We Provides good and quality home Care services for Child care, Elderly care and personal care..


Stop ignoring your body’s feedback.

Here are 20 signs you have an unhealthy lifestyle:

1. Your dick doesn’t perform as it should

—low vitamin d, zinc
—too much sugar, alcohol, salt

2. Eczema

—deficiency in essential fatty acids
—food intolerances (dairy, gluten, soy, peanuts)

3. Bleeding gums

—poor gut health
—low vitamin c, k

4. Moodiness

—low vitamin b12
—too much sugar, refined carbs (white bread, pastries)

5. You keep getting sick

—poor sleep [see: bullet 6]
—low iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins c, d, b12

6. Insomnia

—low magnesium, vitamin d, calcium
—consuming caffeine, alcohol, high GI foods close to bed

7. Acne

—low zinc, vitamins a, e
—too much sugar, highly processed food, omega-6s, low fat or skimmed milk

8. Brain fog

—poor hydration
—poor sleep [see: bullet 6]
—too much sugar, highly processed foods, alcohol
—low choline, magnesium, iron, omega-3s, vitamin d, b12

9. You fart 10x more than you need to*

—poor gut health
—food intolerances—e.g dairy
—too much fiber, gas-producing foods (beans, cabbage, and broccoli)

(P.S. Clean up your diet and you’ll be amazed at how infrequently you pass gas)

10. Terrible night vision

—low vitamin a, zinc

11. Headaches

—poor hydration
—poor sleep [see: bullet 6]
—too much monosodium glutamate / msg, caffeine, alcohol, cured meats (hot dogs, bologna, ham, bacon, salami)

12. Rashes

—low zinc
—food intolerances (dairy, gluten, soy, peanuts)

13. Joint stiffness

—inflammation caused by too much: sugar, refined grains, highly processed foods, fried foods, cured meats (hot dogs, bologna, ham, bacon, salami)

14. Irritability

—low magnesium, vitamin b12, omega-3s
—too much sugar, high GI foods, refined carbs (white bread, pastries)

15. Low self-confidence

—low vitamin b12, omega-3s
—too much alcohol, sugar, highly processed foods

16. Difficulty focusing

—poor hydration
—poor sleep [see: bullet 6]
—low choline, vitamin b12, iron, omega-3s
—too much high-mercury-content fish, sugar, alcohol, highly processed foods, refined carbs (white bread, pastries)

17. Nausea*

—low magnesium
—food intolerances
—too high or too low blood sugar

18. Diarrhea*

—food intolerances—e.g. dairy
—too much fiber, fried foods, spicy foods
—a high FODMAP diet (bread, pasta, pastries, beans, peas, hf corn syrup)

19. Cramps

—too much refined carbs (white bread, pastries)
—low vitamin b, d, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium

20. Your stomach gurgles loudly after each meal

—eating too fast
—poor gut health
—too much sugar, gas-producing food (beans, cabbage)


Do you need a career?
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Are you looking for someone to assist in caring for your loved one? Our Home Care Service Agency is open. We have a registered nurse and caregiver on call 24/7. We provide you with individualized care, support with daily activities, companionship, the 24 hours support of a team of nurses, and highly professional services!

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You can contact us for any of your home services!
We are the best in caring for Children, Adults and Personal Care!



Cephalothoracopagus twinning - two
bodies, one head and one face
This is a case of conjoined twins with 4 lower and
upper limbs, and one head
Conjoined twins are identical twins joined in utero.
Cephalothoracopagus is a rare type of conjoined
twins seen in 1 in 3 million births.
It is a rare monozygotic twinning resulting in
imperfect fusion of the head, chest and upper
They are fused from the vertex to the umbilicus. They
share a common cranium with either a composite
face or two faces on opposite sides of the conjoined
and enlarged head or skull.
These twins have separated limbs and pelvis. The
thoraces are fused with fusion of liver, heart and the
upper gastrointestinal system upto the division at the
Meckel diverticulum. There are usually four arms and
legs, and on the face there were two eyes, one nose
and two ears.
The precise etiology of conjoined twinning is


Pregnancy 🫃

Pregnancy can be a time of great excitement to the patient, but it can also be a time of danger, and there are certain serious illnesses of pregnancy to be aware of.
🤰Pregnant women attend a booking appointment with a midwife at between 8 and 12 weeks’ gestation. Much of the history is covered here and documented in notes that the patient is advised to carry at all times.

Term Pregnancies:
For each previous pregnancy carried beyond 24 weeks, inquire about the following:

Gestation – previous preterm labour is a risk factor for subsequent preterm labour.
Mode of delivery – spontaneous va**nal, assisted va**nal or Caesarean.
Birth weight – a previous small for gestational age (SGA) baby increases the risk of a subsequent one.
Complications – e.g. pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, obstetric a**l sphincter injury (3rd, 4th degree tears), post-partum haemorrhage.
Assisted reproductive therapies (ART) – e.g. ovulation induction with clomiphene, IVF.
Care providers – was the patient’s care completely with a midwife or was there previous obstetric input, if so, why
Note; ART pregnancies are often conceived after a long period of time and after much psychological distress; *it is important to be aware of this. In addition, use of *ARTs can increase the risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.

Other Pregnancies:🫃

For pregnancies not carried beyond 24 weeks, inquire about:

Gestation – miscarriages can be classified into early pregnancy (12 weeks or less) or second trimester (13-24 weeks).
Miscarriages – outcome (spontaneous, medical management, surgical management – evacuation of retained products of conception).
Terminations – method of management: medical or surgical.
Identified causes of miscarriage / stillbirth – e.g. abnormal parental karyotype, fetal anomaly.

For ectopic pregnancies, ask about:

Site: of the ectopic
Management: expectant (monitoring of serum hCG levels), medical (methotrexate injection), surgical (laparoscopy or laparotomy; salpingectomy (removal of tube) or -otomy (cutting of tube and suctioning of trophoblastic tissue)

Now let us enter the body of our topic of discussion:

Gravidity and Parity: 🤰

Gravidity is the total number of pregnancies, regardless of outcome. Parity is the total number of pregnancies carried over the threshold of viability.

🤰Patient is currently pregnant; had two previous deliveries = G3 P2
🤰Patient is not pregnant, had one previous delivery = G1 P1
🤰Patient is currently pregnant, had one previous delivery and one previous miscarriage = G3 P1+1 (the +1 refers to a pregnancy not carried to 24+0).
🤰Patient is not currently pregnant, had a live birth and a stillbirth (death of fetus after 24+0) = G2 P2
🤰Patient is not pregnant, had a twin pregnancy resulting in two live births = G1 P1

Current Pregnancy:

🤰First, ask about the gestational age of the pregnancy. Gestation is described as weeks+days (e.g. 8+4; 30+7; 40+12 – post-dates).

🤰The last menstrual period date (LMP) can be used to estimate gestation, with Naegele’s rule the most common method (to the first day of the LMP add 1 year, subtract 3 months, add 7 days). This can be imprecise, as it requires accurate recall of LMP dates as well as regular menstruation.

🤰So; Instead, pregnancies are dated based on the crown-rump length (CRL), measured by ultrasound scan between 10+0 and 13+6. This way, we avoid unnecessary inductions for ‘post-dates’ based on LMP recalled later than in reality, and we can monitor labours where the LMP date suggests is over 37+0 but the scan suggests is preterm.

In the history of current pregnancy, ask about:

🤰Has there been use of folate prior to conception and currently
🤰Agreed estimated date of delivery (EDD): this date is when the woman will be 40+0.
🤰Singleton or multiple gestation.
🤰Uptake and results of Down’s syndrome screening (if scanned between 11+0 and 13+6).
🫄At 18+0 to 20+6, women are offered a scan to check for fetal anomalies.

Be sure to review the findings of this scan:

🤰Fetal anomalies – presence or absence.
🤰Placenta position – check it is clear of the internal os.
🤰Amniotic fluid index – oligohydroaminos, normal or polyhydraminos
🤰Estimated fetal weight – parameter for growth...


Health Agenda for this month:

1. Change your tooth brush if used for more than 3 months.

2. Wash your towel every week.

3. Drink more water.

4. No ma********on.

5. Brush twice a day.

6. Workout at least 2-3 times.

7. Change and wash underwear at most every two days.

8. No alcohol.

9. No smoking.

10. No junk foods

11. No soda, water only.

12. Check your blood pressure.

13. Check your blood sugar level.

14. Do a kidney function test.

15. Deworm.

16. Avoid stress, have fun.

17. Include fruits in your diets.

18. Have 7-8 hours night sleep.

19. Always use protection.


Note: Never go to an event alone. Always walk with someone for your safety!


It’s possible for an individual (male) to be born without a p***s.

This condition is called aphallia and it is caused by failure of the ge***al tubercle to form or to fully develop.

In some cases, surgical procedures may be performed to create a pathway for urination.

For instance, a procedure called a urethrostomy can create a surgical opening in the abdominal wall that connects to the bladder, allowing urine to be expelled directly through this opening.



🔴Today we will talk about *Augmentin*

♦️Definition :
Generic Augmentin (Amoxicillin & Clavulanate Potassium) is an antibiotic in the class of drugs called penicillins that fights bacteria🦠 in your body to treat many different types of infections, such as tonsillitis, pneumonia🫁, ear infections🦻, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, and infections of the skin.

Augmentin also marketed as: Alphamox, Amox, Amoxicillin, Trimox, Wymox, zimox.

Augmentin®️ is a registered trademark of GlaxoSmithKline.

♨️Uses :
Generic Augmentin is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria, including infections of the ears, lungs, sinus, skin, and urinary tract. Generic Augmentin is also used sometimes to treat certain s*xually transmitted infections (STI). Talk to your doctor about the possible risks of using this medication for your condition.

Generic Augmentin is in a class of medications called penicillin-like antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Clavulanic acid is in a class of medications called beta-lactamase inhibitors. It works by preventing bacteria from destroying Amoxicillin.

🔸How To Take:
Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. This medicine may be taken with food or on an empty stomach. However, for better absorption of this medicine and to prevent upset stomach, this medicine is best taken with food. Take Augmentin until you finish the prescription, even if you feel better. Stopping Generic Augmentin too soon may cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics.

♦️Side Effects:
Side effects that may go away during treatment include nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, or mild diarrhea. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. Contact your doctor as soon as possible if you experience white patches on the tongue, or va**nal discomfort/itching or discharge.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience easy bruising or bleeding, unusual decrease in the amount of urine, dark urine, severe stomach pain, yellow eyes or skin, or severe or bloody diarrhea. An allergic reaction to this medicine is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor.

⚠️Precautions :
Before taking Generic Augmentin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to amoxicillin (Amoxil, Trimox, and Wymox), clavulanic acid, penicillin, cephalosporins, or any other medications.

Tell your doctor what prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking.
Be sure to mention either of the following: allopurinol (Lopurin, Zyloprim) and probenecid (Benemid). Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had kidney or liver disease, allergies, asthma, hay fever, hives, or mononucleosis.

Do not take this medicine if you are also taking probenecid or live vaccines. Additional monitoring of your dose or condition may be needed if you are taking birth control pills, anticoagulants, allopurinol, methotrexate, tetracycline antibiotics, or injectable aminoglycosides. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions including liver disease, blood disorders (e.g., clotting or bleeding problems), other infections (e.g., mononucleosis), allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding.

Do not take this medicine if you have had a severe allergic reaction to a penicillint antibiotic (such as amoxicillin, ampicillin) or a cephalosporin antibiotic (such as ceclor, keflex, ceftin, duricef). A severe reaction includes a severe rash, hives, breathing difficulties, or dizziness. If you experience difficulty breathing or tightness of chest; swelling of eyelids, face, or lips; or develop a rash or hives, tell your doctor immediately.

♦️Drug Interactions:
Generic Augmentin may react with the antigout medication Benemid, resulting in changes in blood levels. A reaction with another antigout drug, Zyloprim, may cause a rash. Notify your doctor if you are taking either of these drugs. Augmentin can make birth control pills less effective. Use a second non-hormone method of birth control (such as a condom, diaphragm, s***micide) to prevent pregnancy while taking Generic Augmentin.

🟥Missed Dose:
Take Generic Augmentin as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, and you take 2 doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 5 to 6 hours later. If you take 3 or more doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 2 to 4 hours later. Then go back to your regular schedule.

Generic Augmentin capsules💊 should be stored in a tightly closed bottle at or below 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Store tablets at or below 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Store away from heat🌞, moisture, and light💡. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Augmentin out of the reach of children and away from pets.


A male Nurse is Needed Urgently


The best way to increase your odds of getting pregnant quickly is to make sure that you’re having s*x at the right time in your cycle.This makes it easier for fertilization to occur as the egg is only viable for about 24 hours once it’s been released.

The key is to have s*x in the days before and during ovulation. That way, the s***m cells are in the fallopian tubes when the egg is released which will dramatically increase the chances of getting pregnant. In summary, knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for s*x at the right time and improve your chances of getting pregnant.



Ichthyosis is a group of skin disorders that lead to dry, itchy skin that appears scaly, rough, and red. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. Ichthyosis can affect only the skin, but some forms of the disease can affect internal organs as well.

Most people inherit ichthyosis from their parents through a mutated (changed) gene. However, some people develop a form of acquired (nongenetic) ichthyosis from another medical disorder or certain medications. While there is currently no cure for ichthyosis, research is ongoing and treatments are available to help manage the symptoms.

The outlook for people with ichthyosis varies depending on the type of the disease and how severe it is. Most people with ichthyosis need treatment for life to help make the disease more manageable.

Photos from GODS OWN NURSING AGENCY's post 07/01/2023


Heart Failure is a serious long-term condition that usually continue to get worse over time.

Many people are living with this life-threatening condition and don't even know they have it until it’s severe state.

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.

Heart failure is brought on by a variety of underlying diseases and health problems.

This may include:

Coronary artery disease.
This occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrowed or blocked, reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the heart muscle.

•High blood pressure.
Over time, high blood pressure can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood, leading to heart muscle damage.

•Heart attacks.
A heart attack occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the heart, damaging the heart muscle.

This is a general term for conditions that cause the heart muscle to become weak or damaged.

•Valvular heart disease.
This refers to problems with the heart valves, which can cause the heart to work harder and eventually lead to heart failure.

Other conditions like diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

The symptoms of heart failure can vary from person to person, and the severity of the symptoms may also vary.

Some common symptoms of heart failure may include:

1. Shortness of breath:

This can occur when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's oxygen needs.

This can cause a person to feel out of breath, even when they are not physically active.

Shortness of breath can be especially noticeable when a person is lying down and may be relieved by sitting up or leaning forward.

2. Fatigue:

Heart failure can cause a person to feel tired and weak because the heart is not able to pump blood efficiently.

This can lead to a lack of energy and the inability to perform daily activities.

3. Swelling:

Heart failure can cause fluid to build up in the ankles, feet, and legs, leading to swelling.

This is known as peripheral edema.

Swelling may be more noticeable after standing or sitting for a long period of time and may improve when the affected limb is elevated.

4. Rapid or irregular heartbeat:

Heart failure can cause the heart to beat faster or irregularly, which can be noticed by the person or their healthcare provider.

This may feel like a fluttering sensation in the chest or a racing heartbeat.

5. Chest pain:

Heart failure can cause chest pain in some people.

This may feel like a tightness or pressure in the chest and may be worse with physical activity.

You can also experience other symptoms like weight gain due to fluid retention, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and persistent cough.

Complications of heart failure depend on the severity of heart disease and your overall health.

Possible complications can include:

•Liver damage.

•Kidney damage.

•Erectile dysfunction.


•Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm).

All these complications that comes along with heart failure are life threatening and needs medical attention as soon as possible.

It is important to work with a healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

Don’t ignore these signs!!!

Photos from GODS OWN NURSING AGENCY's post 25/12/2022

Protect yourself from Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

This viral infection can cause pe**le, cervical and throat cancer which can be life-threatening if not treated early.

Here is everything you must know about HPV:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses that can cause infections in humans.

There are over 150 different types of HPV, and they can infect various parts of the body, including the skin, mucous membranes, and ge***al areas.

Some types of HPV can cause warts, while others can cause cancer.

Most HPV infections don't lead to cancer but some types of ge***al HPV can cause cancer of the lower part of the uterus that connects to the va**na (cervix).

Other types of cancers, including cancers of the a**s, p***s, va**na, v***a and back of the throat (oropharyngeal), have been linked to HPV infection.

HPV is spread through s*xual contact and can be transmitted through va**nal, a**l, and oral s*x.

It can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, so it is possible to contract HPV even if there is no pe*******on.

There are vaccines available that can protect against certain types of HPV, including the types that can cause cervical, va**nal, and v***ar cancers in women, and the types that can cause a**l, pe**le, and throat cancers in both men and women.

There are several risk factors for contracting HPV you should consider:

•Having multiple s*xual partners.

•Having a weakened or compromised immune system.

The risk of contracting HPV increases with age, especially in people over the age of 30.

•Personal history of s*xually transmitted infections (STIs).

•Damaged skin.
Areas of skin that have been punctured or opened are more prone to develop common warts.

•Personal contact.
Touching someone's warts or not wearing protection before contacting surfaces that have been exposed to HPV might increase your risk of HPV infection.

Most people with HPV do not experience any symptoms and do not know they have the virus.

In many cases, the body's immune system is able to clear the infection on its own within a few years.

However, some types of HPV can cause visible symptoms, such as warts.

Common types of warts include:

1. Common Warts:

Common warts are small, raised bumps that are often found on the hands and fingers.

They may be round or oval-shaped, and they may have a rough or smooth surface.

Common warts are usually skin-colored or slightly lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.

They may also be brown or gray.

2. Plantar Warts:

Plantar warts are warts that appear on the soles of the feet.

Plantar warts is also symptom of the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It is also more common in people who walk barefoot in public places, such as pools, locker rooms, and showers.

Plantar warts can be painful, especially when pressure is applied to them, such as when walking or standing.

They may cause discomfort or embarrassment, and in some cases, they can interfere with normal activities.

3. Flat warts:

Flat warts are flat-topped, slightly raised lesions.

They can appear anywhere, but children usually get them on the face and men tend to get them in the beard area.

Women tend to get them on the legs.

4. Ge***al Warts:

Ge***al warts are warts that appear on the ge***als and a**s.

In women, ge***al warts appear mostly on the v***a but can also occur near the a**s, on the cervix or in the va**na.

In men, ge***al warts appear on the p***s and sc***um or around the a**s.

Ge***al warts rarely cause discomfort or pain, though they may itch or feel tender.

The treatment for human papillomavirus (HPV) depends on the type of infection and the symptoms it causes.

For HPV infections that cause visible symptoms, such as warts, treatment may include:


There are several medications that can be used to treat warts, including topical ointments, creams, and liquids.

These medications can be applied directly to the wart to help it disappear.


This treatment involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen.

The frozen tissue dies and falls off, leaving healthy skin behind.

•Surgical removal:

In some cases, warts may need to be removed surgically.

This can be done through a variety of methods, such as excision (cutting the wart out), laser surgery, or electrosurgery (burning the wart with electricity).

If human papillomavirus (HPV) is not treated early, it can lead to complications including cancer (pe**le, cervical and a**l and throat cancer), worse warts condition and s*xual problems.

Getting vaccinated, using protection like condoms during s*x, reducing s*x partners, getting regular screenings and avoiding to***co use are few preventive measures against HPV.

It is important to see a healthcare provider if you have any symptoms that concern you or if you have been exposed to HPV.

Early treatment can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of HPV-related cancer...

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Season Greetings ❤️❤️❤️


Lobes of Brain

1: Frontal Lobe
2:Parietal Lobe
3: Temporal Lobe
4: Occipital Lobe
5: Brain Stem

01:Frontal Lobe

Control Thinking, Memory,Behavior,

02:Parietal Lobe

Control Language and Touch.

03:Temporal Lobe

Control Hearing, Learning, Feelings.

04:Occipital Lobe

Control Sight (Vision)

05:Brain Stem

Control Breathing,
Heart rate, Temperature.

06: Cerebellum

Control Balance And Coordination.


Today is World HIV Day 2022
Below are 22 Facts about HIV from Doctör Penking

Please share

1. You may have HIV right now without knowing it.
2. HIV has no cure but if diagnosed early, it can be controlled.
3. You can contract HIV through unprotected s*xual in*******se

4. You can contract HIV through blood transfusion
5. You can contract HIV through sharing of sharp objects
6. You can spread HIV through breastfeeding
7. Condoms are effective in preventing HIV transmission
8. You can’t get HIV though hugging, sharing spoons and plates

9. There are drugs which can prevent you from contracting HIV even if your body has been exposed to the virus. These are called PEP drugs and must especially be taken after s*xual assault.
10. There are drugs which are given to a baby to prevent her from contracting HIV from a positive mother via breast milk.
11. HIV is not a death sentence
12. Knowing your HIV status enables you to commence drugs on time
13. Early commencement of drugs makes you live a normal healthy live
14. An HIV+ mother can give birth to normal, healthy HIV- babies
15. In a couple, It’s possible for one partner to have HIV and the other does not have. These are called discordant couples
16. HIV drugs are safe and effective
17. People living with HIV/ AIDS should not be stigmatized.
18. People living with HIV/AIDS just have a normal disease like every other disease.
19. HIV self test kits are equally effective and you can test your new s*xual partners.
20. The first 3 month after contracting HIV is called window period, during this period, antibody test will not give the real picture.
21. HIV is not a sign of s*xual pervasiveness
22. Everyone should know their HIV status every 3 months.

Let’s break the chain of transmission .
Get Tested today.


A male NURSE/CAREGIVER is urgently needed


Aplastic Anemia

Aplastic Anemia is a condition in which our body fails to produced new blood cells.

Aplastic Anemia leaves High risk of infections and uncontrollable bleeding.

Treatment Of Aplastic AnemiA is Blood transfusion, Stem cells transplant/Bone marrow Transplant



1 Coconut and groundnut are s*xual drive enhancers

2 Carrot and cucumbers are s***m boosters

3 Swimming enhances your memory

4 Dancing reduces stress

5 Exercise is a life extending therapy

6 Frequent talking with enthusiasm is an anti-aging

7 Avoid Ma********on, it can cause eye defect, weakness of p***s and reduces your libido from 50yrs

8 Congested oral cavity is potentially hazardous, brush your teeth morning and night

9 Beans is an anti-cancer, you can remove the skin if it gives you trouble after eating

10 Eating smoked fish is suicidal because it is double monoxide and elicit cancerous cells (depends on blood group).

11 Beef is very dangerous to those above 40yrs.

12 Milk is not really ideal for those who experience noisy and stomach upset after drinking it. Such indicates milk fermentation in the system.

13 Soft drinks and juices shouldn't be abused. You can prepare your own juice with fruits. Don't accumulate synthetic sugar in your body.

14 Make watermelon your companion as it cleanses your liver and kidney, and also enhances their functions

15 Eat apples, carrot, onion and other vegetables everyday

16. Cease your breathe for at least one minute when people cough or sneeze, especially in an enclosure or in a public transit.

17. Washing of hands regularly is a major way of preventing some infections.

18 garlic is antibiotics and antiviral plant

19 Garlic clears the throat

Kindness costs nothing But Knowledge is Power...



Anemia also spelled anaemia, is usually defined as a decrease in the total amount of red Blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the Blood. It can also be defined as a lowered ability of the Blood to carry oxygen. When anemia comes on slowly, the symptoms are often vague and may include feeling tired, weakness, shortness of breath or a poor ability to exercise. Anemia that comes on quickly often has greater symptoms, which may include confusion, feeling like one is going to pass out, loss of consciousness, or increased thirst. Anemia must be significant before a person becomes noticeably pale. Additional symptoms may occur depending on the underlying cause.

The three main types of anemia are due to Blood loss, decreased red Blood cell production, and increased red Blood cell breakdown. Causes of Blood loss include trauma and gastrointestinal bleeding, among others. Causes of decreased production include iron deficiency, a lack of vitamin B12, thalassemia, and a number of neoplasms of the bone marrow. Causes of increased breakdown include a number of genetic conditions such as sickle cell anemia, infections like malaria, and certain autoimmune diseases. It can also be classified based on the size of red Blood cells and amount of hemoglobin in each cell. If the cells are small, it is microcytic anemia. If they are large, it is macrocytic anemia while if they are normal sized, it is normocytic anemia. Diagnosis in men is based on a hemoglobin of less than 130 to 140 g/L (13 to 14 g/dL), while in women, it must be less than 120 to 130 g/L (12 to 13 g/dL). Further testing is then required to determine the cause.

Certain groups of individuals, such as pregnant women, benefit from the use of iron pills for prevention. Dietary supplementation, without determining the specific cause, is not recommended. The use of Blood transfusions is typically based on a person's signs and symptoms. In those without symptoms, they are not recommended unless hemoglobin levels are less than 60 to 80 g/L (6 to 8 g/dL). These recommendations may also apply to some people with acute bleeding. Erythropoiesis-stimulating medications are only recommended in those with severe anemia.

Anemia is the most common Blood disorder, affecting about a third of the global population. Iron-deficiency anemia affects nearly 1 billion people. In 2013, anemia due to iron deficiency resulted in about 183,000 deaths – down from 213,000 deaths in 1990. It is more common in women than men, during pregnancy, and in children and the elderly. Anemia increases costs of medical care and lowers a person's productivity through a decreased ability to work. The name is derived from Ancient Greek: ἀναιμία anaimia, meaning "lack of Blood", from ἀν- an-, "not" and αἷμα haima, "Blood".

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Coco Lange Coco Lange
Gbopa Area
Sango Otta, 5050

God first Medical professional🩺 Saving lives is actually making me doing what love 💕

Faforlife Achievers Faforlife Achievers
No 91, Ijoko Road, Sango Ota
Sango Otta

What All Men Must Know What All Men Must Know
Sango Ota
Sango Otta, 234

This Page is about living well on natural foods

Let's discuss medicine Let's discuss medicine
Presco Campus
Sango Otta

Unfolding the mystery behind the human physiology, anatomy and biochemistry

Lizzy health care Lizzy health care
Iju Mesan Via Akinleye
Sango Otta

Weekly Health talk with Adesola Weekly Health talk with Adesola
13, Fatoye Avenue, Ewupe, Sango Ota
Sango Otta

To give you tips that can help your health Physically,Socially and Mentally.

Folashade Folashade
Ijebu Ode
Sango Otta

Health is Wealth Am a jovial and calm lady DM for your questions Am Nurse Folashade /Dental Nurse

Ewatomi Ewatomi
Sango Otta

Lahtus herbal heritage Lahtus herbal heritage
K Elejigbo Mega Estate Otta
Sango Otta, 112241

For your medical problems

Twins fertility Twins fertility
Sango Otta

twin conception