Doula Juliana

Providing non judgmental, continuous emotional, physical and informational support to families during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

43 Photos That Show The Incredible Strength It Takes To Give Birth 02/09/2016

" 43 talented birth photographers share moments they’ve captured that show the truly awesome strength of women in childbirth."

43 Photos That Show The Incredible Strength It Takes To Give Birth Birth is beautiful, no matter how a child enters the world.

Timeline photos 09/06/2016

Virginia Apgar, the pioneering anesthesiologist and inventor of the Apgar score for measuring the health of newborn babies, was born on this day in 1909. The Apgar score, which is now used in many countries around the world, helps doctors quickly assess the health of newborns to determine if they need medical intervention. Apgar also authored a groundbreaking book called “Is My Baby All Right?” which provided parents with a reassuring and informative guide to birth defects, which had previously been a taboo topic and a source of shame to many families. Apgar's unflagging determination to provide the best possible care for both women and their babies is perhaps best summed up by her famous quote: "Nobody, but nobody, is going to stop breathing on me."

Born in Westfield, New Jersey, Apgar graduated from the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1933. She quickly became the first female full professor at CUCPS, which also allowed her to conduct research at the affiliated Sloane Hospital for Women. She soon realized that medical personnel had no standardized way to assess the health of newborn babies. In a 1953 paper, she proposed a test she called the Apgar score, which used her last name as a mnemonic for areas to assess: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration. It was quickly adopted by many doctors to identify newborns who needed medical intervention.

In 1959, Apgar left CUCPS and started working for the March of Dimes Foundation, directing its research program into the prevention of birth defects. While there, she raised awareness of the connection between premature birth and low Apgar scores. During the devastating rubella pandemic of 1964-65, which led to tens of thousands of miscarriages and babies born with severe birth defects, she became an outspoken advocate for universal vaccination to prevent mother-to-child transmission of rubella. Apgar published over 60 papers during her lifetime, and continued working and researching until her death in 1974. Since her death, she has been honored with a place in the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

Virginia Apgar is one of the many female innovators featured in the inspiring book "Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women" for ages 8 and up at

Apgar is also one of 26 women featured in "Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries Who Shaped Our History... And Our Future!" for ages 10 and up at

She is one of the 52 female scientists profiled in the fascinating book “Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science – and The World," recommended for teens and adults alike at

For our favorite science kits and toys to encourage your own budding scientist from a young age, check out our blog post, "Top 40 Science, Math, & Programming Toys," at

And, if you have young children curious about pregnancy, we highly recommend the "Mother Layer Puzzle" for ages 3 to 7, which features 5 layers showing the development of the fetus in the womb, at

Timeline photos 27/05/2016

Still one of my favorite images!

The concept of a 'due' date is something that is very abstract in many cultures. If, like in Uganda, you count a pregnancy by the moons, you end up having a 'due month' and baby comes when she is perfectly ripe without causing mama lots of anxiety.

The very talented artist who created this beautiful illustration is Itaiana Battoni - Desenho Artístico.

Nascer Melhor 2 – Congresso Online de Nascimento Natural e Humanizado 19/05/2016

Brazilians or Portuguese mamas.
Congresso gratuito: Nascer Melhor!
Online e em português. #920

Nascer Melhor 2 – Congresso Online de Nascimento Natural e Humanizado As palestras gravadas serão transmitidas ao vivo, conforme a programação abaixoAgende-se para aproveitar ao máximo!


Timeline photos 22/04/2016

So true!

++ - The Thinking Woman's Website For Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting ++

Timeline photos 30/03/2016

Are you following our Instagram accounts yet?!

Milk-drunk sweetness makes me smile. every. single. time. ❤️ Sommessa: The Art of Birth

Timeline photos 25/03/2016

Client testimonial!

Timeline photos 25/03/2016

Wees er zeker van dat je van je verloskundige of gyneacoloog de gelegenheid krijgt om te bewegen, maar ook om houdingen aan te nemen die je zelf wilt. Je lichaam weet wat te doen, echt, heb daar vertrouwen in!

Timeline photos 23/03/2016

Timeline photos 23/03/2016

Birthing with a doula has been proven to have many benefits. Take advantage of them hire my labor support!

Timeline photos 23/03/2016

Everyday a photo. Lets spread the word about doulas.

Favorite quote.

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

Everyday a photo. Lets spread the word about doulas.

Doula Selfie

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

Spread the word about doulas and participate in our Photo Challenge! This starts 3/22 and has a prompt for each day of until 3/28.

Meconium - What Is It? Everything You Need To Know | BellyBelly 22/03/2016

What Is Meconium?

Meconium - What Is It? Everything You Need To Know | BellyBelly Meconium is something parents should know about before giving birth to their baby. This substance can sometimes be inhaled, causing problems for a newborn.

10 Big Tips For Visiting A New Baby - And Being Asked Back! | BellyBelly 21/03/2016

Great tips!

10 Big Tips For Visiting A New Baby - And Being Asked Back! | BellyBelly Can’t wait to visit a new baby – and be invited back again and again? Follow these 10 tips for a happy mother, father and baby who love having you over!

Timeline photos 19/03/2016

3daythankyou 18/03/2016

Sign up for the 3-day this free email course and learn more about facts and myths.


Stop Saying "At Least Mom and Baby are Healthy" - Birth Advantage Doula Services 17/03/2016

The mental well being of a mother is often brushed aside with well meaning comments like, "Well at least everyone is okay". Birth trauma both physical and emotional is very real and more common than you would think.
Please take the time to read this and be mindful of those in your life who may have experienced such trauma.

Stop Saying "At Least Mom and Baby are Healthy" - Birth Advantage Doula Services Birth Trauma is real, and common. Don't brush aside the emotional health of a mother. Learn and be aware of yours, or loved one's postpartum mental health.

My Real Postpartum Body 14/03/2016

Postpartum bodies
Loving and accepting our (postpartum) bodies!

This woman documented her postpartum tummy to help encourage the other 99.9% of moms who don't leave the birth center in a size 0. -37924482

My Real Postpartum Body Blogger and mother of two Julie Bhosale of The New Mum's Nutritionist discusses the importance of paying attention to how your body feels post-childbirth rather than the way it looks. I am a mother. I am tired, broken, and sore. I have lumps, bumps,

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Labor and Delivery 11/03/2016

What did you pack in the hospital bag?

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Labor and Delivery This is a list of essentials for a soon-to-be-mom to pack in her hospital bag to prepare for labor and delivery.

A Day You'll Never Forget - Importance of Birth Memories 10/03/2016

A great video from Penny Simkin on the importance of birth support and picking a great care provider.

A Day You'll Never Forget - Importance of Birth Memories Penny talks about her research around women's memories of their birth and the lessons she learned as a result about the importance of how a woman is cared fo...

Timeline photos 09/03/2016

Birthing with a doula has been proven to have many benefits. Take advantage of them hire my labor support!

An open letter to the pregnant ladies who have watched their due date come and go... | Naptime Chai 08/03/2016

"Going over your due date does not mean your baby is ‘late’ it means that the doctor wasn’t so great at predicting your baby’s birth date!"

An open letter to the pregnant ladies who have watched their due date come and go... | Naptime Chai Every time I see someone post on Twitter, their blog, Instagram, etc etc that their due date has come and gone, I immediately want to reach out to them and say so many things, because this is something I can definitely … Continue reading →

Marsden Wagner Quote 07/03/2016

Marsden Wagner Quote Humanizing birth means understanding that the woman giving birth is a human being, not a machine and not just a container for making babies. Showing women-half of all people-that they are inferior and inadequate by taking away their power to give birth is a tragedy for all society.

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