David Promote Holiness and Righteousness Worldwide.

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. 2CORINTHIANS 7:1



Join us in prayer this morning and notice a massive change in your life after the prayers


How many Souls have you won for the kingdom of God since January till date how many Souls have you preached her?


As a preacher there is need for personal spiritual clinic. You must cultivates the act of personal secret prayers, scriptural meditation, fasting and daily pleading of the mercies of God. However while preaching the gospel to others there are some certain things you need to takes into consideration.

➡If you are to preach about Hell, check if you're hastening to Hell

➡If you are to preach about Heaven check if you're already qualified to enter Heaven.

➡If you are to preach about Love, check if you still inhabits malice and grudges against your friends or Neighbor

➡If you are to preach about rapture, ask yourself if you truly prepared for the second coming of the Lord?

➡If you are to preach about faith, love and trust in God, check yourself if you have the same faith and love burning within your.

Let me ask this question; are you really walking with God? You might be "working" for God now and not devotedly "walking" with him. If you are merely working for God without walking with him, your reward certainly awaits you but *when you walk with God — you will hardly slumber or withered off because his glory will consumed you.*

If not you will be surprise that despite your hot message you will be told by an Angel at the Gate of Heaven "Yes, you did a great work while on earth. Your name is in the Book of Works, Giving, meditation, Evangelism, Sowing etc"

But suddenly (with sadden face as he gaze at you shaking his head) "You did great works but we can't find your name in the Book of life and whosoever name not found thereof shall be cast into hell, where there shall be gnashing of teeth and weeping"


If I had 5 lives to live!... then I could have been born in 5 different cities, and eat until my stomach filled 5 times, and work in 5 different jobs... and also fall in love and married 5 different women

But unfortunately reverse is the term because i just have ONE LIFE TO LIVE on earth which systematically means, after death I am not going to behold this Old Earth again! One fateful day, i will die, rotten and forgotten in the silent grave yard but what legacy have i left-behind? — So ask yourself these questions:

➡How many people have i invested my time upon and reconstructed in this year?

➡How many people have i help generously without expectations of rewards in this year?

➡How many have i given hope and interceded spiritually on their behalf in this year?

➡How many are proud to have me as their friends?

➡How many can trust and confide in me?
My beloved one in Christ; life is not all about you but rather the impact you invested upon others. Please don't just live a callous life of selfishness and hatred. You are alive to create path that will bring joy and laughter in the life of others.



--Delilah or the Philistines?
--None of these options is correct.
--Permit me to tell you how.
--Even if there were 10,000 Philistine soldiers, they couldn't have defeated Samson.
--Do you know why? Samson's strength was not of this world; it was divine.
--As long as no one can defeat GOD, no army could have defeated Samson no matter how strong or how many.
--Samson was raised a terror for the Philistines. He killed a lion with his bare hands, lifted the gate of a city on his shoulder and walked over 46miles; he killed 300 Philistines soldiers with a jaw bone.
--What if he got a spear or sword?
--So, who killed Samson? The answer is Samson.
--Yes! Samson killed himself!
◇◆A man is his greatest enemy.
◆◇What an enemy cannot do to a man, he would do to himself.
◆◇Samson killed himself.
◆◇He delivered himself to the lap of Delilah and used his own mouth to tell the secret of his power.
--His life promised so much but delivered so little
--The Bible says in Proverbs, Chapter 19 Verse 3:
"The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lord."
--Nobody can ruin your life except you do with your own hands.
--Although you can blame it on GOD or parents or government, you're the architect of your life; you are your greatest enemy.
--Even if your grandparents had done any evil, until you press the trigger it won't explode on your face
--No Satan or witch has the power to destroy you no matter how much they hate you, you're the only one who can kill yourself by your actions
--When the enemies try in vain to kill you, they lie in wait and allow you to kill yourself by your actions.
》》Goliath the champion couldn't hurt David but adultery destroyed his family.
》》The Gentile nations couldn't hurt Moses, but anger killed him.
》》When King Jeroboam stretched his hand against the prophet, his hand dried up. He couldn't hurt him, but his own disobedience turned him to a prey for a lion.
--Your greatest enemy isn't outside there, it's in you!
◆◆Millions are killing themselves with their own mouth by what they eat and drink.
◆◆Millions die of sexually transmitted diseases every year.
◇◆Would you blame a witch for that?
◆◆Hundreds of thousands of divorce and breakup happen every year because people destroy their
own marriages and homes with their own hands.
--Like Proverbs 14:1 says "Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.
--If you fail, don't look far away, look inwards because what's killing you is inside of you.
--What you yield yourself to will either kill or save you.
--If you continue yielding yourself to fornication, that's what will kill you both SPIRITUALLY or PHYSICALLY
--Everyone has a seed of sin deposited in him through his Adamic nature.
》》True repentance kills that seed but if you don't kill that anger, pride, jealousy, greed, lust, it won't just kill you in the future, it might have been killing you already.
》》That's why no matter how much people die of cancer and diabetics people won't stop smoking and drinking because a man signs his
own death warrant
◆◇Kill that seed before it kills you.
◆◇Quit that habit, now! Because your greatest enemy isn't a man or a spirit or Satan but you.




I have always wondered why the Jews did not and still don't believe Christ resurrected after three days, until I was led to a scripture in the Bible, which shows it was JUST ONE LIE that nullified what Christ did. What was the lie?

The chief priests told the guards to lie that the disciples came to steal the body at night, while they were sleeping. They were given money to tell this lie and they told this lie. This lie is what has robbed many Jews the gift of Salvation.

Reminds me of Carol's story...

Carol was on the bed with her husband on that fateful Saturday morning, when her phone rang, it was her twin sister calling. Simultaneously, the door bell rang, David Her husband went for the door, while she recieved her call.

" Carol, please do me a favor, my husband will call you soon, tell him we were out all day yesterday.. Together...Tell him, we went shopping, and got back late around 11:45pm" Christy rushed her words

" But that is a lie, and I don't tell lies. " Carol answered

" Please, Carol, just this one lie, save my life, and I promise after this I.will stop my promiscuity..."She pleaded as she dropped the call...

Meanwhile, downstairs, David was been interrogated by some police officers, who found his ID card at a crime scene yesternite.

David told them he had nothing to do with the crime as he was at home, last night from around 6pm with his wife. He told them to let him call his wife, as she was a witness. He shouted Carol's name and told her to come downstairs.

Carol was on her way down, when Christy's husband called...

" Hello Emma.., Good morning, happy weekend... Fine... What? Your wife?.. Yes we were together yesterday till late at night... I even got home around 11:45pm ..ok.. No problem "

At this point, David rose up in shock and fear, as the officials were looking at him like they have nailed him...

" Carollll.... What sort of lie did you just tell, we were both at home.. " The officers cut in

" Mr David, don't put words in her mouth, you have been telling us lies, we have your wife's voice on record, definitely you were at the crime scene and you killed Miss K**e after you r***d her" He brought out the handcuffs

" What? " Carol shouted

Before Carol could fully grasp what happened and explained what truly happened, her husband was behind bars.. Carol asked Christy to speak up, which she did, but the case was against them, because of just ONE LIE, that had been recorded.

David was sentenced to Life imprisonment and he spent 30 years before the real culprit was found, it was his cousin who had stolen his wallet. The victim had struggled with the ra**st, it was then the wallet fell. The cousin picked it up, but the ID card had fallen.

JUST ONE LIE tampered with a man's destiny, be careful of every word that proceeds out of your mouth..

The one lie, the soldiers at the tomb of Jesus said thousands of years back, is still what is making the Jews resist CHRIST as the Messiah..

" They told the soldiers, "You must say, 'Jesus' disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, and they stole his body. So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day."
Matt 28:13&15

BE careful of that ONE LIE. it goes beyond you.It can affect Generations.


The fear of God brings obedient and commitment.!
Where ever you might find ur self in the future, please always try to do good to other.



Recently i share few marital ebooks with a damsel which she gladly accepted and after a while she echoed "Evang David, thank you so much for opening my eyes through those ebooks on marriage. I always assumed that getting marry will makes me fulfilled my dream or purpose in life. But now i have seen the good side of my life. May God bless you"

Though i wasn't surprise by her motives toward marriage in negligence of discovering her divine purpose and working unto it fulfilment before thinking about marriage. This is exact ugly situation which many sisters craved due to ignorant.

After acquiring of school degree the next phase in life is marriage. Most of them are yet to discovered themselves, no vision, no ambition, no dream but just clouded with the assumption of getting marry.

They are radically peeping their wanton eyes TO & FRO in search of a Mr. Perfect like a hen looking for her lost chicks. Seriously dreaming for an innocent man to devoured in marriage and send back to the village.

Most of this sisters regard marriage as Heaven and if you dare interview most single ladies in the church you will discovered that about 90% of them has nothing upstair to offered in marriage apart of giving birth to 12 tribes.

My beloved sister, your singleness is a precious moment in life which you need to develop yourself, financial independent and ensure you are willing to build-up a man. You must be diligent and willing to earn the name "HUSBAND BUILDER" instead of "HUSBAND NAME BEARER"

If you are a "Name Bearer" and you unfortunately married a man that is just or about to start life you can't succeed in such marriage because a man always need a companion builder like himself.

But if you begin to develop yourself today into a woman of "Name Builder" you will surely succeed in your marriage. And when you meet a man that is still struggling in life, you will help to build-up his name and bear the name.

A name bearer women are already made homes and you can behold an example of this fact in the life of Mrs. Patience Jonathan (ex-first lady of Nigeria). She singled handedly built her husband (Goodluck Jonathan -former President) from the grassroot.

She polished and established her husband and make him what he worth today while most of you're busy searching and debating on marriage proposal when your mate are busy building up themselves in order to earn a degree as husband builders.

Anyway I desire you to be a name builder. Where you will beat your chest and point at your husband and said "'Honey, i knew you when i married you. You were nothing but today you have become something through the grace of God which dwellth in me"

And your husband will smile and reply "Heh dear, don't you know the reason why i have to terminate my engagement with sister Deborah and decided to approach?

I dissolved every opinion in order to marry you simply because you are a strong woman and who is likely going to help build my life. And today you can behold the result. Dear, may God bless you because without you i might had behold myself in the village"

However in some scenario, you will behold some miserable men in confused atmospheric marital state, feeling dejected and liquidated and always casting blame upon their wife as if the woman was the cause of their miserable and unfortunate life.

My brother please stop tagging your wife as a witch but rather blamed yourself because you were either deceived by sight, beauty, figurine shapes, complexion, b***s, education, family background or height and blindly married a NAME BEARER instead of a NAME BUILDER.

The greatest mistake you can incur in marriage is getting married to a name bearer woman, whom primary vision in life is to bear your name, watch Nollywood movies, spreading her legs wide in the sitting room and keep producing 12 tribes of Israel.

Nevertheless, my daily prayer unto God is to direct my sight toward a lady with hash-tag NAME BUILDER and not someone who's dream and vision is to bear name without vital input. And to you my beloved sister, i advice you began to work in developing yourself with readiness to build a man instead of seeking a man whom to devoured, send back to the village and dried-up like Panla fish. May God Help You.



I remembered vividly few years ago when i use to try my lucky destiny if i could hit the N8millions jackpot but unfortunately my dream didn't come through despite all my advance sporty mechanism and experience.

The worst scenario was that i later became trapped, imprisoned and brained washed by the online gambling system. Most of my pals during those era's where GAMBLING AGENTS but unfortunately almost all of them have crumbled.

I recalled when i first decoded the tactics often used by the demons to imprisoned the gambling victims which later prompt me to pull-out. I use to rang an echo of warning to most of my closed pals who were "agent" to desist from such business because it's SPIRITUAL PRISON.

Though only few accepted my warning while the rest naughty greedy dick-heads refuse to hearken and today most of them are yet to recovered their invested capital because the devil is not a fool. One of them is still at large due to the collateral he pledge while seeking loan from the bank.


The first step is to behold yourself "NOT MAKING" it through football gambling. The mindset of "I'm going to hit big someday in this business of gambling" doesn't exist but rather a demonic suggestion.

The first step is to begin to see other various opportunities around which can help you succeed in life by total detesting of gambling. You need to work on your sub-conscious mind (consistently reminding yourself of other avenue) and stop seeing gambling as your only means of survival but rather begin to see it as a dubious company ( SPIRITUAL PRISON).

Though other may win millions but always remind yourself that your destiny is brighter and glorious and gambling is never and will never makes you great in life because GOD WON'T permit it to work for you, Simply because he has something better to offer you if you shall bend down and discover your divine purpose in life and begins to work upon it.

Lastly, back it (gambling addiction) up with prayers and cut off from every gambling associates, best friends and relative. And i short while you will regain your moral consciousness and be useful to yourself and your family.

Please don't forget to share your testimony in the Church because overcoming football gambling and English Soccer premiership league games (addicts) is the greatest testimony in my life as a Christian.



— When a marine Soldier got wounded his fellow comrade will ensure they rescue and even drag his body-bag home. They abide under the motto of the Marine Corps — We Don't Leave Our Men or Women In Uniform Behind.

— When occultic man denounced his diabolic practice, the occultic grandmaster will ensure he never goes unpunished. It either he returns back, dies or afflicts with insanity.

— When a Muslim man renounced Islamist religion practice and decided to embrace Christianity, it's either he is beheaded (Shari'a law) or he escape for his dear life because there is no room for mercy.

— When a cultist renounces his membership, the cult members come after him so that he can return.

— But when a Christian backslides or while enacting restitution his fellow Christains soldier will sit back to laugh at his errors, scarcely will anyone pray for his return.

It's only in Christianity i have behold a wounded Soldier of Christ allowed to died in an injury, without cares due to selfishness and pride. They seen not to understand the Meaning of the word "Church".


The church is assembling or collective of CHRISTIAN. It's the body of Christ while Christ is the head of the church. Across the ocean, stream and valley; across the nations, continent, worlds, state, communities, villages and streets we are in one body of Christ. We are never separated; we are unified in one heavenly language and one doctrine of Holiness, truth and righteousness.

We are not haters and back-biters; we are called Love because our father is Love. We are the first Born of Christ and heir to the throne because we are possessor of the kingdom of God.

We are never afraid of death because our master has already conquer death and given us assurance of Resurrection.

We are not of the world, although we are in the world but never of the world. We are fearful believers in Christ and not religious worldly system followers.

We are called *"Brethren"* because we are of one stock in body of Christ. We work together as brethren in order to keep the body of Christ healthy by caring for one another.

Our master and only precious savior; Jesus Christ, didn't come to the world for the saints and righteous believers but rather he came for us. He came to show us the true light and path of righteousness.

We are horrible sinners and wicked brethren in the past. Our lives were filled with wickedness and sinfulness due to the fallen of our first parent in the Garden of Eden.

There after, God pronounce his judgment upon us, which is DEATH because we are an offspring of the fallen; and we are not worthy to call his name because we have come short of his glory. However, the only begotten son of God came to restored us back to his father by calling us THE CHURCH.

Which he sounded many thousands years ago that he is coming to rapture a ready and prepared church for heavenly glory for a banquet of the last super. We are never a better person but we only come to the church to get BETTER and renew our inner life as it was written; *Psalm 119:17 "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple”*

Majority of us came to the church due to one problem or others; some came for healing and miracle, money, marital and educational breakthrough, thereafter arrested and decided to seek after heavenly glory. While Some also came due to poverty, spiritual attacks, failure and curse.

However; some are also in church because they want to repent and seek after the salvation of their soul; after exhibiting a dangerous and former atrocious lifestyle in deceit, prostitution, theft, lies, murder, abortion, arm-robbing, witchcraft and occultism etc.

Hence, they came to the church in order to be perfected because they are not BETTER but trying to become one. We only come to the synagogue to hear the words of God that built faith in-order to become a better person for the kingdom service; as it was written; *Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"*

The church is where we are nurture, broken, sanctified and perfected for heavenly glory. Those brethren you see in your church are there not because they wanted to be there, but they are there in order to be a BETTER PERSON.


It's our daily responsibility to seek and identify a weak Soul or a wounded Soldier and encourages him/her. Create time to invest spiritually, financially or emotionally upon his/her life.

Don't be selfish in your dealing but rather embrace the mindset of caring and expression of love to one another. Ask about their welfare, intercede in prayer and encourage them because we are the light of the world.

We are call to serve and service one another and not to mock and abandoned our fallen war-hero at war-front to died. Eternity race is about to elapse and we can't survive or run an effective race without the help of others — *Please Help That Wounded Soldier Beside You*.



Sometimes ago someone ask "Pls sir, is there any sin that is unpardonable? Is there any sort of sin which God can't forgives because it's written that to blasphemy the Holy Spirit is unpardonable. I am scared and confused Sir"


This is the 3rd personality in Trinity of God's Head. The Holy Spirit is God and was sent to the world to accomplished the work of Grace in converting many unto Christ but such person ought to first accept or embrace his "CONVINCING" voice before "Conviction" and "Conversion".

The Holy Spirit can make use of anyone to accomplished his earthly ministry, either a pr******te or arm-robber but that doesn't mean such person is in good tune with God. However, he can use them to heal the blind, make the lame to walk, rise the dead and even wrought great signs and wonder's because his ways are past finding. He is meek, wonderful, gracious, merciful and never ceased in goodness and his primary purpose is to lead majority unto Christ through repentance under the act of "SELF-WILL"

Yes, he can't compel anyone and whenever you perceived anyone rejecting, blaspheming or speaking evil against the perfect word of God that will empowered the HOLY SPIRIT to "convinced" him/her of the truth; — definitely sich person sin shall never be forgiven because "ACCEPTANCE" of the truth comes before "REPENTANCE"; and repentance comes before "FORGIVENESS"; as it is written; Mark 3:29 "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation"


The unpardonable sin today is the state of continued "unbelief". The Holy Spirit currently convicts the unsaved world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8).

Hence, to resist that conviction and willfully remain unrepentant is to “blaspheme” the Holy Spirit. There is no pardon, either in this age or in the age to come, for a person who rejects the Holy Spirit’s promptings to trust in Jesus Christ and then dies in unbelief. The love of God is evident: as it was written in "John 3:16"and John 3:36".


Some years back i was addicted into Football Gambling (bet9ja) and worsen with addiction to Premiership Soccer league. Though i was a reknown figure in the church, well respected and honor by the brethren, but secretly devoted in Gambling and Soccer Game.

However, the Holy Spirit didn't give-up by persistent echoing unto my ear about the danger of my addiction, but yet i keep justifying myself until the last straw that broke the camel's back, which prompted my repentance.

Yes, as a Christian there are some certain secret sin in your life which can't be pardon if you refuse to acknowledge it and sort for God's forgiviness. It's unfortunate that majority of us (evangelist) tend to behold ourselves as Holier Than Thou.

Inasmuch we preach and spread the gospel in our neigborhood, social media and respected in the church, we felt that we're Pure and Holy and there is no need for daily self-examination or spiritual clinic or needs to hearken unto godly instructions.

Nevertheless, it's never the will of the father for anyone to died in an unrepentent sin and that is reason why the Holy Spirit is presently pulling every available strings to ensure that everyone perceived his "convincing voice".

Yes, any secret or unrepentented sin you refused to repent and kept concealling shall never be pardon in this life and also in next life. Proverb 28:13 "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy"


There are 3 phase involves before salvation can be fully enacted.

1. CONVINCED: The Holy Spirit will convinced you to believes this post without doubt—But that doesn't make you a Christian.

2. CONVICTED : The Holy Spirit will propel you to pricked in heart, shed tears and felt sorrowfully rumors for your past mistakes and unbelief—But you can still backslide easily because you are not yet sanctified.

3. CONVERSION: The Holy Spirit will move to the last phase (salvation is a gradual process) which involves "SANCTIFICATION" Simply means, total purification of heart and up rooting every adamic nature and unrighteous thought of the heart.


If you blaspheme against the "Holy Spirit"; your sin can't be forgiven because you deliberately dispersed the first working phase of the Holy Ghost in your life while attempting to convinced you to believed.

Whosoever rejected the first phase or convincing act, speak evil, make mockery, argue or debates against any GODLY INSTRUCTIONS without seeking for repentance shall never be forgiven in this life and after death; because such person has voluntary refused to yield unto the persistence convincing of the Holy Spirit by abusing and rejecting testimonies, signs and manifestation works of God which bringeth salvation.



Yes, Let me "Thank You" first for stopping-by to read because i vividly knew "You Can't Thank Yourself" and i can behold your attention was attracted by the message title. Anyway i believe your understanding will be widen after scanning through this short-writeup.

Yes; the scripture affirmed "with God all things are possible and nothing shall be impossible with him because he is the Almighty Creator and designer of nature."

However in recent times i have realize that "not all is literally possible with God", there is an attribute which God can't really offered unto himself. There are things which is beyond his capability and he just can't do it.

Hence, it doesn't matter how glorious and powerful he might be or tend to magnifies himself, but he just can't do it because unto him it's impossible.

Yes, he created the earth and spreadth fort the Heaven's by his glorious powers and wisdom but he still find it terribly hard to enact this one solemnly thing. The Lord is mighty and terribly in powers but yet still can't bring himself down to do this ONE powerful and most difficult thing in life.

I have read the scripture up and down covers pages and scanned from Genesis to Revelation but still can't behold where he submit himself unto this biding because unto him it's impossible.

Moreover the most interest Book in the Bible which i cherish and desire to read everyday (PSALM) because it portrayed the dept awesomeness of the Lord, his mighty powers and creactivity but i still can't behold where he submit himself unto that great impossible act.


The most difficult thing in an existence of life is for God to "THANK HIMSELF". Yes, he can praise and magnifies himself but he can't and will never "THANK HIMSELF" because that is absolutely impossible.

The power of thanksgiving is the most glorious weapon that will usher you into the sanctum-Sanctuaries of the Almighty because when you inhabits the attitude of thanksgiving unto God, your tanks shall be full and every aspect of your life shall magnetize testimonies.


You slept last night and awoke this morning in good health and sound mind while some awoke with infirmities as a result of spiritual arrow and bewitchment enchanted during the night hours,

I mean, instead to goes down on your knee, WORSHIP & THANK him for sustaining you and your family unto this days, for the sight, knowledge, wisdom and understanding he bestow, but unfortunately you are still screaming for marital breakthrough and financial favour and you assumed he is going to hearken unto such prayers.

Nay, my beloved, you must thank him for that he has already wrought in your life and he shall do more because he just can't thank himself because it's an impossible act.



Their wedding was glorious and well honored by friends and family. Few year later sister Grace conceive and bear a son, her husband heart was filled with joy while sharing the news to his friends.

5 years later, the clash, misunderstanding, wrong counselling and divorcement. Presently sister Grace is penniless, abandoned by friends/family (advisers) and only surviving from the peanut often send by his Ex-husband for his son upkeep.

"Ifeanyi was a caring and lovely husband. But i push him to the wall while adhering to wicked counselor's. Oh, i really push him too hard but i still love him" says sister Grace.

This reflects the degree of folly and ignorance in which many women find themselves, and the degree of seduction in which many Children of God find themselves and allow themselves to be caught in the trap of Satan and his agents, by getting inside the marriage itself before they begin to reflect on what marriage really is.


Most often, it is after the wedding that sisters will begin to ask themselves whether they are ready for marriage. You even find some lazy Pastors who bless marriages and when problems arise among the couples, they tell them that they were not ready for marriage, or that it was not the will of God.

However, before thinking of marriage, before praying to meet a partner, you must first ask this question: “AM I READY FOR MARRIAGE?"

Hence it's important to sit down first and seek to understand the meaning of "MARRIAGE", meditate deeply on the teaching on marriage, and weigh the cost before committing yourself. It's a real danger to allow oneself to be solely carried away by sexual desires. Knowing fully well that after the fleeting of sexual pleasures, begin the difficulties of marriage life, difficulties that are unfortunately not fleeting.

Being ready for marriage is an extremely important element. Since God is against divorce and against re-marriage, every person before committing themselves to getting married must make sure they are ready to bear all the responsibilities related to marriage and to bear the many difficulties including the unforeseen surprises and frustrations.

Marriage is not a joke, it is not a place of leisure and pleasure. Marriage is a life, a cross. It is the school par excellence of self denial. Marriage is a prison that is not often called by its name. And as you know that the very nature of prison is the loss of freedom, also know that getting married is to give up voluntarily and totally one’s freedom.

Therefore, before committing yourself to marriage you must be conscious of this fact and so prepare consequently. As a lady thinking of marriage, you must make sure that you're ready to "submit your self" to a man in all things, even when you're not happy.

You must make sure that you are ready to serve a man as your Lord because man doesn't need your love. Yes; you heard me right and i will employ you desist from that olden slang or expression of "heh honey i love you" because inwardly those words can't win his heart.


A man doesn't want respect but rather "NEED" it. A man doesn't need love and no where in the Bible does ever say "A woman should love a man" It doesn't exist in the scriptures because a man doesn't need love.

# WHY?:

It's simply because a man need "respect". A man interprets respect as love. However when a lady tells me she loves me, honestly it doesn't mean anything to me because it doesn't move or prick my heart — Men can bear witness to this fact.

However when you respects me as a man, then i will affirmed that you truly love me. Ephesians 5:22-25 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord; Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it"

The scriptures tells the man to love a woman and it never tells the woman to love the man. But it does say wives respect your husbands in that same chapter because God knows what he made. So the major problem to you ladies now is "WHAT IS RESPECT?

Just look at you! You still got the meaning wrong and that is reason you're still not married. You always X-ray in your heart about the type of man you needed but never took time to examined what does that same man needed from"you"


The Word respect means "to speak highly of. To hold in high regard. It also means to praise and an average man always gets zero praise. It's reality and very dangerous.
Do you know what often hurts the husbands in the church?

You always respect your pastor more than him — Please you're not married to your pastor.
Though it can be tough sometimes to praise or respect your husband but it's a commandment in which you must obliged. Even if your husband isn't the ideal man, you're suppose to help him to be that!

Probably he doesn't know how to search the scripture faster as you, but don't just sit down there and says "let have devotions", then again you said to him, "why can't you find the book of Philippians?

Heh; you're not helping that man but rather demeaning his ego. You're destroying his pride. No wonder he doesn't do morning devotions again.
I mean, you're supposed to buy him a bigger Bible.

You ought to help him and when he can't find it , tell him, "Honey i know you could. Am going to wait until you find it honey because i don't know where it's myself. Just go right ahead honey. Yes, you can find the Book of Philippians. Come on honey, yes, you got it honey, yes sir, now let's go to Chapter 4 verse 13. Honey, yes, now read it and i am going to believe every words you says".


Many lady often expect marriage to be so easy. You expect it to be a world of roses and laughs and perfect moments that you find only in movies. You expect your man to always say the right thing, and always know exactly how you feel, or exactly how to react to it.

You expect him to calm you down when you’re yelling or to chase you when you run away.
You expect so much that you feel entirely, utterly defeated when something doesn’t exactly match up with all your plans. But that’s the thing, marriage isn't a plan but rather the ability to reasons, preview and immediately reconstruct every broken bridge or leakage and it begins with YOU (wife).

NEXT TOPIC: — "The Roles Of A House Wife In Marriage"

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Official Page of the General Council, Assemblies of God Nigeria.

St.Mary’s Block Rosary Trans Ekulu,Enugu. St.Mary’s Block Rosary Trans Ekulu,Enugu.

Block Rosary � is one of the organizations in the catholic faith which encourages people with common faith to say their Rosary daily...

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No 50 Meniru Street Aukunanaw Enugu

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Enugu, 400242

Reaching out to our world with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and raising christlike minds people with integrity.

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Okoye uchenna Acc No 2281258248 zenith bank

Akagod Holyghost Ministry Akagod Holyghost Ministry
Plot 38 B Fidelity Estate
Enugu, 042

A preacher of Truth/Unity and Jesus, Motivational Speaker, counselor, and Inspirational messages❤️🙏

All Saved Ministry INC. All Saved Ministry INC.

We Draw Men Back To God Through Evangelism, The Word Deliverance.

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No 10 Freedom Avenue Ologo Quarters

A place you can confide in, share your problems get Healed and help. Hear God's undiluted word!

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17b Bishop Shanaham

we are called to reconcile, heal and culture the world with the word!

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