Brightview Inc

Brightview Inc is a group specialized on Health and Agro sensitization.


Climate change

Climate change refer to a long-term shift in temperature & weather patterns. These shift may be natural, such as variation in solar cycle.

The main cause of the current climate change is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"
Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect include...

- Carbon dioxide; vehicle emission
- Methane; landfill from garbage are major source.
- Nitrous oxide
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Water vapour.

Role of human activity;
Burning of fossil fuel and bush burning has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Burning fossil fuels generates Greenhouse gas emissions that act as blanket around the Earth, trapping the Sun's heat & raising temperature.

Effect of Climate change

1. Increasing temperature and heat wave.

2. Rising ocean tide: climate change brings about melting of polar ice which causes the sea level to rise and cause flooding.

3. Seasons are shifting: the length of growing season for crop production is decreasing due to delay in the onset of rainy season.

4. Population of damaging insect will increase: insect proliferate at higher rate under high temperature, which have adverse effects on crop yield and performance. Increased temperate will increase pathogen survival.

5. Increase in food damage: it occurs mainly in area with extreme precipitation. Flooding may cause erosion, render crop unsuitable for market, delay planting and damage young plants.

6.Increase in spread of disease.

7. Impact on National security: climate change has effect on Herders - Farmer conflict. Due to low rainfall and growth of forage for the animals to feed on in dry season, Herdsmen exploit farmers by invading there field with animals in search of food.

8. Severe wind and hazards: severe storms cause human and livestock fatalities and damage to crop.

9. Competition for nutrient: more w**ds will grow on field which will limit nutrient, sunlight, oxygen etc as a result of competition with the planted crop/pl


Maintaining a normal blood glucose
Maintaining steady energy supplies to our body by making good nutrition choices is absolutely vital to our mental and physical performance and to our overall health. Glucose is an important provider of cellular energy, the brain is the biggest consumer of glucose accounting for about 50% of the body use.
However, balancing and utilisation of glucose is an important physiological process in the body. If too little glucose is available, low cellular energy production may affect the tissue, organ and systems within the body. To much glucose on a continual basis can react with and harm the body and disturb the body's normal fat storage system. This can result in unhealthy weight gain, increasing the risk of chronic conditions.
Therefore maintaining normal range level of glucose in our blood is of vital importance.

Rise of glucose Imbalance
The ability to maintain blood glucose within the normal range has been lost. Primarily driven by years of over consuming highly processed foods and beverages together with a sedentary lifestyle, our glucose regulation becomes overworked which lead to imbalance of glucose in the body.

Home | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26/07/2022

Crop and Soil Management
Climate change has the potential of disrupting critical function of soil system. Many existing guidelines and conservation practise describe action to reduce impacts on soil.
Some conservation practise for sustainable crop management practice include

1. Mulching: is the covering of soil between crops with materials such as straws, crop residues, dry grass, compost etc... This helps retain moisture by limiting evaporation, enhancing soil structure, reducing run-off and suppressing w**d growth. It is commonly used in areas affected by drought and w**d infestation.

2. Crop Rotation: is the planting of different types of crops in the same area in sequenced season. It helps increases soil fertility, structure and crop yield and the build up of pathogens and pests is cut short.

3. Cover crops: they are grown to protect the soil from leaching and increases soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. Legumes are often used to cover the ground surface between widely spaced perennial crops such as cocoa, oil palm etc. Cover crops can be a source of food, fodder and also provide cash income. Although they may be a refuge for pests and rodents.

4. Use of resistant varieties: they are crop varieties that are less vulnerable to drought, pest and disease.

5. Use of Organic Inputs: it improves the aggregation of soil, water and nutrient holding capacity. It also improves soil resistance to climate change impact such as erosion. Organic based fertilizer is necessary.

6. Mixed farming: cultivation of crop along with rearing of animals for meat or milk. In mixed farming, along with crop production, some other agricultural practice are carried out. Often the dung from the livestock are used to fertilize the crops.
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Key To Strong Bone

While we often think of bone issues as a condition that affects older adults, the groundwork for bone health is laid during childhood years. The key message from leading bone and nutrition experts on World Osteoporosis Day in 2016 was that the right nutrition throughout life can make a difference in bone health.

Peak bone mass and development is genetically predetermined. However, the right nutrition can help children and adolescents achieve their full genetic potential for optimal bone health. In fact, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, a 10% increase in bone mass in children could reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture during adult life by 50%. Adolescence is an especially critical period of skeletal development, during which more than half of bone mass is accumulated.

Calcium: is not only a major building block for our skeleton, but also plays important role in nerve and muscle functioning.

Vitamin D: it plays two key roles in the development and maintenance of bones.
- assist in calcium absorption from food in the intestine
- ensure the appropriate renewal and remineralisation of bone.

Protein: it makes up about 50% of the volume of bone and a daily supply of dietary protein is neccessary for building the structure of bone.

Supplements from whole food sources offer the nutrition that children need. So while parents should aim to provide a healthy diet, expert agree that supplement help bridge the gap, particularly if the child has a poor appetite or is a picky eater...


The Immune System
" The immune system comprises of organ, tissue and cells that protect against infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and other harmful agents in the environment. These harmful agents may include toxins or food antigens, that enter via the surface of the digestive tract.

The immune system provides physical barriers as well as biological, biochemical and chemical weaponry to keep our body defended and to help it repair and recover from challenges. White blood cells (WBCs) are very important immune cells which are formed in the bone marrow. WBCs travel through the body inside the lymph vessels of the lymphatic system.

Nutrition to power the immune system;
We know that a Balance of all the nutrients involved in human health are essential for optimum immune response. A tremendous amount of research has demostrated the singular and collective effects of nutrient. A deficiency of a single nutrient or even a marginal deficiency may prevent the immune system from working at its finely tuned and balanced best.

Lifestyle factors that help our immune system.
- Balance diet
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Hydrate (water)
- Manage stress
- Dont smoke
- Supplement your diet.


Ulcer are sores on the lining of your stomach or small intestine.
Ulcer occur when stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract.
1. Helicobacter pylori (a bacterium).
2. Prolonged use of NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs eg Ibuprofen).
1. Gastric ulcer
2. Peptic ulcer
3. Duodenal ulcer

• Pain in the chest or upper abdomen
• Heartburn
• Indigestion
• Nausea

• Avoid food that are acidic & spicy to reduce discomfort
• Cut carbonated drinks
• Avoid alcohol & caffeine
• Don't smoke
• Reduce beans intake
• Ibuprofen, felvin, diclofenac can worsen your stomach ulcer.
• Cut your milk intake, take yoghurt instead.
®~ Yoghurt is good because it contains Probiotics that are good for your stomach.

Note: Smoking, alcohol, eating too much pepper, poor diet & poor eating habit do not cause ulcer but if you already have can worsen it.

®~ You cannot prevent an ulcer caused by H. pylori infection. However, you can reduce your risk by limiting Aspirin & NSAID medicine.


Some benefit of water


Benefit of Egusi
Egusi is a seed rich in protein and omega-6 fatty acid. It is a good source of potassium & calcium, minerals that regulate blood pressure.
The seed oil is a good source of natural anti-oxidants like vitamin E & B-carotene.
It is low in sodium, saturated fatty acid & cholesterol.
They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin k etc.

It possess superior medicinal & nutritional benefits.

1. Prevent Diabetes: diabetes occurs when your body is unable to repond to Insulin (hormone that lowers blood sugar) and/or when it is unable to produce sufficient Insulin.

2. Prevents bacterial Infection: egusi fruits contain active chemicals that kill common bacteria like Escherichia coli, salmonella, pseudomonas. Egusi fruit extract are effective as antibiotic drug, novobiocin in treating patients with staphylicoccal infections.

3. Source of Antioxidants: antioxidants are essential component of our diet because they neutralize harmful free radicals that cause diseases like cancer, heart disease etc.

4. Anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Dermatological purpose: vitamin B2 & niacin in this plant help to maintain healthy skin.

6. Aid Digestion and boost appetite: due to the presence of dietary fibre & vit B1 in egusi melon. It is useful for digestion of food & helps to boost appetite due to its constituent.

Photos from Brightview Inc's post 08/03/2022


Stress is a mental distress on how the body reacts to the outside force. Stress can either be psychological or emotional.
Excitement is a happy and positive event, e.g promotion, etc.
Distress occurs due to the negative stress condition of the road, at work, etc.

*General stress: Thinking about what to eat. This is the kind of stress that happens to everyone.
*Cumulative stress: this is the type of stress that happens regularly.
*Acute stress: this occurs as a result of bad events.
*Post-traumatic stress: it is a short and long term goal stress.

1. Body ache
2. Insomnia
3. Low appetite
4. Talking too fast
5. Hostility
6. Aggression
7. Absent minded
8. Over eating
9. Frequent fever
10. Frequent p*e
11. Yawning
12. Over reaction
13. Poor effectiveness.
14. People under stress forget things easily.

1. Live with an attitude of gratitude
2. Be prayerful and depend on God
3. Be happy with yourself and others
4. Help others as often as possible
5. Manage your time judiciously
6. Meditate always.
7. Have schedule for events and programs.
8. Observe quiet time everyday, etc.

° The way we think can cause negative thoughts, therefore we must think positively at all time.
° What we eat contributes to stress either positively or negatively, e.g caffeine, alcohol, etc.

1. Eat slowly for easy digestion and healthy living.
2. Find time to relax daily.
3. Exercises like breathing in and out, etc
4. Smile always.
5. Get people around you.
6. Get enough sleep at least 6½ hours.
7. Avoid Pressure
8. Be flexible, don't be rigid. Try something new.
9. Avoid negative minded people.
10. Don't procrastinate

In conclusion, to live healthy, have time for yourself and use food supplements.


Consideration before buying a farmland

1. Nearness & Good Road Network: Buyers most often visit farms that have access to good road network and are easily accessible to the farm owner as well.

2. Access to water: Rainfall is not predictable. Climate change has changed things, the rainfall pattern can't be depend on, so there is need for "Irrigation" to provide water during off season.

3. Farm worker & Staff:
- Good farm management
- Good workers and staff

4. Herdsmen Invasion:
- cause serious damage to farmland
- some even kill those on farm if you challenge them.

5. Farm thieves:
- Farmers get to farm to discover crop has been harvested overnight.
- carried out by specific community members.
- Any farming community you visit & there are no non INDIGENES cultivating crops in that area should give a Red signal. Although not all communities.


Differences between a Palm tree and Coconut tree

Most people assume that all palm trees are coconut trees.
All coconut comes from Palm tree but not all palm tree are coconut. They are two different specie of the same tree.
Coconut tree is a type of palm tree but noyvall palm tree produce coconut. Some of the differences between a palm tree and coconut tree are as follows;
1. Palm tree have a fan shaped leaves while coconut tree have a wide leaves.
2. Palm tree producevpalm oil while coconut tree produce coconut.
3. Palm tree do better in warm tropical climatic condition while coconut grows best in wet & hot tropical climate.

There are improved variety that matures between 3-4 years now.

Picture 1 is a coconut tree
Picture 2 is a palm nut tree


PH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of water. Fish have an average blood PH of 7.4, so pond water with a PH range of 6.5- 9.0 is acceptable.
Fish becomes stressed in water with PH range from (4.0- 6.4) & (9.0- 11.0). Fish growth is limited in water PH less than 6.5 and reproduction is very minimal if at all and fry can die at PH less than 5.0. Death is almost certain at a PH of less than 4.0 or greater than 11.0.
Pond water fluctuates throughout the day due to photosynthesis and respiration by plants and vertebrates.
Typically, PH is highest at Dusk and lowest at Dawn. This is because nighttime respiration increases CO2 concentration that interact with water producing carbonic acid and lowering PH. This can limit the ability of fish blood to carry oxygen.


Fowl Cholera

Fowl cholera affects many types of domesticated and wild birds. Infected animal die through extreme weight loss and dehydration.

Fowl cholera is a highly contagious disease caused by Pasteurella spp

• Diarrhoea
• Lameness
• Fever
• Cyanosis (bluish discolouration of the skin, wattle and comb)
• Loss of appetite
•Ruffled feathers
• Respiratory difficulty
• Green watery diarrhoea.

Mode of Transmission:
• Contaminated drinking water
• Carrier birds
• Rodents
• Contaminated equipment
• People
• Stress condition
• Overcrowding
• Cold weather
• Poor ventilation
• Unhygienic sheds etc

• Good management practices
• Biosecurity
• Medication reduce the mortality rate in acute outbreak
• Remove sick birds from flock
• Depopulation
• Thorough cleaning and disinfection.


Heart failure is a chronic condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood as it should.
It is characterized by the heart inability to pump an adequate supply of blood to the body. Without sufficient blood flow, all major body function are distrupted.

• Shortness of breadth
• Fatigue & weakness
• Rapid heart beat
• Swelling in the leg & ankle
• Sudden weight gain
• Persistent cough
• Loss of appetite
• Abdominal swelling
• Pain in chest region

• Heart attack
• High Blood Pressure
• Diabetes
• Thyroid problem
• Arrhythmia
Heart failure often develops after conditions have damaged or weakened the heart. It can also occur if the heart becomes too stiff.

Risk factor:
• Coronary artery disease; ie Narrowed arteries limit supply of oxygen rich blood.
• Some diabetes medications; eg Rosiglitazone(Avandia) & Proglitazone(Actos) have been found to increase the risk of heart failure in some people.

• Avoid smoking
• Control High BP & Diabetes
• Eating healthy foods
• Reducing & managing stress
• Maintaining a healthy weight.


There are several factors to consider when planting cassava

Cassava is a universal crop that is of great importance because ovits many uses. Some of its uses include; flour, starch, biofuel, garri, paper, ethanol pharmaceuticals etc.

- The variety you are planting:
Hybrid is mainly for Industrial purpose e.g Starch
Local breed is mainly for rural processing( fufu, garri).
Planting of hybrid should be close to the processing factory.

- Plant cassava variety that is commonly used in the area so you can readily sell at harvest if not processing.

- Planting Horizontally: multiple stem and more tuberous but they are relatively smaller in size. Good in dry season.

- Planting Vertically: very good during rainy season or tropical region to avoid Rot.

- Inclined planting: produce higher yield than horizontally especially during dry season.

Some experiment have shown ridging to produce relatively lower yield than flat cultivation but the work of w**ding and harvesting is greatly reduced by ridge planting.

A fertilizer rich in Potassium salt favours the formation of starch in cassava while Nitrogen and Phosphorus is essential for growth.

Harvesting: Depending in the variety 8 month after planting, when the leaves start falling off or turning yellow.

Note: In selecting variety to plant, know its shelf life, growth rate, starch content, ability to withstand pest and diseases etc.



Simple way of calculating ovulation period.
1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.
2. Pick up a calendar and count 15 days including the first day of observing the blood stain.
3. Mark the 15th day with a pen.
4. Mark 3 days before and after the 15th day.
5. You will notice you have 7 days marked.
These 7 days are your Ovulation/Fertile days known as Unsafe period. i.e if you have s*x on any of these days, you have 98% chance of getting pregnant.

For example :
1. If your period is 10th September
2. 15 days from the first day of blood stain will be on 24th of September.
3. The 15th day is on 24th.
4. 3 days before the 15th day is (21,22,23)
5. 3 days after the 15th day is (25,26,27).
6. Therefore 21 - 27th September (7 days) is when you are ovulating i.e It is your Fertile period.
Don't forget that S***m stays in the female body for about 4 days. Any s*xual contact in between ovulation period will form something....

Note: If you want a baby girl, have s*x between 3 days before Ovulation (21 -23).
For a male child, on the main ovulation day and 3 days after 24th. i.e (24 -27).

Male s***m swim very fast but will get weak and die off if no egg is found for a while leaving the X-s***m to finish the job.


Erectile Dysfunction: Inability to maintain Er****on.
It is a s*xual deficiency i.e weakness

•Prostate problem
•Prolong Ma********on can cause the p***s not to be Erect.
•Endocrine Disorder i.e decrease in male s*xual hormones
•Heart disease i.e the arteries can be blocked which will disrupt the flow of blood as it should.
•Some drugs that contain Beta Blocker can destroy the s*xual hormones.
•Use of Diuretics also cause erectile dysfunction.
Some drugs that contain
-Anti psychotic
-Anti depressant
-Anti histamines etc
They are mostly found in pain killers which may also cause weak er****on.

Risk Factors :
•Obesity also increases the risk of quick ej*******on
•Diabetic patient
•Psychiatric illness.

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