Sasha Williams - Coaching

Mental health work, behavior therapy, fat loss, stress relief, anxiety prevention, meditation, injur Live Personal Training. 2 way video Live training.

Fat loss, Post-Op Maintenance, Elite Trainer, Meal Plans, Injury recovery. Specializing in fat loss, elective surgery recovery and plant-based nutrition transitions. All plans are custom to each client, flexible scheduling and in-home instruction available.

2nd Bikini Open – INBF Canada, Edmonton, Alberta
1st Bikini Open – INBF/WNBF Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia
2ND Bikini M

Believe in Second Chances - Segunda Vida 24/01/2023

I participated in a sweet little interview about entrepreneur life a while it is!

Believe in Second Chances - Segunda Vida I think if we all can hold space for one another like this one I have built, even on a small scale from the comfort of our own homes, we can change the world.

Photos from La Iglesia at Segunda Vida's post 19/11/2022

My gym will be open to limited applications in January!

Check out some of the details below.

If you're interested in applying for a membership, our contact information is also listed.

If you're in Nicaragua - like & share!

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 15/10/2022

💔Fitness gear owned me for 5+ years.

Once I started getting free gear from sponsored companies, I couldn’t stop shopping for it too. I was getting at least 1 piece of free merch per week, I was probably “bogo’ing” at least 2 more. But why?

🚫It was the idea that “look good feel good” was all that I needed in order to feel complete. The truth is that regardless of my dwindling body fat percentages, gains, wrinkle free, manicured appearance I was surrounding myself with merchandise (not only clothes) to distract myself from the bigger lack in my life… complete inability to sit with myself.

▶️Distraction from doing the work can look like a lot of things:

~ clutter at home
~ disaster area office
~ online shopping addictions
~ coffers full of food that goes spoiled
~ back to back activities, events & work
~ social media likes obsession

▶️When I decided to stop throwing good money to bad, to stop refusing to face myself a lot of uncomfortable s**t happened:

~ I stopped dying my hair & immediately had an aging crisis
~ subsequently cut off 24 inches of hair & had an identity crisis
~ lost myself in construction for 4 months & didn’t train ONCE. Developed a deep hatred for my lacking skin tone & muscle wasting.

✨But then something wild happened. I had to sit with myself on a daily basis in observation trying not to pass judgement….which opened me up even more to being able to fully accept my RAW self.

💪Gnarly? Yep. Worth it? F*ck yes.

📩If you’re ready for your moment my 30 day Minimalist challenge starts Nov 1.

📩Click the link in my bio for more in an intro video OR DM me to claim your spot. You will get a welcome email with further instructions and then a daily email check-in every 24 hours after you sign up and the challenge has started.

🎥Intro video & a bit about my journey here:

💥Quad focused leg day for you here too💥

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 11/10/2022

When you’re looking for:


🚨There’s one common denominator that is usually missing from our repertoires preventing us from finding it:

SAY IT WITH ME: “Less is more”

🚨When you feel like you don’t have the energy, drive, finances or desire to get where you want to be….you might be entirely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of s**t you “have”.

👉🏼What presents itself as anxiety, stress, depression or panic can actually be too many:

Financial obligations
Social Media platforms

🤷🏻‍♀️You get the gist.

👉🏼What if you could spend the next 30 days of the next month whittling life down to what really matters, so that you can free up your body & mind for authentic living?

😳What if it only cost $20 and a few hours of your time to find the space to create your purpose?

📤Click the link in my bio (or the link below for those of you on Facebook) to watch the intro video & then DM me for your place.

All digital content, digital classroom, easy to follow digital curriculum.

YouTube link:


Healing ❤️‍🩹


The Laughing Heart

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

-Charles Bukowski

Surviving perimenopause: ‘I was overwhelmed and full of rage. Why was I so badly prepared?’ 19/01/2022

Are you in your 40's? Have you felt:

- extremely tired
- extremely annoyed/pessimistic
- a total lack of sexual desire
- depressed

You may want to look into where you stand on the trail through Perimenopause to Menopause.

"Perimenopause may last months or years; it may be more or less drastic; but one day it will be over. On the other side, we’ll be different – perhaps more focused on what’s most important to us and almost certainly calmer. Psychotherapist Amy Jordan Jones told me: “This is the time of life when we learn we don’t have to be pleasing; the work now is just to become more ourselves.”

Surviving perimenopause: ‘I was overwhelmed and full of rage. Why was I so badly prepared?’ We haven’t talked about symptoms, says Ada Calhoun. No wonder this hormonal upheaval is so confusing


Once in a blue moon you cross paths with a client who changes their world & in turn your own.

Thank you notes like this aren’t the norm, but they are entirely taken to heart.

Thank you Mona, you’re a gem & you made my day ❤️

Listen to Your Body: It’s Telling You About Your Bad Habits - Sasha Williams 08/01/2022

Are you listening to your body?

Listen to Your Body: It’s Telling You About Your Bad Habits - Sasha Williams Learn how to identify when your habits may be turning into bad ones through your body's reactions. Then download the TaskHuman app and book a session with Co...


Nothing says hello to the New a year like trying on a new (healthier) lifestyle in baby steps.

Love my client messages.


Where you'll find me.

Since leaving the US 1.5 years ago, I have still been serving my clients. Though, for a minute I had to take a break from personal training while I established my roots, picked up a little equipment & created a space to work from.

For my nutrition & therapy clients, all I've needed was a cellphone or laptop - no lapse, all business, all the time.

I hacked out a 5x5m space to stream video from, sweat in, and motivate. Each day I spend 5-6 hours in this space teaching private classes to my clients in Canada, the US, Europe & India. It's small, my cats are all over me & I share space with all the tools for our facility construction - not glam.

But, I've been steadfast & committed to the growth of my clients which has lead me to grow, too.

Looking up the hill to the gym space that is being finished gives me a thrill. Seeing the bill of lading for all the professional equipment arriving by boat reinvigorates my purpose. I have goals, I can see the end of the road & sweating balls in this small garage gym with satisfactory equipment will soon be a thing of the past.

Commit even when it looks ugly. Even when it looks less than perfect. Even when it's hot & sweaty & accompanied by the sound of jackhammers & the smell of cat p**p.

The perfect path is never going to lay itself out for you, but along the way you'll come to realize that the path you walked was perfect in its own way. .


💥Are you ready to make decisions that will rock your world?

Yesterday I put on my dirty sweatpants, $10 rubber boots & gardening gloves to head out & save what little corn seed was left from my first planting of the year.

Deep in the jungle surrounded by a million sounds of creatures calling to each other - as well as a healthy dose of mosquitos which I’ve sweetly renamed “Culos Azules”.

I’m growing my own food, off-grid. Becoming more responsible for my inputs & outputs on the planet. Living a life that I used to only talk about dreamily…..until I felt I had no choice but to make a change.

When things about “normal” life became uncomfortable for me I was pushed to make a drastic change or, to submit to a life I dreaded.

🤢Cramming myself into a life that didn’t feel like it belonged to me was making me sick in my heart, my mind & my body.

It took all the courage, money & energy I had left in me to walk away & start over - again. But there was no other option.

Terrified, intoxicated & hopeful I forged ahead with a plan that many thought was “crazy”. But it’s my ONE life.

🤷🏻‍♀️Are you ready to s**t or get off the pot? What’s holding you back?


Trust the signs 🪄

In the last two weeks I've really been pulled to "go with it". Meaning going with my intuition and working on using old methodologies (like Tarot) to challenge the way I think about where I am on a daily basis.

I make an effort to pull a card each day to see how that card relates to my current situation, but also in an effort to brush up on my practice that started with my first pack of cards gifted to me by my mom around age 12.

The Hermit could not have been a better card for the day and, actually, the last dozen or more cards I've pulled have been right on when I've also taken into consideration their reversed meanings.

Contemplation, searching for truth, looking inward for guidance are all symbolic of The Hermit. This card shows a way to a time for self reflection and the souls need to journey inward. The Hermit characters seeks to find the ultimate truth in life by the only possible means - turning inward.

As he is required to turn away from the demands of the world in order to find his truth, I too feel pulled in that direction of late.

What are some of the interesting ways you've coached yourself along in your own growth process? Have you used Tarot? Runes? Mediums? Meditation? Prayer? Study? Therapy?


It's been a minute since I've been in or written for a magazine.......honored to be providing content for the fall edition of Impact Mag's going to be a good one.

In case you didn't see some of my nutrition content online - here's a spot on meal prep!

Healing through Observance = Mundane Magick 12/09/2021

Happy Sunday ~ make every minute count.

Healing through Observance = Mundane Magick There’s something about the little things that can either upset us to no end or intrigue us intensely. Where and how we choose to apply our focus delivers us to the door of anxiety/depression or freedom. My offering to you today: Mundane Magick I’ve been positively impacted for years now by ...

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 09/09/2021

Depression hindering your fitness goals?

I hear you & there's science behind it.

Want to talk about getting on track with someone who fights depression every day but still manages to (usually) get it done?

Comment here or send me a DM.

10 Minute {vegan} French Toast 29/08/2021

Finally, a minute to post another EASY recipe.

10 Minute {vegan} French Toast NO messing around with fun stories about jungle life, fitness goals or reaching nirvana...just a very quick recipe for cruelty free, high protein french toast. My recipes change based on what I have in the fridge so, remember being vegan is SUPER versatile for around, compost what doe...

#DivasDoingBusiness: Sasha Williams, Food Medicine Life 22/08/2021

Sasha Williams, owner of 3 businesses and creator of Food Medicine Life, is passionate for guiding women toward a healthy lifestyle. As a vegan chef, yoga instructor, personal trainer and bikini competitor, Sasha’s wholistic and fit lifestyle is just the inspiration we need after a long summer of cookouts.

#DivasDoingBusiness: Sasha Williams, Food Medicine Life Sasha Williams, owner of 3 businesses and creator of Food Medicine Life, is passionate for guiding women toward a healthy lifestyle. As a vegan chef, yoga instructor, personal trainer and bikini co…


There's more to life than this.

More than scrolling through false representations, bad advice, body obsessed content.

More than face contouring, glute growing, beauty advice & "what I eat in a day".

Life exists outside this bubble. I'm blessed to have been born in the 70's, living 1/2 my life without the addiction of external validation from strangers & acquaintances.

If you're going to be here, do it with intention! Follow people who make you feel empowered, not envious or less than.

Watch accounts that aren't focused on selling to you using all the old tired attention getting recipes of Instagram.

Expose yourself to content where people actually share their suffering, their inadequacy, their fears......not their recipes for great abs, flawless eyebrows & more of the same skin deep schlock.

You are worth more, you deserve more, you are more than a body, you are not a commodity unless you choose to be.

Our planet needs more people out there really tuned take stock of how much time you spend here.....burning precious hours away.

Ask yourself: "isn't there more to life than this?"


Do you have a dream body?

One that someone else has that you want or are you currently in your dream body?

💔I hope the answer is the latter.

🤷🏻‍♀️Prospective clients give me lots of why's around changing their bodies. Usually assuming that this will fix what is hurting them in their minds. Once in a blue moon for overall health. For a time they might find peace going from a size 14 to a size 8. Then as always, the training and nutrition slips & they end up in a space once again where they are not happy about their outside appearance.

➡️Let me ask you:

- Do you want to make training a thing every day? Because some of the physiques y'all are after require 1-2 hours of training daily.

- Are you disciplined enough to follow a program for results? And then are you disciplined enough to follow through with a maintenance program?

- Does your lifestyle support your perceived goals? Maybe you have no time, too much stress and a bad relationship with your body or self that will never allow you to reach or sustain your goals.

- Are you willing to be totally transparent about everything you put in your mouth?

➡️Let me tell you:

- regardless of my physique in the last almost 43 years, I've NEVER been comfortable wearing shorts after age 22.

- when I don't lift heavy, all my ass-ets disappear, shapes require maintenance

- if you don't love what you're doing, you won't do it for long. If sleeping or eating or drinking has a bigger benefit to training & following a good nutrition plan, we will choose the bigger benefit.

- if you can't motivate yourself to do the work, you need to question your own motivation.

My programs are all encompassing, most importantly as a therapist I like to settle out from the beginning the WHY of any weight loss or physique transformation. It matters 110% to the success & contentment of each of my clients.

🤘PSA: wear the fu***ng shorts, delete social media, love yourself, move in ways that make you feel good, eat real food. Life is too short.

Top 3 Exercises for Hip Flexor Strengthening 28/07/2021

I have been attempting to heal a Hip Flexor / iliopsoas pain for months to no avail.....what I DID come across was this little gem that y'all might enjoy.

They are the living embodiment of Bob & Doug Mckenzie.....and if you don't know who THEY are, hit the google.

Anyhoo - if you're up for a little less advanced healing in this hip/low back/groin area, this is a good set of therapeutic exercises you can start with.

Top 3 Exercises for Hip Flexor Strengthening Famous Physical Therapist's Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineckdemonstrate the top 3 exercises for strengthening your hip flexors.Make sure to like us on FaceBook h...

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 20/07/2021

In case you were wondering....Dorothy, Blanche & Rose are all doing well.

They're my scratching, biting, screaming sidekicks during yoga & training sessions.


Today, reading this love from melted my broken heart.

Thank you for these kind words of appreciation beautiful soul.

Your hard work & earnest attitude will help guide you back to your best healthy self.....I'm happy to be there as your Sherpa.

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 14/07/2021

👉Does this muscle make me look shorter? 

I often look back at images of me when I was in a bulking phase like this photo back in Pittsburgh & think "damn 5'7 is just NOT that tall"....Body mass in general tricks the eye into thinking someone is shorter vs taller. 

⬅️If you swipe left, after a full year of not training heavy & eating to build, I feel like a totally different person in a totally different body....

Body composition means SO much more than weight because these pictures are only 5lbs apart!!

Next time you think about "losing weight" you might want to consider working on changing body composition first. 

➡️If you could lift your way to a certain look, what would it be? Do you know how to get there?


EXHAUSTION. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally - it happens to us all. 

We don't give ourselves enough credit for the amount of stress we take on keeping up to operating by western standards, ideals & behaviors. We certainly don't seek to remedy what ails us with much deep thought. 

Making money to buy things we are totally disconnected from, obsessive analysis of our physical condition, expecting instant gratification, working/parenting/volunteering hours beyond what is humanly possible, living without emotional connection conversely allowing things to "trigger" us out of responsibility at all. All of these things burn us out, a combination of them all keeps us down. 

Have you ever thought for a minute to ask yourself why you do what you do, before you do it? 

- why you need the high paying soul sucking job

- why order something online/get a mortgage/loan which necessitates the suck job

- why you're going to the gym or running/pedaling miles each day

- why you're measuring your food/obsessing over online fitness influencers

- why you choose comfort in things that are toxic

- why you choose self-sabotaging habits over healthy ones

- why you're having kids if you don't have time to take care of them 

- why you don't pay heed to the voice inside your head

- why you instantly default to blaming others instead of taking ownership

- why you say yes to things that will only make you feel awful

- why you accept not connecting with others deeply or why you will not reach out emotionally

More often than not, that reason will drive down to fear. Living in fear of the consequences of the alternative. An alternative that, for all we know, could be 1MM times more beautiful than our current reality. 

Does fear drive your bus?

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 12/07/2021

After feeding allllll the animals, this guy still wants a bite.

I've always stared the day settling everyone around me BEFORE I take care of my own needs.

Usually so I can buy myself extended peace time later......sometimes I end up feeling a little resentful.

And you know what? That resentment is all my creation.

Taking responsibility for my feelings has been a rough road, but I try hard every day to realize clearly how my choices impact me.

🐾I choose to rescue animals
🤷🏻‍♀️I choose to have relationships
👉I choose to put my work before my play

➡️I can change these things whenever I like. My life, my problem.

Needless to say, I caved & fed Kuma some of my breakfast. Can't win 'em all.

Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 08/07/2021


Photos from Sasha Williams - Coaching's post 08/07/2021

Thank you for making my work meaningful.


23 years of dance & all I got was this s**tty posture.

🤕At first I was going to hate on this picture because of the way my midsection looks...because in reality I'm pretty trim in this area (bordering on at least 2 abs showing) of late & this was a LAME representation.

❌Call it lighting, call it wardrobe....but I call it NASTY posture & a definite issue with self confidence in showing my midsection in public.

👉In the world of dance, modeling & bodybuilding posture means everything to showing off your assets in the most flattering way.

👉Scientifically, slouching & inactivity lead to back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders & a potbelly. Our spines are built to absorb shock, but bad posture can slowly deteriorate this natural ability, putting the body at risk for more serious injury in the future.

➡️Reminder: watch your posture especially when exercising but also when sitting, standing & walking by using these tips:

*Stand up straight and tall.
*Keep your shoulders back.
*Pull your stomach in.
*Put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet.
*Keep your head level.
*Let your arms hang down naturally at your sides.
*Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Compañía De Salud Y Belleza mas cotizado en San Juan del Sur?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.

What are the 3 Keys?

Hiding behind ’everyone’s ability to have a healthy and happy life we long for lie anxiety, stress, and panic and more.

The main force behind Sasha Williams coaching work is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term health goals by taking control of their minds. All life forms deserve to live a life free from pain and suffering. Including you.

​All of the methods used in Sasha’s coaching are 100% natural. Using psychology studies, cognitive behavioural therapy, herbal medicine, breath work, nutrition, and physical fitness regimes for any and everybody.

As a lifelong sufferer of anxiety, depression, panic, and high-stress work, Sasha’s story will no doubt resonate with your own. Whether you’re seeking help with achieving peace through therapy, maintaining your current health and fitness regimen or looking for something totally new, all clients are provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives.




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