Body Stress Release with Gail

BSR is een zachte methode die het lichaam helpt zichzelf te genezen. Ik ben bevoorrecht om te doen wat ik doe! body stress.

Ik verhuisde van Kaapstad naar Nederland om de praktijk van mijn goede vriendin en collega Renee Heetland in Delft over te nemen. Body Stress Release is a non-therapeutic, complementary health technique has assisted hundreds of people in their path to restored vitality and optimal health. Body Stress Release was founded in South Africa in 1981 and is now practiced in the Africa, Europe, UK, Japan,


Body Stress Release helpt de zelfgenezende capaciteit van het lichaam te herstellen door opgeslagen spanning en de zenuwbanen van het lichaam los te laten.

Contact Gail on 0649247624 (WhatsApp of bel) of email [email protected] voor meer informatie over BSR en afspraken.

Do you know what your back is going through when you train? Here is a little information on all the things that are possibly happening in your back at the time of strain. BSR is a non-invasive technique that assists in helping the body recover from the strain that has occurred.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Symptomen zoals Celeste’s of andere chronische/onverklaarbare pijn kunnen worden geholpen met BSR.

Contact Gail on 0649247624 (WhatsApp of bel) of email [email protected] voor meer informatie over BSR en afspraken.

Our this week is about *Celeste, a 13-year-old who had a 2-year history of headaches, nausea, vomiting, and vision problems. These had intensified over a 3-month period to a point of being almost constant, causing her to miss a lot of school and her parents, a fortune in medical bills.
Her BSR practitioner pointed out ridged and spasmed muscles in her lower back, and although sceptical as to how the lower back could affect headaches, her mother gave consent to treatment. On her second visit there had been 3 days of no migraines and only one mild headache, and by her third visit, there had been no recurrence of pain. Almost a month later, at a follow up appointment, she reported no more incidents.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash


Goed voor jezelf zorgen is een prioriteit en BSR kan helpen bij het verlichten van pijn en ongemak, evenals het verlichten van hersenmist en het terugbrengen van stroom 🙏🌹❤

Vergeet niet om het onderhoud bij te houden, je bent belangrijk om jezelf op de eerste plaats te zetten!✨️

Body Stress Release helpt de zelfgenezende capaciteit van het lichaam te herstellen door opgeslagen spanning en de zenuwbanen van het lichaam los te laten.

Contact Gail on 0649247624 Voor meer informatie over BSR en afspraken.


Ongeacht je leeftijd. Body Stress Release kan helpen als u lijdt aan pijn of onverklaarbare symptomen.

*Lily (77) had a widespread disturbance of nerve pathways. All her problems were ascribed to old age and a missing disc between two lumbar vertebrae in her spine.
Her whole body was hypersensitive, she had lower back pain, cramping in one thigh, calf and foot, restless legs at night, pins and needles in one hand, vertigo and headaches. The worst was that for her entire adult life she would feel like she was choking every time she swallowed.
At 10 she was dropped on her head, she had fallen off a horse several times, she’d had several surgeries and had also suffered an extremely emotionally damaging relationship with her mom.
BSR tests revealed sites of tension stored in the neck, lower back and over the ribs and diaphragm. After the first session there was life-altering improvements (she could swallow normally, she had no more restless legs and or cramping in her one thigh).
By her third session the pins and needles and hypersensitivity had also left and her health was completely restored as her body very rapidly healed its nerve transmission in those spinal nerves which had been compressed.
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash


Kinderen reageren zo snel op BSR omdat ze niet dezelfde hoeveelheid stress hebben als volwassenen. Als uw kind het moeilijk heeft, kan BSR helpen.

Neem contact op met uw dichtstbijzijnde BSR Practitioner.

Als u in Delft of omgeving bent, neem dan contact op met Gail via BSRwithGail on 0649247624.


Body Stress Release voor kinderen! Gelukkig komt dit bij ons regelmatig voor want dat is meteen kei gezellig!! En eigenlijk allemaal genieten ze er enorm van.
“Wanneer mag ik weer naar BSR mam?” Of “Dit half uur ging écht snel voorbij hè”! Om dit terug te horen is leuk en daar genieten wij dan weer vet van. Smile!

Body stress kan bij kinderen van alle leeftijden voorkomen. Bij baby’s kan de geboorte al aanleiding zijn om body stress te ontwikkelen. Dat is het geval bij bijvoorbeeld moeilijke geboortes. Klachten zijn dan onder andere:
onverklaarbaar huilen, overstrekken, overbeweeglijkheid en krampjes.
Op (iets) oudere leeftijd is aanwezige body stress bij kinderen bijvoorbeeld te herkennen aan:
👉 slecht slapen, groeipijnen, allergieën, verstoorde stoelgang, voortdurende verkoudheid, gebrek aan concentratievermogen, rusteloosheid, hoofdpijn, buikpijn, bedplassen of boze buien.

Ook kinderen met medisch gediagnosticeerde stoornissen of syndromen (ADHD, autisme en Asperger e.d.) reageren vaak erg goed op Body Stress Release. Dit komt omdat de verstoorde zenuwprikkel naar de hersenen verdwijnt en daardoor de communicatie van en naar de hersenen verbetert. Dit heeft een positief effect op concentratie en ontspanning.

Body Stress Release is een zachte behandeling. Daardoor wordt het door kinderen vaak als plezierig ervaren. Bovendien reageren baby’s en kinderen doorgaans snel op BSR, omdat spierspanning nog niet zo lang in hun lichaam is opgeslagen.


What is Body Stress Release? This great video explains.

Contact (phone or WhatsApp) me for more information on 0649247624, or send an email to [email protected]


Als je last hebt van pijn of stress, of je nu weet wat de reden is of niet, kan Body Stress Release je helpen.

If you are suffering with pain or stress whether you know the reason or not Body Stress Release could be the one thing that can help you.

Contact Gail on 0649247624 or [email protected]


If you live with IBS, you probably don't need us to tell you that stress and IBS are related. What you might not know is that, if you release the stress, the symptoms of IBS can start to disappear too.

Read Az's story. He lived with IBS for years until a life-changing recommendation to try BSR gave him the opportunity to get his life back.


Our this week is about *Patrick is a retired Geologist born in Detmold, Germany in 1937. He was first brought by his son for BSR in Aug 2011 after surviving a second stroke.
At the time he was undergoing speech therapy as he could not speak, and seeing a physiotherapist on a regular basis. He had lost full feeling in his left foot, he also struggled with his speech, and with on-going left sciatic pain due to an undiagnosed condition many years ago, which brought about raging fevers when he worked at Lake Tanganyika in Africa. He shared how he had to spend many months in hospital undergoing investigative procedures as a result.
Through the years he has not only survived bladder cancer, but also experienced a third stroke. Over time, with regular BSR sessions and coming to terms with his limitations in reading and driving, his initial garbled communications via WhatsApp with his practitioner became clearer, and his speech improved. When he was unable to have his usual BSR sessions due to isolation during the COVID pandemic, he become frailer and battled to walk.
He and his practitioner have built a rapport over the years, and with his immense knowledge on a variety of diverse topics, their regular interactions afford him much needed mental stimulation. With her gentle prompting when he cannot find the appropriate words, which he finds very frustrating, she is patient in waiting for him to search for an alternative word.
We are pleased to report that with a regular BSR maintenance routine in place again, he continues to look forward to, and enjoy, his sessions. When his practitioner asked him how he feels BSR has benefitted him, his response was: ‘I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for BSR! I wouldn’t be able to walk! It assists me with pain relief, and I’m glad it helps to preserve some memory, which would be lost otherwise.’


Our this week is about 44 year old *Conrad who was experiencing a midlife crisis. He felt crushed by responsibility, with his business running into financial difficulties , his mental and emotional stress was accompanied by a stiff, aching neck and frequent headaches. He had pins and needles in his arms and his toes cramped at night, He was diagnosed with severe stress. Earlier in his life he had fractured three thoracic vertebrae in a motorbike accident in the past. Body stress was released in that area as well as in his neck, lower back and diaphragm. His physical problems were reduced after two sessions. In addition he had let go of a great deal of his emotional stress. This was proven by an unexpected benefit - after 40 years of biting his fingernails he dropped the habit entirely.


If you are a man, how many times have you had this said to you, only to have it backfire on you?
BSR practitioners experience daily the far- reaching effects bottled up emotions can have on the body, especially with men who don't open up as easily as most women.
So if you are dealing with pent-up emotions as well as ‘mysterious’ symptoms within your body, BSR practices offer a safe environment in which to off-load and help your body work through the layers of it, whether you talk about it or not.


Body Stress Release can help you live your best life. What your "best life" means really depends on you. We all have different journeys through life, and often we only want or need small changes to make our life the best version it can be. We might want to enjoy our children or grandchildren more; we might want a bit more verve; we might want to have a more fulfilling career; or we might still have one more sporting success in us... whatever your "best life" is, when you unlock physical, emotional, or chemical stress, you are the path to finding your best life.


What do you think when you see this image? Stress or exhilaration?

We all have different stress triggers. What for some is a challenge is hugely stressful for others. And we all have different capacities to process stress. Capacities that vary from day to day or week to week.

When we are feeling resilient we can process stress more effectively than when we aren't.

What we view as an exciting challenge one day can be a stressful event the next. And when we are mired in stress, it can be hard to see a way out of it.

That is where Body Stress Release can help. By unlocking stress and tension you can put your body and mind in a place to better process the demands of life.


Through the eyes of a child 😍

Our is the sweet explanation of BSR through the eyes of a child:
*David, a very verbal three-year-old child, had complained of a sore back and legs, and he had three sessions of BSR which had him good as new. A few days later his mother (a BSR student) was rehearsing an introductory talk she would be giving in class. David suddenly interrupted: “I can give a talk. I know what Body Stress Release is.”
His mother was amused and said, “Okay – go ahead.”
This is what David said: “Cuts and bruises get locked in your legs. The BSR practicker unlocks them with his fingers or with the key he keeps in his pocket. Then he throws them out the window and you jump up and dance around.”


Do you suffer with similar problems?

Why not try BSR. Contact Gail on 0649247624 (WhatsApp or call) or send me an email at

‘A young woman, suffered from recurrent bouts of bladder infection. The problem would clear after a course of antibiotics, but soon recur along with lower-back stiffness. After three sessions of BSR the cystitis ceased. With many women who are prone to this problem, we have checked them just as they were feeling the first threatening signs of bladder irritation. After the releases, it did not progress to an infection. The nerve communication was restored, the immune system was boosted back to efficiency and was able to deal with the problem.’ - Gail Meggersee - Body Stress Release - Unlocking Tension, Restoring Self-Healing

‘You’re on your own’: the misery of being out of work with back pain 05/03/2024

This is a great article. If you are suffering with constant pain then consider Body Stress Release. You have nothing to lose.

Click on the link to find a practitioner in your area or contact me for further information or to book your first BSR Session if you are in the Delft area on 06 49247624 or send an email to [email protected]

‘You’re on your own’: the misery of being out of work with back pain Almost a million people in the UK cannot do their jobs because of back or neck issues, and that leads to other problems


If you have tried everything and still in pain then Body Stress Release may help you.

Contact me on 06 49247624 or email me at [email protected] to find out more or to book your first BSR session.

For more information or find a practitioner close to you, click the link below:

Body Stress Release is a gentle technique. Practitioners release stress and tension without crunching or manipulation.

In fact, it is not uncommon for clients to drift off to sleep during a release. Yet, it is very powerful – this gentle technique has the power to unlock stress and tension to allow the body to heal.

Why not see what it could do for you?


Body Stress Release can help the body release tension (pain) in the body and help you live a normal healthy life.

Great feedback from this client and so important to continue with a maintenance plan... just like you maintain your car to ensure it keeps running. We forget that we also need to look after ourselves.

Contact me for further information or to book your first BSR Session on 06 49247624 or send an email to [email protected]


In the early stages of BSR as the muscles are letting go, the body goes through a series of muscle adaptations. As muscular tension is released the person will begin to feel better. However, during the healing process the body is still vulnerable, and if a person does too much too soon they may find that pain starts to come and go.
After a release the sensation of pain returning may signal that you may not have fully adapted to the changes. Your BSR practitioner can advise you about posture, sleep, exercise and other small changes that may be causing your body to re-stress. If you have followed all their advice to the letter, and have not done anything wrong, then a “return” of pain, may be an indication that body stress was present at a deeper level and the practitioner will now be able to prompt that deeper layer of tension to release. After a BSR session, the releases initiate the self-healing process which continues for several days.


It's so important that we have the emotional support that we need and everyone needs a HUG 🤗

Not only are hugs good for your child’s brain development and emotional growth but they can sooth children suffering from stress and anxiety. Make sure you hug your child long and often.
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

Photos from Body Stress Release by Roger's post 29/02/2024

BSR truly works… no matter your age or how long you’ve been suffering. Wonderful feedback 🙏


BSR practitioners have worked with many women suffering from vulvodynia / vestibulodynia / vaginismus and other related conditions. The majority of them have achieved significant relief from their pain and discomfort which, in some cases, they had been experiencing for many years.
BSR practitioners have noticed in some women that there is a common link between a previous back and/or coccyx injury and the subsequent onset of vulval pain. We have found that releasing tension in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx and pelvic areas encourages the vulval and pelvic floor muscles to relax, which in turn leads to a reduction in pain.
Find a practitioner near you here:


We seem to put others before ourselves but if we don’t have good health how can we be there for others?
If you are ignoring that pain or stress, please don’t.. take care of yourself.

“Health is everything and without health, everything is nothing” Gail Megersee founder of BSR.

Contact me on 0649247624 to find out more.

How are you? Yes, we really do mean you. How are you feeling?

It can be hard to prioritise ourselves. We know the theory – look after ourselves, practice self-care, prioritise our needs – but how good are we are acting on it? The practice can be different to the theory.

So, take a few minutes. Consider how you feel.

And remember, our practitioners would love to help you feel on top of the world! Why not book yourself a release today to feel refreshed and revitalised.


This week’s : In her 60’s, *Elaine was diagnosed with bone cancer. She was in agony, could not walk without the aid of crutches, and often used a wheelchair when exhaustion overcame her. In a 6-week period she had six seizures, which left her unconscious for two days.
As she was so sensitive very little pressure was used in the releases when she consulted a BSR practitioner.
Although she felt light-headed and extremely tired afterwards, within two days her arm and leg pain reduced, and her sleeping improved. She arrived for the second session using only one crutch as she still limped, but her complexion now had a pink glow.
Two visits later she had discarded the crutch and walked briskly into the practice saying, ‘Well, come on girl, let's get to it!’ She reported that she was sleeping through the night, and had started driving again.
The most uplifting effect was the change in her emotional state. Her depression had lifted and she was inspired to write again. In eight months she has written three children's books, and returned to lecturing.


Do you wake up every morning full of beans? Feeling refreshed and ready for the day's challenges? We all know how important a good night's sleep is but, for some of us, it is hard to get all the sleep we need.

Well, BSR can help. Many of our clients tell us how well they sleep after a release.

You could be one of them!


“The sole purpose of BSR is to locate and release sites of body stress. It is not the diagnosis and treatment of any condition or illness. As it does not seek to replace any form of medical care, it is complementary to medicine.”- Gail Meggersee, Body Stress Release - Unlocking Tension and Restoring Self Healing (the book)

Photos from Gemeente Delft's post 12/12/2023

We’re celebrating the switching on off the Xmas tree lights this evening in the Markt Delft. Can’t wait 😍


If you have tried everything to help with daily pain and stress and you are still suffering then Body Stress Release could help you like it has other people who were about to give up.

If you are dealing with pain, in the neck, shoulders or bell, suffering with migraines or continuous headaches (1 or 2 per week is not normal), fibromyalgia, emotional and mental stress, are lethargic or cannot sleep too babe a few then please contact me to find out how BSR can help you.

Gail on 0649247624 or [email protected]

Body Stress Release with Gail

This week’s : At the age of forty-four, Conrad was at the mid-life crisis stage. He felt crushed by responsibility, with his business running into financial difficulties. His mental and emotional stress was accompanied by a stiff, aching neck and frequent headaches. He had pins and needles in his arms and his toes cramped at night. His GP diagnosed his problems simply as ‘stress’.
Conrad had fractured three thoracic vertebrae in a motorbike accident in the past. Body stress was released in that area, as well as in his neck, lower back and diaphragm. His physical problems were reduced after two sessions. In addition, he had let go of a great deal of his emotional stress. This was proven by an unexpected benefit – after forty years of biting his fingernails he dropped the habit entirely.

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Video's (alles zien)

Goed voor jezelf zorgen is een prioriteit en BSR kan helpen bij het verlichten van pijn en ongemak, evenals het verlicht...
What is Body Stress Release? This great video explains. Contact (phone or WhatsApp) me for more information on 064924762...
I've just reached 500 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each and every one...



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