The Favored Family

This page focuses on incubating every woman to her fullness & to awaken healing, wholeness and love.




A good husband allows and helps his wife to shine, grow, and explore all the potentials in her.

A good wife appreciates the liberty her husband gives her, cheers her husband up in all things, and no matter how great she becomes, she always remains submissive to her husband.

To be a good wife or husband is just a choice. You don't need much to partner positively.

Cheers to a new week 🍻❤️



1. HOUSEHOLD ENEMIES: This is not an outsider, this is someone you probably eat with. A family member hating and fighting you. I call this household wicked and most people will compromise the name of "This is my blood" yet the devil uses that platform to shut you down completely. The enemy uses them because he knows these are the first group of people that has access to your heart. You need to be very careful in a way that you don't allow it to destroy you. If you doubt me ask Joseph!

2. THE FRENEMIES: This type of people bah? They try to befriend you before the destroy you. In most cases you have a weak spot for them but they have a wicked spot for you. And it's not even difficult to see their true colors but it's just that most people when they see these colors they choose to over look them just to keep the friendship going. This set of people are destiny destroyers. Let me give you a tip on how to spot them.

Never trust anybody who calls you a friend yet hangs out with people who have publicly announced themselves as your enemy.

If you doubt me ask JESUS!

3. OPPORTUNISTS: In fact, the name says it all. I call this set of people pretenders. They're not into your life because they care or love you, they're just there because they saw an opportunity and they're simply capitalizing on that opportunity. As far as everything is fine they'll be for you, once something goes wrong with you boom, they disappear! They'll drain you dry and if you're not careful, you lose yourself!

Happy new week and have a fruitful week. ❤️



God has created and destined all men to be successful except there is a missing link between these men and success. We all know the adage which says BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN, THERE IS A WOMAN, although it is brutally misinterpreted these days but it remains the truth. When God gave us women, he gave us his heart's desires(Proverbs 18:22). Women are actually a helpmeet, or basically, an angel of help to men but you've been looking at them the wrong way and with the wrong mindset.

What God has put in every man to succeed therewith requires an active female energy for it to be released and activated. You have already failed as a man if all you do or think is to get in the pants of every woman you find. Lust will not only tie down the souls of every man but will keep him from reaching half of his potentials.

Some ladies come with everything a man needs in them, but it is hidden and walled up inside them, only a wise man can uncover it. I have seen women who are like walking bank vaults and 90% of men in their lives can't even see it. Remember the bible says a woman is God's favour to a man. Only those who pray for God's favour know what it means. Sorry!

Most men need to get wisdom to be able to make the best out of women and stop seeing them as irrelevant. You can become rich without a woman but you can't become wealthy or successful without a woman. What is the use of being rich if the woman who married you and the ones who dated you dated you for your money? Because you can provide doesn't mean their heart is with you. Who is a successful man without a woman? If money is bringing women to you, what you have are slaves and money worshippers and gold diggers, with pretenders and love vendors.

The average woman is born with twice the glory the average man comes with. That's why they are more attractive and more beautiful than men and more likely to be favoured than men. The mystery of glory is, it attracts favour to the owner.This is the reason the devil attack women more than he attacks men. Satan wishes to turn women to thrash and doormats and feed them to his children.

Every man needs a spiritual to woman to succeed and make it, I am talking about men who are struggling. A spiritual woman understands. I am not talking about a praying or religious woman or good woman, I mean a woman that is spiritual. The first of such women is your mother. If your mother can't be of help to you, you are going to have a lot of problems in life. As a mother, I know that the destiny of my children lies in my hands, not in their hands.

The help a man will find in most women is spiritual and it is hidden in them. You have been thinking it is physical or emotional help you can easily get or tap into. The help comes in form of virtues, glories and destiny they bring to you, especially the virtue. Those who use women for money rituals seeks to extract these things from them and use them for themselves through occult rituals that some occult masters have not even perfected, since these virtues are divine, not natural. Women are the ones mostly used for money rituals because they have wealth in them you can't get out except through occult rituals and sacrifice according to dark masters. But through wisdom, these virtues can be unlocked and it will work for both parties.

You unlock this great potentials by treating her right, with knowledge and with love. If your wife falls, you fall. Keep watch over her. She is brought to you like an egg, treat her as such. Don't be violent towards her. Treat her like your daughter. When you're helping her, you're helping yourself. Talk to her often and advice her. Women are teachable. Sometimes, help her out with house chores and in the kitchen. Stop acting like the boss always. You should support them and give them a platform to express their gifts and calling.

And lastly, always tell God in your prayers that you want your wife to be a blessing, not a problem to you and angels will work on her for you. Tell God to use your wife to bless you and he'll do it, since that is his original purpose because they can also become devil's tool to man if not given adequate care and attention.

To whom brain is given, wisdom is expected. ❤️❤️❤️

Stay blessed.



As a woman, always spend time on yourself.
Believe in yourself. It doesn't matter what anyone has said to you or called you. Do not accept that you're a failure. All you need to do is just to invest in yourself.
Add value to yourself.
Repackage your brand.
No woman is ugly depending on packaging.
Stop feeling inferior.
Stop belittling yourself.
If you wait for people to celebrate you, you might wait for too long. So do you!

As a married woman, it is important to invest in yourself too. Do not allow that marriage to make you a failure.
Stop looking older than your age.
Every woman should be unpredictable.
Repackage in your home. Always look good. Apply little makeup. Buy good powder. You need to look fresh and presentable for your husband always.

Repackage in your finances. You must be economically inspired and empowered. Even if your husband is very wealthy please make out something for yourself with the little money he gives you.

Invest in your health. Select what you eat. Learn more about nutrition. Eliminate things that are toxic in your life. Eat more of fruits.

Invest in your learning. Whether single or married, make sure you further your academics. Discover who you are. Ask God to reveal his plans and purposes for your life.
You need to know yourself well.
Know what channel or source you're learning from. Instead of being jealous of other people's success, change your mindset and invest in you. Send them blessings for their great fortune and learn from them.
Stop following trends and find out what works for you. Learn more about finances, health, development, investing, leadership, marriage, parenting etc

You really need to become the best version of yourself. So,




Parenting is not a walk in the park at all. It takes hard work, resilient, patience, and immense sacrifice to raise children oh my God!🤦 So if you're a single parent raising your child on your own with double responsibilities, you're really strong 🙏 I admire your strength a lot.

It takes a strong person to be a single parent and take on two roles. I want you single parent reading this to know that you're incredibly amazing in your child's eyes so never forget that.

Life is all about making mistakes and learning from it. It is also about the happy and perfect moments and imperfect ones too. So cheer up. God has not forgotten you. In fact, He has great plans in store for you waiting for the perfect time for it's manifestation. Trust God alone.
Never ever feel like you're not good enough for a man or woman, just because you have kids. Any responsibility man/woman will understand that children are gift from God. You can achieve success in almost anything, while being a caring and loving person. Be so proud of your super power. And heal from your past.

Always pray to God for directions.
And also, always remember this, God has great plans in store for you. I love you ❤️❤️❤️


All things in it's time will be beautiful. Just give God time to work it out for you.
If it has not happened yet then just be assured that it isn't the right time for it to happen yet.
When God is ready, all the forces of darkness multiply can never stop him.

When it's your time to see that breakthrough you prayed for, that job, that promotion, God will make it happen.
That mistakes you made didn't cancel what God has ordained for you. That pain, God has taken all that into account. How we wait for God is very important. If we wait in doubt or discouraged asking God when or why, it's only going to delay the beauty of the breakthrough.

The right way to wait is in our attitude of faith, knowing that God is still on the throne.
Knowing that He's working everything together for our good.
Hoping for his favor, and declaring his promises for us.
This pain or delay didn't come to stay it only came to pass. So cheer up. This financial lack, delayed marriage, infertility and difficulty will in one time become history okay.

If God be for me who can be against me.

It's a nice weekend so enjoy ❤️



1. Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his strength.

2. Everyone has a past life experience. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married stop digging into someone's past unless they opened up to you willingly. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future.

3. Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges. Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow For better for worse. In sickness and in health be there.

4. Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. We can never be equal. Some will be far, some behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time your marriage dreams shall come true.

5. To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage. Some enemies of marriage are:
Third party influence
Lack of love
Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

6. There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages.

7. God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould the person that you desire. This can only be achieved through prayer, love and Patience

8. Getting married is taking a huge risk. You can not predict what will happen in the future. Situations may change so leave room for adjustments. Husband can lose his good job or you may fail to have babies. All these require you to be prayerful otherwise you might divorce.

9. Marriage is not a contract. It is permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce start in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married. God hates divorce.

10 .Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate for a blissful home.

So today let us pray for our marriages.





Do you know that Love has a take over spirit?

Love has a take over spirit which is why people are so afraid of falling in love in the first place because Love kinda throws people off balance especially during the first stages of relationship, it can be so exciting and exhilarating. It can literally become your whole life that you can totally forget about yourself and your boundaries.

Love feels so delicate in the beginning stages that it requires so much attention. It feels like any moment it could fall apart. Love feels so good that it breaks our heart open for the person we're in love with, it sometimes changes the way we go about with our normal routine. I just changes the way we show up and eventually you have to learn to live in that specific way, and it can be very challenging later on.

If we do not find balance in love in the beginning stage of our relationship then that love can gradually grow into bitterness and resentment in the later days after marriage must have taken place.

In finding balance in love, there's something I call "THE POWER OF NO".

What NO does is, No qualifies relationships. This is because there are some relationships, they only working because you never say NO.
They are still working because it is based on your YES all the time even when it's a false yes deep down in your heart. I call it FALSE LOYALTY.

A FALSE LOYALTY is when a partner disguises as being loyal to his/her fellow partner in other to make them feel happy. But loyalty has a limit and I think the limit of loyalty is when you take loyalty to someone so far that you forsake yourself and your happiness. That's why I love NO, sometimes you need to throw a NO out there just to qualify whether or not that relationship is worth you.

Okay listen,
In a relationship/marriage, we often have to enroll our partner in a class because where my boundaries was when we first met and where they're right now that we have children, or now that I have a new job has CHANGED. And sometimes, someone is in a relationship with the version of YOU that no longer exist and it's our responsibility to always make room for amendments so that I can understand how to always support you. That is why communication in marriage is very essential.

What are your boundaries now my love?

Who are you now?

What makes you happy now that we're married?

What makes you feel bored with me in our marriage?

How can I serve you better?

Honestly speaking, this will require a lot of energy to do without appearing too needy. But I think realizing in time that we've signed up to be in this relationship/marriage with this person for the rest of our lives makes the whole thing a lot easier.

Try to always have that vulnerability to say to your partner "Babe, I'm in need". My mental health is in trouble. I'm on the verge of having depression/anxiety and I need us to talk about this situation and so on...
Let this come from a place of vulnerability, and we should be willing to pay for it.



I feel like sometimes, we go through life aimlessly because we do not have a clear idea of what we really want and who we want to be in life. When you don't have a picture of what or who you want to be, you are going to become "A-go-with-the-flow" kind of person. So you're ought to always know WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE, WHO YOU WANT AND WHO YOU ARE at all times.

Have you figured out what your ideal self actually looks like? You have to start being intentional about your everyday lifestyle by writing down everything you want to become.

Ask yourself questions like;

What does my life look like at this ideal point of my life?

What does my attitude look like?
What does my daily routine look like?

You as a single lady, you can ask yourself;

How does my dressing look like? Because you're definitely going to be addressed the way you dress.

How do I speak?
Who do I need to hang out with?
What kind of man do I need to date/marry?
What type of place should people find me?
Who am I and who do I want to become in the next 5 years?
What kind of car do I want to ride?
What kind of house do I dream to have?

Write down all the details, write every detail you can think of. MAKE SURE YOU'RE ALIGNING YOURSELF WITH WHO GOD WANTS YOU TO BE and focusing on the character traits of that person you want to become.

First of all, you have to make sure that you forgive yourself for all the mistakes you've done in the past and also forgive people who have also done stuffs to you. You have to be willing to let go of hurt and resentments, and CHANGE FOR GOOD!

Moreso, you have to identify what your limiting beliefs are, those things that are stopping you from setting goals... You're going to figure and write them down and the things that are keeping you from achieving these goals. Write them out and let them go! You need to get rid of those baggage.

Then, calm down and figure out who you want to be. Figure out what you want and the type of life you want to live. Be very detail about this.
And you're going to see that you'll start attracting all the things you've written down on purpose.

Have a fruitful week ❤️





You know most times we want to fall in love, but we don't want to need someone 😀 sounds funny right? Like...that "I love you but I don't really need you kinda mentality" especially when you both have your own money or worse still when the man has more money than his woman and start acting that out right in his actions screaming I don't need you!
He does important things without even informing his woman before hand...Babe I want to do this, what do you think?

A lot of men do things before coming to let their wife know, very wrong! This clearly tells her that you don't need her in your life.

Our culture does not really tell us that there's a threshold between loving someone into building a life with them... You shouldn't be in a marriage where you don't need the other person. Marriage is a partnership. You don't have a business partnership when you don't need the partners contribution. That "I AM THE MAN OF THE HOUSE" mentality doesn't profit any good in most situation. Sometimes drop your ego and humbly go to your woman and ask her mummy what do you think about this situation? Is there something you think I can do to help for the better? And you'll be shocked she has a better suggestion that you wouldn't get anywhere to solve that problem. That's the power of partnership in marriage. And it feels good to know that someone needs you not just for s*x.

Plan with your spouse. Grow with her.
It helps you build strong connection and bond very well.

You need each other that's why it's called marriage! ❤️


Hi I'm back again.

Let's talk about FRIENDSHIP!!!

Friendship is God’s gift to us and without friends, life is a boring and lonely road to walk. But unfortunately, not all friendships are worth our time at all, some are worth dying to keep and others only lead to disappointments and regrets.😑

These are some of the qualities of a true friend;

1. Loving: Love will pass the test of time and many trials, so if they are truly loving and loyal friends, they will not be offended for too long. Instead, they will look for opportunities to express their love and care, and also they bring out their TIME to keep the friendship going.

2. Respectful: You must never lower your standards to accommodate disrespectful friends. Respect is one of the building blocks of a good friendship, so if your friendships don’t have respect then it might be time to find a solution or simply kiss that friendship goodbye.

3. Positive influence: Good friends are those who influence you positively, they lead by example. They are conscious of the fact you allowed them into your space, and they try their best to influence you in the way of righteousness.

4. Forgiving: True forgiveness comes from the heart. A friend may say that they forgive you, but if it isn’t from the heart, it means nothing.
Good friendships are motivating, uplifting, and inspiring. Friendships without forgiveness are worth letting go.

5. Supportive and Reliable: There is a known saying that says, “blood is thicker than water.” But good friendships create bonds that go even deeper than blood relationships.

Good friends stick around long enough to know when we are sad, broken, and frustrated. They also know when we are happy and full of joy. They are always supportive of our important endeavors, they gracefully correct us when we are wrong, and they congratulate us on our achievements.

6. Willing to make sacrifices: What are friendships without sacrifices? Friendships without sacrifices are friendships without commitments. It goes without saying that these kinds of friendships don’t last for too long. If your friendships lack commitment and your friends aren’t interested in making the necessary sacrifices, then it may be time to leave.

7. Self-control and wise: From experience, there is nothing worse in a friendship than a friend who gossips about you. They understand people's privacy and know their limits. They try to control their tongue.

Praiseworthy friends don’t gossip. Instead, they speak only facts, they pray for you when you are down, and if they aren’t sure about an issue, they find out the truth. Moreover, if you aren’t comfortable with them sharing your business, they keep their mouths closed.

8. Non judgemental: Good friends don’t judge you. Instead, they support you, and when necessary, they correct you in a spirit of love and humility.

9. Cooperative: Faithful friends are cooperative. To lend support is one thing, but to cooperate is another. It’s common in most friendships for friends to lend moral support, but it’s a rear sight to see a friend get down and dirty to help a friend out of a tight spot.

Good friends don’t bring corruption in you, they instill sound values in you. They set laudable examples that, if followed, will reap blessings and honor rather than shame and disgrace. If your friends don’t inspire and challenge you to set high standards, then maybe it’s time to let those friendships go.

Friends with these qualities are worth their weight in gold, but unstable friends are “bitter to the tongue.”

Take a good look at your friends and analyze their actions. If you want to know your true friends, you can attempt to test their love and genuineness over a period of time by doing the this;

Stop calling them on phone.

Pull out a little bit and act cold for a while and watch out their reactions towards you. If they value you and care enough, a reasonable friend will talk to you about your sudden behavior and find out if everything is alright with you. Or try to know if he/ she has offended you prior to the sudden attitude.

Note: This is a risky strategy and should only be used on friends who have demonstrated toxic tendencies.

Happy midweek 😘✌️
Please comment let's know what you think 🙏❤️


Time is the most relevant thing in the realm of men.
The greatest assets that you can have as a child of God is Time.

When the devil is fighting a person, the enemy fights your time. That's why you go like "I know that I'm born for greatness but nothing is adding up".
Some people say " I'm not where I'm supposed to be". And when you look at them there's really nothing to show for it but inside of them they're convinced that this is not where they truly belong.

This is because, in the spirit, they are receiving an update, their spirit is longing for where they're ought to be, but their mind and physical body is in another place. Your spirit knows your reality that your mind does not know.
Hence, when your spirit misses that reality, your spirit starts crying. Some persons may even think some village people have bewitched them. This is not an entitlement feeling it is a hunger coming from within.

Whenever you feel this way it is either you have lost your time or your time is not yet come.

In John chapter 2
Jesus went for a wedding ceremony and then their wine got finished, and he says "My time is not yet come". Now wait a minute... this is Jesus talking! The Lord of history. The Architect of the universe. The creator of time and season yet he looks at Mary and he says Woman, my time has not come!

Meaning, I don't have a problem with what you are asking for but TIME!

Time qualifies manifestation!

Some of you the things you think you need are not really the things you need. Some of you the only thing you need right now is God and Time. Only God can restore your lost years.

Joel 2:25-26
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

God knows exactly what's in your heart and all your needs, you just have to go back to him where you left him.

Deuteronomy 30:3
If they will return to the Lord, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.

When we turn toward God, He restores, even after a lifetime of separation from Him!



If you are already Dating. I want you to understand that relationships and the commitment that comes with it should be taken very seriously. There are some basic things that really do need to be discussed, as they might end up causing problems in future if left untouched.So its best to have these discussions and have an idea of what you are getting yourself into, before you saying "I DO", because you are only and absolutely allowed to walk out freely during the dating/courtship stage.

So, what I'm saying in essence is that, if something is important to you, its better to let your partner know why that is very important to you. Because most times, one partner may see something as important and the other may see it as inconsequential. Those that were married, some of them wished they had talked about this things instead of just sweeping them under the carpet...and they only have to deal with it for life or become prayer warriors. Only prayer can change anything you don't want in marriage. I hope you can pray very well😅

They are called foundation, because they are the bedrock for which your relationship is built. However you deal with them, may determine if your relationship stands the test of time.

1. Your beliefs
Your views on faith is very important, and it should be your starting point. In fact, this one area that cannot be swept under the carpet, and it is not limited to just religious affiliation. Even people within the same religious setting, do not all share the same views, how much more those of varying faith. Make sure you share the same faith. VERY VERY IMPORTANT!

2. Kids
Well, we all know, kids are not manufactured. God gives them. There are cases, where they don’t come for a long time or even never.
Discuss how many kids you want to have. A compromise has to be reached in a way that both partners will be happy.

What if they didn't come early enough as planned, let's say after 5 years, 10 years…what do you do then??
Do you keep waiting?
Do you adopt, if yes? How many?

And one more important Question, How about gender?
Hehehe...some men have preferences when it comes to the s*x of their kids, while others don’t care at all. Its great to have preferences, but its another thing to totally not feel you have a child yet, unless it is a certain gender. Man is not God dear, so know the category your Baby falls and make wise decisions please.🙏

3. Issues concerning your past.
The past has a way showing up when you least expect, so if you intend to be long term with someone, its best to hash out some of the things that could be a source of trouble in future. Let them know what they are signing up for before they do.

Ultimately, It may not be important to say, ”I have been with so and so number of people”. Body count is a delicate topic for different individuals, cultures and societies. I do not sit in Judgement to condemn. Old things are past away and all things are become new. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Anyway before you get down with anyone, do a test.

4. Fiance
The truth is couples come from different backgrounds. Their approach to money and its uses may differ. One may have a taste in high end brands and the other may consider it better to buy second hand. If that is not sorted out, with both parties coming to a compromise, there is a gonna be a clash.

What if one partner makes more money than the other, and sometimes if one partner does not work? What happens? What if you lose or you are not able to work?
One partner may be invested in making sure the numbers line up, the other may not be so inclined. Talk about your finances, if you get a partner who's not willing to have this discussion with you there's a danger.

5. Conflict management

I'm going to be real honest Baby, there's gonna be conflicts and you have to find a way to resolve them. Any man that is saying otherwise might not be telling you the truth. Twin brothers and sisters that came out from same womb do have serious disagreements talk more of two different people from different family backgrounds coming to live together as one.🤪

So, the how to resolve marriage issues, is what you need to talk about. Is there an authority over your partner, someone who can call him or her to order? Could be a pastor!
Avoid family( in laws) in resolving your marital issues it is highly dangerous. You might forgive your partner but they may never forgive in their hearts. Talk to your pastor or meet a marriage counselor. Or better still, TALK TO GOD!

6. S*x S*x S*x
I intentionally decided to make this the last point but this is not the least okay. I can go on and on to list out important and vital questions and discussions you can talk about during courtship/dating, but I think it's best to take it bit by bit. That's why you need to always react to my posts, that way you will always be notified on updates from this page.

That being said, lets continue on SEX!😃

What does your partner think about s*x? Have you tried to talk about s*x with your guy and he/she shys away? Don't stop! Ask them this very question to find out what their take is about s*x.

There are people who think s*x within marriage should only been done to have kids, aside that there shouldn’t be s*x. Run for your life. Because you're going to be led to doom.

There are still some who view it as a sin even right inside marriage. Please discuss your views about s*x and intimacy before going deep into marriage.

The truth is no sincere person gets married with the intention to divorce.

It also worthy to note that situations change and sometimes people change too.

Make allowance for changes and re-adjust accordingly.

You are partners, treat each other as such.
Please share 😘

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