MARENTHE®: illustration, design, typography and such MARENTHE® is the fruit of labour.

Dedication and commitment to quality expressed by the finest artisan craftmanship: art & illustration



No words today.



Client red flags 🚩

🚩 Red Flag 1: “I love your work. Can you whip something up for us?"

This isn’t a proper project brief or serious inquiry. Seek clarity: What exactly does the client desire? If it stays nebulous, don’t sink your precious time into the abyss of vagueness.

🚩 Red Flag 2: "We don’t do contracts. Trust is our policy."

Cue the eye-roll, but keep it professional. Respect yourself; don’t sail without the safety net of a contract. This isn’t amateur hour, it’s your livelihood.

🚩 Red Flag 3: The elephant in the room named pricing.

Ah, that awkward dance around costs. Ensure pricing is crystal-clear BEFORE the project wheels start turning. It's not a taboo, it's the backbone of professional exchange.

🚩 Red Flag 4: No clear briefing.

Persist, clarify, and solidify. Bombard them with questions if needed, even if it teeters on feeling obnoxious. If clarity remains elusive: cut ties, exit stage left.

Some earnest advice:

When deciding to decline a project (aka graciously stepping back), be upfront with your client regarding your reasons. You don’t owe a justification or need to mount a defense. However, you are entirely allowed, nay, encouraged (!), to stand firm, embracing your worth and taking your service SERIOUSLY.

Here's to championing not only our creativity but also our professional worth.




Times, they are changing at warp speed.

We’re in the thick of letting go.

Scary… Because, what’s hustling down the tracks to replace the old?

It’s a nail-biter because, when and how does this metamorphosis conclude?

And what about the future trajectory of our profession?

But hold on a tick.

Isn’t this where creatives step into the limelight? 🍋💡

Because, darlings, we’re pros at viewing things with a fresh pair of peepers. 👀

Navigating through change.

Molding it a new face.

Sprinkling it with hope.

We’re old hands at every day being its own unique tapestry.
This flux switches us “on.”


It's high time we snug into our rightful spot.
Shrug off our dependencies.
Show that there are opportunities, gleaming potentials, instead of looming storm clouds.

Our sole to-do?

🎯 Spill our truths.

💘 Share our visions.

⛅️ No holding back.

Because, sweetheart, no soul is drumming their fingers waiting for that.



👗 .apfel for



The other week, I stumbled upon a lady's words, her voice echoing with slight concern. "With every image on social media, I wonder: is it real or is it AI?" she mused. "Stay true to your OWN muse!" she urged.

Now, when I read such things, my mind starts racing.

Why, you ask?

Well, let's dive into that. And no, this isn't a rally cry for AI.

Here's my two cents:

1. AI's been around. For decades, actually. Your phone, those photo filters, your trusty search engine, even the letters dancing under your fingertips. It's all had a digital touch. Even Madonna isn’t “real” anymore.

2. Remember the gasps when tools like Illustrator, Photoshop, or the digital camera burst onto the scene? Same with the GPS. There were cries: "Oh, how frightful! Tradition is doomed!”

3. Trends, my friend, they ebb and flow. AI's here, sure. Everyone's jumping on the bandwagon now, but give it time, and it might lose its sheen. NOTHING can compete with what you create by hand. And it doesn't have to! AI and handmade art are two COMPLETELY different things.

4. Take this as a cue. How can you, yes YOU, infuse more authenticity into your creations? Standing out has never been this straightforward.

5. Me? I view AI as a sandbox of fun. It expands my horizons. I'm on the lookout for how I can meld AI's quirkiness with my own brushstrokes. I approach it with a sense of wonder, not through the blinkers of disdain. That kind of tunnel vision doesn't propel anyone forward.

Now, about that muse talk.

You don't have a muse; you ARE the muse. The muse for your every creation.

Digital? Fine by me. Handmade? Equally wonderful. Even if you fancy spreading peanut butter on your canvas – by all means, go ahead.

Just keep feeding that inner flame of yours. THAT is magnetically irresistible.

PS: This is Grace Jones. She's my muse. A trailblazer. Never shying away from taking risks. Always embracing the new. I adore that spirit.

No hashtags today. I’m lazy AF.



Happy birthday my beautiful Lila ❤️

Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 26/09/2023

Pleasing isn't love.

It's fear of rejection.

Stop chasing likes, nods of approval, and validation.

Start winning your own heart.

Want a real following?
Be true to you. ❤️

At first, some will bail. They craved the "usual you." But real talk: Your true fans? They'll stick around. They'll groove to the real beats.

So, light your own path. Shine for others, but don't burn out in the process.

Be genuine. It's a magnet for the genuine crowd. 🎵 💡 🔆

❤️ M


Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 24/09/2023

One of the most notorious art thefts in history occurred during the summer of 1911.

The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, the Mona Lisa, hung on just four iron hooks in the Louvre in Paris when it was stolen in broad daylight.

The culprit was the Italian immigrant and Louvre employee, Vincenzo Peruggia. He had hidden himself with the painting in a broom closet and then casually walked out with Mona concealed under his coat.

He kept Mona in a wooden trunk under his bed, which meant the painting was barely a kilometer away from the Louvre.

Two years later, the thief was caught when he attempted to sell Mona to an antique dealer in Florence.

Vincenzo Peruggia believed that the painting should be returned to Italy. He saw it as a national treasure that had been wrongfully taken by France when it was in the possession of Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian artist.


Do you love stories and inspiring artists?

Then, I've got important news:

>>> If you find yourself craving more stories, art, inspiration and a supportive art community, then it might be time for Artists in Wonderland.

There's a divine offer waiting for you (available until midnight).

My course about PARIS starts tomorrow. Included in Artists in Wonderland.

Will you join me?

Have a beautiful Sunday,

Link to Artists in Wonderland English:

Link to Artists Wonderland, Dutch:



My family and I carry the weight of much trauma.

I penned a book about it (though not solely focused on this, it's equally infused with personal stories of joy, creativity, and dances of delight 💃).

The book isn't out yet for several reasons.

1. I'm petrified. Why bare my soul and my deepest, most personal trials to the world?

2. An internal voice keeps questioning me: "Who do you think you are, assuming you can be a writer? Calm down lady. Calm down.

3. I'm caught between finding a traditional publisher or self-publishing.

In other words, I'm procrastinating. BIG TIME.


Over the past few months, I sense I'm on the path to mending the lingering cracks in my heart. I haven't created much, but I've written extensively. I feel a resurgence of my old self, and it's a heartening sensation.

I've been meeting incredible humans. Folks who genuinely comprehend the myriad facets of a creative soul. Joyous beings with unique perspectives on life.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting the partner of a renowned Dutch writer who passed away some years back. He shared the touching tale of her journey into writing. It fortified my resolve.

My main point:

We must never relinquish our true desires. Consistently nurture our innermost essence. We’re worthy of such care.

Maintain faith in what's achievable, because it truly is. Perhaps not instantaneously. At times, we need to tread a quieter path, to rediscover what we initially sought.

My book will see the light of day; I'm committed to ensuring that. 🔥❣️🥂

Thank you, my peeps, for accompanying me on this occasionally turbulent yet passionately beloved artistic journey.


P.S.: This AI image signifies how heart's mending can shape one's art. Each personal healing touches the world, the people around us, and our artistic expressions. We're granted the right to heal. It's not a daunting task, and the wonders behind such a journey are genuinely awe-inspiring.




This Sunday, September 24th, catch me at .horaz in The Hague from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

❣️ To answer all your burning questions about AI and art.

❣️ To chit-chat and mingle.

❣️ To give you a tour of my exhibition, which is up for just another week and a half.

No need to RSVP.

Location: Horaz, Anna Paulownastraat 11, The Hague

For anyone free and interested this Sunday: Can't wait to meet you!



Buckle up my friends, because it's my birthday, and I'm in a generous mood!!! 🎁 🎁 🎁

Ok. Listen closely because this is BIG.

You see, here in the Netherlands it's Prince's Day (aka Budget Day). It's the day when the king gets chauffeured around in a gold-plated carriage through The Hague (which, by the way, is just around the corner from my studio), delivering the Speech from the Throne to officially kick off the parliamentary year.

Now, I must confess, I'm not a die-hard royal family enthusiast. But you know what? I'm using this royal occasion to treat you to something truly spectacular!

This morning I gave the price of my delectable Gold Membership A MASSIVE HAIRCUT.

Today, my friends, is your golden opportunity to STOP the hesitation and GRAB HOLD of that creative dream you've been longing for. 🥳 🥳 🥳

The link to snag this incredible offer is right there in my bio.

One important thing to note: this one-off offer expires at the stroke of midnight CEST, right between September 24th and September 25th. Spots are limited.

M♥️ 🥳 🎁


Grab your art supplies because this Thursday, I will host an Instagram Live on my other account at 7 PM CEST Amsterdam (1 PM Eastern Time). Follow to receive a live notification and stay in the loop. It will last for one hour, and trust me, I have something exciting planned!



You know that deep, resonating feeling when everything clicks and you’re scared at the same time?

That realization that it’s time for a pivot, even if the path isn’t fully illuminated?

Well, I am wading in that zone.

Since my European travels, a quiet voice has been urging a change. Like an itch you can't quite reach. It wasn't loud but insistent. And ignoring? Not an option.

Over a morning chat, it all spilled out to a friend: "I need a change in my creative life and my business direction."

It's like standing at the cliff's edge, both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Her response? A straightforward, “Then jump.”

Funny how sometimes, it takes another voice to amplify our own thoughts.

Decision made.

And let me tell you, that wait felt like a lifetime.

Artists have this incredible ability to disrupt, challenge, and inspire. That’s my calling. How I’ll navigate? Well, that's the exciting bit.

I’ve got one more standalone course up my sleeve (Paris!). After that, my full energy will flow into “Artists in Wonderland”, my cherished membership.

(There's also a hint of "12 Holy Nights" in December).

And just to clarify, mentoring remains a pivotal part of my work; my focus will now shift to a select group, honing in on quality over quantity.

For updates, keep my newsletter and IG on your radar. Big news is brewing!

Next steps?

Harnessing the raw potential of my creativity. The sheer relief of this clarity? Indescribable.

Stay with me on this journey. More to share soon.



Those little voices in your head, they never take a day off.

The fear of external criticism hovers like a hawk, waiting to swoop down the moment you doubt your work.

Picture an artist as Swiss cheese. Those holes are like open windows where critiques breeze in, ready to mess up your neatly arranged confidence, much like a cheeky kid scattering his toy blocks.

Being like Swiss cheese, open and vulnerable, is the artist's nature. But shielding yourself from critique, whether it creeps out from within or attacks from outside, boils down to one thing:

Daily, deepen your belief in your craft and capabilities.

Cultivate an unwavering trust in your talent, and slowly, criticism melts away like snow under the sun. And suddenly, you realize that most of that critique was merely your own reflection, your view of yourself.

That darn mirror, always reflecting! 💩😂



Artists thrive in the limelight – it's like oxygen to us. The adoration, the praise, it's the fuel that ignites our spirit.

However, with every spotlight comes a shadow.

To be seen means to be active, to share, to put ourselves out there.

And holy moly, that takes a lot of energy from sensitive souls like we are.

That energy we gain? It can be zapped just as quickly.

That's precisely why, for artists, there are moments when invisibility becomes our superpower. Moments to disconnect, to rejuvenate. It's not about a social media detox, it's more profound than that. It's about being invisible, to regain energy. To melt into the background, and simply be.

Every spotlight needs an off switch.

Remember to use yours.

Happy weekend 😘


Did I ever mention that I've been dabbling in Human Design?

I started years ago in the USA, and now I'm studying at the official institution in Europe.

A bit woo-woo? No way.
Life-changing? Definitely.

Let's get real here. This Insta account won't be flooded with mystical jargon. I'll share bits here and there because Human Design has become an integral part of my artistic journey. And trust me, it can help you make sense of your quirks and instincts.

So, what's the scoop on Human Design?

It's a mix of spiritual teachings (astrology, chakras, Kabbalah, and I-Ching) and science (quantum physics, biochemistry, genetics, astronomy).

No, it's not a new-age religion, or a trendy thing, but a system offering insights into your traits and challenges.

A roadmap to being your authentic self.

It's all too common to chase common goals. We want fame, travel, stunning clients, a carefree and creative life, cash on the side, parental perfection—the whole snore fest. But why follow the herd when you can forge your unique path?

Based on your birth details, Human Design can calculate your unique blueprint. It's been my tool for self-exploration, and it's as layered as art itself.

I've been experimenting with it for years and still learn something new every day!

Human Design. It's a tool that gives you insights, clears the mist, and makes your life a masterpiece rather than a poorly rendered stick figure.

So, what are you in this cosmic game? Experienced Human Design already? I'm all ears; let's chat! 😉


Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 12/08/2023

Yesterday, I embarked on a dinner adventure with friends. And let me tell you, it began like something straight out of a movie: I was whisked away in a 1938 Buick.

I kid you not.

We were dining al fresco, surrounded by lush green fields and swaying trees. The star of our soirée? A friend of my friend. None other than a well-known cabaret artist. He regaled us with tales of his ocean voyages, the glamorous movie stars he shared the stage with, the vibrant Berlin of the '70s, the quirks of our sometimes too-boring Netherlands, and his wild and wonderful life journey.

As the evening drew to a close, we nodded in agreement: mundane is not in our vocabulary, and beauty is our kind of currency.

It appears I'll need to add a few more chapters to my book, because this extraordinary evening must be documented. The stories of such inspiration and joy deserve their place among my pages. What a privilege it is to be surrounded by souls who spark creativity and happiness. A heartfelt thank you to my friend Berit for extending the invitation that set this adventure in motion.

PS: Regarding my book – stay tuned! The journey is unfolding a bit longer than I'd like (not easy for an impatient soul like me), but rest assured, I'll keep you in the loop when exciting updates roll in!


Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 11/08/2023


The ultimate boogeyman for us artists.

A subject that could fill a gallery of thoughts and musings.

Allow me to paint you a picture with words.

Money in the art world is a taboo, a forbidden dance, a whispered secret.

Charging for your art? People look at you like you're mixing classic oils with discount acrylics.

How much to charge?

What will people say if you dare to put a price tag on your soul's expressions?

You're no money-hungry lawyer, after all.

Shouldn't art be free, like the air we breathe?

These thoughts, these beliefs?

Utter and complete BS!

That's right, I said it. We've been told, conditioned, whispered sweet non-truths that asking for money is somehow unartistic and crude.

It's time to brush off those old, dusty thoughts.

Embrace the fact that your art has VALUE, your time is precious, and it's absolutely chic to ask for money for your art. Surround yourself with people who GET that money is normal. People who applaud the monetary side of art, not shrink from it like it's a poorly rendered stick figure.

In short, dear artists, feed your wallet well with the fruits of your creativity, and don't apologize for it.

Asking for money for your art isn't selling out – it's smart.

Ciao, darlings!

Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 10/08/2023

Artist reveals:

1. We feel fear. But that doesn't mean we'll bow down.

2. We are shy about money. Asking for it's tough, but yes, we expect to be paid.

3. We sometimes struggle with feeling unworthy. Yet we hunger for praise.

4. We find it exciting. But we've mastered the art of hiding it.

5. We smile at every client. But we'll take our time deciding if it's the right match.

6. We go silent with criticism. Sometimes it's just too personal.

7. We may seem uninterested in opinions. But your thoughts are our invisible ink.

8. We are empathic. A gift that adds layers to our creations but challenges our balance between selflessness and self-care.

9. We are artists, woven with complexity, and forever navigating the intricate dance between passion and vulnerability.


Your thoughts? 🚀


Time for Solo Talks!

1. Good morning, am I an artist?

What else? 🤓

2. Am I still an artist if I haven't made art during the last 2 months. Uhm 4 months?

Still an artist. Let's call it a creative sabbatical, shall we? 🥳

3. How does an artist behave?

They don't. 🧨

4. How can I think like an artist?

Wrong question.
BE an artist.
Also, maybe wear quirky socks or converse with a houseplant – it's all about personal style. 🎀

5. How can I stop questioning myself? It drives me crazy.

Calm down, stop questioning and start doing. Less talking, more bedazzling. Or crocheting. Or whatever art form sets your soul on fire. 🔥

🚀 If you are NOT willing to do nr. 5 there will be NEVER a nr 6. 🎁

6. Am I a successful artist?

What else? ☕️🎈💯

Now go hang that imaginary award on the wall, right next to your inner critic's resignation letter.

Any more questions? 🛎️☄️🔥

Thanks for reading!



Traveling. It's in my DNA.

Before I was forming full sentences, I was snoozing in a travel crib on a Swiss mountaintop, a Saint Bernard as a snuggle buddy.

My dad wasn't much of a travel enthusiast, but my mom had the wanderlust genes. She would take my brother and me on every adventure. She was a genuine daredevil. She could singlehandedly strap skis onto a car, fix snow chains onto tires and drive off to Austria with two teenagers singing in the backseat.

My journey didn't stop there. I've traveled a lot since then, with loved ones, family, friends, my kids. And yes, alone.

Traveling solo is a different experience.

Every experience becomes a personal moment between you and the universe, and your senses are amplified. You have to find security within yourself, and if you fall sick, you're the only one you can rely on. It's an exciting journey of self-reliance.

There's something empowering about knowing that you always have your own back. Understanding that wherever you are, you possess innate wisdom that will guide you. Trusting in the kindness of strangers and knowing that a bakery is always around the corner.

This journey (Venice, Vienna, Prague, Berlin) has been a long but remarkable one. I've absorbed everything, capturing my experiences in thousands of photos. This journey led to introspection. I gave up meat, reduced coffee (from 5 to 1 coffee a day), and societal pressures. I've found myself, grounded myself. I've embraced inner peace. I've realized that pushing myself to the limit isn't the way forward. It's about making decisions. Letting go. Understanding that enough is enough.

I wish for everyone to experience a moment of calmness. A time to take a step back, gain clarity, and align your heart and mind.

Traveling is not a prerequisite for this, but it helps. A lot. And I'm profoundly grateful for that.


Picture: at the biennale in Venice


Traveling. It's in my DNA.

Before I was forming full sentences, I was snoozing in a travel crib on a Swiss mountaintop, a Saint Bernard as a snuggle buddy.

My dad wasn't much of a travel enthusiast, but my mom had the wanderlust genes. She would take my brother and me on every adventure. She was a genuine daredevil. She could singlehandedly strap skis onto a car, fix snow chains onto tires and drive off to Austria with two teenagers singing in the backseat.

My journey didn't stop there. I've traveled a lot since then, with loved ones, family, friends, my kids. And yes, alone.

Traveling solo is a different experience.

Every experience becomes a personal moment between you and the universe, and your senses are amplified. You have to find security within yourself, and if you fall sick, you're the only one you can rely on. It's an exciting journey of self-reliance.

There's something empowering about knowing that you always have your own back. Understanding that wherever you are, you possess innate wisdom that will guide you. Trusting in the kindness of strangers and knowing that a bakery is always around the corner.

This journey (Venice, Vienna, Prague, Berlin) has been a long but remarkable one. I've absorbed everything, capturing my experiences in thousands of photos. This journey led to introspection. I gave up meat, reduced coffee (from 5 to 1 coffee a day), and societal pressures. I've found myself, grounded myself. I've embraced inner peace. I've realized that pushing myself to the limit isn't the way forward. It's about making decisions. Letting go. Understanding that enough is enough.

I wish for everyone to experience a moment of calmness. A time to take a step back, gain clarity, and align your heart and mind.

Traveling is not a prerequisite for this, but it helps. A lot. And I'm profoundly grateful for that.


Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 04/08/2023

The problem of an artist is not about a lack of ideas. Or an absence of dreams.

The real hurdle is mustering up an OCEAN of guts, persistence, and vulnerability to breathe life into these dreams.

And oh boy, we are petrified to thrust our ideas into the world.

What if they're met with rejection? Or even worse... deafening silence?
I know!
But here's the deal:

It's not about you.
It's not about your art.
It's not about your worth.
It's just the nature of the artist's life.
And you know what?
That's okay.

The successful artist is just as scared as the unsuccessful one. The difference? They don't let fear hold them back. They're not scared to fail. And they've got their priorities straight.



Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 04/08/2023

The problem of an artist is not about a lack of ideas. Or an absence of dreams.

The real hurdle is mustering up an OCEAN of guts, persistence, and vulnerability to breathe life into these dreams.

And oh boy, we are petrified to thrust our ideas into the world.

What if they're met with rejection? Or even worse... deafening silence?
I know!
But here's the deal:

It's not about you.
It's not about your art.
It's not about your worth.
It's just the nature of the artist's life.
And you know what?
That's okay.

The successful artist is just as scared as the unsuccessful one. The difference? They don't let fear hold them back. They're not scared to fail. And they've got their priorities straight.


Your thoughts?

Photos from MARENTHE®'s post 03/08/2023

If we don't start telling our story from the heart, if we don't have the audacity to embrace our own imperfections, we become stuck in an endless loop of dissatisfaction.

Now, it's time we let go of the constructed identity, the one we think we ought to uphold. Instead, let's delve into the authenticity of our beings.

If we aren't prepared to do this, we won't be able to establish a profound connection - not with ourselves, not with others.

This is a particularly big issue for many artists.

In our journey of self-expression, the fear of exposing our raw authenticity can be overwhelming.


Because it requires an immense amount of vulnerability.

In my humble opinion, if your work revolves around an intellectual profession, it's easier to shield your vulnerability. That's what we've been taught in school, right? To hide ourselves behind an armor of rational explanations and scientific clarifications. Underneath this armor, our vulnerability lies buried - deep, warm, and unseen.

But as artists, that kind of subterfuge just doesn't cut it. We speak from a place of feeling and emotion, and thus, vulnerability is not only necessary; it's an integral part of our creative process.

To establish genuine connections, we must show up, be seen. But that very act of exposure brings about a fear that's hard to ignore. We need to overcome this if we're to truly connect with others.

So why am I revealing all of this?

Because I've lived it, felt it, breathed it.

And why am I sharing it with you?
Because I believe it's time for us to collectively drop our facades. Artists are pioneers in this journey. We need to stop pretending and start being.
Don't just act like an artist.
BE the artist.
BE the change.


So here I am.

Riding the rails from Vienna to Prague.
Pecking away at my phone.
Not easy peasy, let me tell you 🤣

Traveling solo.

Love it. 🥰

But, also slightly uncomfortable.

One tiny suitcase for a month-long adventure.
Fingers crossed the train runs on time.
Praying your seat neighbor isn't reeking of garlic.

All you've got is yourself.

And your trusty pens and sketchpad.
Pretty basic, right?
A few colored pencils, a box of paint, and a journal.

And you know what?

It's pure magic.

My mind hits the mute button.
I've kissed my caffeine addiction goodbye.
I'm getting clarity.

Sure needed that.

I was in the grind.
Worked very hard.
Downing 5 cups of Joe a day.
Had palpitations.

Sometimes you're stuck in a loop.

The only way to break free is to, well, break free. Dump yourself into an uncomfortable situation. Go on a healthy stress hunt.

So you can start seeing anew.

I meet kind souls.
I witness so much beauty.
I can take a step back.

Sure, I was happy as a clam 4 weeks ago. But something was gnawing at my heart.

Now I get it.

It was the connection with myself.
The inner peace.
The confidence that everything's just as it should be.
Being comfortable in uncomfortably.


Any thoughts?
Dumb them below!

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Have a FABULOUS day!



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The Hague


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Dinsdag 09:00 - 17:00
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