HarvestHouse Abuja

GRACE ARENA - HarvestHouse Christian Centre Abuja is a vibrant growing church where models are raised, saints empowered and destinies fulfilled...


Are you in Abuja ✅

Are you talented in singing, acting, dancing, spoken word or games

Hcc Abuja present

‘Joy in the city’

Saturday 27 of April 2024

Venue :Grangehill hotel and resort Mpape, Abuja

Time: 10:00 am


Monday, February 12, 2024


“Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of GOD], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matt 18:19 (AMP)

One of the most beautiful blessings of having the right kind of people in our lives is that it connects us to the advantage and power of agreement. The truth is that there is great power released when the children of GOD agree over any issue. The promise of GOD is that once what we agree on is within the terms of the covenant, he won't say No.

This is good news and we as believers can take advantage of this by joining forces together to agree on various issues.

So strong is the power of agreement that GOD himself admitted in Gen 11:6 that because the people were one and in agreement, nothing will be withheld from them. If it worked even in the case of unbelievers, how much more for the children of the covenant. It is not all battles that you should fight alone. Provision of assured answer has been made in the covenant over every issue that we agree together on. Let us therefore take advantage of this provision and leverage on the relationships and people in our lives.

I declare I know my rights in Christ and I understand the terms of the covenant. I am surrounded by people of like minds and faith. We speak in one voice and we experience GOD'S possibilities in all areas of life in Jesus name! Amen.

Bible Reading: Num 12-15


Saturday February 10, 2024


Not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching. Heb 10:25 (AMP)

Whenever the Bible gives an admonition, instruction or warning in any area, it simply means that we should pause and take note of such an area because it's an indication that it could be a weak spot. Which is why it's important that we take note of this admonition of never forsaking our meetings together as believers to worship and listen to the word of GOD.

There is so much going on around us in today's world that seem to present themselves as acceptable excuses to be inconsistent in our church attendance; our work, where we live, lockdowns, pandemic, family challenges, finances and many others. But GOD knows of the existence of all these issues before instructing that we must always create the time and avenue to fellowship with fellow believers in the presence of GOD. This is because it is through this that we encourage, strengthen and build one another up 1st Thes 5:11(KJV). It is also in GOD'S house that we find answers and solutions.

The possibilities in the covenant for us this year also includes the blessings that comes to us through fellowshipping with other believers in the house of GOD. Let us therefore be careful not to overlook and ignore this important command. As we journey through the year, the prospect of going with other believers to the presence of GOD to worship and fellowship should be a delight to our hearts.

My heart always yearn towards the house of GOD, I will not forsake the congregation of GOD's people. Fellowshipping with GOD's people in his house becomes a priority for me this year. Grace abounds towards me always to do the will of GOD in his house in Jesus name! Amen.

Bible Reading: Num 6-8


What is love guys?🤩🤩

Do you want to know?😂😂

Please join us on the 18th of February 2024 for LOVE AFFAIRS 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

We are playing host to the amazing Ocholi's

Do not miss it guys 💃💃💃💃💃💃


Friday, February 2, 2024


GOD sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land. Psalm 68:6 (NKJV)

The need of man for GOD is important and non-negotiable. Nevertheless, the mind of GOD for man is not to live a solitary life. The plan of GOD for us as his children is to live a fulfilled life via our relationships and connection with other people, just like others are supposed to be blessed under their relationships with us too. GOD intends that we should be stronger together with others, not alone.

This is why one of the promises of GOD to us this year is that He will bring our ways Relationships of the Blessing, people whose Advent in our lives will be instrumental to our fulfilling destiny. It is when the solitary is set in families that they are released into prosperity. The Bible likens togetherness to the anointing and the valve that releases GOD'S blessings when it says that when believers get along well together, it's like the anointing oil, and through it, GOD releases blessings. Psalm 133:1-3. (MSG version)

Let us remember that the seasons of the life of a man is not really measured by the calendar but by the advent or exit of people. As we journey through this year therefore, we need to always be sensitive to discern, recognize and cultivate the right kind of relationships as well as identify and avoid the wrong ones. Remember that ultimately, we will all smell like the company that we have chosen to keep.

I declare this year I locate my family and they locate me too, I am surrounded by the relationships of the BLESSING and my destiny helpers will search me out and find me. I will be marvelously helped all through the year 2024 and beyond in Jesus name! Amen.

Bible Reading: Lev. 11-13


Thursday, February 1, 2024


And GOD said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness; and let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea and birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth .... Gen 1:26 (NKJV).

GOD is a GOD of togetherness and relationships, and Man was created out of that relationship that exists in the Godhead. As we journey through this year, we must know that it is not a journey we should embark on alone without deliberately cultivating a good relationship with GOD because He is the source and sustainer. It is equally important to cultivate good relationships with others because men are still the hand of GOD. Mastering both relationships is important to maximizing all of GOD’s plans for the year. Jesus our kinsman redeemer increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with GOD and men. (LK2:40)

Welcome to February, our month of " PARTNERING TO PREVAIL". As we progress in the year, be determined to cultivate, develop, and sustain a strong relationship with GOD, and do not discount the need to build relationships with people. Remember that you cannot just wish for it, you must invest in it.

I declare, I am a friend of GOD so His secrets are upon my tabernacle. I live for GOD and everything about me revolves around Him this year and beyond in Jesus name! Amen!

Bible Reading: Lev. 8-10


Welcome to February 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃


Have you registered yet?
If not do so via this link



it's another time of the year where we have our awesome program

❤❤❤❤❤LOVE AFFAIRS 2.0 ❤❤❤❤❤

The question is what is Love Affairs?

Do you want to find out?

Then this program is for you

I mean YOU ❤

Join us on the 18th of Februray 2024 at the National Merit House Maitama Abuja by 4:00 PM 📌📌📌

Mark your calendars people its going to be an awesome event and to make this year special, it's going to be a formal evening for everyone so my lovely male and female attendees its time to bring out our gowns and corporate attires because there is going to be a red carpet time by 3:00 PM 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

This is an awesome event

So invite your friends and let's make it a memorable one as we host the lovely on this great day. Blessed are they who come in the name of our lord

Praise God💃💃💃💃💃💃


Its prayer o clock in this great house
Joshua 4:20
Set your alarms 💥💥💥💥💥


The curse of ‘status quo’ is broken. Your HEAD will be RAISED. Your NAME will be PROMOTED. Your HORN will be EXALTED in the name of JESUS!


DAY 2 was awesome💃💃💃💃
Our Matriarch took us on a prayer journey
Today is day 3, do not miss it
Be there on site or online


Build your spiritual capacity this year because it takes the weight on the inside to carry the outside _ Our Matriarch




Photos from HarvestHouse Abuja's post 28/11/2023

We are so blessed to call you:

Celebrating our very own Pastor Adedeji Aderele Adedeji Aderele
We love and celebrate you always sir!


It’s our Sunday Service tomorrow.
We will love to see you there, especially if it is your first time joining us!
Everyone is welcome!

Photos from HarvestHouse Abuja's post 24/11/2023

KEYS TO ENLARGEMENT - Rev. Gbeminiyi Eboda.

1. Vision - downloading what is in the mind of God. The Holy Ghost is a revealer.

2. Be battle ready - battle is a seed for territory. The devil will like to keep you small but you can fight your way out of the forces trying to limit you.

3. Cut off from your negative past - Every limiting altar catch fire in Jesus name. I am redeemed and I am free!!

4. Embrace your positive future - new things to embrace. When you pull down an altar, you must build new ones. Become more spiritual. Let a more devoted you spring up.

5. Development of people management skills - the amount of people you can effectively serve is directly proportional to the number of people you can reach.
Pay attention to your gift - your gift is a key that unlocks spaces for you. It’s more than your degree.

6. Favour - favour makes you posses the west and east. Hardwork without favour will lead to a difficult existence.

7. The blessing - the blessing is an enlarger. Pay attention to blessing conduits - Parents, pastors.

Everything begins with you. If nothing is growing within you, nothing will be growing around you. Until you change any change around you will not be. lasting change. Your success should not outgrow your capacity to manage it, or it will no longer be a blessing.

Once you change everything around you begins to reflect the change.



“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. Philippians 4:13 (AMPC)

For many years in the field of athletic events, they said it was not possible for anybody to run one mile in less than four minutes. Everybody believed it, so they never stretched beyond it until a man called Roger Bannister broke that record. You know what happened, the moment Roger Bannister broke that record, everybody began to break the record.

Some people said certain things about finance, many others created mental barriers from it. Many times these mental barriers do not reveal themselves to you until you have personal meetings with yourself. This meetings must be held from time to time to prune and identify limiting mindsets that could be sabotaging your life of abundance and prosperity.

What are the things that people have tagged as not possible and that you have unconsciously believed to be true. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he, if you have limiting mindsets around abundance, prosperity, wealth, influence and impact, it will slow down the pace at which you will have tangible results in these areas. Some have attached wealth to a certain age in life, and when they do not attain it at that age, they conclude it can never happen for them. Could this be your situation? You need to cast Deon such imagination and envision a life of wealth that redemption affords you.

CONFESSION: I declare that I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency in Jesus name. (Amen)!

Bible reading : 1 Cor. 5-7



"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations; don't spare: lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. Isaiah 54:2 (NKJV)

Every time you set a goal, you create a distance between where you are and where you would rather be. Once you recognize there is a distance, there will be a sense of compulsion to want to cover that distance. But when there are no goals, there is no motivation to aspire to reach them. The credible and authentic way to keep rising in your finances is by making a commitment to exceptional performance in whatever it is that you are doing.

So stretch and set goals. Set goals for every facet of your life, including money goals. Money goals may include less of buying and more of saving. Set goals beyond your current means. If you have goals beyond your current means then you will know that you have need to stretch beyond your reach.

A man will never rise if he does only what he is assigned to do. Promotion and multiplication in your finance will demand that you set goals and go after them.

CONFESSION: I decree and declare that with the help of GOD, I set the right goals and take the right steps that will usher me into new experiences in my finances in Jesus name. (Amen)!

Bible reading : 1 Cor. 2-4



"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16 (NIV)

In James 5:16, we are reminded of the incredible power of prayer. It is through persistent prayer that we can experience healing and breakthrough in our journey of growth.

The prayers of a righteous person are potent and fruitful. As you seek GOD in prayer, you invite HIS transformative work into your life. Trust that through persistent prayer, you will outgrow your limitations and step into a season of enlargement. Walk forward with confidence, knowing that your prayers are powerful and effective in the hands of a loving and attentive GOD

CONFESSION: I decree and declare that I believe in the truth of YOUR WORD. I commit to persistently seek YOUR face and lift my petitions before YOU. I trust that as I pray, my sensitivity is heightened and I’m able to see your Will in every situation in Jesus' name, (Amen).

Bible Reading: Romans 12-14

Photos from HarvestHouse Abuja's post 20/11/2023

🎶More Than Enough🎶

You have taken away my shame
You've taken away my pain
Wonder working God You are

Oh oh oh
I will love you forever

You're more than enough

You're more than enough for me...



“The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge”. Proverbs 18:15 NKJV

No man knows it all in life because Omniscience is the exclusive preserve of the Almighty GOD. HE has both shared and exclusive attributes. HIS shared attribute is found in every one of us, but not the exclusive attributes because that’s what differentiates HIM from us. It thus becomes a challenge that we can’t know everything, considering the fact that we have to pay for what we don’t know. We therefore need to make sure that our knowledge can fetch us more than our ignorance will cost us.

Invest in acquiring knowledge in your career, invest in your friendships because men are still GOD’S best method, invest in your Spiritual growth and development, most importantly ensure you are postured right as a student and your teachers will show up.

CONFESSION: I decree and declare that I’m rightly postured as a student and my eyes are open to see my teachers and to sit diligently until I am imparted with necessary knowledge needed for my next in JESUS name, (Amen).

Bible Reading: Romans 9-11


|| Scripture of the Week ||


Happy birthday to an extraordinary pastor!

You are a gift from God to us and your faithful service will be rewarded as you serve with love and grace.

May your birthday be a refreshing fountain of joy to your soul. May the Lord pour out the riches of His grace in your heart and fill your cup to be overflowing. AMEN

We love and celebrate you! Adedeji Aderele
Happy Birthday Dad!


In the tapestry of life, every thread counts, but some threads sparkle with a radiance that touches and transforms countless other strands. You are one such brilliant thread, a guiding light in our world. In many ways, you have been a father to us all, guiding, nurturing, and inspiring our spiritual journey.

Throughout the years, your wisdom has been our compass and a guiding star in our lives, shedding light on paths that sometimes seemed dark; and your faith has been our anchor. You have stood not above, but among us, sharing in our joys, shouldering our burdens, and guiding us with a hand both gentle and firm. You have taught us, like a father teaches his children, with both patience and profound insight.

Your words, steeped in love and understanding, have been a source of comfort and inspiration. Your teachings are not just sermons; they are life lessons that extend beyond the walls of our church.

As you celebrate your birthday, we are reminded of the countless moments you have shared in our joys and stood by us in our trials, offering words of encouragement, a listening ear, and a comforting presence. Today, we reflect on the blessings you have bestowed upon our lives. Your selfless service, tireless commitment, and unwavering faith have not just filled the halls of our church but have also echoed within the chambers of our hearts.

Your leadership has not only been about guiding us on our faith journey but also about modeling the very essence of compassion, strength, and integrity. You have shown us what it means to walk in faith, to live with purpose, and to love unconditionally. Your commitment to our spiritual well-being and personal growth mirrors the dedication of a father devoted to his family's welfare.

On this special day, it is our earnest prayer that you are blessed with the joy and peace you so generously bestow upon us. We pray that the coming years bring you so much more than the hope and love you have shown us. God's grace will continue to be abundant in your life, and you will be blessed with health, joy, and fulfillment in all your endeavours.

Happy Birthday, Pastor Adedeji Aderele! Adedeji Aderele
You are truly a father in faith to us all, and we are eternally grateful for the warmth and light you bring into our lives. May your light continue to shine bright and guide us for many more years to come.



But thanks be to GOD, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV

A man’s status is not a function of his stature. Your worth is not a function of how tall, short, fat or slim you are, all these statistics are mere variables of least consequence. Your worth is largely tied to your competence which is a function of your knowledge. Knowledge has both an immediate and post-dated value, whether you use it now or later, what largely matters is how you store it. Everyone pays for their Ignorance.

The best of GOD’S gifts are still packed in human form. Unravel the “package” that you are and let the world enjoy the fragrance of His Knowledge through You. Remember you can only dispense what you are full of.

CONFESSION: I decree and declare that I am diligent in the pursuit of knowledge required for my growth. I am a Gift to the world and I live as one in the way I gain more knowledge and dispense it to the World in JESUS name, (Amen).

Bible Reading: Romans 6-8

Photos from HarvestHouse Abuja's post 15/11/2023

Celebrating our mama Pastor Joy Aderele Joyful Aderele

Mama, you have impacted so many lives positively through your words of wisdom and teachings. We pray that God’s light continually shines upon you for many years to come! Amen 🙏🏾

Photos from HarvestHouse Abuja's post 14/11/2023

“The Word of God to you in this season is to ‘MOVE ON’. Do not let your past limit you from the new.”

It was our immense pleasure to host our Matriarch, Pastor Adeola Eboda! .



"The Lord replied, 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest”. Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

In Exodus 33:14, the Lord assures us of His constant presence and the rest He provides. His presence is not only a comfort but also a wellspring of strength, especially in moments when we feel limited and weary.

Be intentional about surrendering your worries and fears, and trust that His presence goes with you. As you lean on Him, you will find the rest and strength needed to outgrow your limitations. In His presence, you will discover a wellspring of power that empowers you to move forward with confidence. Walk in the assurance that you are not alone, for the Lord is with you every step of the way.

CONFESSION: I decree and declare that YOUR presence is my greatest source of strength. Today, I release my worries and fears, and I choose to lean on YOUR promise of rest. I confess that Your presence goes with me, providing the5 strength I need. I trust that in YOU, I find the rest and assurance I seek. I commit to walking in YOUR presence, knowing that it is the wellspring of my strength. In Jesus' name, (Amen).

Bible Reading: Acts 17-19

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Relationship Sunday

Join us for a Relationship Sunday (Music, Dance and Love feast) on February 18, 2018

Videos (show all)

Are you in Abuja ✅Are you talented in singing, acting, dancing, spoken word or games Hcc Abuja present ‘Joy in the city’...
What is love guys?🤩🤩Do you want to know?😂😂Please join us on the 18th of February 2024 for LOVE AFFAIRS 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃We are pl...
DAY 2 was awesome💃💃💃💃Our Matriarch took us on a prayer journeyToday is day 3, do not miss itBe there on site or onlineDA...
Build your spiritual capacity this year because it takes the weight on the inside to carry the outside _ Our Matriarch D...
P A S T O R    A D E D E J I   A D E R E L E!!!    We love and celebrate you sir! Adedeji Aderele
Prayer is the believer's advantage!Capping up Parenting Conference 2023#CorporateSunday#ParentingConference2023#HCCServi...
Our Mama, We appreciate God's presence in your life and your faithfulness and righteousness. You have impacted so many l...
All things are ready?Come and  partake of the feast 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
Have you marked your calendars yet?💃💃💃💃Dont be told about this ooooPlan to attend online or onsite 📌📌Set an alarm for th...
Mark your calendars 📌📌📌📌Its  going to be raining blessings💃💃💃💃
Minstrels of Grace Sonorous Rendition of 🎶 O Worship the King 🎶 #phs18.0 #MOG #CorporateSunday #HCCService #AbujaCityChu...
We won’t stop praising you…Forever and ever!  Join our praise concert tomorrow by 2pm @ University of Abuja!  Don’t miss...


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