Early Years Africa

Child Care and Education Consulting Provision of quality education and care foryoung children, ages 0 - 8


Join us tonight for our free training on effective parenting.

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

"Experience is the best teacher." says the quote!

But hey, it doesn't have to be yours. Learn from the wins and loses of others.

If you're a school leader or owner, you should get this book.

Just out!💃 Sizzling hot!💥 A Must-have for every school leader/owner.

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Just out!💃 Sizzling hot!💥 A Must-have for every school leader/owner.

Timeline photos 07/05/2020

A Cup of Encouragement for School Leaders

Mrs Adenike Adamolekun
Mrs Tolulope Agboluaje
Mrs Adunola Akinyemiju
Mrs Ibironke Adeyemi
Lady Olatokunbo Doherty
Mrs Olatokunbo Edun
Mrs Bolajoko Falore
Mrs Gladys George-Grimes
Dr Mrs Maggie Ibru
Mrs Lai Koiki
Mrs Abolaji Osime
Chief (Mrs) Elizabeth Ogunsola
Mrs Folakemi Osisanya
Mrs Olabisi Onafuwa
Dr Olufemi Ogunsanya
Mrs Olubunmi Runsewe
Lady Gbeminiyi Smith, and
(Dr) Mrs Bukunola Fadayomi

What do these women have in common?

They are fighters. They are survivors. They've waded through decades of private school business in Nigeria. They are shining stars assuring us that if they could, Yes you can too!

In Funsho Chikezie's new book - "The Exclusive Guide to becoming a high-flying school: How 20 entrepreneurs launched, grew, & sustained successful school businesses in Nigeria", read their stories on how they started, the challenges they faced & overcame, get their perspectives on key aspects of school operations, finance, managing teachers & parents, curriculum, discipline, etc.

Pre-order the book now at 60% off (N2,000) till May 31st and also get access to the audio chapter readings and online interviews with these role models.

Get inspiration, ideas, & encouragement to soar through these current challenges. Learn more about the book by following the link: https://bit.ly/high-flyingschools

To order your copy, call/message 08023001533 or follow the link: https://bit.ly/HFS-Order

How to Get Children to Stop Touching Their Faces 28/04/2020


How to Get Children to Stop Touching Their Faces Kids seem like they're constantly touching everything in their environment, from tables and chairs to doorknobs and stair-rails. Since those surfaces may hold germs, you can help your child avoid illness by encouraging them not to touch...


Happy New Month!

Keep MARCHing Forward!!


Quality Early Childhood Education has been confirmed to be the most powerful weapon to break the cycle of poverty.


Investment in Early Childhood Education is the lasting solution to Nigeria's problems

Photos from Early Years Africa's post 16/11/2019

Day 2! Awesome!!

Photos from Early Years Africa's post 09/11/2019

FOYC 5.0. Day 1 done💃 Day 2 next week ✌


Team of experts at FOYC 5.0 this November. Have you registered?


It's here again! Dont miss this year's edition.

School Heads Summit 18/08/2019


Theme: CREATIVITY & INNOVATION IN EDUCATION (Becoming a Highly Sought-after School)

Date: August 26 - 27

Venue: Acceler8 Hub, Ikeja


* Creativity & Innovation in Education: Painting the picture parents want to see

* Being a 21st century School Leader: What does it take to meet global standards

* How top schools got to the top & how you can get there too

* Grooming today's students to thrive in tomorrow's workplace

* Curricula & Pedagogies learners respond to

* Creating summer schools that attract & retain students

* Costs down, Profits up: Creative ways of managing your school's finances

More details: http://bit.ly/ShsLagos

Enquiries & Registration: 08023001533

School Heads Summit


"Everything rises and falls on Leadership"*(John C. Maxwell)

Your preparation for next session is incomplete without preparing your Headteacher or Head of School (or yourself) to dream bigger, reach higher, and take your school to greater heights. A school cannot rise above the level of the person leading it. And a local mind-set cannot take a school to global standards. Invest in the mind that will steer your school's direction in 2019/2020 & beyond. Early bird registration closes Tomorrow. Call 08023001533 to reserve your seat(s)


Creativity is more important than Experience" (Arden)

Do you agree?

Which will outlast the other? Experienced school or Creative school?


To remain relevant in today's private education sector, constant Creativity & Innovation is the name of the game. But you need knowledge to create and innovate.

-Are you looking for new ideas in global education?

- Do you seek to be abreast of current trends in global education?

- Do you want to reposition your school to stand out in Nigeria's over-saturated private education sector?

- Do you wish to step up your game, from local champion to global?

- Are you looking for new ideas to differentiate yourself from the multitude of private schools in Nigeria?

- Are you thinking of what to do to increase the ‘gap’ between you and other schools next session?

Then join us at the ‘Creativity & Innovation in Education’ edition of the School Heads Summit this year. Get world-class training followed by one-on-one consulting and mentoring that's sure to take your school, not just to the next level but much higher!

Our international consultants have experience working with schools across several continents of the world and our local experts have the home-based knowledge that will resonate with you. Together, we're sure to stimulate in you locally-relevant ideas based on global trends and best practices.

Be the school that others copy. Register today at http://bit.ly/shsUK or Call 08023001533. Early bird registration closes soon.



It's a Career Empowerment and Transformation programme for every School Leader determined to stand out and rise to higher levels from next session. Make it a date!

Timeline photos 30/06/2019



#4: Discerning
(Insightful. Seems to have a 6th sense in making choices)

Timeline photos 13/06/2019

Curiosity, Creativity, Compassion - three necessary ingredients of today's school Culture. Children & teens should be curious seekers of knowledge, creative in their use of knowledge, and compassionate to others despite what they know.


Creativity is not an option in today's school. Neither is it for any serious educator. Apart from being creative and innovative in all aspects of education delivery, including curriculum design and implementation, as well as school policies and processes, we must also empower children and teens to be creators and innovators.

This is the thinking behind the School Heads Summit 4.0 next month.

Timeline photos 22/05/2019

Still on financial literacy for children...

As a child, my knowledge of money management was basically piggy-banking to spend later. It's still the same for many children, including my daughter😓. I'm about to change this for my children though. I don't want them to be like me - become adults before learning how money works.

So, going forward, she continues her piggy-banking at home, but she now needs to learn financial planning/budgeting (thinking about what to do with the money even before she gets it), investment (how to multiply the money when she gets it) by buying assets (things that will produce money for her) instead of liabilities (things that reduce the money she has). She also needs to now learn to account for her money by keeping record of her inflows (money she's given) and outflows (money she spends). As we go on, she can then learn to actually earn money instead of waiting to be given (entrepreneurship).

11 plus is not to young to learn these simple money management principles. In fact I think I'm starting a bit late. Children can learn to practise all these as soon ss they are able to read, write, count, add & subtract (basic literacy & arithmetic). I've probably taught her some of these money management principles in passing. But I just want to be more deliberate, intentional, & strict about it now. No more 'keeping money to spend later'. No more dipping into the piggybank arbitrarily. No more leaving funds idle in the piggybank when they can be put to work and earn returns.

When are you going to start your child(ren)'s financial literacy program?

Identification of Parenting Concerns 06/05/2019

Calling all *Parents*!!!

What are your worries, concerns, and current challenges in the all-important assignment bestowed on you by the Creator?

Solutions cooking 🥘 🤓

Have your say by clicking the link below👇🏽

Expect a special gift in your inbox or dm when you're done 🎁


Identification of Parenting Concerns This questionnaire is primarily for market research purposes. Your responses are required to better understand the parenting audience with a view towards developing and offering appropriate and impactful products, programs, & solutions. Your personal details will not be shared without your consent.

Timeline photos 03/05/2019

So, the strong-willed child is...a child who has a "strong will"😅 Very determined once he's decided to do (or not to do something). Very difficult to bend. Which might be a good hedge against negative peer pressure, but becomes a problem when used against you his/her parent😏

The strong-willed child always wants to have her way. It's the child we say is "proving stubborn". The child that provokes you, challenges you with "Whys" or outright "No's"! It's the child that makes you want to force her to do what you say.

Some children are almost always like this, like it's their temperament. And sometimes most children seem to be like this in certain stages of their life (e.g toddler and teenage years).

Now that I've clarified the term, once again I ask, "how do you respond to such a child"? What have you tried? What do you suggest? I look forward to hearing from you.😊

Timeline photos 02/05/2019

*Creativity and Innovation in Education Conference*

_Fostering a culture of curiosity, creativity and compassion_

The CIE conference will:

- Enthuse and inspire Heads to introduce innovative approaches (curriculum, pedagogy and culture) into their schools.

- Present some key educational approaches that will thrive in the Nigerian educational system

- Provide a platform for networking with other Heads and organisations

- Equip participants with tangible tools and resources to implement new techniques

- Engage participants in sightseeing activities such as a boat and bus ride through the historic town of Oxford, a tour of one of Oxford University’s colleges by a current student and tours of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University’s 400 year old library (one of the oldest in the world with rare pieces such as Shakespeare’s original manuscripts) and Oxford Museum of natural sciences.

*Date:* 25 - 27 July, 2019
*Venue:* Oxford University's St.Catherine's College, England
*Enquiries:* 08023001533, +447930855239


Creativity and Innovation in Education Conference

Fostering a culture of curiosity, creativity and compassion

The CIE conference will:

- Enthuse and inspire Heads to introduce innovative approaches (curriculum, pedagogy and culture) into their schools.

- Present some key educational approaches that will thrive in the Nigerian educational system

- Provide a platform for networking with other Heads and organisations

- Equip participants with tangible tools and resources to implement new techniques

- Engage participants in sightseeing activities such as a boat and bus ride through the historic town of Oxford, a tour of one of Oxford University’s colleges by a current student and tours of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University’s 400 year old library (one of the oldest in the world with rare pieces such as Shakespeare’s original manuscripts) and Oxford Museum of natural sciences.

Date: 25 - 27 July, 2019
Venue: Oxford University's St.Catherine's College, England
Enquiries: 08023001533, +447930855239


Join us!



All the basics your teachers need to know.


- The universal laws and rules of teaching you must never break

- Research-proven attributes of effective teachers, and how you can imbibe them in your work

- How to plan effective lessons
following proper guidelines for writing learning objectives
- How to deliver effective lessons bearing in mind about 20 learning styles common to learners
- How to teach subjects/topics using the most-effective teaching strategies

- How to foster creativity and critical thinking in children

- How to keep every child’s eyes glued to your lips using essential communication skills for serious teachers

- Fun and creative techniques for assessing students (Stop using only workbook/Q&A)

11th to 31st of March (10 alternate days)

Facebook Closed Group

*Investment Cost*: Ten thousand naira (N10,000)
_Includes e-copies of course handouts and certificate_


- Complete registration form at http://bit.ly/2CLJZsI
- Make payment to Early Years Consult, 0007177685, Gtbank
- Dm or sms 08023001533





- The Laws of Teaching

- Attributes of Effective Teachers

- How to Plan effective lessons
o Key guidelines for writing learning objectives
o Comprehensive exposé on learning styles
o Subject-based skills for choosing teaching strategies

- How to foster creativity and critical thinking in children

- Essential communication skills for serious teachers: How to keep every child’s eyes glued to your lips!

- Effective and creative assessments: The rules and strategies

11th to 31st of March (10 alternate days)

Facebook Closed Group

*Regular Course Fee*: Seventy-five thousand naira (N75,000)

BUMPER OFFER: Ten thousand naira (N10,000)
Includes e-copies of course handouts and certificate


Complete registration form at http://bit.ly/2CLJZsI and make payment to Early Years Consult, 0007177685, Gtbank


*Oxford School Leaders Conference*
Date: July 25 – 27, 2019
Venue: Oxford, United Kingdom
Theme: Creativity and Innovation in Education


*14 Ways to Love My Child*

8. Be Selfless

The average parent thinks he/she is selfless. We sacrifice so much for our children. We often say we're "working because of them". Many mothers in particular postpone or even cancel their career/personal dreams and goals in order to have more time for their children. Some even remain in failing marriages because of their children.

It's possible for us to be making heavy self-sacrificing decisions for our children whilst leaving out the 'little' daily ones - listening to that talkative child's long story after a hard day's job; taking a few minutes to pray with your child when you're running late for an important appointment. How about suppressing your 'parent ego' - the urge to shout, nag, lecture, have the final word or win the argument with your child.

Sometimes we have to sacrifice our point of view in order to see our children's. Sometimes we need to set aside our own feelings of anger/hurt/disappointment...with them before we can understand how they feel.


"You have no business in teaching. You should be working as a drugstore cashier instead!" These were the words Michelle Obama's mother told her Grade 2 teacher.

Has a parent or supervisor said something like this to you before? Or perhaps you yourself often wonder if you're in the right profession. Do you wish to be that outstanding teacher that every school owner wants to employ and every parent wants for their child?

Join us this *Sunday, February 24* from *7-8pm* as we journey back to the basics of effective teaching - the Purpose, the Laws & the Attributes required.

Click here to join https://chat.whatsapp.com/KFH5pV8c4OgAJrbuOZDmLB

It's *FREE!!!*

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Lagos?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

We believe that, the early years stage of every child is very important in making the right individual we will all come to either appreciate or loathe.

Follow us on a journey to create history.

Videos (show all)

NerTamid - Basics of Positive & Effective Parenting





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