Concord Neonatal

We exist to help babies to win in the first minutes of life, especially those who need extra support. Let's get birth right!

The realization of the Concord Birth Flow is the first step, allowing cord clamping at a time when the baby is fully stable.


In last weeks' inspiring , Prof. Dr. Smets and Dr. De Coen from UZ Gent, presented three cases, focusing on creating physical and emotional closeness between baby and mom.

Interested in watching the recording? Please visit:


When a preterm is born and is in need of neonatal care, the parents are usually separated from their baby. This separation can lead to parents feeling disconnected.

During our next Prof. Dr. Smets and Dr. De Coen from the University Hospital of Ghent will share their experience how they have created physical and emotional closeness between an infant and parents, during the workflow.

Join our conversation next week, on Tuesday 16 April at 3pm CET:

Welcoming the first hospital in the United Kingdom to our Concord Community 02/04/2024

Welcoming the first hospital in the United Kingdom to our Concord Community!

Whittington Health NHS Trust is the first hospital in the UK to have implemented the Concord Birth Flow and Trolley.

Hospitals in the UK were among the first in the world to adopt and implement new methods to stabilize newborns with an intact umbilical cord. Whittington Health is the first hospital in the UK to take in preterm babies to the next level with the implementation of the and . This approach allows the birthing and resuscitation team at the hospital to stabilize the baby with an intact cord, until the baby’s transition is completed physiologically.

Dr. Wynne Leith, Consultant Neonatologist and Dr. Chandrima Biswas, Consultant Obstetrician at Whittington Health comment: “We are excited to implement the Concord Birth Trolley, which will help us to provide for the majority of our preterm babies for as long as possible - this also includes caesarean births.”

Welcoming the first hospital in the United Kingdom to our Concord Community < Back to News & EventsShare this article on:Welcoming the first hospital in the United Kingdom to our Concord Community2 April, 2024April 2024 – Whittington Health NHS Trust is the first hospital in the UK to have implemented the Concord Birth Flow and Trolley. Following more than 60 hospitals in...


Today and tomorrow Concord Neonatal will be present at the 15th Dresden Symposium on Delivery Room Management. Organized by the first Concord Community member Prof. Dr. Mario Rüdiger and his team.

Meet Rianne Rotink and Alex Vernooij at our booth. Where we will demonstrate the and share knowledge and experiences from 62 Concord Community members on the .

Curious? Come and visit us!

Photos from Concord Neonatal's post 12/03/2024

Concord Neonatal 2024 Exhibit lineup!

Where to meet us this year?

We are exited to annouce the following events where we will demonstrate the and share our experience with the

Will we meet you at any of these events?
Let us know in the comments below!


We are delighted that the Uniklinik Köln has joined the Concord Community as of December 2023. We warmly congratulate the team in Cologne, led by Dr. Angela Kribs, with this new development.
The Uniklinik Köln is the 61st hospital to implement the Concord Birth Flow & Trolley.


Wir sind sehr erfreut, dass die Uniklinik Köln ab Dezember 2023 Mitglied der Concord Community ist. Wir gratulieren dem Team in Köln, unter der Leitung von Dr. Angela Kribs, herzlich mit dieser neuen Entwicklung.
Die Uniklinik Köln ist das 61. Krankenhaus, das den Concord Birth Flow & Trolley einführt.


Impressed by the work that has been done by the University Hospital Vienna in the past year, and great to learn from their experience in implementing the .

Interested to learn more? Watch the recording of this week's by Dr. Katrin Klebermaß-Schrehof. You can access the recording here:


The journey continues in 2024 and we look forward to the first talk of this year.

Dr. Katrin Klebermaß-Schrehof from the University Hospital Vienna will be sharing the experience of her and her team, in performing the Concord Birth Flow.
Join our conversation next week, on Tuesday 6 February at 3.00pm CET:

Unsere -Reise geht auch im Jahr 2024 weiter. Wir freuen uns auf den ersten Vortrag.

Dr. Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof von der Universitätsklinikum AkhWien wird über die Erfahrungen von ihr und ihrem Team bei der Implementierung des Concord Birth Flow berichten.
Nehmen Sie teil an unserem Dialog am Dienstag, den 6. Februar um 15.00 Uhr:


Congratulations to Ortenau Klinikum with the implementation of the .

"Until now, the intensive medical treatment of premature babies at birth meant that the parents and the child had to be cared for separately from each other," explains Professor Dr. Patrick Gerner, Chief Physician at the Ortenau Children's Hospital. "For the parents, these are always anxious minutes that don't seem to want to end," adds Dr. Andreas Brandt. The Concord Birth Flow now makes it possible to stabilize the child with the umbilical cord in tact.

Welcome and thank you for joining our .

Link to hospital articles (in German) in the comments.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch an das Ortenau Klinikum in Offenburg-Kehl zur Einführung des .

"Die intensivmedizinische Behandlung von Frühgeborenen bei der Geburt führte bisher dazu, dass die Eltern und das Kind zunächst getrennt voneinander versorgt werden mussten“, erläutert Professor Dr. Patrick Gerner, Chefarzt der Kinderklinik Ortenau.
"Für die Eltern sind das immer bange Minuten, die scheinbar nicht enden wollen“, ergänzt Dr. Andreas Brandt.
"Der Concord Birth Trolley bringt einen großen Vorteil, denn die Eltern können ihr Kind währenddessen sehen, hören und oft sogar berühren“

Vielen Dank und Wilkommen in der .

Link zu den Krankenhausartikel in den Kommentaren.


Congratulations to St. Vincenz-Kliniken in Paderborn with the implementation of the .

"Although we perform many high-risk births, we highly value natural birth and strengthening the parent-child bond as early as possible. At the same time, the possibility to delay cord clamping minimizes complications in newborns," says Christine Schmücker, senior consultant in obstetrics.

Welcome and thank you for joining our .

Link to the hospital article (in German) in the comments


Herzlichen Glückwunsch an das St. Vincenz-Kliniken Salzkotten+Paderborn in Paderborn zur Einführung des .

"Obwohl wir viele Risikogeburten betreuen, legen wir sehr viel Wert auf die natürliche Geburt und darauf, die Eltern-Kind-Bindung so früh wie möglich zu stärken. Gleichzeitig minimieren sich durch das spätere Abnabeln häufige Komplikationen bei den Neugeborenen“, so Christine Schmücker, leitende Oberärztin in der Geburtshilfe.

Vielen Dank und Wilkommen in der .

Link zu den Krankenhausartikel in den Kommentaren.


Elsa (from Disney’s Frozen) is not the only one letting it flow!

Thanks to the Concord Birth Trolley, all babies can stay safely attached to mom, with the cord intact, and:

Let it flow, let if flow!

We wish everyone a happy holiday and a smooth flow into the new year.

Discover the magic for yourself. Simply comment ‘flow’ and we’ll notify you when the study results are published.


Another inspiring Concord Talk was provided by Prof. Stuart Hooper today, to talk about what iCOMP confirmed: Waiting with cord clamping saves preterm infants' lives.

Prof. Hooper shared more detail and context around the results of the impactful studies that were recently published in the Lancet.

Register here to receive the link to the recording:


“The name is bond. Eternal bond.”

We all wait for that classic moment in every Bond film when 007 introduces himself.

Thanks to the Concord Birth Flow, newborns can be equally cool (while being kept warm) when they introduce themselves to the world. Safe and close to mom, the Concord Birth Trolley allows a newborn to be as connected to mom as James is to M.

What’s more exciting than the newest gadgets from Q?
The latest independent findings on physiological-based cord clamping. Simply comment ‘bond’ below and we’ll brief you when they’re published.



The Concord Talk by Prof. Stuart Hooper has been rescheduled to next week:

New date: Tuesday 19 December 2023
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 CET

If you haven't already signed up then go to:


“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”

Dirty Dancing was a great movie.

Put Concord on your dance card and we’ll guarantee you there won’t be a dry eye in the (birthing) theatre.

A happily ever after, every time.

Like something to dance about? The independent study results will soon be published.
Simply comment ‘dance’ below and we’ll notify you when.


“Here’s looking out for you kid.”

Casablanca has stood the test of time.

Other things, not so much. Like cutting the umbilical right away causing a ‘shock’ to the baby. That’s why there’s the Concord Birth Flow – enabling neonatal specialists to take care of a newborn, still safely and securely connected to mom.

Here’s looking out for you kid.

And here’s looking at… the independent study results.
Simply comment ‘kid’ below and we’ll send you them when they are published.


We are honored to welcome back our first speaker: Professor Stuart Hooper.

Prof. Hooper will join us now that the has confirmed, that waiting with cord clamping saves preterm infants' lives. As one of the key experts, he will present the results of their study, which was recently published in . There will be time for discussion and sharing thoughts with colleagues worldwide.

Join our conversation on Tuesday 12 December at 10.00 CET.
Sign up here:

For more information on the published study go to:


“Houston, we solved the problem.”

Apollo 13 was a great movie about a monumental moment in history.

The Concord Birth Flow doesn’t promise space travel, but it does promise newborns the safest launch into life, reassuringly connected to mom.

Now that’s truly epic.

Want something else that’s out of this world? The independent study results will soon be published. Simply comment ‘countdown’ and we’ll notify you.


Rems Murr Kliniken received the 50th earlier this year.

"The child stays close to it's mother, which is psychologically important and strengthens their bond. And we can also start the necessary treatment immediately.” says senior physician Dr. Janaina Rauch.

This project was made possible by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation.

Links to full articles in comments.


Congratulations to Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oberhausen with the implementation of the .

"This is the neonatology of the future" according to Dr. Hassan Issa, chief medical officer of the Clinic for children and adolescents.

Thank you for joining our and welcome!

Link to hospital article (in German) in the comments.

Wir gratulieren dem Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oberhausen zur Einführung des .

"Das ist die Neonatologie der Zukunft" laut Dr. Hassan Issa, Chefarzt der Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich unserer anschließen und herzlich willkommen!

Link zum Krankenhausartikel in den Kommentaren.


It was great meeting you at the congress in Rome. A huge thank you to everyone for visiting our booth and showing interest in the and . We appreciated hearing your thoughts on and it was great for us to hear your experience and knowledge.

We look forward to meeting and talking to you again soon.

Tuesday, Sept. 19 - jENS CONGRESS 2023 08/09/2023

We are proud to support the pre-congress course on on Tuesday 19 Sept.

Sign-up for a hands-on workshop with the and get the latest knowledge from key experts.

Tuesday, Sept. 19 - jENS CONGRESS 2023 Coordinators: Tomasz Szczapa, Poland: Camila Gizzi, Italy; Snorri Donaldsson, Iceland; Michael Wagner, Austria; Janneke Dekker, the Netherlands


Less than 2 weeks until the start of in Rome.

Come and meet us at booth #33 where we will demonstrate the and share our expertise on the .

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Link to website in the comments.


As one of a few perinatal center’s in Germany, the Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie has been using the in the delivery room for some time now.

"Being able to care for very small babies with the intact is a revolutionary step," explains neonatologist and senior physician Dr Edmondo Hammond.

This was made possible by the generous donation of the Ossig Foundation to the fundraising association of the children's hospital “Förderverein Kinderklinik e.V.”

You can read the entire article here (in German):

🏥 Versorgungssicherheit wird bei uns großgeschrieben. Das gilt insbesondere für unsere ganz kleinen Patienten. Die Mehrzahl der Geburten verläuft ohne Komplikationen. Doch es gibt auch Risiko- und Frühgeburten. Dafür hat das Diakonie Krankenhaus ein Perinatalzentrum der höchsten Versorgungsstufe. Seit wenigen Wochen gibt es in Bad Kreuznach eine weitere Besonderheit: einen Geburtstisch, der unseren Kleinsten das sanfte Ankommen im Leben erleichtert.

👶 In diesem Concord Birth Trolley (con cord = mit Nabelschnur) sind alle Geräte verbaut, die für die intensivmedizinische Unterstützung benötigt werden. Dieser wird über dem Bauch der Mutter platziert und ermöglicht dem Team aus Geburtshelfern und Neonatologen, Mutter und Kind zu untersuchen und zu behandeln, während beide noch über die Nabelschnur verbunden sind.

👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ Bei einer normalen Geburt wird die Nabelschnur erst dann durchtrennt, wenn das Baby die ersten Atemzüge gemacht hat. Bei Frühgeborenen unter 1.500 Gramm müssen die Ärztinnen und Ärzte oft schneller reagieren, um die Kinder bei der Anpassung zu unterstützen und zu überwachen. Dank neuer Technik ist die frühe Abnabelung nun nicht mehr nötig.

❤️ Der große Vorteil ist auch, dass das Frühgeborene in den ersten Minuten in unmittelbarer Nähe der Mutter bleibt. Sobald das Kind die ersten Atemzüge gemacht hat und stabil ist, wird die Nabelschnur durchtrennt. „Die zusätzlichen fünf bis sieben Minuten schenken dem kindlichen Kreislauf die Zeit, sich an das neue Leben außerhalb des Mutterleibs anzupassen“, erklärt Oberarzt Dr. Edmondo Hammond. Und die Eltern können ihr Kind während der Erstversorgung sehen, hören und auch berühren, bevor es zur weiteren Behandlung auf die Kinderintensivstation gebracht wird.

👏👏👏 Unser großer Dank geht an Dr. Karl Ossig und den Förderverein Kinderklinik, die mit ihrem Netzwerk und ihren Spenden immer wieder innovative Angebote schaffen, die direkt unseren kleinen Patienten und ihren Eltern zugutekommen.

Photos from Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel - EVKB's post 02/08/2023

Wir sind stolz, diese wunderbare Nachricht zu lesen von unserem Mitglied, Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel (EvKB):

„Eltern gibt die Versorgung vor Ort ein besseres Sicherheitsgefühl, das Neugeborene bleibt in direkter Nähe zur Mutter. Neben der Versorgung durch die nur können sie ihr Baby sehen, anfassen und den Moment nach der gemeinsam erleben“, betonen Dr. Heinzel und Prof. Dr. Banz-Jansen.

Photos from Grand Hôpital de Charleroi's post 01/08/2023

Congratulations to Grand Hôpital de Charleroi with the implementation of the Concord Birth Flow as the first hospital in Wallonia, Belgium!

Also a big thank you to Gwenn Fauconnier for performing this implementation training last May.


Deze week kijken we uit naar het 'Neo aan de Kust' congres in Schoorl, Noord Holland.

Bjorn Valentijn zal komende vrijdagmiddag 30 juni een workshop geven tijdens het onderdeel: New Technologies in Neonatal Resuscitation.
Bereid je voor op een interactieve sessie!

Kijk voor meer informatie over het congres op:
Voor info over Concord Neonatal stuur een bericht naar: [email protected]

Wilt u dat uw praktijk hét hoogst genoteerde Kliniek in Leiden wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

In last weeks' inspiring #Concordtalk, Prof. Dr. Smets and Dr. De Coen from UZ Gent, presented three #ConcordBirthFlow c...
Impressed by the work that has been done by the University Hospital Vienna in the past year, and great to learn from the...
Elsa (from Disney’s Frozen) is not the only one letting it flow! Thanks to the Concord Birth Trolley, all babies can sta...
Another inspiring Concord Talk was provided by Prof. Stuart Hooper today, to talk about what iCOMP confirmed: Waiting wi...
“The name is bond. Eternal bond.”We all wait for that classic moment in every Bond film when 007 introduces himself. Tha...
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”Dirty Dancing was a great movie. Put Concord on your dance card and we’ll guarantee you t...
“Here’s looking out for you kid.”Casablanca has stood the test of time.  Other things, not so much. Like cutting the umb...
“Houston, we solved the problem.”Apollo 13 was a great movie about a monumental moment in history. The Concord Birth Flo...
Register and watch our most recent inspiring #ConcordTalk by Dr. med. Anja Stein on #PBCC indications and contraindicati...
Our 20th #ConcordTalk last Tuesday was an impressive and inspiring talk by Dr. Florian Kipfmüller from Uk Bonn in German...
Last Tuesday we hosted another inspiring #ConcordTalk. From the studio at the St. Antonius Ziekenhuis we were joined by ...
Watch our previous #Concordtalk by Dr. Aniko Deierl from Imperial College Healthcare London: Zero separation - Implement...




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