend the group classes at the studio, I am not sure about the timelines yet, but definitely for May and June 🙏
I am still doing online classes and maybe I will teach yoga somewhere else, I will keep you all updated and will be excited to share my journey!


🌟Sankalpa or intention 🌟
Having an intention is a powerful way to start the manifestation process. It is like planting a seed that can grow into something magnificent! 🌳
I always set an intention in the beginning of the class or offer students to come up with their own. This also helps to stay focused during the practice and at any time it becomes difficult or if the mind starts to wonder, the sankalpa is there - reminding you of the reason, of your why...💡it is also a great way to take something else away with you to your day, so that the practice does not end on the mat ✨
So next time you do yoga, think of your Sankalpa. Make it short, simple and specific! Remember, our thoughts are powerful, seek exactly what you would like to connect with ❣️


New video! 🎥 Join me for the guided meditation in Cenote Azul! Let the energy of this place heal your soul and fill your heart! ✨

Перенеситесь вместе со мной на эту живую медитацию в Мексику. Пускай энергия этого уникального места наполнит Вас и настроит Вас на прекрасный день! ✨


Climb mountains not so everyone can see you, but to see the world yourself!


New meditation video is coming soon! RU👇
It has been almost another half a year for me in Mexico, this country is full of beautiful places that make you want to stay longer. I was able to see many of them, but there are still a myriad more...
I decided to share the beauty, the atmosphere and the energy of some of the places I’ve been to and put them in short meditation videos so that you all have a chance, even if it is just for a few moments, to travel here and witness it for yourself!
Stay tuned 🇲🇽

Вот и прошли очередные полгода в Мексике! Эта страна полна мест, которые завораживают тебя и заставляют остаться на дольше. У меня была возможность посетить множество невероятных мест, и я решила поделиться с Вами их красотой, атмосферой и энергией через небольшие видео по медитации. Я бы очень хотела, чтобы Вы тоже, хотя бы на мгновение, могли бы оказаться и побывать в этих местах!
Уже очень скоро! 🇲🇽


High lunge also known as crescent lunge.
It is a powerful yoga asana that improves balance and stability while strengthening the muscles.
Some of the benefits are:
🦵stretches the hips and psoas muscles
💪strenghtens the quads, glutes, calfs and hamstrings
🤙engages the core muscles
👌tones the pelvic floor


The perfect way to start your day and get your body moving and feeling great! 💛
This yoga practice is a soft and flowy morning routine, perfect for all levels. It focuses on awakening the full body, releasing any tension and stiffness while preparing your mind for the day ahead.
Hope you enjoy it!



The website is now live! 🤩
The last couple of weeks I have been working on creating this website and even though it is not fully finished, I decided to publish it anyway. Knowing myself and fighting the sense of perfectionism I could have probably waited another year 😅 also, building it myself without any previous knowledge added another load of self-doubts 😀 but hey, isn’t that the real yoga..? Recognising where you are right now, acknowledging your thoughts and being okey with not knowing 🌟
Feel free to visit and let me know your thoughts!


Focus - Drishti - Gaze
How often during the yoga class do you find yourself checking out someone else’s outfit or comparing how their posture looks to yours or what is going outside the window..? If this somewhat resonates with you, you might find it helpful during the practice to use a technique called drishti. This is a method of gazing and focusing your eyes and attention on a part of the body or particular direction. Drishti helps to develop balance, deeper level of concentration and a better awareness about oneself, hence achieving a peaceful meditative state and a different version of your practice. 💫
So next time your teacher is telling you to look at a particular point while in the posture, try to follow it and draw your energy inwards, to what is going on inside you not on the outside. In the end of the day ‘where our eyes are directed, our attention follows’... 🖼


👀 Focus - Drishti - Gaze 👀
How often during the yoga class do you find yourself checking out someone else’s outfit or comparing how their posture looks to yours or what is going on outside the window..? If this somewhat resonates with you, you might find it helpful during the practice to use a technique called drishti. This is a method of gazing and focusing your eyes and attention on a part of the body or particular direction. Drishti helps to develop balance, deeper level of concentration and a better awareness about oneself, hence achieving a peaceful meditative state and a different version of your practice 💫
So next time your teacher is telling you to look at a particular point while in the posture, try to follow it and draw your energy inwards - to what is going on inside you, not on the outside. In the end of the day ‘where our eyes are directed, our attention follows’... 🖼


Every Saturday 10-11am join me for a full body yoga flow.
Starting the class with some breathing and relaxation techniques, we will then work on the entire body, focusing on both balancing and stretching poses. We will build strength and stability through dynamic and static movements, as well as flexibility by holding some asanas for a longer period of time. Ending the practice with Tibetan bowl Savasana will leave you feeling calm and rejuvenated.
This class is suitable for all levels, modifications are offered for different levels of strength and flexibility.

Please reserve your spot - +529902001297
Price: 100, - pesos
Mats are available to rent for 25,- pesos
Location: Balanka Studio, Plaza Paraiso, Av.10, Calle 3&5 Sur

Photos from Your Soul Temple Yoga's post 22/03/2022

Salamba Sirsasana or Sirsasana/ Tripod Headstand or Headstand?
These inverted poses are not just fancy looking asanas, but also the ones that have so many benefits for the health. Here are just a few:
~Increases blood flow to and blood pressure within your head and therefore supplies your brain with oxygen and nutrients
~Helps to prevent headaches and migraines
~Improves memory and concentration
~Activates parasympathetic nervous system
~Lowers heart and blood pressure

Once you are comfortable with getting into a full headstand, start with a few seconds a day and increase first to a minute, then even more. The maximum recommended time is 15 minutes 👀 How long can you hold?


Every Tuesday 6-7pm and every Wednesday 9-10am join me for a dynamic vinyasa style yoga class.
This class flows in a fluid sequence by moving through a variety of asanas while synchronising movement with the breath in order to naturally heat the body. We then use this heat to open, tone and align our muscles and body in a safe way. By moving in a conscious manner, we aim to achieve stillness in the mind and mindfulness state, finishing the practice in a deep savasana.

This class is suitable for all levels, however some basic knowledge of yoga postures is advisable.

Please reserve your spot - +529902001297
Price: 100, - pesos
Monthly and weekly passes are also available
Mats are available to rent for 25,- pesos


‘Surrender to what is and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you’ - Eckhart Tolle

Ishvara pranidhana - surrendering to a higher intelligence and recognising a larger perspective is one of the niyamas, or inner practices, of Patanjali’s eight limbed yoga framework. He suggests to use it not only as a last resort and in a negative connotation, but trying to take a moment every day to shift your perspective of being the great controller of your life. Ishvara pranidhana helps to cure the afflictions of the mind that cause pain and suffering, as it is designed to redirect your energy away from selfish desires and personal dramas, and towards the ultimate pursuit. Letting go, accepting and surrendering can make each day an adventure rather than a struggle 💫


Every Monday 9-10am and every Thursday 6-7pm join me for a gentle yoga class.
This class provides a slower paced flow, using the fundamental yoga poses (asanas) to develop strength and flexibility.
It is perfect for beginners and for the more experienced who are seeking to refine their practice or just enjoy a gentle flow.
Classes include breathing and relaxation techniques, both static and flowing poses, linking movement with the breath.

Please reserve your spot - +529902001297 or DM me
Price: 100, - pesos
Mats are available to rent for 25,- pesos
Location: Balanka Studio, Plaza Paraiso, Av.10, Calle 3&5 Sur


Om Shanti 🙏
Taking into account everything what is going on in the world right now, it is now more important than ever to take care of own inner peace.
There are many things that we can’t control, but we can always choose how we react and respond to the situations that happen to and around us.
Creating inner peace is a choice, it is hard work but I truly hope that you can achieve it no matter what the circumstances are 💛


Don’t forget to give yourself love and care!
Do what feels good, what your heart is asking for. Self-love is about total acceptance. It’s about deeply caring for yourself and your happiness. It’s about loving yourself at this very moment and every moment, unconditionally 💗


💗𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 💗

Valentine's Day is the day of love! So why don't you gift YOURSELF some time of self-love and care...
I invite you to join me for a very gentle yoga practice. We will move slowly through a yin style sequence bathed by the light of candles, calming the mind and nourishing soul. We will immerse ourselves in a relaxing state, followed by a guided meditation and a singing bowl Shavasana.
Cherish this chance to slow down, take care of yourself and cultivate self-love!

Limited spaces available - please reserve your spot!

Please bring your own mat and if you wish a little blanket.

This class is suitable for all levels and is completely beginner friendly.

Price: 150,- pesos

Location: Balanka Studio, Plaza Paraiso, Av. 10, Calle 3&5 Sur


Valentine’s Day inspired ❣️
2 for 1 on any yoga class ✨
Bring your friend and practice together for the price of one! ✌️

Only valid this month of February and for new customers ❣️
Message me to reserve your spot 💌


When you show up to do yoga, you show up for yourself, it is your experience, your body and your emotions. You are there for yourself, not for someone else. You are the traveler on the journey but also the vehicle and the destination.
Through practice you start to notice, discover and understand more things about yourself, and this eventually leads to the realisation of the true self.
So show up and listen to yourself 🙏


Breathe in and out...
Why do you always hear during a yoga class to breathe?
Because breath is actually more important than doing difficult poses. Breath is what moves our prana or life force. Breathing consciously during the class connects you to a subtle energy within and increases your prana, hence purifying the body and the mind. By concentrating on a breath you eliminate not just the blockages but also the thinking part which then allows you to create more space.
How will you use this space...?

Photos from Your Soul Temple Yoga's post 23/01/2022

New classes and timetable starting tomorrow!
Also now I have weekly and monthly prices available!

*prices listed are in MXN


Of course, the past and the future are important. It’s important to learn from the past and make plans for the future, however, dwelling on things that cannot be changed, or things that may never happen, only causes distress and distraction.
Learning how to live in the here and now is a skill. You can learn it by practising yoga, meditating or using simple mindfulness techniques.
Next time you catch yourself worrying too much or are having trouble concentrating - STOP ⇊
S - stop for a moment, step back from what you are doing
T - take a couple of deep breaths
O - observe and acknowledge your thoughts and emotions
P - proceed mindfully


Come and join me for a free gentle flow yoga class tomorrow on the beach - on the side of Playacar, next to the Xaman Ha Condominiums.
Start the day connecting with the energy of the sun 🌞 and the sea 🌊!
All levels are welcome!
Let’s meet and enjoy together 🌟

Начните день с занятия по йоге на берегу моря! 🌊 Завтра в 8.30 утра! Приходите попробовать бесплатно! 💫

#йогапрактика #йогаплаяделькармен #йогадляначинающих


𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎, 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚐 𝚅𝚎𝚍𝚊

Don’t forget to dream, to wish, to desire and then believe that it is coming your way 💫

Have you already made a for 2022? 🌟

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Вначале нашло на него желание. Это было первым семенем мысли - из Ригведы

Не забывайте мечтать, желать и потом очень верить, что скоро всё сбудется 💫

Вы уже составили список желаний на 2022 год? 🌟

Timeline photos 06/01/2022

I truly believe that things happen for a reason.. even the worst ones! It is those the we learn from the most, change, evolve and carry on with the new prospective! It can be difficult to remain positive and when good things come to end, but these challenges that life brings our way act as the catalysts for discovering new and exploring a true inner self! ✨
Keep trusting 🙏

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Plaza Paraiso
Playa Del Carmen

Otros Yoga y pilates en Playa del Carmen (mostrar todas)
Yoga Company Yoga Company
Calle 26 #128
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

Yoga Company is closed permanently

Yoga By The Sea Yoga By The Sea
Calle 20th At 40th Avenue
Playa Del Carmen, 77720

Time to Journey Time to Journey
Playa Punta Esmeralda
Playa Del Carmen

Experiencias en Playa del Carmen Yoga-Meditation-SoundHealing-Nature 📞Reservaciones: 9841071042

Imix holistic space Imix holistic space
15 Avenida Nte Entre Av. Juarez Y Calle 2 Nte
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

Bienvenid@s a un espacio diferente para despertar la consciencia. A través de la práctica de yoga, reiki, meditación, intercambiando nuestra energía y cultura. Grupos reducidos. ...

Yoga en Playa del Carmen Yoga en Playa del Carmen
Playa Del Carmen, 77723

Yoga para principiantes. Opción para clase particular o para grupos.

Happy Hippie Bikram Yoga Studio Happy Hippie Bikram Yoga Studio
Calle 14 NoRoute Bis, Avenida 25
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

Studio hecho con el corazón, espacio para compartir nuestra pasión por Bikram Yoga y otras meditac

Jiva Studio Jiva Studio
Calle 34 NoRoute Entre Avenida 20 Y 25
Playa Del Carmen

Encuentra tu equilibrio en Jiva, dónde la danza y el yoga se encuentran 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻🕺🏻💃🏻

Kopo Yoga Kopo Yoga
Calle 22 Nte Manzana 36 Entre Avenida 25 Y 30 Paraiso Del Carmen
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

Bienvenidos Kopo Yoga es un espacio cálido, intimo, contento y abierto a todos para practicar YOGA

Hāmama Studio Hāmama Studio
Calle 54th Con 5th Avenue
Playa Del Carmen, 777728

A Boutique Wellness Studio. Visit the website for the most up-to-date schedule of classes and events

Kurma yoga Kurma yoga
Playa Del Carmen

Heart of Yoga Mexico Heart of Yoga Mexico
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

“Si puedes respirar, puedes hacer yoga”-Krishnamacharia Raul Petra • heart of yoga Mexico @petranyoga

Yoga Shreem Yoga Shreem
Calle 10
Playa Del Carmen, 77710

Yoga Shreem Hatha - vinyasa with music A style of life all levels welcome. Bilingual