GHD Ubbo Emmius

GHD Ubbo Emmius is the Study Association for History at the University of Groningen. Ubbo is een studievereniging, geen studentenvereniging.

Het Groninger Historisch Dispuut Ubbo Emmius werd in 1936 opgericht en is de studievereniging van de opleiding Geschiedenis aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Elk collegejaar wordt er een breed scala aan activiteiten georganiseerd, variërend van een congres, lezingen en buitenlandse reizen tot borrels, feesten en zelfs theateruitvoeringen. Ieder jaar wordt er een verenigingsalmanak samengesteld e


Yesterday, during the Social Drink, we announced the 87th Candidate Board of GHD Ubbo Emmius!

Migiel van der Meulen - Candidate Chair
Marie Jolijn Kooij - Candidate Secretary
Abigail van Rijn - Candidate Treasurer
Ruben Dijkema - Candidate Commissioner of External Affairs
Haye Mellema - Candidate Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Dido Meurs - Candidate Commissioner of Public Relations

We are very proud of them and we are sure they will do great!

Board Zuidberg


Dear Ub-bookworms,

It is time for the annual book market hosted by us, the Acquisition Committee. Drop by to buy some secondhand books about history, art and more! You can also have a fun chat with the other Ubbo members that are present. This activity is on the 8th of september from 15:00 (3 PM) in the Expositieruimte!

We hope to see you reading fanatics there!

Lots of love,

The Acquisition Committee

PS: For all new students, the Expositieruimte is located at the Harmoniebuilding!


We are pleased to announce that The Green Office has awarded us the gold label this year.🏆 We feel honoured to belong to one of the RUG's most sustainable associations‼️


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a Commissioner of Public Relations looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a Commissioner of Internal Affairs looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a commissioner of Internal Affairs looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day as commissioner of external affairs looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a treasurer looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a Treasurer looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a secretary looks like!


Hi Ubbo Emmians!! Today I will take over the Instagram stories, so you can see what a day of a chair looks like!


*This vacancy is only for those who master the Dutch language*

Gemeente Groningen zoekt rondleiders voor Stadhuis
Heb jij als student zin in een prettige bijverdienste? We willen binnenkort op vrijdagmiddagen het vernieuwde Stadhuis aan het publiek laten zien. Het rijksmonument kent een indrukwekkende geschiedenis en er is veel over te vertellen! Daarvoor zoeken we een stuk of 6-8 rondleiders. En wie kunnen een rondleiding voor een groep van steeds max 20 personen (die zich online kunnen aanmelden) van een klein uurtje nu beter geven dan Groningse studenten Geschiedenis? Je doet het dan gezellig met zijn tweeën en je krijgt hiervoor uiteraard betaald. We willen vanaf ongeveer eind mei gaan werken in een roulerend schema met vrijdagse rondleidingen om 12, 14 en 16 uur. Vanzelfsprekend zullen we je van tevoren soort van trainen. Lijkt het je leuk? Mail nog deze week naar [email protected].


Dear theatre enthousiasts, physicists, King Solomons, nurses, children, missionaries and students, the times of waiting are finally over! The ACT-Committee is proud to announce that their annual play is going to be Dürrenmatt‘s classic „The Physicists“, directed by Mai Valk!
At the moment, Mai, the committee and the actors are eagerly preparing to be able to offer you two unforgettable shows.
WHEN? May 31st and June 1st at 20:30
TICKETS? for sale via (link also in bio)
PRICE? 9€ for students, 12€ for non-students
‼️Limited tickets available, so get yours before it‘s too late‼️
We‘re looking forward to see you at the show!
For those who cannot stand to wait until the end of May, we have good news! We will be posting more content about the play, rehearsals and the committee itself on our Instagram () over the course of the next few weeks so stay tuned! We hope you‘re as excited as we are!



The New 86th Board of GHD Ubbo Emmius:

Kevin Valke - Chair
Fieke Overmaat - Secretary
Bibian van Dijk - Treasurer
Wietse Karst - Commissioner of External Affairs
Ismael Zarrouki - Commissioner of Internal Affairs & Vice-chair
Daan de Boer - Commissioner of Public Relations


Dear Ubbo Emmians,
We are happy to present this year’s theme of Ubbo’s annual historical conference: Terra (In)Cognita, Mapping the Past, Present and Future! The conference will take place on the 16th of June at the Van Swinderen Huys. The ticket-price for members is €12,50 and for non-members €15.

Lunch for the day is included! Please mention any dietary restrictions in the checkout.

You can order your tickets now on or directly on the Ubbo website! For all the updates on the conference follow us here on Instagram and on Facebook.

Hope to see you at the conference!

The Conference Committee


Dear Ubbo Emmians,

Do you wish it was a bit cheaper to go out to eat or have a drink with friends? We have something for you! With the Ubbo Member Card you can get discounts at a bunch of different establishments in Groningen. If you’re interested in getting yourself a Member Card, come by at the Hok! For only €5,- your life can become a whole lot cheaper.

Lots of Love,

Board Overmaat.


Geen vakantieplannen naar Mexico?

Kom dan in de lente en in de zomer werken bij het gezelligste restaurant van Groningen.
Als barman/vrouw of in de bediening.
Ervaring is niet nodig, wij leren het je graag.


Kom gewoon binnenlopen bij Cantina Mexicana, mail naar [email protected] of bel 050-3120131



No holiday plans to Mexico?

Then come and work at Groningen's cosiest restaurant in spring and summer.
As a barman/woman or waiter.
Experience is not necessary, we will gladly teach you.


Just drop in at Cantina Mexicana, email [email protected] or call 050-3120131


In a G*t in Groningen there lived a committee. On the 28th of March a theme from the Conference shall spring, come see what the reveal will bring. And remember, 'not all those who wander are lost'

With whimsical wishes,
The Conference Committee 2022-2023

Photos from GHD Ubbo Emmius's post 08/03/2023

Verminderde energie, negatieve gedachten en minder motivatie kunnen allemaal
kenmerken zijn van een winterdip. Maar wat als je “dip” niet zomaar een dip is? Wat is het
verschil tussen een winterdip en een depressie? Waar ligt de grens? En wat kun je doen om
een dip op te vangen? De nieuwe blog van Wake Up Student vertelt je alles.

Leden hebben recht op een gratis kennismakingsgesprek. Neem gerust contact op met [email protected], je kunt binnen een week terecht.



Lack of sunlight, lots of rain and low temperatures. The winter blues are luring once again. Perhaps you’ve noticed that it’s becoming more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Lower energy levels, negative thinking and decreased motivation are all possible signs of the winter blues. But what if it’s more than that? What’s the difference between the winter blues and a depression? And what can you do to support yourself?

Members are entitled to a free first consultation. You are welcome within a week. Feel free to contact us for further information by sending an email to [email protected]


Dear Ubbo Emmians,
Looking for my creative people!
Study Association Commotie and GHD Ubbo Emmius have come together to create this fun event. Be ready to practice your creative side and Upcycle your Closet! Make sure to bring your OWN tote bag/clothing that you would like to upcycle or decorate. The price of the event is 3 euros which includes supplies and snacks! This event is to encourage new life in old things and it is also a fun evening to experience with both associations.
It will take place on March 21st at 19:00. The location will be at De Expositiezaal.
We look forward to seeing you there!


Where you about to leave your house and discovered something was wrong with your bike? Then there's still some luck around the corner on this unlucky day! Bike shop De Ganze offers Ubbo members a 10% discount on bicycle repairs and the whole assortment.

De Ganze has two locations: Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 69 and there's also a De Ganze bike shop at Westerhaven 4.



The Extra SGN day is happening this year in Rotterdam on the 7th of March 2023.✨

The extra SGN day is one of two events throughout the year organized for all history students around the Netherlands and this year we have something special planned for you🌆

We will celebrate Women’s day by looking back on landmark moments of the most incredible women in our history🌟

For this year’s event, we will get a museum tour and afterwards get dinner, before ending the special day with a movie night🎬

Stay tuned, more information about the event is coming very soon! 🗓️

For now, mark your calendars, since you will not want to miss this day, especially as a history student! 🧡


No matter what kind of clothes you can think of - (winter)sport clothes, pyjamas, sweaters, vests, and whatever will be your Committee-Clothing - Shirt a la Minute can print text or images on it for you! The already cheap prices go down even more for Ubbo members, since you get 15% off on any print order!

Come by the shop at the Vismarkt to discuss what's possible within your budget and your clothing of choice!


The moment we’ve all been waiting for… The ACT-Committee is happy to announce the auditions for our annual theatre play! Everyone from the Faculty of Arts has the chance to participate, no matter if you have experience or not. You will be able to perform a theatre play on stage, meet new people from all over the faculty and have a lot of fun!

Sign up via the link below before the 19th:

Auditions will take place on the 20th and 21st of February from 19:00 to 22:00 at Marie Lokezaal, and each audition will take about 15 minutes. We will contact you in the following days about more details regarding time and location.
Would you like to audition but are neither available on the 20th nor the 21st? No worries, send an email with your availability in the following weeks to [email protected] and we will do our best to schedule a suitable time with you!

Hope you are as excited as we are!


*This lecture is in Dutch only*

De alumnivereniging van geschiedenis nodigt u graag uit voor de lezing ‘Oekraïne versus Rusland: oorzaak en gevolgen’ door prof. dr. Hans van Koningsbrugge.

Op vrijdag 24 februari 2023 is het exact een jaar geleden dat Rusland Oekraïne binnen viel. Prof. dr. Hans van Koningsbrugge gaat in op de redenen van het conflict, de onderhandelingen tot 24 februari 2022 en de effecten van alles op de Russische samenleving en economie. Hij staat ook stil bij de rol van het westen hierin.

Aanmelden (kosteloos) kan hier: of via de sociale media van de alumnivereniging Geschiedenis RUG of Facebook of LinkedIn!

Iedereen is welkom, inclusief niet-afgestudeerden!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Het bestuur van de alumnivereniging van geschiedenis,

David Hoogland
Wim Slik
Mirjam de Boer
Fieke Overmaat (namens GHD Ubbo Emmius)


Dear Ubbo Emmians,
Galant Gala is back! On the 2nd of March we will gather once again to have a spectacular night! Put on your best dress, shine as bright as the big city and dance the night away with four hours of unlimited drinks! This year the Galant Gala has been graciously sponsored by Belsimpel!

Get your tickets at

We hope to see you all at Huize Maas to dance until you drop with live tunes from our DJ’s and the EBF Band and make incredible new memories with all other participating associations!


The Galant committee 2022/2023


Dear Ubbo Emmians,

If you were at the social drink you have probably already heard it, but in case you missed it: this year the Big Trip will go to Kraków and Prague!! The trip will be from the 14th till the 22nd of April and it will cost €350. Sign-ups will open at 10 AM on Tuesday February 7th so be sure to sign up straight away so you can come with us!! After signing up you need to confirm this by also signing the permission form for the payment, this is VERY important because otherwise your sign-up is not yet confirmed and you can’t come with us on the trip. We hope you are just as excited as we are!

The Praefexcie

Photos from GHD Ubbo Emmius's post 24/01/2023

Dear Ubbo Emmians,
It is that time of year again where everybody keeps asking us: Where are we going to go on the Big Trip this year? We got tired of you guys asking, so we made this fun puzzle as a hint. By solving it you will find the city we will visit in April. Or you could just have some patience and wait for the social drink on the 31st of January, where we will reveal the destination!
Greetings from the Praefexcie


*This lecture is in Dutch only*

Met trots presenteert het NRCe het volgende onderwerp van onze lezingenreeks. Op 7 februari aanstaande zal Jennes de Mol, huidig Nederlands ambassadeur in Kyiv, Oekraïne, ons een lezing geven over hoe het is om tijdens de Russische aanvalsoorlog in Oekraïne diplomatiek actief te zijn. Het belooft een interessante en drukke avond te worden, dus meld u zich bij interesse snel aan door een mail te sturen naar [email protected]. Hopelijk zien we u dan!



Do you have a love for acting? Have you always wanted to try acting but never found an opportunity? This is your chance! The ACT-Committee invites you to this year‘s Theatre Try-out!

When? 16th January from 19 to 22.
Where? At Marie Loke Room, in the Harmony Building.
Who? Organized by study associations IK, Ubbo, Commotie and Esperia, but open to ALL members of the Faculty of Arts! No previous acting experience needed. Also, there is no need to feel any pressure, this is not the audition yet, just a fun evening where you can try acting to see if you like it.
Cost? Free participation and snacks and drinks will be provided!

Sign up via the following link:

Or via the link in ‘s bio!

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Video's (alles zien)

Dear Ubbo Emmians,Tonight, at 23:00, we will announce our 87th Candidate Board! Make sure to be at 't Gat van Groningen ...
Dear Ubbo Emmians,We hope you're not too stressed because of the exams. hopefully the new monthly poster cheers you up a...
Today we can finally share with you the HINT for the destination of the Small Excursion! The last HINT came and went wit...
New year, new monthly poster! We kick the year off with a lot of great activities! Good luck with the start of your stud...
Here it is, the last monthly poster before the summer holidays. There are still two activities left, so I hope to see yo...
I present to you the monthly poster for June. I hope you still got some energy left from the Candidate Board Social Drin...
Disappointment and setbacks are part of life. A failing grade for an exam, a broken relationship, or rejection after a j...
This is the monthly poster for May! A month full of fun activities, and by the end, a candidate board! For now, enjoy th...
Breaking, hoc est closed today...... April Fools! After enjoying that hilarious joke, you can see the upcoming activitie...
Dear Ubbo Emmians,This Wednesday is the Moulin Rouge Party. Don't have an outfit yet, or do you need one for another tim...
Here is the monthly poster for March. A lot of activities, but first, the Hok opens today!
Dear Ubbo Emmians,We are excited to announce to you that the Lustrum Committee is getting back together again to organis...



Oude Kijk In 't Jatstraat 26


Maandag 11:00 - 13:00
Dinsdag 11:00 - 13:00
Woensdag 11:00 - 13:00
Donderdag 11:00 - 13:00
Vrijdag 11:00 - 13:00

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