Nye Bokboden

Nye Bokboden er et kunstnerdrevet galleri som ligger i Strømgaten 1, 5017 Bergen // Nye Bokboden is an artistrun gallery located in Strømgaten 1, 5017 Bergen

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 31/07/2024

Bilder fra utstillingen til Johanna Sevholt : Memory Mountains / Mountains of Memory som hadde siste åpningsdag i siste uke


Images from the exhibition to Johanna Sevholt : Memory Mountains / Mountains of Memory which had the last exhibitionday last week

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 21/06/2024

Tusen takk til alle som kom på åpningen av Johanna Sevholt : Memory Mountains / Mountains of Memory


Thank you so much to everyone who attended the opening of Johanna Sevholt : Memory Mountains / Mountains of Memory

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 26/05/2024

Fra åpningen av The Nomadic Embassy of Palestine av Imad Alwahibi, Nayara Leite og Peppi Reenkola i relasjon til utstillingen Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have


From the opening of The Nomadic Embassy of Palestine by Imad Alwahibi, Nayara Leite and Peppi Reenkola in relation to the exhibition Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 21/05/2024

I forbindelse med utstillingen med Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have går i sin siste åpningsuke, åpner Nayara Leite Nomadic Embassy of Palestine i samarbeid med Imad Alwahibi og Peppi Reenkola i Nye bokboden i dag kl 18.00-20.00, med åpningstider d. 22 og 23 mai kl 10.00-13.00, velkommen!


The exhibition by Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have is in the final exhibition week, and Nayara Leite opens Nomadic Embassy of Palestine together with Imad Alwahibi and Peppi Reenkola in at Nye bokboden today at 18.00-20.00 and the 22nd and 23rd of May at 10.00-13.00, welcome!

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 24/04/2024

Fra Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have som kan sees til og med d. 26 mai


From Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have which can be seen until the 26th of May

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 12/04/2024

Fra utstillingsåpningen av Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have


From the exhibition opening of Nayara Leite : I Have Never Experienced Loss in a Way That You Have

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 30/03/2024

I dag er siste sjanse å få med seg Søren Krag : The cosmic powers over this present darkness


Today is the last chance to see Søren Krag : The cosmic powers over this present darkness

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 23/02/2024

Tusen takk til alle som deltok på åpningen til Søren Krag : The cosmic powers over this present darkness. Utstillingen kan ses etter avtale med Søren Krag (se mer informasjon i facebook eventet) og står frem til d. 31 mars


Thank you so much to everyone who attended Søren Krag : The cosmic powers over this present darkness. The exhibition can be seen from the inside by appointment with Søren Krag (see in the facebook event for details) and the exhibition is lasting until the 31st of March


OPEN CALL : Nye bokboden

Would you like to exhibit at Nye bokboden?

We are looking for an artist/ artistgroup who would like to exhibit at our space from October 2024 to February 2025. Exhibition duration will be 1-1.5 month.

We are especially looking for newly graduated artists, who relates to the space and/or site of Nye bokboden. We encourage minorities to apply.

Send an application with a project description, a short portfolio and CV in one pdf before the 23rd of February to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact at [email protected]

Note: Those who wish to exhibit have to mount the work and guard the work themselves. We would like to pay an artist fee, but this is dependent upon renewed funding.

Artwork by Geetanjali Prasad, A fragment of the pond, October 2023

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 16/01/2024

Fra vår nåværende utstilling Patricia Carolina : Windshield Wiper som fortsatt er mulig å se inntil d. 13 februar


From our current exhibition Patricia Carolina : Windshield Wiper which is still possible to see until the 13th of February


Kjære alle, vår neste utstilling Patricia Carolina : Windshield Wiper kommer ikke til å ha vernissasje, men kan sees som vindusutstilling frem til d. 11 februar.


Dear everyone, the upcoming exhibition Patricia Carolina : Windshield Wiper will not have a vernissage, but can be seen as a windowexhibition until the 11th of February.


Tusen takk til alle kunstnere og besøkende som har vært innom oss i 2023, vi gleder oss til 2024 og ønsker alle et godt nytt år✨

I år har vi vært så heldige å få vise utstillinger med : Zarina Saidova, Lisa Forslund, Charlotte Landelius, Geetanjali Prasad, Roland Goksøyr, Agnete Tandrand, Hanna Pherson, Unn Devik, Anaclara Talento og Siavash Kheirkhah


Many thanks to all artists and visitors who came by in 2023, we look forward to 2024 and wish everyone a Happy New Year✨

This year we are grateful to have shown exhibitions by: Zarina Saidova, Lisa Forslund, Charlotte Landelius, Geetanjali Prasad, Roland Goksøyr, Agnete Tandrand, Hanna Pherson, Unn Devik, Anaclara Talento and Siavash Kheirkhah

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 12/12/2023

I forbindelse med Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev selges trykk, tskjorter, caps, silkeskjerf og zines, som kanskje er en fin julegave ide? Ta kontakt for mer informasjon❄️


During Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev it is possible to buy prints, t-shirts, caps, silk scarfs and zines, which might be a good christmas present? Get in contact for more info❄️

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 11/12/2023

Det er fortsatt mulig å oppleve denne rosa perlen i sentrum av Bergen - utstillingen står ut desember - se mer informasjon her: Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev


It is still possible to experience the exhibition Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev - the exhibition will be standing throughout December

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 02/12/2023

Tusen takk til alle som kom på åpningen i går til Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev - i forbindelse med utstillingen selges zines, skjerf, caps og trykk, kontakt oss for salg og besøk av utstillingen innenfra✨


Thank you so much to everyone who attended the opening yesterday of Zarina Saidova : Et godt sted / 12 brev - in relation to the exhibition, zines, scarfs, caps and prints are for sale, please contact us if you would like to purchase and see the exhibition from the inside✨


Lisa Forslund : Kärlek är som vägen/ Asfalt/Jag ligger under som Jorden er fortsatt åpen som vindusutstilling ut november måned


Lisa Forslund : Kärlek är som vägen/ Asfalt/Jag ligger under som Jorden is still open as a windowexhibition throughout November

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 23/10/2023

Det er fortsatt mulig å se Geetanjali Prasad : A fragment of the pond som vindusutstilling ut måneden


It is still possible to see Geetanjali Prasad : A fragment of the pond as a windowexhibition the rest of the month

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 03/10/2023

Fredag har vi utstillingsåpning med Geetanjali Prasad : A fragment of the pond kl. 18:00, sees vi?


This friday we will have an exhibition opening with Geetanjali Prasad : A fragment of the pond from 18:00 o'clock, welcome

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 17/08/2023

Fra åpningen av Charlotte Landelius : Family. Relation. Ships. Voyage II utstillingen kan fortsatt ses som vindusutstilling ut august


From the exhibition opening of Charlotte Landelius : Family. Relation. Ships. Voyage II - the exhibition can still be seen as a windowsexhibition the rest of August


Vi gleder oss til utstillingsåpning av Charlotte Landelius : Family. Relation. Ships. Voyage II i morgen kl 18:00-20:00


We're looking a lot forward to the exhibition opening tomorrow Charlotte Landelius : Family. Relation. Ships. Voyage II from 18:00-20:00


OPEN CALL ⚡Very short notice⚡

Would you like to exhibit at Nye bokboden this August?

We are looking for an artist/ artistgroup who would like to exhibit at our space this upcoming August.

We can offer an exhibition fee of 3.000 NOK. We are especially looking for newly graduated artists, who relates to the space and/or site of Nye bokboden.

Send an application with a project description, a short portfolio and CV in one pdf before the 27th of July to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact at [email protected] & we apologize for the short deadline!

Image: Lisa Rytterlund : Ser du mig? Jag ser dig at Nye bokboden, December 2021

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 24/06/2023

Fra vår seneste utstilling med Roland Goksøyr

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 10/06/2023

Tusen takk til alle som kom på åpningen til Roland Goksøyr : Utenfor hekken. Golem ser på nakken din - utstillingen er fortsatt åpen ut juni


Thank you to everyone who attended the opening of Roland Goksøyr : Utenfor hekken. Golem ser på nakken din - the exhibition is open during June

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 09/05/2023

Takk til alle som kom på åpningen til Agnete Tangrand : Insomnia conversations under the midnightsun i lørdags


Thank you to everyone who attended the opening of Agnete Tangrand : Insomnia conversations under the midnightsun last saturday

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 26/04/2023

2 dager igjen av denne fine utstillingen : Hanna Pherson : Jag ser blommor växa i varje hörn


2 days left to see this nice exhibition : Hanna Pherson : Jag ser blommor växa i varje hörn

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 11/04/2023

Takk til alle som kom på utstillingsåpningen til Hanna Pherson d. 1 april - utstillingen er fortsatt åpen som vinduesutstilling ut April måned.


Thank you to everyone who attended the opening of the exhibition to Hanna Pherson the 1st of April - the exhibition is still open as a windowexhibition for the rest of April.


Vi gleder oss til utstillingsåpning på lørdag med Hanna Pherson : Jag ser blommor växa i varje hörn / We're looking a lot forward to the exhibitionopening on this Saturday with Hanna Pherson : Jag ser blommor växa i varje hörn


Da går vi inn i siste helg med utstillingen Unn Devik : Twist of fate - det er fortsatt mulig å se utstillingen frem til på søndag utenfra, velkommen

Photos from Nye Bokboden's post 15/03/2023

Tusen takk til alle som kom på åpningen til Unn Devik : Twist of fate i siste uke


I dag er Unn Devik tilstede i utstillingen fra kl 12-16, der det vil være mulig å oppleve utstillingen innefra, velkommen til Unn Devik : Twist of fate

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Strømgaten 1

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Jeg er en dame på 36år fra Bergen. Elsker å forme og skape �Så her er noen av mine bilder. Alle er til salgs. Kan også følge meg på #art_lundekvam på Instagram