Author Marvelous



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❣️❣️❣Much love ❣️❣️❣️


Ghost In The Mirror

Episode 6
.. Grandma's co**se was kept in the mortuary as instructed by Dad. Her room was also under lock and key by God knows who.

On the third day very early in the morning, Mom received a call from Dad, telling him that some people were already at the mortuary to pick up Grandma's co**se.

"Who are they?!" Mom screamed all of a sudden. I was in bed but I had woken up. As soon as I heard Mom's scream, I je**ed up and dashed out of the room into hers. The call had already ended but the phone was still in her hand which was suspended in the air. She raised her head as soon as I opened the door, while her mouth was still agape.

"Mom, I heard you scream. What is it?" I quizzed sitting beside her, and then she told me what Dad said.

I was still with her in her room when we started to hear chants coming from outside the compound, and my uncle who was Dad's younger brother had already left the house. So there were no very close adult relative around except Grandma's people.

Mom and I looked at each other, then sprinted outside the gate where we met my siblings and cousins already there watching them, and lo and behold, they were Grandma's cult members. They started to sprinkle something that looked like bl00d before the gate and around the house. We all became so sc@red and started to look at each other, and then Mom whispered to me to go bring her phone. I left and arrived with the phone in the twinkle of an eye. Mom stylishly took pictures of them, hurried back in, called Dad and then forwarded the pictures to him.

"Don't worry, all will be taken care of" Dad said.

After a few minutes, we were still by the gate when we started to hear guπ shots from afar. We all ran back into the house and started to peep through the windows, they were armed army officers. They shot into the air again as soon as they arrived at our gate and the cult members fled, and ran as fast as their legs could carry them. One of the officers came in and asked to see Mom, that they needed to go to the mortuary, and that they wanted one of us to go with them to identify the c0rpse, so as to prevent Grandma's cult members from claiming it. Mom called Dad immediately to inform him of the recent development, and to ask him if he was the one responsible for the mobilization of the military men and he said yes. He then asked Mom and I to go with them to the mortuary which we did without hesitation.

On getting there, we met other cult members too all dressed in pure red, with a black veil tied around their necks. Grandma's co**se had already been deposited in a white c0ffin and was ready to be moved into the ambulance. Mom and I were so shocked, and we stood there staring at them. We were confused cos none of us knew who permitted them to take the co**se, and we also did not know which family member signed for the c0rpse to be released. Mom opened her bag, brought out her phone, and started to dial Dad's number. One of the army officers then approached the cult members, carrying his guπ on his shoulder.

"You are not leaving here with this c0rpse" He said with a baritone, pointing at the coffin at the same time.

"You lie. Who the hel! are you ?" One of the cult members questioned with a squeezed face.

But the army officer ignored him, and started to walk back and forth slowly before them with the guπ still on his shoulder, and at the same time staring into their eyes.

Dad wasn't picking. Mom just kept recalling his phone, and was in a panic.

"Who gave the order for this c0rpse to be released to you people?" The army officer questioned.

"I did" We heard all of a sudden, the voice came from one of the rooms, and the owner of the voice then walked out majestically. Lo and behold, it was my uncle.

Our jaws dropped as soon as we saw him, and Mom slowly dropped the phone from her ear.

"Hello dear! Hello!! Hello!!!" Dad's voice echoed from the phone but Mom was too sh0cked to the extent that that she had totally forgotten that she was on a call.

The army officer turned and looked at us, and then at him.

"Who are you ?" The officer queried.

"I'm the late woman's second son. Let the de@d bury their de@d" He said with confidence.

That was how he ended up betraying us cos he was initially on our side. And now he came to sign for his late mother's c0rpse to be released without even letting Dad his elder brother or any of us know. If only he knew what his late mother did to his wife Ibinabo.

Mom then managed to answer her call, and then narrated what was happening to him.

"Never!!!" Dad exclaimed all of a sudden, and then ended the call.

After a few seconds, the army officer's phone rang all of a sudden. He picked it, and then placed it on his left ear.

"Ok sir" He said, and then ended the call. He signaled his colleagues and they all raised their guπs.

The army officers f!red into the air all of a sudden, and the cult members again all took to their heels. Grandma's c0rpse was deposited back in the mortuary, and we left for home. Throughout that day, I wasn't even myself and was feeling so uneasy. And Mom too could not even do anything all through. All that we witnessed was just like a n0llywood movie.

Later that night, none of us could shut our eyes. We heard footsteps around the house, followed by the sound of ceramic plates being broken in the kitchen by no one. We all ran into Mom's room including my cousins, and at exactly 1 a.m. we started to hear a loud cry, and then a voice.

"Allow them to bury me" We heard in echoes all of a sudden, and we all clung to each other.

"I say allow them to bury me!!" We heard again and this time, with a thunderous sound coming from the back of the house.

Then there was this heavy breeze that nearly blew off the curtains. Mom jumped up and hurried to the window to shut it but a face in white with bl00d dripping from its eyes appeared outside the window all of a sudden. It was that of a very old woman. And then a force lifted Mom with her head touching the ceiling, and then slammed her on the bed. She passed out immediately. The rest of us screamed, holding each other in a tight embrace. Grandma's people that were around including my uncle sprinted into the room, and then told us they heard nothing at all that night, not even the sound of the ceramic plates being broken.

We were t0rmented day and night, and some relatives later advised that we allow the cult members to bury the c0rpse but Dad blatantly refused. He then told us that he was coming back the following day which was on the 6th day.

Even though I hadn't slept for days also thinking of how to release Aunty Ibinabo's soul before Grandma's burial, I managed to close my eyes that night. I dreamt and saw Dad being chased by a figure carrying a machete. I called him that morning when I woke up and then narrated my dream to him, and also told him to postpone his trip.

"So, you're trying to tell me not to come home as a prophet that you are abi? I should remain here and not come for my mother's burial" He raged.

"No sir..." I said and then he cut in.

"My friend, get out" He said and then ended the call.

Around 5 pm that evening, we were in the living room when a breaking news came up on the TV. The aircraft that Dad boarded had crashed...

To be continued!

✍️ Blessing Enejo Abraham Elleywriter
Author Marvelous


Ghost In The Mirror

Episode 5 : credit: Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
.. "Is there nobody at home?" Grandma screamed again.
"Someone should please bring me a cup of cold water" She added.

I almost passed out on hearing Grandma's voice, I was filled with great fe@r and shock. I looked back swiftly, rushed to the door and then twisted the door handle. I was about dashing out when Aunty Ibinabo spoke again.

"Jeffery please, save me" She said stretching forth one of her arms.

I had already stepped out, but my hand was still on the door handle. And all of a sudden I saw the linen lying on the floor. I didn't know whether to hurry up and pick it up or just dash out of the room like that.

"But, what if Grandma comes in and finds the mirror uncovered? Won't that be a big pr0blem and tr0uble?" I soliloquized with a hand under my chin.

I turned swiftly looking left and right, rushed back in, picked up the linen from the floor and was about covering the mirror with it when Aunty Ibinabo's face changed from looking weary to a pity one.

"No Jeffery, please don't cover my face with that. I am already so uncomfortable here. Covering the mirror with that only causes me more heat" She said slowly, staring into my eyes, and then tears welled up her eyes.

I paused for a few seconds, and tears started dropping down my face. But I had no other choice than to cover the mirror before I get caught.

I raised the linen, and was about covering the mirror again when she suddenly screamed with her face aside, and at the same waving both hands at me.

"No! No!! Please!!!"

But, I had to shut my eyes with my teeth gnashed, and then I covered the mirror. I first held my breath as soon as I did, and then I heaved a heavy sigh while sobbing at the same time. I then turned and moved toward the door, and started to wipe my tears with the helm of my shirt. I cleaned my face thoroughly so that Mom and the rest would not start asking me why my eyes are teary. I was still on it when the door opened all of a sudden, startling me. As soon as Grandma saw me, she was shocked.

She stepped in, shut the door and started to look sternly at me but I threw my face aside. She then turned and looked round her room.

She giggled...

"Jeffery, what are you doing here in my room?" She quizzed turning to me.

"Erm... Gr... Grandma" I said stuttering with my head bowed.
"Those old pictures you used to give to us to watch when we were kids, I searched for them in your wardrobe but couldn't find them" I said twisting the helm of my shirt around my finger.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted old pictures before I left for the market? Weren't you with me when I left?" She questioned but I ignored her with my head still bowed.

She h!ssed, approached her locker, unlocked it and then brought out a bunch of old pictures.

"What am I going to do with all these?" I soliloquized giving her an ugly stare from behind.

"Take, take them to your room to watch." She said and then grabbed her earlobe.
"Don't you ever come into my room without my notice. Did you hear me?" She quizzed and I nodded sporadically.

I took those pictures from her, turned and opened the door without a word, and then went into my room. As soon as I entered my room, I flung the pictures on the bed scattering them all over. I sat on the tiled floor holding both hands and with my head in between my laps, and I shed tears of sorr0w and angu!sh.

"Why must it be me?" I muttered as tears found it's way down my cheeks.

A few hours later, I went to Mom's room when Dad stepped out and I narrated what happened to her. She stood up all of a sudden with a dropped jaw and with both hands on her head.

"You this boy, you have finally succeeded in k!lling me!" She exclaimed, rushed to her wardrobe and started to pack the clothes in the wardrobe into the luggage.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"We are leaving here this minute" She said and continued packing.

"Just like that? Without saving Aunty Ibinabo?" I queried and she looked up all of a sudden.

"Are you stup!d? Are you Merlin that you want to save a ghost trapped in a mirror?"
She questioned and I bowed my head. And then raised it again...
"But, what are you going to tell Dad?"

"That is not a problem. Go into your room this minute and pack your things, we are leaving this place as soon as your father returns" She said.

I was almost opening my mouth to say something but Mom could start beating me up if I tried saying otherwise. I got up, went into my room and started to pack my things but deep down, I didn't want to go without saving Aunty Ibinabo.

Dad arrived after like an hour and to my surprise, I saw them putting their things in the trunk of the car. Till date I don't even know what Mom said to Dad that made him consent to we leaving the village.

"But, why the sudden change of mind? I thought that you guys were going to stay back till the new year. And, it's even getting late" Grandma said standing before Dad.

"Mama, something came up that we need to sort out immediately in the city. Don't worry, we shall be back by easter. May God spare our lives" Dad said and Mom stood there feigning a smile.

Well, we left the village and I couldn't stop thinking about Aunty Ibinabo's ghost. It was so saddening that I couldn't even help her trapped soul. Whenever her children come to visit or I go to theirs to spend some time, it breaks my heart the more each time they talk about their mother and how much they miss her.

After like six months, Dad was out of the country but he got a call that Grandma had passed and he called Mom to inform her. Mom was so happy, but I was s@d somehow knowing fully well that Grandma trapped a soul in a mirror before she passed that I didn't even have a clue of setting free.

Well, we were meant to go to the village and we all did, including my cousins. But as soon as we reached, we were told by Grandma's younger brother that Grandma was to be buried in three days and wished to be buried alongside her mirror but Dad refused, and told him that he wanted grandma to be kept in the mortuary for like a week so that by then, he would be around. And that, he was yet to understand why grandma wished to be buried alongside her mirror. Unknown to us, Grandma belonged to a secret society and must be buried in three days...

To be continued!.

Author Marvelous


Ghost In The Mirror

Episode 4 : credit: Blessing Enejo
.. I je**ed up from sleep all of a sudden, turned swiftly and started to look around my room. I was trembling in fear, that I couldn't stand on my feet. I grabbed my phone all of a sudden, flashed the corners of the room with it's torchlight. I managed to get up, walked toward the window, and then I shut the open window all of a sudden with my face kept aside. I was too frightened to look outside. I walked back to the chair and then sat on it, waiting for morning to come cos I couldn't just wait to tell Mom what I heard again this time, and about the dream I had. But that night was the longest night ever. I would check the time, after seeing 1:05 am, I would check back after sometime and would see 1:07 am. The time kept crawling and crawling, till it was 6am.

I jumped up as soon as I heard Mom's voice and rushed out into her room. I opened the door and went in after knocking, and I asked Mom to come that I needed to show her something. I was careful enough not to wake Dad cos I didn't want him to know what was happening. Dad wouldn't even believe you.

Mom followed, went with me to my room and I narrated everything to her. Her jaw dropped in awe immediately, she then sat on my bed and started to cry.

Later that day, I prayed earnestly that Grandma should at least go out, so I could go into her room and confirm those things I heard but she didn't, but finally did the following morning which was on a market day.

"Jeffery, tell you mother that I'm off to the market" She said.

"Ok ma" I replied with a nod.

She walked towards the gate and then looked back again.

"Tell your mother to supervise the roasting of that bush meat I kept in a basin in the backyard, so that these boys that are coming to roast it will not ste@l from the meat. I don't trust those boys" She said and I nodded again and finally, she left.

I went to Mom first to tell her that Grandma had left the house, and that Grandma asked her to supervise the roasting of that bush meat in the basin but Mom exclaimed all of a sudden.

"God forbid!" She yelled running her hand in circles above her head, snapping her fingers after each circle.
"I should supervise that bushmeat? Who knows if it's a human being she transformed into that bushmeat? She will return to meet it that way, except those boys roast it for her cos I'm never going close to it" Mom said.

"Mom, the dream I had" I said staring into her eyes.

"Yea? What about it?"

"I want to go into her room to see things for myself. I want to see if God is trying to show me something concerning Aunty Ibinabo"

Mom's eyes popped open immediately.

"You want to go into Mama's room? See my armpit" She said raising her hand.
"Did you find any hairs?" She quizzed.
"Jeffery, please mind yourself. I don't want any tr0ubles from this Grandmother of yours. So please, stay out of her lane"

"But..." I said but Mom cut in.

"No buts. We only have a few days more to spend here. Let's thread carefully, be very very careful" She said dragging her earlobe.

I looked at her, and then I nodded. I went back into my room, sat on the chair and the dream I had kept playing repeatedly in my head. I got up again, opened my door and then approached Mama's room walking on tiptoe. I kept turning left and right to be sure that Mom, Dad or any of my siblings didn't see me. I quietly opened Mama's door, and then shut it slowly. I paused for a few seconds leaning on the door, I then summoned a little courage and I went toward the mirror.

I hadn't even entered Mama's room since we arrived the village, that was my first time after so many years. She had this very big standing mirror in her room and as kids then, we would come into her room, smile before the mirror, even dance before it. We just loved to see ourselves doing all sorts of activities before it and to us then, it was fun.

There was this very white linen now covering the mirror. I stood before it, raised my hands in an attempt to take off the linen but my heart began to pound so quickly, almost popping out of my chest. I summoned a little courage again, raised my hands, and gradually took off the linen and as soon as I did, Aunty Ininabo appeared wearing a long white dress that covered both foot. Her face was looking exactly like the one I saw in my dream the previous night, while her loosed hair fell on both shoulders. My jaw dropped in awe immediately, and the white linen I held dropped before me on it's own. My legs became numb, and my tongue twisted that I was unable to either scream or utter a word.

"Jeffery, please save my trapped soul" She said, and tears started dropping down her face.

"Je... Je... Je...Jesus!" I screamed all of a sudden, taking two steps backward.

"Jeffery, please don't leave me here, my soul yearns for freedom, and rest" She said and this time, with head bowed.

I was still standing there sweating profusely, frightened and in great shock when all of a sudden, I heard Grandma's voice...

To be continued!

Author Marvelous


Hello guys
Am sorry about what happened earlier

About me not giving credit to the real author of the story I posted earlier title :Ghost In The Mirror

I have realize my mistake and I have made a correction about it

Am not the real owner of the story

Am sorry for those of you that are angry 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Ghost In The Mirror

Episode 3 credit: Blessing Enejo
.. We returned in after our search. I sat alone on my bed wondering why Mama would turn aunty Ibinabo into a g0at. The more I thought about it, the more confused I got. I then heaved a deep sigh and laid flat on the bed, on my back with my gaze fixed.

After a few minutes, I began to hear grandma's voice from the outside. I hurried up, wore my slippers and was rushing out of the room when Mom and I bumped into each other in the passage.

"Your grandma is back, let's go outside" She whispered and then grabbed my hand, and we went outside together.

"Ah, Mama, you're back" Mom said with a grin, and at the same time scratching the back of her head.

"My dear, I am back o. I strolled out to see a friend " Grandma said leaning her back on a wooden chair outside.

"That's great. Erm... Jeff, kindly get Mama a cup of water"

I turned swiftly to go get it when Mama said I shouldn't bother, and that she wasn't thirsty. Mum then picked a stool nearby and sat before Mama.

"So, how did you people's day go?" Mama quizzed.

" Fine o. Erm... Mama, that g0at I told you I liked, I was searching for her to feed her even though you haven't yet changed your mind on selling her to me but I didn't see her"

"Oh, the g0at?" Mama quizzed looking at Mom with one of her hands raised in the air.

"Sorry I didn't tell you. I took it to a friend's place. She had been disturbing me about it for a very long time now, that she wanted to help me take care of her so that when she eventually reproduces, we would then share the kids"

"What?! You took it to a friend's place? But Mama, I told you I was interested in her, I was even ready to buy it for any amount" Mom said.

"Is there anything you're not telling me? How come you're suddenly interested in having a g0at? Cos the last time I came to your place in the city you told me that you do not like pets or an!mals. So why the sudden interest in having one now?" Grandma queried staring at Mom.

Mom sat there, confused on what next to say as she began to scratch the back of her neck.

"Ermm... Mama, it's nothing. It's just that I like that particular g0at so much" She said.

"Transfer that likeness to one of those g0ats at the backyard, I'm even ready to give you one of them free of charge"

"Ok, I'll ... I'll think about it" Mom said stuttering.

Mom's countenance changed immediately, sat for a few more minutes without uttering a word, and then excused herself and went back in. I didn't want to go after her immediately so Grandma wouldn't notice anything. I was with her for sometime and then went in to see Mom. Mom was in tears sitting on her bed, crying profusely like someone who had just lost a relative. I moved closer to her, squatted before her and then held her in a tight hug.

"Ibinabo was a good person. She was just too good to Mama and even treated her like her own mother. I just don't know why this happened to her. If what you told me is true then I'm not safe here either" Mom said sobbing.

"It's Ok" I said, as tears welled up my eyes.

Well, a few days after was Christmas. Mom didn't even eat the meal grandma prepared. She sat all day on her bed with Aunty Ibinabo's thoughts in her head. Dad asked her severally to tell him what the problem was but she said she was missing her late Mom.

That night, I couldn't even sleep. I was on my bed tossing and turning, and was having this same feeling I usually have if something b@d is about to happen or if something isn't right. I would pick up my phone, surf the internet and then go back offline. Something wasn't just right.

Finally after a few minutes, my eyes suddenly became so heavy. I was about dozing off when I started to hear silent whispers. I ignored it initially, cos it took time before the urge to sleep visited me but then, the whispers continued and my eyes popped open all of a sudden.

" Who could that be?" I asked myself rhetorically.

I picked up my phone, gently opened the door and then I tiptoed outside, only to realise that it was actually Grandma's voice. I leaned on her door, eavesdropping, and I heard another shocker.

"Ibinabo, I have sold the g0at I transformed you into cos like people were beginning to suspect; and I'm sure that by now, your b0dy parts must be in people's pots of soup. I was told that you have a very strong soul, so I have caged your soul in this mirror. You will remain in there forever."

I froze as soon as I heard that. I just didn't know why God, or should I say the creator chose me for this mission. I tiptoed back into my room, sat on a chair by the corner of the room with my phone's torchlight on. I was so sc@red, so I sat there shivering and after sometime, I dozed off. I then had a dream, I saw Aunty Ibinabo's face looking so weary and sorrowful. And then after sometime, she changed into a ghost, kind of. She floated around in my room, then came before me in tears.

"Jeffrey, please, save my trapped soul" She whispered...

To be continued

©️ Author Marvelous


Ghost In The Mirror

Episode 2 : credit; Blessing Enejo
.. "Ibinabo!" Mama continued.

"Eat them, this is what you will continue eating as long as I live. Maybe whenever I'm broke, I might consider selling you off but just remain this way first"

I started to shiver, and didn't even know how to return quietly to my room without her noticing my presence. I started to sweat profusely, but I was also catching cold. My stomach started to rumble too, I became so pressed that I needed to use the to!let. I left the entrance quietly, taking a step or two backward, paused for a second, and then retreated into my room.

I haven't been so terr!ffied all my life. I rushed into the to!let, sat there for a few seconds and also, trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed but the urge to use the toilet had vanished. I returned to the room and started to pace up and down, then I managed to sit on the edge of the bed.

"How is it possible? That, Aunty Ibinabo is the black g0at?" I asked myself rhetorically, with my gaze fixed. And then the door opened. I je**ed as soon as I heard the sound of the door, with my heart almost popping out of my chest. It was Mom.

"Jeffery, you look worried. What is it?" She quizzed.

"Mom, can you believe that that Grandma's black g0at is the missing Aunty Ibinabo?"

"Are you high on something? Did what you just let out make any sense to you? G0at is Ibinabo? I don't understand " Said Mom, standing before me and staring at me.

I stood up all of a sudden, and then moved closer to her. I approached the windows, and raised the curtains to be sure no one was listening to our conversation.

"Mom, I was going to sneak out when I overheard Grandma talking with someone. I opened the door quietly, and I saw the g0at standing before her, the g0at had Aunty Ibinabo's head" I said in whispers and Mom covered my mouth in her palm all of a sudden, with the other hand grabbing my neck. She turned and looked around the room as if another person was there with us.

"Shhh!" She whispered, and then uncovered my mouth.

"Are you telling me the truth" Mom questioned in whispers, staring straight into my eyes.

"I swear" I whispered back, touching my tongue with my index finger and then raising the same finger in the air to show how truthful I was.

Mom paused for a few seconds, and then looked at me.

"Where are they?" She asked and I pointed toward the front door.

"Outside" I said.

Mom turned and walked towards my room door.

"To where?" I quizzed all of a sudden with eyes popped open.

"Outside" She replied already on her way out and then I rushed after her.

Mom opened the front door, grandma was still there with the g0at. I paused to see Mom's reaction on seeing the g0at but she was talking with Grandma normally. I became surprised, and then I summoned a little courage and went to them. But to my surprise, the head had changed into its normal form. Mom looked at me, and then looked at Grandma.

"Ermm... Mama, this your g0at is very fat and beautiful o. Please can you sell it for me? I want to go with her to the city so I can take good care of her. And when she reproduces, I'll bring the kids for you" Mom said giggling.

Grandma raised her head, and then feigned a smile.

"You mean this particular goat?" She queried.

"Yes ma" Mom said nodding sporadically.

"I have other goats, you can choose anyone from those ones over there" She said pointing towards some goats sitting in their numbers and chewing their mouths nonstop.

"No mama, I like this one. In fact, I'm ready to pay any amount for this" Said Mom.

"Really? You should be ready to pay big money o. Bring 500,000 and the g0at is yours" Grandma said laughing.

"Ok, I'll pay" Mom said smiling.

Grandma's eyes popped open all of a sudden

"You will pay 500k just for this g0at?"

"Yes mama, I like it and I'm ready to pay for it"

"Really? Where did you get such an amount of money cos I know you're not doing anything. Hmm, from your husband I guess?" Grandma asked staring at Mom.
"Well, I'm not selling this particular g0at yet. Even if you offered me a million Naira now, I still wouldn't let it go" Grandma added and continued feeding the g0at.

Mom turned, and looked at me.

"That's serious" She said and then grabbed my hand.

"Ok ma, in case you change your mind, please let me know" Mom said, and then took me in with her.

Throughout that day, and the day after, Mom and I waited patiently for Grandma to go out but she didn't. She finally did after the third day.

Mom left Dad in their room, beckoned on me to come and we went outside together, Mom said she had something to say to the g0at.

We went outside and searched everywhere, but the g0at was nowhere to be found...

To be continued...

©️ Author Marvelous


Few days to my birthday month

We have just 11 days to my birthday month

And am expecting gift🎁 from all my Facebook Followers 🙌

I am sure that you guys will make me happy😊🤗


Ghost In The Mirror.

Episode 1 : credit; Blessing Enejo

My uncle's wife once traveled to the village from the city to take care of my s!ck grandmother, and she never returned. Like, she went miss!ng in the village.

My Dad, and uncle went from the city to the village in search of her, They even reported to the local vigilante men but nothing could be done. Even Grandma said that it was the first day she arrived in the village she last saw her. That she left the house and never returned.

Months and years went by, but still no news of her. Her children who were just kids when she left are now approaching adulthood. Their father took care of them all by himself.

After like 10 years of no news of her, we went to the village one Christmas. I hadn't visited the village for 11 years, and I was just 8 the last time I did. So Dad, Mom, my siblings, and I visited after a long time.

Grandma had a female black goat. The first day we arrived at the village in grandma's house, it stood still staring at me from afar when I was coming down from the car. I looked at it, and then I thought maybe I was just imagining things and I looked away. After exchanging pleasantries with Grandma, I was following my other siblings into the house walking side by side with Grandma, with her hand around my shoulders. I turned and looked at the goat again, she wouldn't take her eyes off me. I became so uneasy. I didn't know why but each time I feel that way, it means there's something my instincts is trying to communicate.

The goat would always pursue me around whenever she sees me outside, and grandma would command her to stop and she would do so immediately. At a point, I became sc@red to come out of the house. I even told Dad severally to allow us to leave the village but the man would laugh at me and ask me if I was leaving just cos of a goat.

Five days later, I was tired of staying indoors so I picked a shirt from my bag, hung it on my left shoulder, and was walking on tiptoe toward the entrance door and was going to peep through the entrance door to see if the goat was anywhere around, before racing out of the house.

I heard Grandma talking to someone, and my mind calmed a little.

"Thank God Mama is outside" I muttered, and then I wore my shirt.

"Ibinabo" I heard grandma call once.

I grabbed the door handle and was about to twist it when I heard Grandma's voice again, and then I paused.

"You will remain a goat as long as I'm still alive. Ibinabo, you turned my son's eyes against me. He no longer gave me the amount of money he used to give me as soon as he married you. And you expect me to be happy with you? You will remain like this till I think of how to get rid of you, maybe sell you off or something cos ever since I turned you into a goat, I have started enjoying back my son."

I froze, while goosebumps filled the whole of my b0dy from head to toe. But I was curious, I needed to be sure of what I heard cos Ibinabo was my uncle's wife's name, the one that went miss!ng.

I gently twisted the door handle, opening the door halfway. I then peeped through the little space, and the first thing I saw was Grandma's hands. She was holding the leaves and feeding the goat with it. I needed to satisfy my curiosity, so I peeped further and saw the shocker of my life.

The black goat was standing beside Grandma, but it now had the head of my miss!ng uncle's wife...

To be continued...

©️ Author Marvelous

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