Rising Deborah's

Raising Women leaders. (Spiritual, Homebuilders and Career women). Judges 4:4

Photos from Rising Deborah's post 20/11/2023

Congratulations Jephthah Idahosa Aigbe and Mabel Mosamaro Moses

This is just too beautiful.


I had observed them for about a week or two without anyone noticing. These were people who lived directly opposite my Grandma's house in the village.

I don't know why I had this special attention on them for about a week or so but before I travelled back home I knew why,

This was a family of four, their dad was late, leaving many debt for the woman to pay up. In a dry village like that, there was no hope of paying up so her small pieces of farm were taken as collateral. I shook my head in pity after hearing their story from my grandma

From that day I started observing one thing I noticed about them was their persistence and joy of survival.
how they feed, how they cloth, how they keep a happy and continually hopeful face for the next day to shine its light, I don't know

This story took my mind back (Matt 6:25). Which says:

So I tell you, do not worry about everyday life, whether you have enough food, drink, or clothes. Is life not more important than clothes and food?

Discretion: This is not to encourage laziness but to encourage you to stop worrying about tomorrow.
Don't put yourself under pressure on what to do next, God knows how to care for his people.

Written by Asabor Loveth.
Follow Deborah's.


Who told you you are unlucky in relationships?

I have seen numerous situations whereby both genders stay in a toxic relationship,( relationship where they are being abused emotionally In one way or the other)

Their excuse remains that they "aren't lucky in relationships,
Those I love don't love me and the ones that love me I don't love" Let me manage anyone that comes.

Many, because of this reason are making more mistakes trying to fix themselves where they don't belong

You have your spec pictured in your mind, the same way your spec has his/her spec pictured in mind. But the question is have you worked on yourself to the standard of what you want?

Everybody likes better things!
Don't use it because you are too bored to go into any relationship, you are the lucky person, God is only helping you so you don't make so many mistakes and have regrets.

Make good use of this opportunity and build more on yourself, you are the most lucky human being on earth.
Love yourself and start seeing love around you.

It is better to be single than to be in a relationship where you don't have inner peace.
Don't ever tell yourself you aren't lucky in terms of relationships

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# Relationships.
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Funny though, but speaking the truth. Dear Fellowship Brother๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. I learnt so much from this. Thanks, Fuf.


How women communicate versus how men process the information.

Women: I miss you ( to them I miss the way we talk, the time we spend together).

Men: I miss you. (their brain is so straight, I miss what we had and I want more, the physical touch) .

Women: I Love you (They mean I need a commitment from you)

Men: I love you (I love what I see and I love to have them in my arms). Not necessarily commitment.
Commitment can come in, as time progresses.

So understand the difference "I love doesn't mean he will marry you soon.
And I miss you don't mean he truly means it.
Understand the perspective a person is coming from, when they talk to you about Love.

Some people can be like sugar-coated tablets. They know how to give vases of fake promises.


Don't be tossed around with every word, there is more to love, than words.
Building yourself as a lady, you must be intentional about it, know your goal and stick to it.
Some distractions come in the form of talks, promises and friendship. know where to draw the curtain and set your boundaries.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# Relationships.

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When God presented the animals to Adam he knew, that not one of the animals was suitable for him as a companion or helper.

But immediately God presented Eve to Him. he was pleased, and he said "This is the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh".

My emphasis here is on the word "Companion" Every Man knows who is suitable for him. You are either a Companion to him or just a company.

You can be in a relationship and all you are needed for is for s*x, kissing, romance, and cooking, it's already Routine.

No Good Talking relationship.
No values to one another.
Your partner could even have another best friend outside.

Yes, you give excuses for him, Yes he loves me but he is too busy, and that is why he doesn't call for days.
No one is ever too busy it's only a matter of priority.

Sorry to say but it's the truth, You are just keeping each other's Company.

Don't just go into a relationship because you feel no one is coming and you are getting old.

Don't just date because of availability sake.

Don't deceive yourself, Because you are looking for love/commitment, if you are not enjoying it now, you can't enjoy it in marriage.

When the man sees his companion he knows, don't let anyone deceive you.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# Relationships.

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1. Avoid the mistake of not having a plan and goal for your relationship, let your relationship have a purpose.

2. You must avoid being a Liability, no matter how rich and generous your partner is, try to give. Don't be the only one receiving.

3. Don't ever make the mistake of sharing all your family secrets, especially the confidential ones.

4. Don't ever condemn anyone or spoil the image of anyone in your family before your partner. Cherish the family you are from, good or bad, rich or poor, respect your family.

5. Don't be anxious to know everything about him, family, or friends, let it come gradually in love.

6.. Don't play smart, trying to make secret calls, secret chatted He is wise the same way you think you are wise. Be Open.

7. Be observant, know what he likes and what he hates.

8. Respect and love his family and friends

9. Don't make the mistake of doing wife duties or acting above who you are to please him, be real to him and yourself.

10. Contribute to the growth of the relationship, have something "say"

11. Run if you observe your partner is someone who doesn't need others' opinion, is stingy, and can't control anger, if he slaps you, or treats you like trash, Run 4 Your Life.

12. Have respect for yourself, don't make him see you like someone begging for love, and let your No to anything you believe is true be No. Don't ever make foolish sacrifices you will regret.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# Relationships.

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The grand piano and the sounds it brings. It makes one feel like the day for judgment would be close.
Especially watching the old people holding the hymns focused, and singing With all might to their redeemer.

The pastor had forgotten that for three days he had kept malice with his family.

The choir sister, shouting, trying to inspire everyone to worship God. Has been in her boyfriend's house for a week now. But now forgotten all done through the week.

Then the young guy sitting at the front of the church has not stopped admiring the well-dressed lady. Wearing a skimpy loose gown, Lusting after her beauty, but then he would say to himself. "I'm in church, let me focus. Lord, please have mercy on me"

The other advanced lady thinking about the usher who had spoken to her rudely and would say to herself "She is lucky we are in the church, if not for God I would have shown her I don't tolerate".

Sundays give a different feeling and consciousness. A lot is done during the week and even before church service, but in no time they are all forgotten in church. I wish we all carry this consciousness of being in God's presence through the week. Praying singing, studying and doing what is right, because the gospel is not for Sunday morning alone.

Sunday are indeed a day of refreshing, I love Sundays.

What about you, what have you observed about Sundays?

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# frictional story


Build yourself.

Train yourself.

Take yourself out.

Love yourself.

Appreciate yourself.

You too don try.

This is what we all are expecting to be told from the outside. To be appreciated by others, to be loved by others, to be supported by others.
Can you start doing that for yourself?

Stop waiting for an external motivation. An internal motivation is the best.
Treat yourself the way you would want to be treated.

Good evening ๐ŸŒ

Written by Asabor Loveth.
Please follow my page for more content Deborah

# frictional story


One thing I learned so far in life is ignoring God's voice is to one's detriment.

Listening to God has More to do us, not God.

How does it end, when you go against God'swill? it's usually full of regrets.

God sees the end from the beginning. We only see the beginning and imagine the end.

We humans judge by the outward. God judge both the inward.

Learning to trust God takes process but it starts by obeying the little instructions he gives.

Good evening ๐ŸŒ™

Written by Asabor Loveth.


When the Wave of the STORM seems too heavy don't forget to call the name of JESUS

Good morning


๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ˆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค ๐ข๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ.

Love is not what I think it was. I concluded after watching Daddy Odeboye, Talking about how he fasted with his wife for 40days and 40Night.

This is not all about the fast. But the lessons I got after meditating on what is Love. I came to the conclusion that I don't love.

โˆšโ€ข Love is not love until you love God It takes the love of God to forgive and forget. Except you love God it will be difficult to love your wife the way God love the church especially when she is stubborn. And as a woman, it will be difficult to submit to that man especially when the man doesn't love you.

โˆšโ€ข Love is not love until you are willing to go through mountains with your partner: You know when everything is going fine, there is money there is no problem to solve it is easy to conclude that it is love, but true love is tasted in trials

โˆšโ€ข Love is not love until you are ready to push each other's dreams. You cannot partner with someone, who doesn't see you in his/her future and aspirations. Or someone jealous of you.

โˆšโ€ข Love is not love until the person is willing to see beyond you, but what you carry in the future. If the person doesn't believe in you. Forget it.

โˆšโ€ข Love is not excitement, it's not that butterflies you feel each time he/she calls. Love is beyond that. love is sacrifice.

Until you know love, don't conclude you love.
Love is not all rosy like you think. The end shall tell says "๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š"

Written by Asabor Loveth.
Please follow my page for more content Deborah

# frictional story


Dear one.

Please learn to be healed from your past before you move on. Otherwise you will spread your hurt like virus. And those persons you hurt may never understand the stand point you where coming from.

Give your self time to heal. Don't rush it. Disconnect from anything thing that will dig up the past you have buried.

You can be you again.
yours faithfully.
Rising Deborah's

Please share, and invite friends.
Happy New Month.


Enjoy your singleness Now because it won't last forever.

Love yourself, and don't be too hard on yourself

When I say don't be too hard on yourself. It doesn't mean you shouldn't be a principled person.

Forgive your past. Both the ones you caused and the ones others Did to you.
forgive the people in your past.

Go out with friends, yes the right friends.

Love what you do and work smart.

Go to Church and love God.

Explore your gift and be happy.

Stop being in haste to be engaged.

If you find the right one move on.โ˜บ๏ธ

I love you Good evening.

I Am Rising Deborah's. Follow me on Deborah's


The first time I saw her, was at the church. Her crop top exposes her waist and navel, With light leggings. She wore a nose ring and a leg chain.

"I wonder why some people will dress indecent to church".I thought to myself. I despised her in my mind.

We met again inside the church. She sat close to me, I wish the ushers had not directed such a person to sit close to me.

But then in church, she did something that made me like her.
I didn't give my offering with cash. I made a transfer she didn't know. When it was time for Thanksgiving she brought money from her pocket, I thought the money was for herself. She shakes my hands with it, she thought to help.

"Oh, I thought I should help," she said

"Thanks, I did transfer instead", I said

We later got to meet each other properly. and I realized I was too quick to judge her.

This is the lesson I learned.

Don't define people by their looks. Some of them might have not been exposed yet to that light of expressing Christ through their dressing.

However, dress right. People will judge you by your first appearance. Yes, you might say dressing doesn't matter, it does. Dressing shows the culture, your tribe, and the kind of family you are from. Nobody will go to your heart to see how nice is it at first. First impressions matter. Don't immediately the world. You are from a family of Jesus Christ.

Even if you are in search of a spouse. Know this "You cannot marry a man with an uncovered body and you except to keep him with a covered body".
please still keep to your standard. Dress right.

Let your dressing first pass the message that you are a child of God, a royal priesthood, even before people come close.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

Ps. Nwaigwe

# frictional story


These girls were hot. They were the click of friends. I love their dress sense, and their vocabulary, everything about them is just so unique. I too admire them just as others did.

This was my first year on campus, we were called "fresher" and treated like that. These girls were not like us, everyone respected them, I guess they had rich parents, or maybe one of them could be dating a fraudster (yahoo boy).

I don't care, I desperately wished to be like them. I tried, I did all I could, I tried to dress, talk or even act big like they did. But all in vain, I was humiliated and talked down.
One time I tried wearing skimpy gowns and skits just to be like them. Yet they still saw me as nothing up to their standard.

Just a few months after graduation, I was invited as a guest speaker to talk at an event. This click of friends came too. I would have loved to say"hi" but they pretended not to have seen me. After presenting one of them walked up to me and said "Ma I admired you all through while you spoke". Others stood by, I saw the admiration on their faces.

I looked at them again and regretted ever wishing to be like them. I started seeing how immature I was in trying to be like them, dress and even talk like them.

What makes the difference?

The difference is "Growth". Growth will make you see things differently.
Let me tell you the truth, Stop pursuing people, pursue growth.
The reason you still feel peer pressure is because you have not discovered your uniqueness and growth.

When you discover yourself you will look beyond dressing and look at the value. You will stop settling for less. God has deposited so much in you, so stop looking down at yourself, find your uniqueness and grow in it. stop trying to be, when you already are.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# frictional story


I have been there, it's felt like nothing around was walking. I felt I had given more time to people who didn't deserve it. I have been there.

I felt depressed and heartbroken. I built many castles in the air because of the fake promises I got from friends.

Promises like "I love you, am with you, I will support you".

Yes, I have been there.

But my advantage was the Holy Spirit.

He gives you every scripture you need at every point in time. He is a great comforter.

If you haven't known him as a person, I am introducing him to you as a person.

He can be your friend, he sees what no man sees.

Have you tried asking him to help you pray, or study when you feel weak? There is more, He can do all things.
I can go on and on and tell you about him But let me stop here.
Don't waste too much time talking to people about what you are facing, your challenges and your fears. The holy spirit can be trusted, he is a friend. Start talking to the Holy Spirit he is a person.

Written by Asabor Loveth.

# frictional story

Photos from Rising Deborah's post 25/10/2023

Who is happy with, my account is fully backโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ.

Please help me invite, friends follow

Photos from Rising Deborah's post 06/09/2023


Photos from Rising Deborah's post 18/04/2023

Happy Birthday To meโค


Thank you Barb Schmidt. You page has been needful this day.

You are complete, enough, and worthy.
Never abandon yourself or settle.
Walk alone for awhile when necessary.

I love Chapter 23 of the Dhammapada titled, "The Elephant"

Here's an excerpt: ( remember in those days the language was s*xist always using man)

"If the traveler can find
A virtuous and wise companion
Let him go with him joyfully
And overcome the dangers of the way.

But if you cannot find a
Friend or master to go with you,
Travel on alone---
Like a king who has given away his kingdom,
Like an elephant in the forest.

Travel on alone,
rather than with a fool for company.

Do not carry with you your mistakes.
Do not carry your cares.

Travel on alone
Like an elephant in the forest."

(You deserve people in your life who donโ€™t have misconceptions about your personality or intentions.-unknown)

Photos from Rising Deborah's post 01/02/2023

Remember your eye is the gateway to your heart.

Guild your heart with all diligence.

Not everything you watch.

Be conscious of what you feed your eye.

Matt.6.23 - But if thine eye is evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


Happy New Month.


Photos from Rising Deborah's post 27/01/2023

Ladies let's gather here...

Valentine is coming, look for a good gift and get one for him. He shouldn't be the only one giving you.

Must, especially I want to remind you. Your body is not a gift to him.
It's not a sacrifice you should pay for him.
If he is looking for painful sacrifices. Remind him about the one Jesus paid on the cross.

You have a lot to do in life. You were not created to use your body as a sacrifice to man.
..... that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12: 1.

ยฉRising Deborah's


In whatever you do, be conscious of who you are.

You are not a slave to sin.

You are a light.

You have your liberty in Christ.

Christ has redeemed you.

When Next the devil reminds you through thoughts of your past.

Remember it was who you WERE. Not who you are Now NOW.

You are a light and you Shine in the holy ghost.

ยฉRising Deborah's


There are many ways to succeed.
Not everyone will go with your Way or idea to succeed.
We will all get to a destination.
What matters is how we all end and where we end

Prov.14.12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Donโ€™t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Proverb 37 (TPT).

Be yourself, and don't be intimidated by how others succeed. Joyfully mind your business ๐Ÿ˜. And succeed in your field.

ยฉRising Deborah's


She said " I am not fulfilled, I know there is more inside of me, I want to be a better version of myself but am still the opposite of myself. I have tried, I am tried. I will just be normal and support those chasing their dreams".

Me: What have been you chasing in the past month?

What are you constantly beholding?

Which books have you been reading?
Who do you follow on social media?

What kind of videos do you watch?

Which kind of music do you feed your mind with?

What do you constantly meditate on?

What kind of friends do you keep, and who are your Mentors and role model?

What discussion do you engage in?
What is your belief?

If you can answer these questions then I will further explain why you are still the same.

ยฉRising Deborah's

Jesus is coming again.


How come you stopped being blessed by that same Message that use to be a blessing to you?

How come you lost interest in What usually increases your growth and makes you think positively?

How come you start seeing those things or persons that would have been a blessing to you as an enemy or Suddenly started seeing fault in them?

Have you realized since you started fighting the growth process by not properly acknowledging their efforts in your life positively you stopped growing?

Anything that fights growth is an enemy of growth. Familiarity is one of them.

When you notice familiarity fight it with all your might.
It's can reduce a man to nothing. Because it comes with pride.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’„๐’‚๐’ ๐’‡๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’• ๐’‡๐’‚๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’Š๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’š. ๐‘ฉ๐’š ๐‘จ๐’‘๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’„๐’Š๐’‚๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’. ๐‘จ๐’‘๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’„๐’Š๐’‚๐’•๐’† ๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š ๐’”๐’–๐’„๐’„๐’†๐’”๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’”๐’†๐’† ๐’Š๐’ ๐’๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’”. ๐‘บ๐’†๐’† ๐’๐’๐’๐’š ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’๐’๐’… ๐’Š๐’ ๐’๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’”. ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’‘ ๐’”๐’†๐’†๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’๐’๐’๐’š ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’˜๐’“๐’๐’๐’ˆ. ๐‘ฉ๐’† ๐’๐’‘๐’†๐’ ๐’•๐’ ๐’๐’†๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’‚๐’๐’˜๐’‚๐’š๐’”.

I hope this has helped someone.
Feel free to share and comment

ยฉRising Deborah's.


I PRAY Deuteronomy verse 28 for you today.

Good morning ๐ŸŒž


It is not wrong going into a relationship early in life.
But it is wrong to go into a relationship With the wrong knowledge.

Many have given up their dream for the sake of relationships.

That passion, dream, and talent were placed in you for a reason not for you to waste it. If the relationship is the reason you aren't focused. Why go into a relationship yet?

It Is the right time to date?

Is the relationship needful to your purpose yet?

There are questions you should set down and ask yourself before you ask that girl out or before you say yes.

Love is not fried rice and chicken. Who you spend your life with matters a lot and how you spend your time also matters.

It is time to reflect.
Is it worth it?
Am I ready for this?
Can this direction I am going in life lead to achieving my purpose in life?

Peer pressure is normal, Valentine is coming, and you need a baby girl treatment, right?
I want you to know you are different, you are going somewhere in life. Don't be distracted if it is not the right time. Wait. It's not a sin been single.

You have a purpose . Sit down analysis your life. Anyone is not for you.

ยฉRising Deborah

Jesus is coming again.


Don't change your confession.

Don't forget your confession.

Even when the situation seems worst and nothing is working.

you shall be the head, and not the tail; above only, and thou shalt not be beneath;


Some prayed so much until they enter into a relationship they stopped.

Some were workers in the church until opportunities started coming they stopped having time for God.

Some study so hard until they got admission they started debating if God is real or Not.

So started the race so much preaching and living by the truth, until frame and members started coming into the ministry they lost their focus.

This is not to judge you, I tell the truth remaining at the top is so hard to sustain because you are the only one there.

Everyone looks at you and you look at others, so you sometimes forget to look at yourself again. All you think about is how to maintain excellence.

If God can give you this level of request, it means there are higher ones.

It means if you had prayed for a relationship you will one day pray for godly children.

Why not remain in God instead of holding on to your current achievement, your ego. all this can fail you one day, except God.

Remember from where you have fallen and repent..... Revelation 2:5

ยฉJesus is coming again

Rising Deborah's.


You remember how it's started last year.

When he called you, your mind asks you not to go. But you took anointing oil to anoint your tongue. Saying "This tongue will not kiss any frog this year".

You carry your two left legs and went to his house. You promised nothing will happen.

He said come and sit close to me๐Ÿค”
your body started giving signs, but you say " it's just a hug. It's just a kiss. Latter you say "Just this once".

Now you are crying "oh! God help my weakness".

The Bible says in Rom.8.14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

This is a new year. Be led.

Before any fall there was an instruction not obeyed.

It's not about having the holy spirit in you. allow him led you.

Stop wasting time. Allow God led.be yielded.


Follow and share Deborah's

Jesus is coming again.


Today is the second chance you have been praying for. Don't waste it. Use it for God.


I remember admiring this boy in my street.
He was a spec. Just tall, cute๐Ÿคญ, ..... I wouldn't say all, so you will not know my spec...

I was crushing from afar until we became friends๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ.

I kept praying in my heart that he should ask me out.

One day I visited him, and I can't tell what happened but I heard him insulting his mother. Everyone at home tried calming him down but he was hot, like on fire.

I ignored that,
I understand that parents can be annoying sometimes.

I later followed him out one day. And someone mistakenly scratches his car. Omo! Even I couldn't calm him o. I was almost ashamed of the way he was shouting.

When we entered the car he explained to me that he had temper issues.

I understand. Since he is hot, I will be cold. That's how love works๐Ÿคญ.

The day finally came, and he asked me out. I quickly said yes. Oh yes! Crush.

Not up to a Month we had, issues he insulted my life๐Ÿ˜ข and my generation. He apologizes after that day. I understand he had anger issues. The relationship is barely one year and I was tired of receiving slaps and beating.

This is a fictional story. But it happens a lot. Where intending couples ignore Red flags.

It might not be anger, it might be other signs. Don't ignore

As you pray, watch and be observant. Those little signs shouldn't be ignored.

if you feel a certain way about that partner don't ignore those red flags.

ยฉRising Deborahs'

Jesus is coming again.


Don't stop winning. God is with you always.โค


So much to do this year. I started thinking so hard, about how to meet set goals.

I realize the more I think the more unrealistic things become.

I had to communicate my worries to my "My Favourite".

His answer was " Loveth Rest".

I didn't understand this at first. I said to myself, "is he asking me to sleep?"

I understand it better with what Jesus said in Mattew 6vs 25, 11vs 28.

Rest is beyond sleep. Rest is renewing your energy from within.

You can sleep and not have rest.

Rest are you dropping that heavy heart to Jesus. Lifting that Anxiety to him.

I know you have a lot you could have achieved last year and you wish to achieve them this year. Please REST.

Your worries will not add any cubit your life.

Rest, lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. And start working from the standpoint of Rest.

ยฉJesus is coming again.



Great hangout with Deborahs'

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Funny though, but speaking the truth. Dear Fellowship Brother๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. I learnt so much from this. Thanks, Fuf.#highlightsever...
Great hangout with @Rising Deborahs'
Highlight from the outreach.
Thank you #The winlos#
This baby is no longer here on earth๐Ÿ˜‡





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2 Delta Crescent Off Ikpokpan Road B/city

Greatness is power Greatness is power

un lobo solitario๐Ÿบ

Ridah pen work Ridah pen work
Barrister O. Z Alassa Street

Romance, drama, supence

Stories by Destiny Stories by Destiny
Nepa Line
Bรฉnin, 20071005

This page is all about stories ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Roize azaman Roize azaman
Ojomoh Street. Off Etete

Excel talkertive Excel talkertive

@ั‚ะฝฮนั•ฮนั•eั…cel1 ฮนnั•ั‚agraะผ ะผan oา“ grace and joker

ItohanConnect ItohanConnect

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