
🏫 Han Chiang University College
📆 4/11/2023 - 5/11/2023
🕚 11am - 6pm


🌈 We are grateful to all of our fans, family, and friends who helped make last month's "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" such a spectacular graduation art event! 🎨✨ A lovely way to end our colorful journey in the energetic surroundings! 🙌 🙌 We sincerely appreciate what you brought to this vibrant canvas along with us, and we look forward to many more amazing adventures together! 🚀🌟


🌈 感谢所有支持我们的亲朋好友、关注者和所有参与者,让上个月的 'Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art' 成为了一场绚烂的毕业艺术盛宴!🎨✨ 在你们充满活力的陪伴下,我们的彩色冒险画上了美丽的句号!🙌 非常感谢有你们和我们一起成为这个生动画布中不可或缺的一部分,期待未来更多绚丽的冒险!🚀🌟

Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 17/11/2023

We are appreciative of NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd, our Gold Sponsor, for helping to make "Spectrum" even more brilliant! 🌟

We would like to express our appreciation to NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd, our Gold Sponsor, for their wonderful support during the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" graduation art exhibition. The event wrapped up successfully. 🙌🏻

We are grateful for everything you do in order to make the event enjoyable and successful. Your help not only provided the sparkle and shine to our exhibition, but also played an important part in all aspects of the exhibition. Spectrum's colorful trip became even more colorful with your support.

In the future, we would like to work to create even more exquisite works of art. Once again, thank you so much, NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd! You are the main reason for Spectrum's success! 🎨✨


致谢金牌赞助商 NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd — 感恩有您,让"Spectrum"更加绚烂!🌟

活动已圆满结束,我们衷心感谢金牌赞助商NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd在整个 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展中的卓越支持!🙌

感谢您为活动的成功付出的一切。您的帮助不仅为我们的展览提供了闪亮的亮点,更在活动的各个环节发挥了重要作用。有了您的支持,"Spectrum" 的色彩之旅更加丰富多彩。

期待未来继续携手,创造更多美好的艺术时刻。再次感谢 NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd,您是 "Spectrum" 成功的重要推动力!🎨✨

Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 17/11/2023

We are appreciative of Lighthouse Picture, our Gold Sponsor, for helping to make "Spectrum" even more brilliant! 🌟

We would like to express our appreciation to Lighthouse Picture, our Gold Sponsor, for their wonderful support during the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" graduation art exhibition. The event wrapped up successfully. 🙌🏻

We are grateful for everything you do in order to make the event enjoyable and successful. Your help not only provided the sparkle and shine to our exhibition, but also played an important part in all aspects of the exhibition. Spectrum's colorful trip became even more colorful with your support.

In the future, we would like to work to create even more exquisite works of art. Once again, thank you so much, Lighthouse Picture! You are the main reason for Spectrum's success! 🎨✨


致谢金牌赞助商 Lighthouse Picture — 感恩有您,让"Spectrum"更加绚烂!🌟

活动已圆满结束,我们衷心感谢金牌赞助商Lighthouse Picture在整个 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展中的卓越支持!🙌

感谢您为活动的成功付出的一切。您的帮助不仅为我们的展览提供了闪亮的亮点,更在活动的各个环节发挥了重要作用。有了您的支持,"Spectrum" 的色彩之旅更加丰富多彩。

期待未来继续携手,创造更多美好的艺术时刻。再次感谢 Lighthouse Picture,您是 "Spectrum" 成功的重要推动力!🎨✨


We appreciate the support of our sponsors! 🌟

As "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" art graduation exhibition draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our sponsors! 🙌🏻

We are grateful to Mr. Yap for his kind assistance, which allowed us to design this vibrant, artistic event. We are very grateful for your assistance, which opens up infinite opportunities for the exhibition.

We are excited to share this incredible occasion with you and exhibit our graduates' exceptional work. We appreciate your participation in "Spectrum" and adding to the vibrant artistic adventure !🎨✨



在 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展即将引来尾声之际,我们要向我们的赞助商表示最诚挚的感谢!🙌🏻

感谢 Mr. Yap 的慷慨支持,使我们能够打造这个充满色彩与艺术的盛会。您的支持对我们意义重大,为展览增添了无限的可能性。

我们期待与您一同分享这个美好时刻,并向您展示我们毕业生的杰出作品。谢谢您成为 "Spectrum" 的一部分,让这个艺术之旅更加丰富多彩!🎨✨


We appreciate the support of our sponsors! 🌟

As "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" art graduation exhibition draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our sponsors! 🙌🏻

We are grateful to K-Victory Technology SDN. BHD for their kind assistance, which allowed us to design this vibrant, artistic event. We are very grateful for your assistance, which opens up infinite opportunities for the exhibition.

We are excited to share this incredible occasion with you and exhibit our graduates' exceptional work. We appreciate your participation in "Spectrum" and adding to the vibrant artistic adventure !🎨✨



在 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展即将引来尾声之际,我们要向我们的赞助商表示最诚挚的感谢!🙌🏻

感谢 K-Victory Technology Sdn. Bhd 的慷慨支持,使我们能够打造这个充满色彩与艺术的盛会。您的支持对我们意义重大,为展览增添了无限的可能性。

我们期待与您一同分享这个美好时刻,并向您展示我们毕业生的杰出作品。谢谢您成为 "Spectrum" 的一部分,让这个艺术之旅更加丰富多彩!🎨✨


We appreciate the support of our sponsors! 🌟

As "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" art graduation exhibition draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our sponsors! 🙌🏻

We are grateful to Oriental Tapes Sdn. Bhd for their kind assistance, which allowed us to design this vibrant, artistic event. We are very grateful for your assistance, which opens up infinite opportunities for the exhibition.

We are excited to share this incredible occasion with you and exhibit our graduates' exceptional work. We appreciate your participation in "Spectrum" and adding to the vibrant artistic adventure !🎨✨



在 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展即将引来尾声之际,我们要向我们的赞助商表示最诚挚的感谢!🙌🏻

感谢 Oriental Tapes Sdn. Bhd 的慷慨支持,使我们能够打造这个充满色彩与艺术的盛会。您的支持对我们意义重大,为展览增添了无限的可能性。

我们期待与您一同分享这个美好时刻,并向您展示我们毕业生的杰出作品。谢谢您成为 "Spectrum" 的一部分,让这个艺术之旅更加丰富多彩!🎨✨


We appreciate the support of our sponsors! 🌟

As "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" art graduation exhibition draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our sponsors! 🙌🏻

We are grateful to CK TEIK ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD for their kind assistance, which allowed us to design this vibrant, artistic event. We are very grateful for your assistance, which opens up infinite opportunities for the exhibition.

We are excited to share this incredible occasion with you and exhibit our graduates' exceptional work. We appreciate your participation in "Spectrum" and adding to the vibrant artistic adventure !🎨✨



在 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 艺术毕业展即将引来尾声之际,我们要向我们的赞助商表示最诚挚的感谢!🙌🏻

感谢 CK TEIK ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD 的慷慨支持,使我们能够打造这个充满色彩与艺术的盛会。您的支持对我们意义重大,为展览增添了无限的可能性。

我们期待与您一同分享这个美好时刻,并向您展示我们毕业生的杰出作品。谢谢您成为 "Spectrum" 的一部分,让这个艺术之旅更加丰富多彩!🎨✨


Next, we would like to thank our Gold Level Sponsors for their generous support of the Spectrum Graduation Art Show 👏🏻✨

Thank you to our Gold Level Sponsors:
NationGate Solution (M) SDN.BHD & The Lighthouse Picture

We are very grateful for their support in making our Graduation Art Show a success and we wish them all the best for their companies to flourish and grow day by day, as well as good health and all the best ✨🥰!

Thanks to them❤️❤️


接下来要感谢我们的黄金级别金主爸爸,A.K.A 赞助商,对我们“光谱毕业艺术展”的大力支持👏🏻✨

NationGate Solution (M) SDN.BHD & The Lighthouse Picture

我们非常感谢他们的支持,使我们的毕业艺术展举办的一帆风顺,我们也衷心祝愿他们的公司蓬勃发展,日胜一日,也祝身体健康,万事如意 ✨🥰



This exhibition can be successfully completed first of all also want to thank our sponsors for their support 👏🏻✨

Firstly, we would like to thank our Silver Sponsors🤍:
K-Victory Technology SDN.BHD, Mr.Yap, Oriental Tapes SDN.BHD. and CK TEIK enterprise SDN.BHD.

We thank them for their support in making our graduation art exhibition better and better. We also give them our deepest wishes their companies become more prosperous every day, good in health and all the best 🔥💪🏻

Thanks to them❤️❤️



K-Victory Technology SDN.BHD, Mr.Yap, Oriental Tapes SDN.BHD. 和 CK TEIK enterprise SDN

至此,我们非常感谢他们的支持,使我们的毕业艺术展举办的非常的好,我们也衷心祝愿他们的公司蒸蒸日上,身体健康,万事如意 🔥💪🏻


Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 14/11/2023

Let's look back at the wonderful moments on November 4 and 5, when the exhibition truly brought back a lot of memories for us🥺



Let's look back at the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" Art Graduation Exhibition!

让我们一起来回顾一下 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 艺术毕业展的活动现场吧!


Our "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" Art Graduation Exhibition ended last Sunday, but it was still fresh in our minds, we were really very happy 😁

"Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" is an important turning point in our careers that will lead the way for new journeys and the next phase of our life. We're all encouraged to keep pushing forward and grow in our individual fields😊 The end of the event also means that we will officially graduate soon, which seems like it happened so quickly, but we still need to keep going forward 💫

Spectrum would like to thank everyone who came out to support our graduation show, and we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who came out to visit us at this event❤️

Let's share a group photo as a token of our appreciation to all of you 😉


在上个星期日,我们的 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 艺术毕业展也相当的顺利的结束了,仿佛这一切都还历历在目,我们真的超级开心😁

"光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 是我们在大学生涯中的一个重要里程碑,它将为我们的未来开辟新的道路,走向人生的下一个方向,迎领我们所有人朝向各自的方向去继续努力和发展😊 而活动的尾声也代表着我们即将正式毕业,这一切都来得太快,虽然真的很不舍得,但我们依旧需要继续向前迈进💫





随着第一天"光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 结束的铃声响起,也就证明了Spectrum团队在第一天的活动顺利的结束啦🥳 让我们透过活动最后所拍下的大合照证明一下大家都沉浸在快乐快乐之中的一刻吧🎉😜


We had a great day last Saturday, full of fun and achievement✨

The Spectrum team had a wonderful first day when the bell rang to mark the end of the 'Spectrum: A Celebration of Color in Art' exhibition 🥳 To show that we all had a fantastic time, let's look at the group photo taken at the end of the day 🎉😜!


Haven't made plans yet? Don't worry, 'Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art' Art Graduation Exhibition desires excited about welcoming you and bringing your family, friends and colleagues to this unforgettable event 😉✨

Only two days remain until we take off! Come and celebrate colour and art together 🥳


还没有安排好你的计划吗?别担心,"光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 艺术毕业展期待您的光临,记得带上您的家人、朋友和同事,一同参加这个难忘的活动哦😉✨



It's only three days away from "Spectrum- A Celebration of Colour in Art," so get ready for a colorful, enjoyable, and exciting graduation show!

We invite you to visit us. We hope to see you there! 🫵🏼🥰


距离 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典 "只有三天时间了,准备好迎接一场多彩、愉悦、激动人心的毕业展吧!



Get excited for our upcoming Saturday & Sunday "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" - Graduation Art Exhibition 🥳!

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅 Date: 4 & 5 November 2023
🕚Time: 11am - 6pm

We will be showcasing our creations and products at our booth. You are welcome to visit and support our creative and interesting work! ✨

Scan the QR code to visit our Facebook and Instagram pages!

We hope to see you there!!! 🤩


大家为我们即将到来的星期六和日的“光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典” - 毕业艺术展期待吧 🥳

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅日期:2023年11月4 和 5日
🕚时间:上午11点 至 傍晚6点

我们将在展位上展示我们的创作和产品。 欢迎您来参观并支持我们富有创意和有趣的工作! ✨

扫描二维码即可访问我们的 Facebook 和 Instagram 页面!

我们希望在那里遇到您!!! 🤩


Welcome to the opening of Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art✨!

Dear friends,

We would like to pleasurely invite you to the grand opening ceremony of "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" graduation exhibition 🎉 It is a time of creativity and colour and we look forward to celebrating with you!

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅Date: 4 November 2023
🕚 Time: 2.30pm

At this opening, we will be showcasing the works of our graduates, a masterful display of their colour and creativity. This exhibition represents the culmination of art, creativity and talent 💫

The opening ceremony will be a wonderful social occasion where you will have the opportunity to interact with them and share your views and passions with other art lovers 🔥


欢迎你们来参加 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 的开幕仪式✨


我们非常高兴地邀请您参加 "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" 毕业展的隆重开幕仪式🎉 这是一个充满创意和色彩的时刻,我们期待与您一同庆祝

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)




Dear Friends,

You are invited to "Spectrum: A Celebration of Color in Art 🌟🌈", a special art exhibition for our graduates, of which we are proud😁!

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅Date: 4-5 November 2023
🕚Time: 11am-6pm

In this exhibition, we will take you into the wonderful world of color. Through paintings, photographs, posters, and other creative methods, we show how powerful color can be in art🌈 From vibrant reds to soft blues, from deep purples to warm yellows, we use every color to convey emotion, stories, and meaning😲

This is more than just an exhibition; it's an experience about creating, inspiring, and connecting. We encourage you to interact with us and share your feelings and ideas about color. There is no right or wrong here; every viewer's perspective is unique, and we look forward to hearing from you🤗

Whether you're a passionate fan of the arts or just interested in them, this is a welcoming venue. Other than that, we'll be providing relaxing music, delicious snacks, and a creative atmosphere. Come along and celebrate the magic of color in art😘

Please tell your family, friends, and colleagues to come along and share this wonderful occasion😆 We look forward to meeting you and celebrating art and color! 😚🤩



您受邀前来参加 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典🌟🌈",这是我们毕业生的一次特别艺术展览,我们为此感到骄傲😁

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)






Welcome to Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art! 🌟🌈 Today we will be introducing you to our event venue through a short video, so please watch the video patiently if you are confused of the location 😉

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅 Date: 4-5/11/2023
🕚 Time: 11am - 6pm

Everybody ready? Greetings to the Exhibition as we get ready to come! 🥳✨


欢迎来到“光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典”!🌟🌈 今天我们透过视频来向你介绍我们的活动地点,不清楚地点在哪的朋友们一定要耐心的观看哦😉

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)


Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 25/10/2023

Welcome to Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art! 🌟🌈 This post will take you to every corner of our exhibition venue 🫵🏼

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅 Date: 4-5/11/2023
🕚 Time: 11am - 6pm

In this creative exhibition you will find unique design works, activity games and products that will take you on an amazing journey of art and joy. We invite you to interact with us by sharing your thoughts and feelings. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity, come and visit🤩🥳


欢迎来到“光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典”!🌟🌈 这个贴文将会带你看看我们举办展览会场的每一个角落🫵🏼

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)


Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 21/10/2023

Behind the scenes of the second day of the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" group and individual photo shoot 📸- The final shooting is done 😍 The all photos are posted, let's come and check our page 🥰


"光谱——艺术色彩的庆典 "团体与个人照拍摄次日的幕后花絮📸- 顺利拍摄完啦😍照片都发了哦,大家快点点进我们的主页看看吧🥰

Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 21/10/2023

Behind the scenes of the first day of the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" group and solo photo session📸 - mostly for the purpose of setting camera angles, lighting, character placements, poses, and sequences🤓


"光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典 "团体与个人照拍摄首日的幕后花絮📸- 主要是为了安排摄影角度,站位,姿势🤓


📢 Everybody don't forget 👀

Our "Spectrum - A Celebration of Color in Art" exhibition 🌈 will be filled with art and creative student's artworks, an uplifting exhibition that will put a smile on your face 😊

🏛️ Venue: Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)
📅 Date: 4-5/11/2023
🕚 Time: 11am - 6pm

We are looking forward to seeing you, see you there 🎨✨


📢 大家请不要忘了👀

我们的“Spectrum——艺术色彩的庆典”展览 🌈 会在现场献出很多的艺术和创意作品,振奋人心的展览会给你星光灿烂的笑容哦😊

🏛️地点:Jetty 35 (35, Pengkalan Weld, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang)

我们与你不见不散,期待您的到来哦 🎨✨

Photos from Spectrum_exhibition23's post 15/10/2023

Hello Everyone! My name is P'ng Soak Nee, the president of Spectrum. 🎨👩🏻‍💻 I not only like art and abstraction, but also like to express it. I also like to bring art to myself; I boldly try art and combinations. ✨

Dreams don't shine, what shines is you pursuing your dreams! 💫 You will eventually become what you desire. A distinctive self can be found in everyone! 🌟
Looking forward to meeting you then! 🫶🏻

大家好呀!我是方雪妮,是“光谱”的主席。🎨👩🏻‍💻 我不仅仅是喜欢艺术及抽象、更喜欢呈现出来、还喜欢把艺术带到自己身上;大胆尝试艺术及搭配。✨

梦想不会发光,发光的是追梦的你!💫 你终究会成为你渴望的样子。每个人都可以成为独特的自己!🌟


Hello, my name is Yeap Quah Chin Xuan, the vice president of Spectrum. I am a multimedia designer who loves making animation and illustration, and a casual gamer too. As we know, art is an expression, design is a function. And putting together, they make a new world named "Dream", a world of fantasy thoughts, expressions, and hope.
Looking forward to meeting you all on exhibition day!

大家好,我是叶柯静璇,是 Spectrum 的副主席。 我是一名多媒体设计师,喜欢制作动画和插图,同时也是一名休闲游戏玩家。众所周知,艺术是一种表达,设计是一种功能。而当它们组合在一起时候,就会构成了一个名为 "梦 "的新世界,一个充满奇思妙想、表达和希望的世界。


Hello, my name is Lilian Yap Lee Yoong, and I am the secretary of the team. As much as I love making people laugh, I also enjoy writing. Exploring the world of imagination and expressing every inch of my fantasies, feelings, and emotions into writing boosts my serotonin levels. I hope to make people laugh not only with my jokes but also through my writing. 📝

大家好,我名叶莉蓉,是团队的秘书。 尽管我喜欢让人们开怀大笑,但我也喜欢写作。 探索想象的世界,将我的每一寸幻想、感受和情感用写作表达出来,可以提高我的血清素水平。 我希望不仅通过我的笑话,还通过我的写作让人们发笑。📝


Hello, everyone! My name is Ong Yee Chia, the treasurer of Spectrum. I like to explore new challenges from different kinds of design to learn and enjoy them. Please support us and enjoy our exhibition!🎨🌟 See you there!



Hey everyone, I am Cheng Hong, not Jackie Chan, (Chen Long) not red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, but the captain of the design team. I like a lot of things (because I like too many things to write), I hope you can come to witness and support our exhibition, and finally I hope that you can be happy every day, tomorrow's sunshine is still shining. 🌊🦈

嘿哟大家好,我是承宏,不是成龙,不是红橙黄绿蓝靛紫, 是设计团队的里的队长。我喜欢很多东西 (因为喜欢的东西太多了,写不完),希望大家能来见证和支持我们的展览,最后希望大家可以天天快乐,明天的阳光仍然闪耀着。🌊🦈


I’m Darren, a designer that is still trying to master the art of design. While I may not be a professional just yet, I’ve continuously learned and improved from my mistakes in my creative journey. Hope you can be there to witness the outcome of our years of practice in the art of design.


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Let's look back at the "Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art" Art Graduation Exhibition!让我们一起来回顾一下 "光谱--艺术中的色彩庆典" 艺...
Welcome to Spectrum - A Celebration of Colour in Art! 🌟🌈 Today we will be introducing you to our event venue through a s...



Jetty 35, 35, Pengkalan Weld
George Town

Other George Town arts & entertainment (show all)
Yaanna Arts Yaanna Arts
George Town

[ digital art ] DM for CUSTOMIZED POTRAIT

Creative Artistic Penang-CAP Creative Artistic Penang-CAP
George Town

We are a group of artists who exhibits our art around Penang. Follow this page to find out more!

Gracelynn Art & Craft Gracelynn Art & Craft
George Town

卡通动漫画画 by Big Tooth School 卡通动漫画画 by Big Tooth School
367-2, Jalan Perak, Vantage Point
George Town, 11600

我们举办过数10场全马绘画美术比赛 🎨 也获得多项奖项&认证🏆 🎖️《国际青年大赛》 🎖️《最优秀指导教师奖》 🎖️《2022年度最佳消费者认证奖》 所以我们的学生都来自全世界各地 🌏

Lai's ARToast 我的畫圖日誌 Lai's ARToast 我的畫圖日誌
George Town


私想空间 私想空间
George Town, 06700

Enjoyed hand doodling in black & white with art line pens

Wowart Frames & Art Gallery Wowart Frames & Art Gallery
George Town, 10350

WOWART FRAMES & ART GALLERY the own of the shop lady dabbling in this line more than 20 years. we hope to make the most of the experience we had accumulated over the years give ba...

Rumah Kelahiran P.Ramlee Rumah Kelahiran P.Ramlee
George Town, 10460

Cahaya XR Cahaya XR
Forward School, Lebuh Acheh
George Town, 10300

Cahaya XR is an initiative of Maitree House, a digital creative studio dedicated to using immersive

Dabble Dabble Jer Collective Dabble Dabble Jer Collective
George Town

Dabble Dabble Jer Collective (202203306903 | LA0052781-U) is a Malaysian arts collective that celebrates the power of storytelling and creates pieces that explore narratives, push ...

Sim Art Studio Sim Art Studio
441-3-2 Pulau Tikus Plaza, Jalan Burma
George Town, 10350

Established in Nov 1998, we are a father and daughter duo running a relaxing space for art learning.

Artiverse IL 2008-2101 Artiverse IL 2008-2101
George Town, 10400

15 wild universes collide, crafting an ultimate grad exhibition by unleashing their creative chaos!