Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council

The Royal Shepherds, Ado Divisional Council is a Christian Organization headed by RS Major Michael...



Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 21/04/2024

"Today's band corps training was great."



RS Captain Omotayo

Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 20/04/2024



Prayer by RS Bridg. General Pius Olarewaju Ogunjobi


By RS Captain Solomon Olayinka Omotayo

Parade is an extension of drill. A parade (also called march or march-past) is a procession of people, usually organized along a street, often in costume, and often accompanied by marching bands, floats or sometimes large balloons. Parades are held for a wide range of reasons, but are usually celebrations of some kind. In Britain the term parade is usually reserved for either military parades or other

TYPES OF PARADE ROUTINE PARADE These are parades that are carried out almost on daily basis. This type of parade is usually called to either pass information or for inspection purposes. The following are examples of routine parades. •Reveille: This is the first bugle call sounded in the early hours of the morning at exactly 0600 hours. It is meant to signify the commencement of the day’s activities during this period; the National flag will be hoisted.

DIRECTIONS OF PARADE ● Advance ● Retire ● Left ● Right •The Advance is the primary direction of movement, regardless of which direction the soldiers are actually facing (similar to a ship's bow.) On a parade square, the advance is determined by the position of the dais or flags. When these are not present, the direction of the drill commander is the advance. •The Retire is opposite to the advance, against the primary direction of movement (similar to a ship's stern.) •The Left is to the left of the Advance (similar to a ship's port.) •The Right is to the right of the Advance (similar to a ship's starboard.)

Ceremonial parades are parades conducted to mark important ceremonies. In ceremonial parades people are invited within and outside the commission to witness it. It is usually inspected and reviewed by a Reviewing Officer who is often selected from military, Para-military or a highly placed Civilian. In ceremonial parades, officers and Marshals are expected to dress in their number one (1) uniform, otherwise known as ceremonial uniform.

Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 19/04/2024

Lecture delivered: SOS EVANG JOSEPH ILORI


In a military organization, an executive typically refers to a senior officer or commander who holds a leadership position responsible for strategic decision-making, policy implementation, and overall management of a unit, department, or functional area. The specific roles and responsibilities of an executive in a military organization can vary depending on their rank, position, and the structure of the military hierarchy. Here are some general roles and responsibilities of an executive in a military organization:
1. Leadership and Command: 2. Strategic Planning and Decision-Making: 3. Policy Development and Implementation: 4. Operational Oversight and Management: 5. Personnel Management and Development: 6. Resource Allocation and Stewardship: 7. Interagency Coordination and Collaboration: 8. Crisis Management and Response:
Becoming an executive in a military setting typically requires a combination of education, experience, leadership qualities, and adherence to military regulations and protocols. While specific prerequisites may vary depending on the branch of the military and the country's armed forces, some common requirements include:
1. Education: 2. Military Training: 3. Experience: 4. Leadership Skills: 5. Technical Proficiency: 6.�Physical Fitness: 7. Clearance and Background Checks: 8. Adherence to Military Regulations: 9.�Continuing Education: 10. Demonstrated Leadership Potential:


Developing leadership qualities necessary for effective command and supervision within military provosts or provost marshals requires a deliberate and structured approach. Here are several ways to develop these leadership qualities:
1. Formal Leadership Training Programs:
2. Mentorship and Coaching:
3. On-the-Job Experience:
4. Observation and Emulation:
5. Feedback and Self-Reflection:
6. Continuous Learning and Development:
7. Communication and Relationship Building:
8. Lead by example



Definition of parade: A public celebration of a special day or event that usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles....
Definition of parade in a Uniform (Military/Para-military) term: Parade is a formation of soldiers whose movement is restricted by close-order manoeuvering known as drilling or marching.
Example of Parade are Ceremonial Parade, Elementary Parade, Guard parade, Rifle Parade etc
A Parade commander is the person that commands parade, he is the one in charge of the parade
A parade commandant must be neat, different, vigilant and vocal...
All words of command coming from a parade commandant must be clear and powerful since the way in which they are given affects the reaction which they inspire.
Note: It is not all parade commandant that drink or smoke, when you come across someone who tells you that you can't be a parade commandant without smoking or drinking, tell the person you can but what you need to do is to discover yourself and work thoroughly on yourself.
1. Introductory
2. Cautionary
3. Executive
INTRODUCTORY: This simply means act of introducing something either new or old
CAUTIONARY: This is telling you to be on a cautious position to grab whatever that is coming to you
EX*****ON; This simply means that which has been introduced and you have cautioned yourself to grab should be executed or carried out...
Timing of Words of Command
- The cautionary word of command should be consistently drawn out over about the equivalent of four paces in quick time. There should be a pause between it and the executive word of command of:
a. At the Halt — the regulation pause.
b. In Quick Time — about four paces.
c. In Slow Time — about three paces....
A parade adjutant is a military officer who assists in organizing and coordinating parades or ceremonial events.

1. HE prepares the parade before the arrival of the parade commandant.
2. He makes sure that the body of the parade is in good condition.
3. HE changes the parade from 3 rank files to two rank files so as to allow the colours to be in firm with the line for easy inspection.
4. He introduces the Guard commanders and sub guard commanders to the parade.
A guard commander is typically an officer or non-commissioned officer (NCO) responsible for overseeing and leading a guard unit.
1. He is the one in charge of the guard assigned to him.
2. He relays the message of the parade commandant to his guard not minding the distance of the parade commandant to his guard
3. He halts his guard when they are supposed to halt different after march past...
4. the guard commander plays a crucial role in ensuring the readiness, professionalism, and effectiveness of the guard unit in fulfilling its duties
5. The guard commander is responsible for ensuring that the guard unit is adequately trained, equipped, and prepared to carry out their assigned tasks effectively. They may also be responsible for developing security protocols, coordinating with other units or agencies, and ensuring that guard members adhere to established procedures and regulations.
6. During ceremonial events, the guard commander may lead the guard unit in executing precise drill movements, maintaining proper formations, and presenting arms in a coordinated and disciplined manner. In security operations, the guard commander may oversee patrols, perimeter security, access control, and response to potential threats or emergencies.
This is an expression of esteem, respect, affection and admiration.
How do we give Compliment during National Anthem
When the National Anthem is played, compliments are paid as follows:
A. When on Parade or in an Organized Party. All ranks and file will stand to attention, but only officers will salute. NCOs will only salute if they are in charge of an organized party/Guard/Squad/Squadron.
B. When not on parade but in uniform, all ranks will salute
C. When not on parade and in plain clothes (M***I). All ranks will stand to attention.
D. Wherever you see National symbols, you salute when you are in uniform..

When Riding a Bicycle
- The rider of a bicycle (motor or pedal) will not salute or look to his flank when the bicycle is moving. When stationary he will salute by giving ‘Eyes Right’ or ‘Left’ but will not take his hands from the handle bars.
Flank means the right or left side of a body of people such as an army, a naval force, or a soccer team.
When in a Military Vehicle
- Occupants will behave as follow
a. Drivers will never salute.
b. Those beside them will salute with the hand (You sit up).
PAYING OF COMPLIMENTS!!! Eyes Right and Left. A formed body of Riflemen on the march pays compliments to the left or right in the following way:
In Slow March. The following are the words of command:
EYE EYESSSS RIGHT!!!. This is given as the right foot touches the ground. A 750 mm (30 inches) pace is taken with the left foot and as it touches the ground, the head is turned through 90 degrees to the right, and marching continues in this position.
Common faults on salutation are:
(a) Shortening the length of pace and losing balance and direction.
(b) Leaning back.
(c) Not looking upwards and at the person being paid the compliment.
d) miscalculation of the actual point/word of command...
Note: On parade, the right hand man will look to his front throughout....
(2) “EYES — FRONT!” This is given as the right foot reaches the ground, when the body of Riflemen is past the object of the ‘Eyes — Right’. A 750 mm (30 inches) pace is taken with the left foot and as it touches the ground the head is turned to the front and marching continues in this position.
b. In Quick Time. Using the same words of command:
(1) “BY THE RIGHT, EYES — RIGHT!”. This is given as the left heel strikes the ground. When the left heel next strikes, turn the head through 90 degrees to the right, continue to swing the arms throughout.
Saluting when in Plain Clothes and without Head Dress: A Officer without head dress, whether in uniform or plain clothes, salutes an officer in the following ways:
a. When he passes an officer he will return his arms to the position of attention and turn his head in the direction of the officer on the left foot. He will take five paces in this position and return his head to the front on the sixth pace.
When can you bang your leg?
Legs should only be banged 6am to 6pm, this time is so important in the military....
On no circumstances should an officer bang after Flag off...
What's the Full meaning of RSM?
Regimental Sergeant Major
RSM is the master of drill /parade...He is the father of the unit.
During exercise and operation the role of the RSM is to organize battalion or units for the movement and to assist the unit and the training officer.
In the Nigeria Army, Lowest rank a RSM should be is Sergeant while highest rank is Master warrant officer
He must be a N.C.O...
How do you identify a RSM?
A RSM always work with his staff with a red strap across his uniform
A RSM must be a vocal person
A RSM must be a discipline person
A RSM must be a neat officer
A RSM must know about the law guiding the organization
Who's the RP?
R.P is the Regimental Police, they're mostly MP/Provost...
They call the Romeo Papa and also call them Korofo in the Barrack
RP are responsible for regimentation, discipline and re-enforcement..
They are in charge of indiscipline officers; they punish them accordingly
A RP is must be a MP/provost, he is also known as KOROFO, he should be a rank of a sergeant (In the Army). RSM gives the RP command on how to work on a daily basis, he's also the right man of the RSM and they both work together
The quarter guard is a small detachment of troops that can be used as a ceremonial guard which may be mounted at the entrance of a military units to pay compliments to the U.C or Guest....
U.C means Unit Commander Quarter guard is mounted at the right hand side of the barrack A quarter guard consist of the Sentry man, Biglar, Quarter guard master, 5 Rifle men,Quarter guard 2icmm, RSM (Optional)
The quarter guard master's rank should be Sergeant, the 2ic should be Corporal or L.Cpl
Before drill all Riflemen should be inspected to ensure that:
a. They are dressed correctly.
b. Their clothing and equipment is serviceable and clean.
c. Their Rifle are clean (and cared for).
d. They are alert and healthy. Riflemen should be at attention when inspected, "Houldard Arms"
What's expected of an INSPECTING OFFICER???
An inspecting officer is the S.G.H, U.C and Senior Officers: General Impression
Look at the squad first:
a. Are they standing correctly to Attention?
b. Is their dressing and covering off good
c. Take a quick look at each Rifleman when you come to him:
d. Is he clean and shaved?
e. Is he standing well?
f. Is his uniform clean and pressed? Does it fit him?
Head. (Beret)
a. Cap — clean and brushed.
b. Badge — clean and in correct place.
c. Dress Cap — Set up correctly
d. Hair — tidy and of a reasonable length.
e. Collar — clean.
f. Tie — correctly tied, central and not tucked into shirt.
g. well fitted, clean and pressed.
h. Pockets — emptied of bulky objects.
i. Medals — clean and sewn on correctly.
j. Buttons — sewn on and fastened, with no stray ends of cotton.(2/3 buttons)
k. Waistbelt .
l. Fitted so that it will not allow the jacket to ride up underneath it during parade
m. Fitted so that the buckle is in the centre of the body and the belt.
n. Correctly fastened and polished.
a. Braced up so that they break on the instep in front.
b. Pressed correctly and not excessively worn on the inside.

a. Tightly laced with the laces so tied that they cannot come undone during a parade.

Let's try this

Parade= Praide
Shun= Shoun
turn= toon

Military time uses four numbers.......e.g 0010
Military time uses four numbers, where the first two show the hour and the last two show the minutes, without a colon. Military time starts at 0000 in the morning and counts up, using 1300 for 1:00 PM. and 2300 for 11:00 PM.
0100 1:00 AM 1300 1:00 PM
0200 2:00 AM 1400 2:00 PM
0300 3:00 AM 1500 3:00 PM
0400 4:00 AM 1600 4:00 PM
0500 5:00 AM 1700 5:00 PM
0600 6:00 AM 1800 6:00 PM
0700 7:00 AM 1900 7:00 PM
0800 8:00 AM 2000 8:00 PM
0900 9:00 AM 2100 9:00 PM
1000 10:00 AM 2200 10:00 PM
1100 11:00 AM 2300 11:00 PM
1200 Noon 0000 / 2400 Midnight
In military terms, the acronyms you provided stand for the following:

1. BDAKIA: Battle Damage Assessment Killed in Action
2. WIAMIAC: Wounded in Action Missing in Action Captured
3. SEV: Severity
4. CASEVAC: Casualty Evacuation
5. SITREP: Situation Report
6. POW: Prisoner of War
7. INTREP: Intelligence Report
8. MADVAC: Medical Evacuation
9. AWOL: Absent Without official Leave
10. AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle
11. AGV: Autonomous Ground Vehicle

These acronyms are commonly used in military communications to convey important information quickly and efficiently. BDAKIA refers to assessing the damage caused during battle and identifying soldiers killed in action. WIAMIAC indicates soldiers who have been wounded, gone missing, or captured. SEV is used to determine the severity of injuries or damage. CASEVAC and MADVAC both refer to the evacuation of casualties, with CASEVAC being a general term and MADVAC specifically relating to medical evacuation. SITREP and INTREP are reports providing updates on the current situation and intelligence gathered. POW signifies soldiers who have been taken as prisoners of war. AWOL refers to soldiers who are absent without official leave. Lastly, AFV and AGV represent d teifferent types of armored and autonomous ground vehicles.

These acronyms play a crucial role in military operations, ensuring effective communication and understanding among personnel.

From Oye Ekiti, RS Anisu lowo Deborah for Media Team


BY : IKERE DIVISIONAL COMMANDANT RS MAJOR BAMGBADE OLUBUNMI SAMUEL 4TH LECTURE : THE PARADE Definition of parade: A public celebration of a special day or event that usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles.... Definition of parade in a Uniform (Military/Para-military) term: Parade is a formation of soldiers whose movement is restricted by close-order manoeuvering known as drilling or marching. Example of Parade are Ceremonial Parade, Elementary Parade, Guard parade, Rifle Parade etc WHO IS A PARADE COMMANDER A Parade commander is the person that commands parade, he is the one in charge of the parade A parade commandant must be neat, different, vigilant and vocal... All words of command coming from a parade commandant must be clear and powerful since the way in which they are given affects the reaction which they inspire. Note: It is not all parade commandant that drink or smoke, when you come across someone who tells you that you can


BY : CHAPLAIN PASTOR ADESOJI AYOOLA Topic : what are the Ways of developing leadership Qualities Necessary for Effective Command And Supervision Introduction :Leadership is not just a position or a title, it’s a set of skul and qualities that empower individuals to guide, Inspirons drive positive change in both their personal and professional lives . The success of every Organization lies on the leadership. So there’s heed for developing leadership qualities and skills that are necessary for effective command and supervision which bring about the success of the organization within your reach . Ways of developing leadership qualities * Accessing your current leadership abilities * Setting clear leadership goals * Understanding leadership styles * Communication skills * Building strong relationships and trust * Decision making and problem solving * Delegating task effectively * Leading and motivating team’s * Handling organization conflict and challenges * Seeking mentorship and guid

Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 19/04/2024

Excerpts from the workshop at Oye Ekiti Division

Capacity Building: Royal Shepherds organizes 3 Days Regional Workshop for Officers 19/04/2024

Capacity Building: Royal Shepherds organizes 3 Days Regional Workshop for Officers Bamidele Eleniola The Royal Shepherds of the Sofia Ajayi Regional Command in Ekiti State, Nigeria, has organized a three-day workshop for Regional and Divisional Executives, Captains, Lieutenants, …

Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 19/04/2024

Capacity Building: Royal Shepherds organizes workshop for Officers


Be there!

Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 16/04/2024

You are all invited!


Get. Ready!





Photos from Royal Shepherds Ado Divisional Council's post 07/04/2024



Be there !


2024 National Rally.

RS Rhoda Weds Lover In Style 07/03/2024

RS Rhoda Weds Lover In Style By Deborah Anisulowo, Ekiti RS Rhoda Olajumoke, on March 7 tied the knot with the love of her life, Emmanuel Onyekachukwu, in a traditional ceremony and church wedding in Orin Ekiti, Ekiti Stat…


Ado Divisional Council celebrates super Officer, of 182nd , as Rhoda ties knot with partner in Orin Ekiti

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RS Captain Omotayo
By RS Captain Solomon Olayinka OmotayoParade is an extension of drill. A parade (also called march or march-past) is a p...
Prayer by  RS Bridg. General Pius Olarewaju Ogunjobi





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