Biomedical Imaging LUMC

Biomedical Imaging allows to study health and disease on the scales “from molecule to man”.

The LUMC research profile Biomedical Imaging has the ambition to foster and sustain the synergy between the various Biomedical Imaging research groups in strong, coherent and competitive research programs. In addition it aims to provide supportive methodology and technology to other research profiles of the LUMC, e.g. Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy, Translational Neurosciences, Immunity Infectious Diseases and Tolerance, Vascular and Regenerative Medicine and Ageing.

Timeline photos 07/04/2016

Are you a student Biomedical Science or Medicine? And would you like to gain more information about (bio)medical imaging? Then the half-minor BioMedical Imaging might be interesting for you!

Are you a student at the LUMC? And are you interested in what we do at the department of Radiology? Sign up for the half-minor BioMedical Imaging that will be organised for the third time this year! Looking forward seeing you!

Timeline photos 04/01/2016

Vanuit de afdeling Radiologie wensen wij u allen een stralend 2016!

Voor de collega's: Graag heffen we morgen met u het glas tijdens de nieuwjaarsreceptie bij het Paleijs.

Timeline photos 04/12/2015

On Monday December 14th the profile area Biomedical Imaging organises a brainstorm meeting on the role of iron in neurodegeneration and the imaging techniques to visualise iron in humans and experimental models. Prof. Roberta Ward of Imperial College London will give a keynote lecture on the biological consequences of changes in iron biomineralisation in disease. The brainstorm meeting is open to all interested researchers, technicians, students, and clinicians, and is specifically intended to inspire existing collaborations and explore new ones. Please sign up with Anna-Carien van der Plas ([email protected]) before Thursday December 10th.

Begin forwarded message:

Timeline photos 13/11/2015

Successful opening of the MITeC @ Radboudumc with "our" Gijs (PhD student of the department of Radiology) giving a demo in fluorescence guided surgery to queen Maxima.

Vandaag opende Hare Majesteit Koningin Máxima onze 3 innovatieve operatiekamers. Met deze nieuwe OK’s komen opereren, 3D röntgengrafie en MRI samen. De opening werd voorafgegaan door een innovatiebazaar met oa de robots van de toekomst. Vervolgens werd Koningin Maxima rondgeleid op de nieuwe OK's waarna zij deze officieel opende.

Photos from Image Guided Surgery's post 13/11/2015
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