Ikpidoho John

If you want to scale your business and sales you need a Badass Copywriter.


How I and my partner helped generate over $90k+ revenue for Lawrence in 30 days.Disclaimer: Your result might vary due to the nature of your store. This particular brand sells high ticket products hence that's why we hit such number fast.Now that is out of the way, let me walk you through how I achieve that...Earlier September, he reached out to me on twitter to inquire if I'm open to take any client, at that moment I had just rounded up with my previous client so I schedule a call.He was a bit skeptical because that was the first time they'd consider giving email marketing a shot... So he insisted on a 30 days probation which I gladly accepted because I know what I'm capable of...After the call, I sent in the contract and he paid 50% upfront fee... The goal was a 5% increase in revenue in the next 30 days for his DTC store selling saunas and massage chairs or a refund. The screenshot below adds as a proof that we've hit and exceeded 90% of the goal within the first 30 days.Impressive, huh?How did we do this?Here's how… #1. He had a steady flow of traffic to the store since he was running google ads... So, we test different pop-ups to see which performs and milk it...We make good use of first impressions. The opt-in conversion rate was 4% at the start (not bad) but we keep optimizing for better results.The question we ask before optimizing:> How effective is this pop-up? > Is the offer compelling enough?> What should be our conversion rate target?> Should we A/B Test two pop-up to see which convert better?These questions helped us increase the conversion rate above 11%. Most stores overlook this which do hurt conversion rate. #2 What Next After Opt-In?:The customer journey, we entice our subscribers with persuasive story and promo code to encourage purchase.Then we set up the core flows which comprises of Welcome flow, Browse abandonment flow, and Post-Purchase flow.This are the core flows to start generating revenue almost immediately...Connecting the brand story with the benefit they'll get.The reason is that only 5% of the prospects are ready to buy on the spot and 95% have to pass through the customer journey where we juice it up with social proofs... #3 The Flow That Does The Magic: Welcome Flow started generating revenuethe second day followed by Abandon Cart/Browse Abandon Flow,and more…Before that, Lawrence handed us over 1k+ email subscribers of people that buy in the past and those that didn't. We send out campaign for those that didn't buy and those that bought separately.The goal was to encourage those that didn't buy to do so... those that bought before was used to boost deliverability.> Welcome Flow: We use this to plant the brand name in their head, welcome 'em to the family, show 'em the face of the founders and the team, give them more reason to make their first purchase, and more…> Cart abandon: Visitors that add product to cart and forgot to purchase where reminded with this flow...We use this opportunity to clear possible objections like:What might be holding them back?Are they window shopping?Is the shipping expensive? Are they hoping for discounts or having problems with the checkout?> Thank You Flow: This is simply showing gratitude for buying from us and being ready to be in support if they encounter any problem using the product.> Browse Abandonment Flow: This flow was solely to remind visitors that visited our store without adding anything to cart or purchasing to do so... It's straightforward. #4: Repeat Buyer: After passing the most difficult phase (first sales).The next aim now is to get repeat buyers through upsells and cross-sells.This was a very tactical brand because customers only buy once...We were selling saunas and massage chairs that can last up to 7 years.So, we start upselling and cross-selling related products like Salt Therapy, eye massager, sauna covers, etc.This helped push in some sales... #5: The Little Secret: This was the first time Lawrence uses klaviyo even though the account was created... The result all boils down to our unique mechanism, the angle, and how we position the brand differently with our messaging and the offer.Most ecomm stores, agency owners, course creators, and info products do not invest enough effort when it comes to creativity.They send emails like "90% Off" "$ # # # Off"All these are boring and generic angle, so you can't do this and expect people to buy your products all the time.You need to think deeper."90% Off" or "$ # # # Off" do work if you know when to use it and it won't last forever.Things you should reconsider:Don't be lazy, put some creative thought into what you're going to send.Don't sound generic, position your brand as something NEW that delivers the best solution.Be different and make your messaging on point, spice it up with some storytelling.Make your offer so good they'll feel stupid to say no.This is how you increase your revenue by 30% or more.This is the little I can share as of now.Btw, the probation was ended and we're on a full-time contract with Lawrence. He's keeping us long-term to keep banging in results. If you're looking for similar results for your brand we can jump on a free consultation call to see if we're best fit.Send me a DM let's get the results rolling in... PS. You need to have a reliable traffic source, and great product[s].


A lot of people think I've everything all figured out, but that is a wrong misconception.
Never did I have everything figured out...
What I do is figure it out as I go... April this year the first ever client I had paid me $10 for my service.
There were days I wanted to quit but I couldn't because email marketing was my only option.
If I quit I'm doomed. That was the only that kept me in that darkest phase...
Now the path is not as dark as before, getting brighter...
There where months I was without any income... Yet I keep showing up and doing my best.
When I hear people say I'm lucky I do smile because they don't know the story...
Ask my pillow how many times I've wet it with tears... Some night sleep don't come because you're thinking of what you're doing wrong. What you want to do next to get results.
As month pass by it start making sense... At least from April till now my fee has increased drastically from $10 to $500+
And I know it's gonna get better from there... So to you that's always looking for screenshot before you jump in...
Such is not a good habit... Yes, screenshot will get you in but what will sustain you is your work ethics.
If you want to come into this industry be ready to go all in or don't bother...
THERE'S INSANE MINEY HERE but you need to put in the work. Nothing falls from heaven.
Get the course and trust the process... Earning $500+ won't be a new thing again.
Till I come your way again with more vibes ✌️
©️Ikpidoho John
Email MarketerI go

Timeline photos 16/05/2022

Forget If You Don't Take Action You're Not Better Than Them
80% of the profile I come across has a bio that reads "Copywriting expert"

In as much you're so eager to slap that "expert" badge on your shoulder you should do this instead.

You want to be seen as an authority in your niche

You want that extra respect that comes with an expert tag, but that won't come if you don't prove yourself.

So instead devote yourself to mastery and let your work speaks louder...

No matter what is in your bio, if your content or work can't match up you're just making noise which will hurt your perceive value.

There's this particular profile I meet some weeks ago and I was so eager to connect with this Copywriter because from his bio I knew he's loaded.

I thought I couldn't match him untill I shoot my first message and we get into a conversation...

When I realized he doesn't have a real life experience just doing YouTube and reading great books I was curious to know...

Trying to defend his ignorance he start quoting different principles of copywriting...

Using FOMO

The 4 U of Copywriting

The 3 part of a great copy, etc.

I just asked him have you used all this in real life project before?

He said no, I smiled

I didn't even know most of the things he knew then, but what separates us was that I took action with the little I knew...

I learnt in the field not the other way round...

This is someone who has read books like (cashvertising, copywritibg handbook, boron letter etc)

But the problem was with taking ACTION.

Many people are stuck in this stage...

They know too much but their implementation doesn't match.

If you're in this stage what you should do is pause a bit and see what you're not doing right...

How's your implementation compare to the level of information you consume...

Know that the accolades are for those that have real life experience of copywriting not someone that qoute from books...

It all begins with ACTION.

If don't take action you're not Different from them...

You will still struggling quoting different principles and laws

You will still be broke and eventually quit.

To your success 🥂

© Ikpidoho John
Your budding Email Copywriter 😊

Timeline photos 28/06/2021

You have no excuse to remain poor.


The best kind of investment is investing in yourself... The ROI is always on the maximum, so don't be afraid to invest in yourself.


Life will present you opportunities and possibilities to become successful

What do you do with all the opportunities?


Are you a stay at home mom, students or you're looking for another source of income?

If yes, then make sure you read till the end.

I'll be holding a training where i will be training you on how to generate another income stream.

You don't need to break the bank to start this business.

If you want to make some financial decision this 2021, you want to be able to support your husband financially or you want to be able to afford things for yourself as a single lady, then this business oppurtunity is for you.


God made a human to rule over everything on
So on every situation you at, God will lift you up
May you all have blessed day and a blessed week


This position is about sourcing for customers and selling of the company's products.

If you have a good background in marketing, that will be a plus.

Interested person should apply

Timeline photos 17/12/2020

Alot of people ask me why I do what I do, why I'm so passionate in helping people start the business, why I post content almost everyday.

My reply is always because I love to help and see people grow ☺

Most time it's because I don't want to regret why I didn't do it.

But for most people their greatest fear is getting to the end of their life thinking of the person they would have become, they life they would have lived and the people they where mentally to help.

But you know that something stop them from accomplishing those dreams right?

They only thing that stop them was THEMSELVES I'm not exaggeration here.

They keep saying I will do it tomorrow, I will do it some other time, let me work for some years first and they not only quit on their dreams, they procrastinate their whole life.

They saddest thing is they quit on themselves and their love ones.

That was the life 👆 I'm trying to avoid at all costs.

I want to look back 5 years from now and see that I'm able to help 300,000,000 people live their dream life.

I'm going all out to actualized this vision.

Now you know why I do what I do, why not join me to make this dream a reality?

I know you love helping people deep down your heart but your pockets just don't align. So take it upon yourself to make 2021 a great year or else it will be another wasted year.

Lawrence John
Determine Leader

Timeline photos 14/12/2020

*I'm done wasting time on NIPA*

Yes, you heard me right?

You MIGHT be wondering what's NIPA?
Well to my understanding NIPA means Non Income Producing Activities ☺

You see I too much, I didn't come this world to es**rt person so I can't be wasting my precious time on activities that doesn't impact the digit in my bank account positively 😂

I have grown more wiser and there's no such tome to waste.

If everything om doing revolve round my business I will be so happy because my bank alert will change from "gbim" to "gbom" 💣

That's what I inspire my team members to do... Forget social media show off if you're broke in real life that's the worst. You might have been hearing Rude boy's song "Fake life".

Have seen it alot esp here on FB, most times I feel for them because you're wasting time impressing people that don't really care about you.

Forget the likes and start building a business that will impact your bank account that's the only principal thing then others will follow.

From now onward I want to indulge in activity that will add to my life account and bank account.


An advise from me to you stop wasting time and peep into the future you will be surprise that you're 10 years behind ☺

Yes, you heard me well. I shared this with some few friends and I would love to share it hear because I'm not here to waste your time but to show you THE DANGER IN HAVING ONLY 1 SOURCE OF INCOME.

So if you want to take your life more serious and focus on the INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITY I'm the right guy to meet.

Drop a comment below and I see send you a DM straight away.

Timeline photos 10/12/2020

I love telling stories alot, maybe my grandma really influenced me, because during my childhood I love the moonlight story time which this generation are missing ☺

Why I'm so passionate about storytelling is because of the impact it has. Most times when I pen down my life experiences in a post like this it flood me with memories.

Most are sad 😔 and heart breaking 💔, some are happy 😊 and joyous 😂 memories.

Admist all the feelings I still need to put my story out there as a guide to help those who are on the verge of going down the same path I'd to be cautious ⚠

As far as we're alive we will pass through different sad and hard times if we haven't we will. You can't escape it though ☺

But what we fail to do is sharing our story so another fellow won't fall into the same ditch.

I'm Lawrence John from Uyo, Nigeria. I'm an internet entrepreneur and working my way to becoming an expert.

I find so much joy in traveling and helping people transit to join the 5%.

I'm so passionate about leadership, that propel me to create a platform DETERMINE LEADERS because the world are looking forward to hear your story.

I believe I can connect with people of same believe who will love to share their story.

One thing is that I fill fulfilled when I got a message how my story has been able to help them make certain decisions that change their lives. I believe we all have one experience or the other that can save a whole lot of people from going down the same path if we share it.

I'm here to find my tribe, those that speak the same language as me.

I'm a very emotional person that attach every bit of emotions on every lines I write. I'm a leader, I'm a determine leader...

I really would appreciate if we will build a great community of determine Leaders that will share their stories to be a voice to the voiceless.
Comment DL I will send the link to the whatsApp and FB group as we welcome you into the community of aspiring storytellers.

Granny will be so proud ☺

Timeline photos 07/12/2020

When I hear people keep saying my parent didn't buy into the idea of doing it, the didn't approve it, the didn't support it, etc.

I'm wondering do your parent buy into the idea of you being broke❓

Timeline photos 28/11/2020

Often times we are presented with life changing opportunities but we can't grab such opportunity because of funds.

Do you agree with this 👆

That is my story and funny enough millions of people face the same faith.

I have been working behind the scene on our close whatsApp group carrying out trainings with my uplines and I have discovered alot during those period.

I saw lot of zeal and willingness from them, it was amazing but most of them open up that they would love to but don't have the funds.

I was touched when I hear those words and wish I could help but I had lot of things on me already 😁

This was my story last year; if I told you the kind of opportunity that passed me you self go shock, but the man knew it was out of my power he keeps coming back in different forms till finally he came as Longrich and I hold it very tight. He was surprised because he thought he's coming and going as usual 😂😂😂
It's not funny oh 😂 because at that time he didn't know how hungry I was for him.

What I'm trying to say is that alot of people that says NO to your opportunity are not saying that on purpose but because of funds, I'm saying base on experience.

My little secret was that I started saving 70% of my salary. Imagine always managing 5,000 and you decided to save 3,000. Life wasn't sweet but my vision kept me sailing ⛵.

I didn't really care about my present condition because I knew where I was heading to.

So my brethren I beseech you to start doing some crazy things just for your dreams. Does it sweet you when an opportunity that could change your life passed you by?
Are you always happy with your current financial status?

No, it's not something to smile about. Don't let the pleasure of today rub you of tomorrow's JOY 😁

Take that massive action now by joining us in our close whatsApp group.

If you are curious enough write WE MOVE in the comment box 👇


Do you have a skill in marketing?

Are you being underpaid in your current marketing business and you need a change?

Would you be interested in earning just by talking and referring people to the organization?


Here's an opportunity to work with a reputable and a world class organization that reward you very well for your skill.


*Good communication skills
*Good team work skill
*Strong attention to details
*Effective writing, speaking, presenting, and active listening skill
*Good interpersonal skill including ability to collaborate with team members and customers.

If you are interested, you will be brief on how to get started and receive training.

Send your name and location to this number via whatsApp +2349021426770


Hello welcome �

Before we proceed I will need you to do something for us.

You will need to qualify yourself to see if this is something you can do.

Here's my story.

Between September 2020 to date, I thrive more through my online business more than any other thing.

If course, I had to.

There was little or no choice.

There was Covid-19 lock down, post Covid-19 impact and protest which saw a lot of people lost their jobs, business and lives.

From those moments my salary wasn't enough to handle the growing expenses and responsibilities like it did before.

Yes, it was those period that I join my online business, fortified it and my income increased.

So I took it upon myself to show others that might have been in the same situation I was. We all know how the country is moving backward instead of forward.

What if I show you what am doing right now even though am a full-time employee/student?

What if I show you how to build an online business without needing to quit your job?

What if I show you how to set up your business and learn how to commit 3-5 hours a day in building it?

You see alot of things is happening in our nation today and our leaders don't really care about us. So we need to work out our salvation if we want to break free.

The unemployment rate is skyrocketing and Nigeria is gradually become the world capital of poverty by 2030.

Even though you're earning 500k it's not enough now to cater for all your needs therefore there is a need to start generating passive income.

If you're unemployed you need to grab this opportunity with open arms.

I will stop here for now my friend.

Let me know if we can work together in spreading this good news.

I think my story will help you qualify yourself if it's something you will commit to or not.

I'm very open and honest with my dealings.

So make your decision and let me. Know your thoughts because I don't want to waste your time neither do I want to waste my time.

I only need serious people that are ready to change their staustquo.


Our expanding company is looking for business partners in different state in Nigeria, if your ambitions and curious to learn.

Send us a message

Timeline photos 16/11/2020

Let me tell you something.
Miracle is not to fly in the air or to walk on waters but to leave a footprints on the sand of time...👌
To create a legacy that will outlive you when you transit to the upper glory.

I'm dedicating my life in sharing my story with the word because I know I'm not working to eat I'm working to Feed, truth be told every wealthy family has that 1 man that broke the chains of poverty for the future generations.

If you could become that one person do you know how glad the future generations will be? 😊
I was so mad when dad told me how he missed an opportunity to move to Germany because of some silly reasons that was irrelevant. 😱

Just imagine your children coming to hear all the opportunities you missed, because at that time your excuses will be irrelevant. 😣

Now you got the opportunity to be that one man that work to feed and not to eat and die living maximum debt to the future generations. 😥

When you see me do what I do on this space I'm not coming to catch cruise but to impact and share my story, my vision to as many people as possible. I do them intentional because of the zeal I have to touch more life's. 🙏🙏🙏

To start creating the life you want you need to leverage the right platform and opportunity.

Your excuses today will be irrelevant tomorrow so don't try to run away from it.

So my friend will you want to be that one person to break the poverty jink in the next 4-8 years?

Your children's children will talk about you with pride.💞🙏

Lawrence John
Story teller
Social media account manager

Timeline photos 15/11/2020

Have you ever dreamt?
What is your dream all about? DREAMS are actually free so you can dream all you want.

But if don't put in the work you won't see any result.
The difference between DOERS and DREAMERS is that Doers do and Dreamers don't.

How long will you keep nurturing that Dream?
How long will you keep procrastinating?
How long will you stop the blame game?
How long?

Getting started might not be as difficult as you think, come to reason this; It won't take you anything to pin a motivational quote on the wall, put it on your bathroom mirror or screen saver. It won't cost you to create your vision board or book. All those requires little to no effort.

However, if you're serious about getting to the top of your profession, it's going to require some real effort- real work; real hustle and some additional hours. It's not for everyone which is another reason why there's always enough room at the top.

Dream big and work with what works to achieve your dream.

Partner with a trusted brand to rescue yourself and your family. Make hay while the sun ☀ shines.

Join us in this movement 👉say YES in the comment below 👇

If these guys do it I wonder why you're still wasting time DREAMING... It's time to Work it out.


Timeline photos 14/11/2020


🍒When you're boarding a flight✈️, you don't ask for a guarantee from the pilot that you will make it safe to your destination or not.You just go ahead, board the flight and have faith🤞that all will be well.

🍒When you get a job👩‍🎨you don't ask for guarantee that you'll be promoted in a year.You go ahead put your very best on the job and hope🤞 for the best.

🍒 How about marriage?....
Is there a guarantee that your marriage 👩‍❤️‍👨 will be happily ever after?? Yet you go ahead, marry and put in the work.

*But when it comes to Network Marketing, I see people asking for guarantees and "help put people under me"*😆

*The only guarantee is; put more work, just like any other job and your results will show*👌

📌 *Remember the reason you are doing this is to create a lifetime freedom, better health and wealth for you and your loved ones*.

🍒If you're worried about the price of getting started You should see the cost of staying exactly where you are for the remaining part of this year, same place, same rank next year and 5 years to come. You can begin today and Change that narrative.

Timeline photos 11/11/2020

A lot of questions and challenges we face are wrapped up in a bag of gold which the outside looks unattractive that's why alot of people dish it.

Many times in my life I can relate how often I close my ear to such discussions or even tho I mistakenly meet them I'd use the other side of the road 😁

But as I grew I got hit up by circumstances and was hooked on what we know as the new normal. At first I wasn't brave enough to question the system but after I summon courage I said let me speak out to those that are scared to speak.

✨ Why am I stuck in the system that only breed me to pay bills and not enjoy life?
✨Why was I lied to that the corporate world is the only pillar to success?
✨ Why didn't they tell me I needed to kill my dreams to live someone's else dream?
✨ How will I survive if I get pay raise every other year but my expenses rise everyday?
✨ Why wasn't I told I'd be rich for few days when I'm paid the become broke again hoping for the next paycheck?
✨ How did we end up in this modern slavery that all our time is controlled by man and not God?

I got lot of questions to ask... I challenge the system but it didn't responde because many didn't side me due to fear "it pays my bills, I will manage etc".

I decided to embark on this journey along because nobody accompanied me to planet earth.

Few month later have been able to control my finances and living your dream life.

Keep dreaming as I keep living, few months later I spread the message and people start seeing the light which the follow.

In a matter of months it will become a trend that we where longing for.

The answer is hidden in the bag of gold that we pay less attention to.

Comment "UNBOX " if you want to create the dream life.

Double tap if you aren't living your dreams ❤.

P.s: If you truly desire to fulfill your dreams you need to take charge of your life.

Follow to learn more.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

I'm sharing this video I watched on our inner WhatsApp group.I think this might help encourage you to keep pushing.........
There is no dull moment in Longrich 😂😂😂Join us and enjoy the great benefitsASK ME HOW IT WORKS? 📬 📩
First, you said my business is Ponzi. I took time to show you the work involved that gives the income. I showed you how ...




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