Irma de Jong

Irma de Jong

Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijven in de buurt

Het gaat over;de overgang.
Het gaat over;de overgang.
Oxfordlaan 34

Irma de Jong has been a Reiki Master since 2005 and an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner by the International BodyTalk Association.

She earned her PaRama BP level as well, currently the highest level of the BodyTalk System. BodyTalk combineert traditionele oosterse geneeswijzen met hedendaagse wetenschappelijke inzichten. BodyTalk maakt gebruik van het zelfhelend vermogen van het menselijk lichaam door op eenvoudige en krachtige manier het herstel van de interne communicatie te stimuleren. Interne communicatie
Hoewel sommigen


Hope you can go and tell me all about it! ✨💖

✨This is for EVERYONE interested in working more closely with both the Energetic and Physical Structures of the body and also utilising Structured Water for deep healing in the bodymind.
It is my absolute pleasure to be collaborating with Conor and Phelim, two excellent highly qualified practitioners, by coordinating their in-person Physical Energetics course in the UK in Oct ✨😀

I have been wanting to do this course for several years and deepening these skills in my own work, but the world decided to make it less possible for a while. No longer! We are bringing it to the London area and hope to see many old and new faces there for an excellent enriching weekend together. It is in every way worth making a trip for 🥳 The course is part of the BodyTalk system, but is open to all practitioners and laypeople with no pre-requisites to join. Do share if you know anyone this would be a great fit for.
(Earlybird deadline 12th September. This is an in-person only class)

I exist everywhere in your body and can do anything you need me to do.

I am guided by an innate wisdom that has me take form in very specific ways.

It seems that the physical parts of the body take my lead and do what I do.

I am your Energetic Body.

Some can see and feel me clearly, while others struggle to connect.

It is those who can sense me with ease that help me shift and change.

By connecting to me, you can assist in creating profound change in the structure and organization of the body.

This course helps to mold and develop the Energetic Sense - the ability to tune into, observe and surrender to the energetic bodymind.

Working with and repairing bodily structures also requires a deep understanding of the energy and consciousness of water, which this course will explore.

Water. Consciousness. Energy. Focus. Structure. Function.

These concepts are all more deeply connected and related than you know. This course will help you understand why and learn how to put that understanding into powerful practice.


The Neuro-Muscular Reprogramming is fantastic work, I have receive sessions from a gifted therapist in NC - it really works!
The founder of the modality, Jocelyn Olivier is coming to Amsterdam to teach this June. Don't miss it!


Fantastisch plek in het bos… hulp gezocht

Community & Courses 07/03/2024

Enjoy my latest newsletter full of announcements, upcoming courses and more

Community & Courses in case you haven't seen it yet, I have added several video's to my YouTube channel. The channel is a way for me to share my musings, different philosophies, and sessions. The latest is attached in this newsletter below.  I have put two Community Calls on the calendar. One is for the curious, the ...


I was cold… wearing three sweaters, still cold from the inside… so I made myself some soup with a bit of ginger and curry to help my body get warm and spread the warmth. Yay


OMG Loesje made some changes, she is coming to the Netherlands in May


Haven’t done the course but read parts of the book and have gotten sessions from people who have done the course. I’d say: do it 🥰

Chan'Talk Chan'Talk biedt BodyTalk sessies ter ondersteuning van uw gezondheid en organizeert de BodyTalk en B


A little update

Hello You, oeps with correct image now 30/01/2024

Check out my latest newsletter, some amazing Journey’s in 2024

Hello You, oeps with correct image now January is almost over, yet it feels like the year is only now beginning. The past two months have been intense, with shifts and changes for loved ones around me as well as deep personal revelations. Receiving ongoing support, having the tools to use on a daily basis makes all the difference. To nam...


Excellent self-care

Ti voglio fare un dono, prima di addormentarti, o domani mattina, fatti questo auto trattamento, vedrai ti sentirai meglio subito.

Occupiamoci di MTC (medicina tradizionale cinese) Meridiani e agopuntora, in questo caso stiamo parlando del punto ST36.

Conosci il punto della LONGEVITÀ, chiamato

Si trova a quattro dita sotto le ginocchia, dal lato esterno della tibia. Massaggialo dolcemente per circa 10 minuti tutti i giorni.


Nella medicina bioenergetica cinese, il punto 36 dello stomaco (ST36), noto anche come Zusanli, è il punto più famoso di tutti.

Questo punto è fonte importante di energia (Qi) e di sangue (Xue). L'energia e il sangue le tonifica. Con questo punto, secondo la tradizione cinese, si possono trattare quasi tutte le malattie. Rafforza l'organismo, regola ed equilibra la meccanica dell'energia e soprattutto, ci permette di avere lunga vita.

in Cina lo chiamano il punto della longevità" e in Giappone il punto delle 100 malattie.

Se vogliamo preservare e mantenere la salute dobbiamo moxare (riscaldare o applicare moxa) abitualmente lo Zusanli, soprattutto se abbiamo già superato i 30 anni.

Per rintracciarlo si fa come si indica nella figura. È localizzato quattro traverse di dita del ginocchio verso il bordo esterno della tibia.

Proprio nella capacità che ha questo punto di tonificare energia e sangue, c'è la base per essere utilizzata in molteplici sofferenze, tra i quali elenchiamo i seguenti:

- Regola il sistema immunitario. - Quando c'è deficit di leucociti, è dimostrato che aumenta il numero di queste cellule che coordinano la risposta immunitaria cellulare.

-Aumenta anche la produzione di immunoglobulina, che è un anticorpo che agisce in casi di allergie o parassiti. Quindi, se vuoi aumentare le tue difese, ti consiglio di moxare questo punto.

- Regola il sistema endocrino.

- Attiva tutto il sistema ormonale
stimolando l'ipotalamo. In particolare agisce sulle ghiandole surrenali, che sono il difensore più potente della salute umana con adrenalina, idrocortisone e altri ormoni fondamentali nel nostro flusso sanguigno.

- Trattamenti psichiatrici e neurologici. -Aumentando il flusso di sangue al cervello, Zusanli è raccomandato per i problemi mentali e cerebrali, come depressione, manie, insonnia e apoplessia o ictus.

Oltre a tutto ciò che precede, Zusanli:

- Controlla il funzionamento degli organi che si trovano nella parte inferiore del corpo

- Controlla il funzionamento dei punti della spina dorsale che a loro volta sono i responsabili del corretto funzionamento del tratto digerente, tratto intestinale e organi genitali.

- Normalizza la pressione

- Normalizza il glucosio, l'insulina

- Elimina i processi infiammatori nell'organismo.

- Migliorare il sistema digestivo.

- Cura malattie del tratto gastrointestinale.

- Migliora la salute del cuore.

Autumn is here 07/10/2023
My recent newsletter, join the Reiki Community Call on Monday

Autumn is here On Monday you can connect with like-minded people during the Reiki Community Call. My goal is to have the community meet every first Monday of the month. Oops upcoming Monday is the second Monday ;-) This month it is open to everyone! Even if you haven't done Reiki in the past, if you don't know...


Recent testimonial “Irma has been helping me to grow spiritually and to improve my mental and physical health. So when she offered the Holy Fire Reiki 1 course it was a no-brainer to participate.
Having the option to join online made it so much easier for me, without impacting the learning experience. The atmosphere was very intimate, safe and supportive. And Irma even arranged a friend to visit me and to practice my Reiki giving during the course.
Highly recommended!”

Next online Holy Fire Reiki 1 is on 23rd September 8 am- 3:30 pm eastern standard time zone
Contact me for details ✨💖


Teaching Reiki 1 online on September 23rd
A tool for life ✨💖
You will receive an extensive manual, with detailed explanations of ways to give Reiki treatments, the official hand positions, different Reiki Master techniques. You will be guided through an Experience and receive the Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 1 Placement.

September 23rd, 2:00-9:30 PM CEST (8:00 AM - 3:30 PM EDT)
Costs are € 245,-
Bonus: 2 months participation in the Reiki Community Calls for free, this will serve as your integration into the material and experiences of using Reiki.

For more information or questions, please ask.

Presentation about BodyTalk and the Fundamentals Course with Eugenie Steenhuis & Charlotte Nielsen. 28/08/2023

Great explanation and introduction to some of the concepts of BodyTalk and how it could serve you

Presentation about BodyTalk and the Fundamentals Course with Eugenie Steenhuis & Charlotte Nielsen. The BodyTalk System is a Whole-Person Mind-Body-Spirit Healthcare System. We talk about how it has changed our lives, some of the underlying core concepts an...


Hmmmm…Remember the new Facebook rule (aka... new name META) where they can use your pics. Dont forget the deadline is today!!! I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or publications, past and future.
With this statement, I notify Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The violation of privacy can be punished by law
You can copy and paste this version if you prefer. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in your profile and status updates.
DO NOT SHARE. Copy And Paste.
Here's how to proceed:
Hold your finger anywhere in this message and "copy" will appear. Click on "Copy". Then go to your page, create a new post and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. 'Paste' will pop up and click Paste.
This will bypass the system....
He who does nothing agrees apparently.


Linking Awareness is a deep journey into the experience of heart-brain integration and non-verbal communication.
Learn to listen to and communicate with aspects of the animal kingdom, your self, your body, clients, nonverbal children, nonverbal adults and more.
Remember how to listen from your sacred heart space with your intuitive and imaginative subtle senses (hearing, vision, taste, smell, and feeling – empathic and subtle touch).
Receive a gift of energy activation to the “Blue Sirian Energy”.

Practitioners of other modalities will learn to apply concepts from this journey and integrate them into their work.
When applied, the concepts in this experiential journey may have a significant impact on your own health and wellbeing, as well as that of the animal kingdom, your family, clients and more.

Photos from Irma de Jong's post 07/02/2023

Had an amazing creative afternoon with friend and colleague Christine Wagner brainstorming new avenues for my business. More info soon to come 💚


An incredible Journey with Loesje Jacob this April 26-30 in Germany, near Swiss border. DM me for details...

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijf in Leiden wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

The most simplest tool is breathing, 4 seconds in 7 seconds out. It calms your nervous system and allows you to hear the...
11:11 Mastery of Self
Portal 10/10 2022 -- Reiki clearing and cleansing on all levels. Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage for the upper bod...
The Sun is Changing!
Growing into a New Frequency”



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