Mahadu Ridiwanulahi islamiyat

An Islamic institute that teaches children Arabic and Islamic practice so as to encourage the growth


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The Prophet ﷺ said:

خَمْسٌ مِنَ الْفِطْرَةِ: الْخِتَانُ، وَالِاسْتِحْدَادُ، وَتَقْلِيمُ الْأَظْفَارِ، وَنَتْفُ الْإِبْطِ، وَقَصُّ الشَّارِبِ

"Five things are connected to the Fitrah: Circumcision, Shaving the p***c hairs, Clipping the nails, Plucking the armpit hairs and Trimming the moustache" (Sahih Al Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)

The term Fitrah refers to the inherent and natural qualities and ways of a human-being. The laws of the Shariah are equally applicable to men and women ( النساء شقائق الرجال), except where there is clear proof stating that women are exempted. The acts of Fitrah mentioned in the Hadith are general and relates to both male and female. Furthermore, there is no evidence indicating that circumcision is restricted to males only.

In fact, female circumcision was the norm and custom of Muslim women and was also endorsed by the Prophet ﷺ. Consider the following Ahadith of the Prophet ﷺ;

إِذَا جَاوَزَ الْخِتَانُ الْخِتَانَ وَجَبَ الْغُسْلُ ‏ (الترمذي)

"When the circumcised meets the circumcised then Ghusl is required” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

إِذَا جَلَسَ بَيْنَ شُعَبِهَا الأَرْبَعِ وَمَسَّ الْخِتَانُ الْخِتَانَ فَقَدْ وَجَبَ الْغُسْلُ (مسلم)

"When a man sits amidst the four parts (arms and legs of his wife) and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory" (Sahih Muslim)

It is narrated in numerous books of Ahadith that a Sahabiyah by the name of Umm Atiyyah (r.a) used to circumcise females at the time of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ told Umm Atiyya (r.a)

فقال لها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “يا أم عطية: اخفضي ولا تُنهِكيِ، فإنه أنضر للوجه، وأحظى عند الزوج

"Oh Umm Atiyya! Circumcise (remove the fo****in), but don’t cut too much (don't harm the cl****is), for that will be brighter for the face (i.e. satisfying for her) and more pleasing to the husband" (Abu Dawud, Tabarani, Baihaqi)

In another Hadith the Prophet ﷺ advises the women of the Ansaar in general regarding circumcision;

يا نســاء الأنصــار اختضـبن عمســاً ، واختفـضن ولا تنـهـكن ؛ فإنه أحظـى لإناثكن عند أزواجهن

"Oh women of the Ansaar! Apply henna and circumcise! but do not exaggerate (i.e.remove the fo****in around the cl****is, but don't harm the cl****is) for it is more pleasing for your women folks when they are with their husbands" (Mukhtassar zawaid musnad al bazzar, Ibn Hajar)

The aforementioned Ahaadith and others clearly indicate that, not only was circumcision prominent amongst Muslim women but its action was also affirmed and endorsed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

There is more. Imam Bukhari is best known for the compilation of the book Saheeh Al Bukhari. But did you know he compiled another book on Good Manners. It was called Adab Al Mufrad. In this great work, Imam Bukhari records two very important incidents in the days of the Sahabah which proves the blessed companions of our beloved Prophet (Sal) regarded circumcision as necessary for women.

Umm Al Muhajir says: “I was captured with some girls from Byzantium. (Caliph) Uthman offered us Islam, but only myself and one other girl accepted Islam. Uthman said: ‘Go and circumcise them and purify them”

Umm Alqamah says that when the nieces of Ayisha's brother were circumcised, 'A'isha was asked: "Shall we call someone to amuse them?" "Yes" she replied.

In later times, some madhhabs regarded it as wajib (obligatory) like the Shafis and a good part of the Hanbalis like Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah, while others like the Malikis saw it as recommended and the Hanafis viewed it as a good thing to do for a Muslim wife.

Disagreements whether it was obligatory or not, the reluctance of male scholars to deal with a woman’s issue and the lack of awareness among women of later generations led to its decline in certain parts of the world like in Turkey, Central Asia and India where the Hanafi Madhhab dominated. Since it was thought of as only recommended, the women in these areas conveniently neglected it.

But an unbiased mind shows it is a must for females as much as males. Why would Hazrat Ayisha have her nieces circumcised and Caliph Uthman order women who had embraced Islam to be circumcised if it were not obligatory?

For this reason the Jurists of Islam are unanimous on the obligation of female circumcision. with the most reliable view being that it is obligatory.

So what must be done in circumcising the girl? Very simple really. All that is required is to remove the bit of dirty skin around her cl****is. This skin is like the fo****in of boys taken off at circumcision and breeds germs (ew!) and gives out bad smells (phew!). So what are its benefits?

A lot really. It prevents smelly sm**ma buildup that causes infections and the occurrence of Urinary Tract Infections. It also protects your partner, since it prevents transmission of oral cancer-causing HPV to your spouse through oral s*x if you ever think of indulging in it. Female fo****in, ew, take it off!


Words that will help you to understand Arabic when memorised:
1. The. (Al) أل
2. Of. (Min) من
3. To. (Ilah). إلي
4. And. (Wa) و
5. In. (Fee) في
6. it (Huwa/hiya) هو/ هي لغير عاقل
7. You (anta). أنت
8. That. (Dzaka). ذاك
9. He. (Huwa). هو
10. She. ( Hiya). هي
11. For. (Lee) لي
12. On. (Alah) علي
13. With. (Ma'a) مع
14. As. (Ka). گ
15. I. (Anaa). أنا
16. They. (Hum). هم
17. Be. (Kun). كن
18. At ( fee/alah). في علي
19. Have. (Lahu). له
20. This. (Hadza) هذا
21. From. (Min). من
22. Or. (Au); أو
23. Had. (Lahu). له
24. By. (Bawaasidatu) بواسطة
25. Hot (haarun saakin) حارساكن
26.but. (Lakin). لكن
27. Some. (Ba'adu). بعض
28. What. (Maadzaa). ماذا
29. There (hunaaka) هناك
30. We. (Nahnu). نحن
31. Can. (Yastadee'u) يستطيع
32. Other. (AkhAr). أخر
33. Out. (Khaarijan). خارجا
34. Where. (Aina). أين
35. All. (Kullu). كل
36. When. (Mataa) متي
37. Up. (Aaliyan) عاليا
38. Down. (Sufliyyu). سفلي
39. Use. (Isti'imal). إستعمل
40. Word. (Kalimatu). كلمة
41. How (kaifa). كيف
42. Said. (Qaala). قال
43. Each. (Kullu waahidu). كل واحد
44. Which. (Ayyi). أي
45. Do. (Adhaa). أدي
46. Their. (Lahum) لهم
47.time. ( waqtu). وقت
48. If. (Idzan). إذا
49. Will. (Saufa). سوف
50. Way (dariqatu). طريقة
51. About (taqriban). تقريبا
52. Many. (Kaseeran). كثيرا
53. Then. (Ba'ada dzalik). بعدذالك
54. Would. (Saufa). سوف
55. Write (kataba). كتب
56. Them. (Him). هم
57. Like (hubbu). حب
58. So. (Hakadzaa). هكذا
59. These. (Haa'ulaa'i). هؤلاء
60. Long. (Daweelun). طويل
61. Make. (Ja'ala). جعل
62. Made. (Ma'amuulun). معمول
63. Thing. (Shai'un). شيع
64. See. (Unzur). أنظر
65.him. (Huwa). هو
66. Himself. (Nafsahu). نفسه
67. Herself. (Nafsaha) نفسها
68. Myself. (Nafsee). نفسي
69. Yours (laka/lakum/lakuma). لك/لكم/لكما
70. Yourself (nafsaka/nafsaki). نفسك
71. Themselves (Nafsakum). نفسكم
72. Has. (Lahu). له
73. Look. (Nazru). نظر
74. More. (AksAr). أكثر
75. Day. (Alyaum); اليوم
76. Go. (Dzahaba). ذهب
77. Come. (Ta'al). تعل
78. My (Lee). لي
79. Sound. (Sautu) صوت
80. No. (Laa). لا
81. Most (bidharajatu kabeer) بدرجةكبير
82. Number. (Adad). عدد
83. Who. (Man) من
84. Over. (Zaa'ida). زاءد
85. Know. ( arif). عرف
86.water. (maa'u). ماء
87. Than. (MinA). من
88. Call. (Yad'u). يدعو
89 first. (Auwalan). أولا
90. Last. (Akhiran). أخرا
91. People. (Alnaasu); الناس
92. Side. (Naahiyatu). ناحية
93. Been. (Kaana) كان
94. Now. (Al'An). الآن
95. Find. ( Aujad) أوجد
96.any. (Ayyi). أي
97. New. (Jadeed). جديد
98. Work. (amalu) عمل
99. Part. (Juz'u). جزء
100. Take. (Khudz). خذ
101. Get. (Sal) صل
102. Place. (Makaan). مكان
103. Live. (Ish). عش


Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Holy Qur'an which have immense power of Protection from any acts of Evils.

Allahu la ilaha illahu
Al hayyul kayyum
La ta'a kizuhu sinatun wala naum
Lahumma fis samawati wama fil ard
Manzallazi yashfa'u indahu illa bi iznihi
Ya'alamu ma bayna aidihim wama khalfahum
Wala yihiduna bi shayin min ilmihi illa bima sha'a
Wa si'a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ard
Wala ya udhuhu hizbu huma
Wa huwal aliyul azeem

Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrates,"I cannot understand how a person, who is a Muslim, and owner of reason (intellect) can spend the night without reading Ayatul Kursi. If you knew the benefits of it, then you will never discard it under any condition". Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) stated ,"I have been given Aayatul Kursi from the treasures under the Arsh of Allaah and it was not given to anyone before me".
Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) says, "From the time I have heard this, I have never passed a night without reading it".

Abu Huraira (Radiahallahu Anhu) says that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) made me the guardian of the Zakaat of Ramadaan. One thief began to steal from it. I caught him and told him that I am definitely going to take him to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He said,"Leave me, I am destitute and have a family". I (Abu Huraira) left him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked , "What did your prisoner do last night.?" I (Abu Huraira) said, He spoke of his great need and family for which I felt pity on him and left him." Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken a lie and will definitely come again." I (Abu harraira) understood that the (the thief) will definitely come again because Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said so. Thus I kept watch at that same barn. He (the thief) came and began stealing in handfuls. I caught him and threatened to take him to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The thief pleaded with me to leave him as he was needy and had a family and that he will not repeat this. I (Abu Huraiah) felt pity and left him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked him the same question as before and his answer was the same. When the same thing happened for the third time, Abu Hurairah said to the thief,"This is the third time. Each time you say that you will not steal again and each time you steal again." The thief said,"Leave me, and I will teach you such words through which Allaah will benefit you.". I (Abu Huraira) inquired about those words and the thief said,"When you go to your sleeping place, then recite Ayatul Kursi completely. Allaah will stipulate a guardian for you and Shaitaan will not come near you until the morning. I released him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked,"What did your thief do last night?" Abu Hurairah narrated what had transpired. The Sahabah were most enthusiastic to gain virtues. Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken the truth although he is a liar. Oh Abu Huraira, do you know with whom you were talking to for the past three nights." I said "No". Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that it was Satan.

It is mentioned in Kitaabul Dalaalil from Hadhrat Buraidah (Radiahallahu Anhu) that he had wheat (crops). He said, "I sensed that there was a shortage in it. While sitting quietly in the night I saw a female Jinn sitting on the crops . I caught hold of her and said that I will not let her go until I had taken her to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). She said that she had a family and swore on oath that she will not do so again. I released her. I came to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and informed him about this. He said that she was a liar. When the same thing happened on the second night, she (the female jinn) asked me to release her. She said,"I will, in exchange teach you such a duaa that from amongst us none will ever come near your crops. When you retire to your sleeping place then read and blow Ayatul Kursi on your goods. I left her. When I informed Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) about this he said that she had spoken the truth although she was a liar.

38) Hadhrat Abu Huraia (Radiahallahu Anhu) said that Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) stated that whosoever reads "Haa meem al Mu'minoon" upto "al maseer" and Ayatul Kursi in the morning, will be protected until the evening and whoever reads both of these in the night will be protected until the morning.

39) Hadhrat Ibne Abbass (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrated that the Bani Israeel asked Musa(A.S.), "Does your Rabb sleep?" Musa(A.S.) said, "Fear Allaah". Allaah ordered," Oh Musa, your nation has asked you whether your Rabb sleeps? Take two glasses in your hand and stand with it for the whole night." Hadhrat Musa (A.S) did as he was ordered. When on third of the night passed, he fell on his knees but stood up immediately. During the latter part of the night, sleep overcame him and the glasses fell and broke. Allaah Jala Shanahu said, "Oh Musa, if I sleep then the sky will fall on the earth and destroy it just as the two glasses fell from your hands and broke. " Then Allaah Ta'aala revealed unto Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Ayatul Kursi.


*1. "Fa Tabayyanu":* Investigate: when you receive an information,lest you harm people out of ignorance.
*2. "Fa Aslihu"*
Make settlement: between your brothers as believers are brothers.
*3. "Wa Aqsitu":* Act justly: whenever there is a dispute try for settlement and act justly among both parties as Allah loves those who act justly.
*4. "La Yaskhar":* Don't ridicule people,perhaps they may be better than you to Allah.
*5. "Wa La Talamizu":* Do not insult one another.
*6. "Wa La Tanabazu":* Do not call each other with offensive nicknames.
*7. "Ijtanibu Kaseeran minaz-Zan":* Avoid negative assumptions, indeed some of the assumptions are sins.
*8. "Wa La Tajassasu"* : Do not spy on each other
*9. "Wa La Yagtab":* Do not backbite each other. Its a major sin equivalent to eating your dead brother's flesh.




In Islam marriage is easy but society make it hard. Marriage is something that will save you from a lot of major sins. It will improve your relationship with Allah, when you both are praying for each other, when you both are asking jannah for each other. When you both support each other It just completely change your life and make it beautiful. So why you're awaiting for long when you fall in Love make it Halal. Make your marriage a blessed one and the most blessed marriage (nikah) is the one with the least expenses. May Allah make it easy for us.


PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Peace and Blessings be upon him) FORETOLD A SCIENTIFIC FACT OVER 1400 YEARS AGO; "MAN HAS 360 JOINTS".. Please read on and share as much as possible.
Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) reported Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: “Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints.
Whoever mentions Allah’s greatness (says Allahu Akbar), praises Allah, extols Allah, and seeks forgiveness from Allah and removes stones from the path of the people, enjoins what is good and forbids the evil to the amount of those three hundred and sixty joints (sulama), he walks on that Day (of Judgment) having distanced himself from the Hell fire.”
(Sahih Muslim, The Book of Zakat, Number 2199)
Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib (May Allah be pleased with him):
“I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say,
“A human being has three hundred and sixty joints for each of which he must give alms. “
The people asked him: “Who is capable of doing this?”
He replied:” It may be mucus in the mosque which you bury, and something which you remove from the road; but if you do not find such, two rak’ahs in the forenoon will be sufficient for you.“
(Sunan Abu-Dawud, General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab), Book 41, Number 5222)
The Scientific Fact: The joint is a point of articulation of two bones, a bone and gristle, or two gristles in anypart of the human body.
The total number of joints, according to scientists, are:
1- Skull joints: 86
2- Throat joints: 6
3- Thorax joints: 66
4- Spine and Pelvis joints: 76
5- Upper limbs: 32 x 2 = 64
6- Lower limbs: 31 x 2= 62
Total number of joints: 360
Facets of Scientific Inimitability: Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), said that there are three hundred and sixty joints in the human body. He declared this fact when although at that time it was impossible to know such information with precision as most of these joints are fine and in positions where it is hard to notice. The exact number of joints was not discovered until development in the fields of anatomy and histology.
Thus, the Prophet (peace be upon him) accurately pinpointed the number of joints fourteen centuries ago while modern anatomy came to assert this scientific fact only recently.
This is yet another miracle of the miracles of the revelation that nobody knew at the period of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Allah says in the Noble Quran;
"We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?"
Subhan'Allah.. Allahu Akbar!!!


Do u know the miracles of zamzam??
ZamZam water level is around 10.6 feet below the surface. It is the miracle of Allah that when Zam Zam was pumped continuously for more than 24 hours with
a pumping rate of 8,000 liters per second, water level dropped to almost 44 feet below the surface,
the level immediately elevated again to 13 feet after 11 minutes. 8,000 liters per second means that 8,000 x 60 = 480,000 liters per minute 480,000 liters per minutes means that 480,000 x 60 = 28.8 Million liters per hour And 28.8 Million liters per hour means that 28,800,000 x 24 = 691.2 Million liters per day
So they pumped 690 Millions liters of ZamZam in 24 hours, but it was re-supplied in 11 minutes only.
And not to forget this well is providing water from the time of Hazrat Ismaeel as till now.
There are 2 miracles here, the first that ZamZam was re-filled immediately, & the second is that Allah Holds the extra-ordinary y powerful Aquifer for not throwing extra ZamZam out of the well. It is the translation of the word ZamZam, which means Stop Stop!said by Hajirah RZ. Zimam is an Arabic word, it is the rope / REIN attached to bridle or noseband & it is used / pulled to stop the running animal.
Zamzam water ♥ has no color or smell, but it has a distinct taste. Water usually fills your thrust. But surprisingly, Zamzam fills your hunger as wel as your thrust. One can stay alive just by drinking zam zam water for as long as he can.
The results of the water samples tested by the European laboratories shows that Zamzam water contains
The difference between Zamzam water and other water was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water refreshes tired hajis.
But more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.
Masaru Emoto is a Japanese energy scholar, author and entrepreneur, best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Following is his research on zamzam water:
1. The quality / purity of Zamzam water has, will not be find any where else in the water on this earth.
2. He used the technology named NANO, and researched a lot on Zamzam water. And found out that if one drop of Zamzam water mix in 1000 drops of regular water, regular water will get the same quality like Zamzam water.
3. He also found that a mineral in one drop of Zamzam water has its own importance that will not be find any other water on this earth.
4. He also found in some tests that the quality or ingredients of Zamzam water can not be changed, why, science does not know the reason.
Even he re-cycled the Zamzam water, but no change it was still pure.
5. This scientist also found out that, the Muslims say BISMILLAH before eating/drinking. He says that after saying BISMILLAH on regular water, there are some strange changes happened in the quality of regular water. That make it best water.
6. He also found out that if some one recites the Quran on regular water, it gets the ability for the treatment of different diseases.
"If you are in doubt about it, then bring a book like it."[A challenge from the Lord of the Worlds]


My name is Pastor Mathew Oyewole. I was a senior pastor from fountain life bible mission.
I became a Muslim when i proceeded to an Advanced Bible school where they use Greek to teach to further my knowledge in the bible.
I was one of those admitted into the school after thorough screening.
On admission into the school, all admitted students were seriously warned to keep whatever they see in the school to themselves.
One day, i was studying the bible with a friend and we got to this verse:
John 1: 19-25 :
19-And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?
20-And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ.
21-And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
In our quest to know who was the prophet, we went to the school library to check the verses in a more detailed bible kept in the library. To our surprise, where they asked John, ARE YOU THOU PROPHET? We saw ARE YOU MUHAMMAD? in the bible.
We were so astonished to see the name of Muhammad in the bible & that prompted us to go to a lecturer in the bible school to ask for the reason why
Muhammad's name is in the bible.
The lecturer said Muhammad's name is in the bible and he came after Jesus.
He said, the race of prophethood is like a relay race
He said without Muhammad, all efforts of the previous prophets would have resulted to nothing.
The confession of the lecturer was a big blow on me. Many things were discovered in the bible school.
On completing the bible course, i decided to denounce Christianity but not easy because of the enjoyment, entitlement & agreement between myself and the church.
I had in my mind that if i die as a Christian after knowing the truth or hide the truth discovered from being known to the public, God will not forgive me.
To cut the story short, i dumped Christianity to ISLAM.
My conversion was a hell from the church that sent me to the bible school. They planned to terminate my life,
The rejected christianity of former pastor is when he discovered Muhammad's name written in a reference bible hidden in the library of an advanced bible school. The Pastor embraced Islam when a lecturer of the school confirmed the prophet hood and messengership of Muhammed.
When i became a Muslim, the Christian community in the old Benin state where i was serving as a pastor were so disturbed especially the church i was overseeing then.
Before my conversion to Islam, i was one of the pastors selected in Nigeria trained and sponsored by America to see to the downfall of islam in Africa starting with Nigeria under the leadership of Late Benson Idahosa. U.S spent a lot of money on us just to bring down Islam and that was when we embarked on aggressive crusade in Nigeria with printing and displaying of beautiful and gigantic posters/ banners around the country. We moved from one state to another but instead of seeing the fall of Islam, it was Idahosa that died.
As i was saying,, when the elders of my church heard of my conversion to Islam, they were so worried. They plotted to kill me by pouring acid on me but one of those that loves me in the church came to inform me of the deadly plot of the elders in the church.
I and my family left the house with all our belongings to Oyo state.
I thought everything has ended but surprisingly, these elders with the support of CAN Benin chapter came to Oyo state with police men to arrest me. I was highly supported by the universal Muslim brothers under the leadership of Olanrewaju Adepoju, a very popular Ewi master then.
I was arrested and taken to Benin. They filed a case against me in a court on the fact that i left christianity or their church after spending a lot on me by sending me to a bible school without paying back.
The judge that presided over the case threatened that before the next court session, i must have dropped my Muslim name and reverted back to christianity.
During the next court session, i used turban and immediately the judge set his eyes on me in turban, he was so annoyed and he directed that my case should be called next.
The judge ruling on my case, sentenced me to 3 years imprisonment without allowing neither my lawyer nor myself to say anything.
I was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment without giving me the opportunity of defending myself.
I was in the prison together with some people who were spending different jail terms. Among them was a Hausa man called Dauda and a man called Joseph aka Lion who was regarded as the King of the prison, he was very huge, fat and fierce looking. As i was locked inside the prison, the provost of the prison instructed Joseph aka Lion to deal with me. (This is just because i left Christianity to islam). As Joseph was coming to me, i started shivering but as Allah would have it, a senior prison commander shouted: Lion, go back. He went back immediately and i felt so relieved.
These people(miscreants) except the hausa man used to smoke Indian hem with copies of Gideon bible given to them courtesy of Gideon brothers or foundation. I can not say precisely where/how they got the Indian hem but surely, they smoke it in the prison then.
My imprisonment gave me the opportunity of preaching Islam to the inmates of the prison. My experience in the bible school was the main instrument of my preaching & by the power of the Almighty, 14 of them accepted islam but then, i was still looking for what to use to prove the reality of Islam to the reverts. Allah crowned my mission with a wonder.
Don't forget that there was a Hausa man called Dauda in the prison who always read the Qur'an.
One day, the king of the prison, Joseph aka Lion said to other inmates of the prison that "Is it only bible we will be using to smoke'?
As he said that, he went straight to Dauda to forcefully collect the quran he was reading. He tore the Quran & remove some leaves out of it to smoke Indian hem. I felt so much disturbed with this action.
Joseph used the leaves of the Quran to wrap the Indian hem. He put it in his mouth, brought out a lighter and light the Indian hem. He smoked it first and second time. With in 5 minutes of his smoking, we just discovered that Joseph could not talk, neither move and was just looking like a Zombie. As we stood watching what was happening, Joseph started shouting & defaecate in his trouser. Joseph became a mad man.
That gave me the opportunity of intensifying on my preaching to the prison inmates and as i said earlier, some of them accepted Islam and i give glory to Almighty Allah
What happened to Joseph turned out to be the new song of the prison inmates. I became highly respected in the prison
Join me to thank Almighty Allah for saving me from the hands of God's enemies.
My brothers and sisters, i am saying it with confidence and reality that Islam is the only religion God enjoined on all human beings. This is a religion that covers all ways of life and a religion not named after anybody.
My brothers and sisters, Islam is not in competition with Christianity and other faiths. Islam is unique being the only faith practised and preached by all prophets including the Lion of Judah (Jesus).


*Never Marry a Dayooth!*
The modesty of our women faded when our men lost their gheerah.
Never marry a man who won’t enter Jannah!!
The Prophet Muhammad (SallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “The Dayooth will not enter Jannah.”​
*Who is the Dayooth?*
He is the man who doesn’t have jealousy on his Maharam (his mother, sister, wife …) He is the man who would show off his wife, her beauty and her style in front of men. He is the one who doesn’t protect her from the eager eyes of strangers (non Mahram).
He is the one who accepts that his wife go out with him wearing perfume, putting makeup and wearing attractive clothes as if she is an item for sale to others. He is the man who is pleased by the admiring glances from stranger men toward his wife/sisters He is pleased by sharing her with them!!
He would let his sister/his daughter go out with tight clothes, without her Hijab. He is the man who knows that his sister/his daughter has a boyfriend but he doesn’t care. He never has jealousy on her and would let her show her charm to anyone!!
*So dear sisters, never marry a Dayooth!*
Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar (Radiallaahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (SallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Three people will not enter paradise, and Allah will not look to them on the Day of Judgement: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman who imitates men and the ad-Dayooth.” (Ahmad)
Ad-Dayooth is the man who permits women for whom he is responsible (eg: mother, wife, sister etc.) to engage in illicit relations, or to display their beauty to strange men, thereby stimulating their s*xual desires. May Allah guide us to the straight parts

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday 08:00 - 17:00

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