Living Reiki

Living Reiki

Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijven in de buurt

Dolphin Centre
Dolphin Centre

Dit vind je misschien ook leuk

Self Hypnosis Audios
Self Hypnosis Audios

Animal Reiki sessions for your pet. Check out my website for more details or message me!


Family constellation time!

Constelação familiar, adorei!


By getting in touch with your Guides we can look into your life purpose, mission, repeating cycles and patterns and provide clarity.

Visit my Etsy shop for more info!

Photos from Living Reiki's post 15/08/2023

Catching up on my palmistry studies with my fav buddy Nina 🥰


Can't wait to start reading it!


Here's the rest of the Human design chart. If someone knows what it means let me know!


🇵🇹 PT below 🇧🇷

Human design chart. Just learned about it today from a client I was counseling.

I did the chart but have no idea what it means 🤣🤣🤣

Should keep me busy for the next weeks...

Mapa de Human design. Ouvi sobre este concerto hoje através de uma cliente que estava a fazer coaching comigo.

Fiz o mapa mas não faço idea do que significa 🤣🤣🤣

Já tenho com que me entreter nas próximas semanas


Continuing my Ayurveda journey!


Yep, I'm hooked on knitting 😄😄😄

But seriously it feels like a meditation that my busy brain really welcomes everyday. And what a way to relax before sleep!


I've recently gone back to doing weekly Tarot readings for myself. I find that lately everything is just happening so fast that knowing a bit of what's coming and the energy around it helps a lot!

Photos from Living Reiki's post 05/06/2023

Super special retreat last weekend with yoga, cacao ceremony, music, ayurvedic food, systemic constellation, some Tarot, dancing by the fire and so much more 🤩 Unforgettable!

Thankful to .nl .sound.therapy
and so many others



(PT below)

I started learning Tarot by chance and very early in my life. One of those moments someone sees a deck and says: you would be good at it, try it! Literally was like this.

I had never had a Tarot reading. No one in my family worked with it but I felt a curiosity and a strong pull. In less than a month I was offering readings! But it took me years to really understand how to work with others, with me and with Tarot in harmony.

And you? Have you ever had a Tarot reading? What did you think about it? Did it help? Let me know!

Eu comecei a aprender Tarot cedo nadinha vida e meio ao acaso. Alguém viu um baralho e disse: olha tu deves ter jeito para isto, tenta!

Eu nunca tinha tido uma leitura de Tarot. Ninguém na minha família jogava Tarot, mas senti uma curiosidade e chamamento muito forte. Em menos de um mês já estava a oferecer leituras. Mas demorei anos a perceber como trabalhar com o Tarort, com outros e comigo, de uma maneira harmoniosa.

Já lhe leram Tarot? O que achou? Ajudou você? Partilhe sua experiência!

Photos from Living Reiki's post 18/05/2023

My first knitting project is now complete!
(Don't look too closely 😄)

I have to say I'm addicted to knitting and a day without relaxing with the yarn and needles is not a good day


My little coaching library is growing 🤩

A minha pequena biblioteca de coaching está a crescer!

Photos from Living Reiki's post 19/03/2023

How do you connect with a Tarot deck?

It's important to get to know your deck, to really understand the artwork and to resonate with it. Otherwise it will keep the energy from flowing as it should in a reading.

In my Tarot course I give some advice on how to select a Tarot deck, as well as how to prepare it for readings.

I've had this deck for a year now and haven't really felt the calling to read with it. So today I'll spend some time with it to see if we click 😉

Como se conectar com um baralho de Tarot?

É importante conhecer o baralho, compreender bem a arte e sentir uma conexão com o mesmo.

No meu curso de Tarot eu aconselho como escolher um baralho de Tarot, assim como o que fazer para o preparar para leituras.

Este baralho na imagem, já o tenho há um ano e não senti um chamado para trabalhar com ele. Por isso hoje vou dedicar algum tempo para reacender a conexão 😉



Reopened my Etsy shop for Tarot readings! You can visit me

Akashic Records Readings coming soon as well! 🤗🤩


When you feel you are being watched...and you are 😅 nothing beats working from home with my best pal Nina


The face behind the posts and YouTube videos!

Yes, Eva is the name and Tarot and Reiki are my longest passions!

I would describe myself as a Polymath (very recently learned this word) in that I am constantly learning something new and the topics may seem different (numerology,palmistry,crystal therapy, Lenormand, psychology, coaching,...) but to me it always serves a wider purpose. And that's self-knowledge. I'm a firm believer in it. I also believe that assisting others to know themselves better contributes to your own development.

I started Tarot very young and to me is not something I do, it's an extension of who I am. Same can be said for Reiki.

When I became a Reiki Master it was like Tarot and everything I did just became so much more connected and meaningful. It became very clear to me what I wanted to do with it and that's when I opened my very small business. I do not work on it full time, but I don't see that as a bad thing at all. Because it allows me to see it as a real source of inspiration and development rather than a job.

In both Tarot and Reiki, what I offer is an ever evolving personal version of it, customized for each client. I don't see them as separate things actually, and I'm currently working on my synthesis of both, aimed to provide the best service for the client. More on that to come soon 😉
I also do a lot of crafts, soap and candle making especially. Again to me they're just another side of me, the one that grounds me, after Tarot or Reiki sessions.

So, if you are interested in a very different approach to Tarot and even learning it yourself, check out my shop and give it a go! If you're not sure you can always DM me 🙌🌟



Stress this, stress that... it's everywhere and can sneak on anyone.

Personally, I always thought I handled stress well. But recently I have been thinking if I'm really aware of it in my life.

Every day I try to do something that I believe contributes to a stress-free life (as much as possible). A simple walk, 10 min yoga at home, self-Reiki meditation, coffee breaks in the sun, reading a good book, candle and soap making, etc,..

Let's see what I learn with this new reading.



I may have mentioned in one of my YouTube videos but yeah I also make soaps! All natural, eco friendly, lab certified and infused with Reiki!

I started making soap because of several skin issues I was experiencing. I never had these issues again and only use my handmade products now.
Also, I feel they hydrate the skin a lot more and some customers have told me they don't feel the need to use a skin moisturizer so often.

Anyway, feel free to take a look at my Etsy shop! I will add more soaps and also a few more items (I'm crafty, what can I say 😅)


Daily Reading 🌟

Today there may be some shady intentions when it comes to your income or how you spend your money. Or even just in general what you give and take in life (time, energy, attention,...). Bear in mind could even be you deceiving yourself 😉

Leitura Diária 🌟

Hoje poderão estar presentes algumas intenções menos boas em relação a dinheiro que recebe ou gasta. Ou mesmo em geral em relação a tudo o que recebe e dá (tempo, energia, atenção,...). E pode bem ser que seja você quem está a enganar-se a si próprio 😉


Living Reiki Send a message to learn more


Daily Reading 🌟

Things may not be moving quick today or moving at all. Or you may feel that you're a bit on hold and not advancing how you would like.
That's ok! Take some time for yourself , reflect on it or even ask for advice. It's just a moment.

Leitura Diária 🌟
Hoje as coisas podem estar paradas. Ou pode sentir que está meio suspenso em vez de estar a avançar como queria.
E isso é normal! Faça uma pausa para reflectir ou aceite o conselho de alguém próximo. Este é apenas um momento passageiro.



Daily Reading 🌟

Is there honesty in a partnership you're in? You are fully in control and successful in your life so nothing really can deter you now. Seek the truth or your truth and you will get the answer you are looking for.

Leitura Diária 🌟
Há honestidade na parceria em que se encontra? Você tem o controlo e sucesso, nada pode parar o seu desenvolvimento. Procure a verdade ou a sua verdade e encontrará a resposta que procura.


Photos from Living Reiki's post 01/02/2022

Daily Reading 🌟

Someone very close to you, a mother, strong female figure may come into your life today. Could be just a little chat but it's all about sharing between you too. Maybe just words, advice, or more. If you can, make time for them.

Leitura Diária 🌟

Alguém muito próximo de si, a sua mãe, ou uma figura feminina significativa pode estar presente no dia de hoje. Pode ser para uma curta conversa, mas no fundo é uma troca. Talvez de palavras, conselhos, ou mais. Se puder, faça tempo para ela.


Photos from Living Reiki's post 22/01/2022

Daily Reading 🌟

Today is a completely free and open time for you do to whatever you wish. A sort of carte blanche, total freedom.
So, if something has been holding you back, let it go, travel light today, leave all worries behind. Bring the child energy into your day, improvise, do what your heart desires.

Leitura Diária 🌟

Hoje tem à sua frente um dia completamente em aberto, para fazer com ele o que quiser. Uma espécie de carte blanche, liberdade total.
Se tem sentido que algo a prende, liberte-se hoje, viaje leve sem a bagagem das preocupações. Traga a energia da criança para este dia, improvise, faça o que realmente deseja.


Photos from Living Reiki's post 21/01/2022

Daily Reading 🌟

Third Chakra is who you are in the world, your energy, your vibration towards others, your vitality.
With the High Priestess major arcana card it's a more subtle energy at work. Your inner voice, your higher self. It's a time for introspection, for living your truth and in your truth. By listening to yourself you find your place in the world and all the micro cosmos we live in.

Leitura Diária 🌟

O terceiro chakra refere se a quem somos no mundo, a nossa energia é vibração em relação aos outros, a nossa vitalidade.
Em conjunção com a carta da Papisa é uma energia mais subtil. A voz interior, o nosso eu maior. Está é uma altura de introspecção, de viver a nossa verdade e na nossa verdade. Ao prestar atenção à sua voz interior encontra o seu lugar no mundo e em todos os micro cosmos que habitamos.


Photos from Living Reiki's post 20/01/2022

Daily Reading 🌟

Not all commitments are restrictive. They can lead to more freedom. This duality of commitment and freedom requires balance, stability.
Today's cards highlight the need to bring more balance and harmony into our lives. Commit but also know where your limits are so that you don't lose your stability and overstretch yourself.

Leitura diária 🌟

Nem todos os compromissos que temos são restritivos. Podem significar mais liberdade também. Esta dualidade entre compromisso é liberdade requer equilibrio e estabilidade.
As cartas de hoje falam da necessidade de trazer mais equilíbrio e harmonia para as nossas vidas. Compromissos sim, mas saiba onde estão os seus limites, para que não perca estabilidade e se stresse tentando fazer tudo.

Photos from Living Reiki's post 18/01/2022

Daily Reading 🌟

Success, victory, acceptance, all can be achieved by enlarging your horizons today. Have you been limiting your view of something, not including all options or people? A fresh and wider perspective might be what you need now.

Leitura diária 🌟

Sucesso, vitória, aceitação, tudo isto pode ser alcançado se alargar os seus horizontes hoje. Será que tem limitado a sua percepção de algo, não incluindo todas as opções ou pessoas? Uma nova perspectiva mais ampla pode ser o que precisa agora.


Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijf in Landsmeer wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Living Reiki

My name is Eva and I am a Reiki practitioner and Master (Usui school).

I would describe my Reiki sessions as strongly intuitive and focused on the body, mind and spirit development and needs of the client.

I also bring to my Reiki sessions other components such as Crystal energy work and meditation practices. I am glad to share this knowledge with my clients, in accordance to their needs.

I believe that we all have the power to deal with whatever issues we are experiencing, and we can definitely also be our biggest obstacles. Sometimes all that’s needed is a little push to realize just how much potential we have inside of us. That is what Reiki offers among so much many other benefits.

At the moment my practice is offered in English. However I am also fluent in Portuguese and French. I am still learning Dutch but I do have a basic understanding of the language.

I truly hope that you find what you are looking for and that I can contribute to your search for well-being through Reiki.

Much Love and Light,

Video's (alles zien)

The Fountain Tarot deck review and flip through🤓This is my latest deck. I had heard a lot of good things about it and I ...
Little intro video about my new Tarot course, beginners level. Enjoy! I 😉Available at:



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