Favoured Generation Church

Our Vision is to see that the whole earth surrenders to the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST and make HEAVEN.


May 17, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Joshua 1:9 (KJV): "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage;be
not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

Message: As we progress "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," we are called to step out in boldness.David,when facing Goliath,demonstrated such courage, not in his strength, but knowing God was with him. This
month, may we embody this boldness in our actions,conversations, and
decisions, trusting in the constant presence of the Lord with us.

Today's Declarations:
1. I step out in boldness, empowered by God's command and His presence with me.
2. Fear and dismay have no hold on me,for my courage is rooted in the Lord.
3. I embrace challenges with confidence,knowing that the Lord my God is my guide and support.
4. My boldness is a testimony to the strength and assurance I have in my God.
5. In every area of life, I am emboldened to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, infuse my heart with divine courage to face all of life's situations with confidence.
2. Remind me that You are always with me, so that I may not be afraid or dismayed.
3. Help me to live out this boldness in a way that glorifies You and advances Your kingdom.

This message emphasizes the importance of courage and boldness in our Christian walk, inspired by the promise of God's unfailing presence.

Further Bible Readings:
· Deuteronomy 31:6 (KJV)
· Acts 4:29-31 (KJV)
May you walk in the boldness of the Lord, facing each day with the assurance that He is with you wherever you go.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 16, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of James 2:17 O(KJV):"Even so faith,if it hath not works,is dead,being alone."

Message: As we continue our journey "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," we are reminded that faith requires active expression. David was not just a man of faith; he was a man of action,whose trust in God propelled him to face giants and lead a nation.This month, let us put our faith into action,demonstrating its authenticity through our deeds.

Today's Declarations:
1. My faith is alive and evidenced by my actions,which align with God's Word.
2. I am not a passive believer; my faith propels me to take bold steps for God's kingdom.
3. I serve others and meet needs as an outward expression of my inward faith.
4. In every opportunity,I will show my faith by what I do,not just by what I say.
5. My actions are the fruit of a faith that is vibrant and rooted in the love of Christ.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, inspire me to live out my faith in ways that make a tangible difference in the world.
2. Help me to understand that my works are a natural outcome of a faith that is genuine and true.
3. Grant me the courage to act on the convictions You have placed in my heart.

This message emphasizes the dynamism of a living faith, which naturally manifests in works that glorify God and serve others.

Further Bible Readings:
· Galatians 5:6 (KJV)
· Matthew 5:16 (KJV)
May your faith be active and impactful,driving you to do great works in the name of the Lord.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.

Photos from Favoured Generation Church's post 15/05/2024

Power packed for you!!!


Hey! Family & Friends;
Please. Pray & Plan to attend, and the Favour of God will dhine brightly on you in the Name of Jesus.


May 15, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Psalm 51:12 (KJV): "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."

Message: As we progress "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let us rediscover the joy of our salvation. David, after a time of repentance,understood the preciousness of this joy.This month,let us seek a fresh encounter with God,that our spirits might be uplifted and our joy in His salvation renewed.

Today's Declarations:
1. The joy of God's salvation is my strength and song, invigorating my walk with Him.
2. I am upheld by God's Spirit, which enables me to live in freedom and gladness.
3. I cherish my salvation, a gift that brings lasting joy and peace into my life.
4. Each day,I am reminded of the grace that saved me and the joy that accompanies my faith.
5. My life is a celebration of the salvation I have received, a beacon of hope to others.

Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father, restore the fullness of joy that comes from Your salvation in my heart.
2. Keep me steadfast in Your ways by Your Spirit, that I may experience the liberty of being Your child.
3. Use me to convey the joy of Your salvation to those who do not yet know You.

This message emphasizes the vitality of the joy that comes with our salvation and the liberating presence of God's Spirit in our lives.

Further Bible Readings:
· Acts 16:31
· Isaiah 12:3
May the joy of the Lord's salvation be a refreshing wellspring in your soul, strengthening you for each new day.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 14, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Psalm 133:1 (KJV): "Behold,how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

Message: In "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," the beauty and strength
of unity are paramount. David celebrated the harmony among God's people.This month, let us strive for unity in our families, church, and community, knowing that where there is unity, God commands a blessing.

Today's Declarations:
1. I am committed to fostering unity in my relationships, recognizing its strength and beauty.
2. God's blessing rests upon my life as I pursue and maintain unity with others.
3. In the unity of the Spirit, I find pleasantness and peace that enrich my life.
4. I will work towards reconciliation and harmony, knowing it pleases God and brings His favour.
5. The bond of peace is my goal in all interactions, as it reflects the heart of Christ.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, help me to live in unity with my brothers and sisters,valuing the peace and blessing it brings.
2. Guide me to be a peacemaker, actively seeking to mend divisions and create harmony.
3. May Your Spirit lead us as a church family to dwell in unity, that we might see Your glory manifested among us.

This message emphasizes the goodness and pleasantness of living in unity,which is both a command and a conduit for God's blessing.

Further Bible Readings:
· Ephesians 4:3 (KJV)
· 1 Corinthians 1:10 (KJV)
Embrace the call to unity, knowing it is the ground upon which God's favour and glory flourish.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus


Voice generates impact.
We need your voice to tell people of THE EXTRAORDINARY THINGS GOD has prepared for us/them in this SEASON 10 of the Elevation Conference.

I'll tell of His greatness and goodness.
Will you?
Don't miss out!!!


May 13, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Psalm 119:105 (KJV):"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,and a light unto my path."

Message: As we navigate "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let God's Word illuminate our journey. David valued the Torah as his guide through life's complexities. This month, commit to engaging with Scripture deeply, allowing it to enlighten every decision and direction,revealing God's path for you.

Today's Declarations:
1. God's Word guides my steps, providing clarity and direction.
2. I walk in the light of Scripture, which illuminates the path God has set before me.
3. Daily meditation on God's Word keeps me aligned with His will and purpose.
4. The wisdom found in the Bible is a beacon in times of uncertainty and decision-making.
5. As I follow the guidance of Scripture, I am safeguarded from the snares of darkness.

Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father, let Your Word be the lamp that guides my every step and the light for my path.
2. Instill in me a love for Your commandments and a desire to live by them each day.
3. Illuminate my understanding as I study Your Word,that I might see Your way more clearly.

This message emphasizes the enlightening power of God's Word in our lives,serving as our spiritual navigation system.

Further Bible Readings:
· Proverbs 6:23 (KJV)
· 2 Peter 1:19 (KJV)
May your path be brightly lit by the Word of God, leading you to greater understanding and faithfulness.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.






May 12, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Lamentations O3:22-23 (KJV): "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

Message: In this season of "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," reflecting on and celebrating God's faithfulness becomes our daily rhythm. David
often sang of the steadfast love and faithfulness of the Lord. As we witness each new day, let us recognize and rejoice in the constant and
renewing mercies of God, for His faithfulness is great and unwavering.

Today's Declarations:
1. I acknowledge the faithfulness of God in my life;His mercies are new every morning.
2. I am not consumed because of the Lord's great compassion and steadfast love.
3. Daily, I celebrate the unwavering faithfulness of God that guides me through life.
4. My trust in God's faithfulness is unshakable, for He has proven Himself time and again.
5. I proclaim God's faithfulness to the next generation, declaring His works and mercies.

Prayer Points:
1. Father,I thank You for Your mercies that greet me every morning and for Your great faithfulness in my life.
2. Help me to trust in Your faithfulness in every situation I encounter.
3. May I be a vessel to show Your faithfulness to others, offering hope and stability.

This message emphasizes the consistency of God's faithfulness and the joy we find in celebrating His unfailing mercies each day.

Further Bible Readings:
· Psalm 36:5 (KJV)
· 1 Corinthians 1:9 (KJV)
Rejoice in the faithfulness of God, knowing that His steadfast love and mercy are the foundation of your life.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 11, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Hebrews 6:19 (KJV): "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;"

Message: As we continue "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let us be anchored in the hope we have in Christ. David faced many adversities, but his hope in God's promises never wavered. This month, may our hope be as steadfast as an anchor for our souls, keeping us stable and
secure as we enter into the deeper presence of God.

Today's Declarations:
1. My hope is anchored in the promises of God, which are yes and amen in Christ.
2. This hope is both sure and steadfast, sustaining me through every storm.
3. As I hold onto hope, I am drawn closer to the heart of God, entering into His holy presence.
4. The hope I have in Christ is a source of strength and courage, no matter the circumstances.
5. I share this hope with others, offering encouragement and pointing them to the security found in God.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, thank You for the hope that anchors my soul; help me to cling to it in every trial.
2. Strengthen my resolve to hope against hope, believing in Your faithfulness.
3. Use me to spread the hope of the Gospel,being a light in times of darkness.

This message emphasizes the strength and security that our hope in Christ provides, especially as we seek to grow deeper in our relationship with God.

Further Bible Readings:
· Romans 5:5
· 1 Peter 1:3-5
May your soul be anchored in the unshakable hope of Christ, giving you the strength to face each day with confidence.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 10, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of James 1:5 O(KJV):"If any of you lack wisdom,let him ask of God,that giveth to all men liberally,and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

Message: In our ascent "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," the pursuit of godly wisdom is paramount. David continually sought God's guidance and wisdom throughout his life.This month, let us approach God with confidence, asking for the wisdom we need in our decisions, assured that He gives generously to all without finding fault.

Today's Declarations:
1. I seek the wisdom that comes from above,which God promises to give liberally.
2. God's wisdom guides me in making choices that align with His will and lead to life.
3. I am open to receiving divine insight that enables me to navigate complex situations with clarity.
4. With the wisdom God provides, I act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
5. Every step I take is illuminated by the wisdom that God graciously imparts.

Prayer Points:
1. Father,I ask for Your wisdom to fill my mind and heart,guiding my thoughts and actions.
2. Provide me with the discernment to understand Your ways and to apply Your wisdom in my daily life.
3. Thank You for the promise to generously give wisdom to all who ask.

This message emphasizes the availability and necessity of divine wisdom in our daily walk with God, especially as we seek to navigate life's complexities.

Further Bible Readings:
· Proverbs 2:6-8
· Proverbs 4:7
May you walk in the wisdom that God provides, finding His favour and guidance in all your endeavours.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 9, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Galatians 5:22 (KJV): "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,

Message: As we move "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," patience is a spiritual fruit that enriches our character and relationships. David exemplified patience as he waited years to become king, trusting in God's timing. This month, let us cultivate the fruit of patience, which enables us to endure with a steadfast spirit and maintain a gentle demeanour in the face of life's challenges.

Today's Declarations:
1. I am growing in the fruit of patience, displaying endurance and calmness in all circumstances.
2. Patience strengthens my faith, as I trust in God's timing and plan for my life.
3. Through patience, I exhibit gentleness and self-control,reflecting the nature of Christ.
4. In relationships, patience allows me to show grace and understanding to others.
5. My journey is marked by peaceful perseverance, as I rely on the Holy Spirit to develop this fruit within me.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, cultivate in me the fruit of patience, that I may respond to life's trials with grace and wisdom.
2. Help me to bear with others in love, showing the same patience You have extended to me.
3. May the work of patience in my life result in a stronger, more resilient faith.

This message emphasizes the importance of patience as part of our spiritual growth, impacting how we live and relate to others as we progress in God's glory.

Further Bible Readings:
· Romans 5:3-4 (KJV)
· Colossians 3:12 (KJV)
May the Holy Spirit work within you to perfect the fruit of patience, enhancing your walk in faith and favour.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 8, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Proverbs 28:20 "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent."

Message: In our journey "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," faithfulness is a key trait that attracts God's blessings. David was a man of integrity and faithfulness, both towards God and in his kingly duties.This month, we are called to walk in faithfulness in all our endeavours, trusting that this virtue leads to an abundance of God's blessings in our lives.

Today's Declarations:
1. I am committed to being faithful in all areas of my life, trusting that God honours such integrity.
2. As I walk in faithfulness, I experience the richness of God's blessings.
3. I resist the urge for quick gains, choosing instead the path of righteousness and steady faithfulness.
4. My faithfulness in small things positions me for greater responsibilities and blessings.
5. In my service to God and others, I demonstrate faithfulness as a reflection of God's character.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, grant me a heart that delights in faithfulness, just as it pleases You.
2. Bless the work of my hands and my endeavors as I commit to integrity in all things.
3. Help me to be faithful even in the face of89 temptations and shortcuts that lead away from Your righteousness.

This message emphasizes the rewarding nature of faithfulness and its profound impact on our spiritual growth and God's favour in our lives.

Further Bible Readings:
· Luke 16:10
· 1 Corinthians 4:2
May your faithfulness be a beacon of God's light in your life,leading to an abundance of His blessings.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 7, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Nehemiah 8:10 :"...for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

Message: As we continue to ascend "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let us recognize the sustaining power of joy in our lives. David danced before the Lord with all his might, expressing his joy in God's presence. This month, let us tap into the joy of the Lord, which is our fortress and strength, fueling our journey and empowering our service.

Today's Declarations:
1. I claim the joy of the Lord as my source of strength and vitality.
2. My joy in God is resilient, undiminished by life's challenges.
3. This divine joy invigorates my spirit, enabling me to face each day with renewed vigor.
4. In the sanctuary of God's joy, I find the might to overcome obstacles and the zest to pursue my calling.
5. My life radiates with the joy of the Lord, attracting others to His presence.

Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father, fill me with Your joy that I may draw strength from it every moment.
2. In times of weariness or discouragement, remind me that Your joy will be my replenishment.
3. Use me to spread Your joy to those around me,being a bearer of good news and hope.

This message emphasizes the invigorating power of God's joy in our lives, which provides strength for the journey and enhances our witness to the world.

Further Bible Readings:
· Psalm 28:7 (KJV)
· Galatians 5:22 (KJV)
May the joy of the Lord be your constant strength as you embrace each new day with hope and expectation.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 6, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you,my peace I give unto you:not as the world giveth,give I unto you.Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

In our voyage "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," the peace of Christ is a precious gift that steadies our hearts. David found solace in God's presence amidst tumultuous times.This month,let us embrace the unique peace that Jesus gives, which differs from worldly peace,knowing it has the power to calm our fears and settle our concerns.

Today's Declarations:
1. I receive the peace of Christ, which transcends all understanding and circumstances.
2. My heart remains untroubled and fearless,anchored in the peace that Jesus provides.
3. This divine peace is a guard over my heart and mind, shielding me from anxiety.
4. In every situation,I will lean on the unfailing peace of God rather than the temporary comforts of the world.
5. I share the peace of Christ with others, becoming a vessel of tranquillity in a restless world.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of Your peace which You have freely given to me.
2. Help me to live out this peace daily, and in times of trouble,remind me of Your reassuring presence.
3. Grant me opportunities to extend Your peace to others, being a peacemaker in Your name.

This message emphasizes the enduring and steadfast nature of Christ's peace in our lives as believers, providing comfort and courage as we grow in glory.

Further Bible Readings:
· Philippians 4:6-7
· Isaiah 26:3
May the peace of God reign in your heart,guiding you through each day with confidence and serenity.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.




Thanksgiving and Communion Service


May 5, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:I will guide thee with mine eye."

As we journey "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let us be keenly aware of the blessing of divine guidance in our lives. David sought and valued the Lord's direction in his reign as king.This month,let us tune our hearts to the frequency of God's voice, knowing that His guidance is always for our good and His glory.

Today's Declarations:
1. I am confident in the Lord's promise to instruct and guide me in all my ways.
2. Divine wisdom is my constant companion, leading me in paths of righteousness.
3. I am sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, aligning my steps with God's plan.
4. God's guidance is precise and perfect; I trust in His oversight and care.
5. In every decision,I seek God's counsel and rejoice in the clarity He provides.

Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father,thank You for Your promise to guideme; please open my heart and mind to receive Your direction.
2. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation.
3. Help me to rest in the assurance of Your guidance, knowing You are watching over me with loving attention.
This message emphasizes the beauty and security of walking under God's guidance, a crucial aspect as we progress from one degree of glory to another.

Further Bible Readings:
· Proverbs 3:5-6
· Isaiah 58:11
May you walk in the assurance of God's guidance, finding peace and success in His divine direction for your life.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.

Photos from Favoured Generation Church's post 04/05/2024

🍁 You're Cordially Invited! 🍁

Join us for a heartfelt Thanksgiving Sunday celebration tomorrow! Let's gather together to give thanks for all the blessings we've received and share in the warmth of fellowship and gratitude.


May 4, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of John 10:10 "The thief cometh not,but for to steal, and to kill,and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

As we progress "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," let us embrace the fullness of the abundant life that Jesus promises. David experienced life's hardships,yet he found abundance in God's provision and presence. This month, let us live with the expectancy of the abundant life that Christ has secured for us—a life characterized by His overflowing peace, joy, and purpose.

Today's Declarations:
1. I live in the abundance that Jesus provides, experiencing the richness of His blessings.
2. My life is filled with God's peace, joy, and love, which exceed material wealth.
3. I reject the works of the thief; my life is guarded by Jesus,the giver of abundant life.
4. Every day,I step into the fullness of life that Jesus came to give.
5. My life is a testimony of God's abundance, showing His goodness and generosity.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord Jesus,thank You for the promise of abundant life.Help me to walk in the reality of that promise every day.
2. Protect me from the thief who seeks to destroy, and let me experience the fullness of Your life-giving presence.
3. Guide me to live a life that reflects Your abundance in spirit,soul,and body.

This message emphasizes the contrast between the life Jesus offers and the destruction that the enemy seeks, encouraging us to lay hold of the abundant life found in Christ.

Further Bible Readings:
· Psalm 23:5
· Ephesians 3:20
May the abundant life Jesus promised be evident in all you do,filling your days with His unfailing presence and provision.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.


May 3, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Hebrews 4:12 :"For the word of God is quick, and powerful,and sharper than any two-edged sword,piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

As we continue our ascent "FROM GLORY TO GLORY," the power of God's Word becomes increasingly evident in our lives.David, a man after God's own heart,meditated on and treasured the Word in all aspects of his life. This month, let us delve deeper into the Scriptures, allowing the powerful and living Word to shape us, guide us, and reveal the deeper dimensions of our hearts and spirits.

Today's Declarations:
1. I am grounded in the Word of God, which is active and operative in my life.
2. God's Word is my source of wisdom and the discerning force in my decision-making.
3. As I meditate on Scripture, it penetrates my heart, leading to transformation and growth.
4. The Bible is my sword in spiritual battles,equipping me to stand firm against any challenge.
5. The revelation of God's Word brings light to my path,guiding me in the journey to greater glory.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, open my eyes to the wonders within Your Word, and let it be a lamp unto my feet.
2. May Your Word actively work within me, transforming and renewing my mind daily.
3. Help me to apply Your Word to my life, living out its truths in every action and thought.

This message emphasizes the transformative and discerning power of God's Word in our lives,a critical tool as we journey from glory to glory.

Further Bible Readings:
· Psalm 119:105
· 2 Timothy 3:16-17
May the Word of God dwell richly in you, equipping you for every good work and leading you in the path of His glory.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.



May 2, 2024
Welcome to Voice of Favour


Our Prophetic Capsule for today is from the book of Proverbs 3:5-6 : "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he shall direct thy paths."

Message: As we journey "FROM GLORY TO GLORY" this May, let our trust in the Lord deepen. David lived a life that exemplified trust in God, even in the face of daunting challenges. This month, we are encouraged to place our full trust in God, not relying on our understanding but on His unfailing wisdom and guidance.

Today's Declarations:
1. My trust in the Lord is unwavering;I depend on His wisdom and guidance.
2. I surrender my plans to God, confident that He will direct my steps towards His best for me.
3. Every decision I make is submitted to God's leading, ensuring a path that glorifies Him.
4. I am not swayed by the limitations of my understanding, for I walk by faith in God's perfect knowledge.
5. My journey is marked by divine direction,as I acknowledge God in all my ways.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord,I ask for the grace to trust You completely,laying aside my own understanding.
2. Direct my steps this month, O God, and make Your way clear before me.
3. Teach me to seek Your will in all decisions, large and small, and to follow Your lead with confidence.

This message emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord's infinite wisdom and His desire to lead us along the best pathway for our

Further Bible Readings:
· Jeremiah 17:7-8
· Psalm 37:5
May your trust in God be the cornerstone of your journey this month, leading you from glory to even greater glory.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.




May 1, 2024
Welcome to May, your month of FROM GLORY TO GLORY

Our Prophetic Capsule is from Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18 (KJV) "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory,even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Message: As we step into the new month,we are reminded that our spiritual journey is one of continual transformation. Just as David experienced a life of evolving honour, from shepherd boy to king, we too are invited into a progressive transformation, shaped by the Spirit of the Lord.This month, let us set our hearts on the promise that we are being transformed into His likeness, experiencing an increase of His glory in every aspect of our lives.

Prophetic Declarations:
· I declare that this month, I will experience God's glory in a greater dimension than I have known before.

· As I behold the Lord, I am being transformed, reflecting His glory more with each passing day.

· The glory of God that rests upon my life will be evident to all,drawing many to the light of His presence.

· In my walk with God, every step will take me from strength to strength,and from glory to even greater glory.

· The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me,constantly revitalizing and empowering me for a victorious life.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, this May, let me experience the reality of moving from glory to glory in every area of my life.

2. Help me to keep my gaze fixed on You, Lord, that I might be continually transformed by Your Spirit.

3. Let Your glory that shines upon me be a beacon of hope and light to those I encounter.

Further Bible Readings:
· Romans 8:29 (KJV)
· Psalm 84:7 (KJV)
May this month be marked by divine encounters and spiritual growth as you move from one level of glory to another in Christ Jesus.

Remain favoured and rapturable in the Name of Jesus.

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Hey! Family & Friends;ITS 7 DAYS TO GOPlease. Pray & Plan to attend, and the Favour of God will dhine brightly on you in...
Thanksgiving and Communion Service
Get Ready, something is about to happen!





Opening Hours

Tuesday 05:30 - 19:00
Thursday 05:00 - 19:00
Sunday 08:30 - 11:30

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Assemblies of God, Chika/Aleita Assemblies of God, Chika/Aleita
Chika/Aleita Boundary, Behind LEA Primary School Aleita, Airport Road

Assemblies of God Church, Chika/Aleita Boundary is the church of God where Christ is preached, believers obtain salvation and deliverance. God works with a devoted heart, worship w...

The Excess Grace Ministry The Excess Grace Ministry

The Excess Grace Ministry is a christian platform made for the growth of faith through the teaching of the word of faith, a platform made to liberate the world and bringing glory t...

Jeroham Ibeh Ministries International Jeroham Ibeh Ministries International
Abuja, 901101

Welcome to the OFFICIAL page of Jeroham Ibeh Ministries International.

Living endtime ministry worldwide Living endtime ministry worldwide
No 15 Baba Itodo Street, Nyanya/mararaba

House of David - Abuja House of David - Abuja
2nd Floor, Alba Plaza, Jabi
Abuja, 23409

A people fired up for ROYALTY!

SMHOS Jabi Abuja SMHOS Jabi Abuja
360 Obafemi Awolowo Way, Jabi

Welcome to the Official Page of Salvation Ministries Church Jabi (Home of Success).

RCCG Shepherd House RCCG Shepherd House
2nd Gate, Apo Mechanic Village, Apo
Abuja, 09234

Shepherd House is one of the Redeemed Christian Church of God located at 2nd Gate, Apo Mechanic Village, Apo Abuja.

The Reigning Family The Reigning Family

This page is owned by Assemblies of God the Reigning Family Tudun wada Abuja .. To reach the lost one