Pagan Remedies

We make elixirs, -tinctures and teas

Pagan Remedies aim to provide a holistic, anthroposophic and natural approach in regards to mental, -physical and -spiritual wellbeing and to help people live a happier fuller and richer life.


🥳Giveaway winners are

🍀Gratulerer så mye! 💜✨🙌
Dere vil bli kontaktet for shipping detaljer ila kvelden🌿💚

Tusen takk til alle som deltok!
Ønsker alle sammen en fortsatt vakker sensommer og høst 🌞✨🌎


💚✨Haux Haux🙌🍀🌎🌞

Ny batch med Sanaga er klar 💚🌿🌍✨
Kaxinawa sourced fra en venn som bor og arbeider i Amazonas 💜

Det er mye å være takknemlig for, og nå gleder jeg meg over å få gi noe vakkert og magisk videre til to heldige vinnere.
I anledningen Super fullmåne og Lions Gate portal kulemineing tenker jeg det er på tide med en liten giveaway.

Reglene er enkle.
•Lik og del dette innlegget
•Følg Pagan Remedies på Fb/insta
•Tag en venn eller noen som du tror vil ha glede av Sananga i kommentarfeltet. (Du kan tagge så mange du vil og hver 'tag' telles.)

Vinner trekkes 20. august 🤗✨💜🌿🌞

I LYS og KjÆrLEiK, takk✨ 🙌✨✨✨


New batch of Sananga ready💚🌿🌍✨

💚✨Haux Haux🙌🍀🌎🌞
For traditional Amazonian tribespeople, sananga is a powerful eye medicine used to sharpen night vision. For modern seekers of spiritual healing, however, sananga does more than help with hunting. Often used as a precursor to ayahuasca ceremonies by the Kaxinawa and Matsés tribes of Brazil, these powerful eye drops have a healing power that’s more energetic than physical, and that has the capacity to increase spiritual insight in the minds of those who use it. Sananga is potent medicine, and; •Treats and prevents ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and blindness
•Detoxifies the body
•Increases visual perception and enhances colors
•Clears long-standing inner anger
•Used in conjunction, helps with mental disorders such as addiction, depression, and anxiety
•Resets energetic field
•Treats spiritual diseases (“panema”) caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual diseases can accumulate in a person’s energetic body and make a person depressed and anxious.

Our Sananga eye drops hail from the Huni Kuin (Kaxinawa) tribe of Brazil and we have been blessed enough to receive dried sananga that we prepared with much love, care and respect.
If u feel the call of the Plant Masters, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will set you up with some premium Sananga


Vakre Chaga Chaga Chaga
( )

eller på sapmi er kjent som den kraftigste antioksidanten i verden.

I tillegg til det har den også;
•Antinflamatorisk og Antiviral effekt
•Virker immunregulerende
•Lever styrkende
• Den er et
•Kjent kreft hemmende

Litt mer om Chaga:

Vitenskapelige studier som viser virkningen av chaga mot kreft

Startside > Urtemedisin > Medisinplanter > Chaga > Chaga mot kreft

I 2005 ble soppen chaga (Inonotus obliquus) undersøkt for sin mulig beskyttende virkning mot oksidativ skade på DNA i menneskelige lymfocytter. I studien fant man at en polyfenolekstrakt fra soppen beskyttet disse cellene mot hydrogenperoksyd-indusert oksidativt stress. En annen studie fra det samme året fant at et endopolysakkarid i chaga produserte en indirekte antikreftvirkning via immunstimulering. Endopolysakkaridet i mycelet av chaga ble identifisert som en kandidat for bruk som en immunresponsmodulator og indikerte at antikreftvirkningen til endopolysakkaridet ikke direkte påvirker tumoren, men heller virker ved å være immunstimulerende. Stoffet har også betennelseshemmende egenskaper. Saitoh Akiko publiserte en artikkel om den antimutagene virkningen av chaga i 1996, og Mizuno m.fl. har publisert en artikkel om den krefthemmende og blodsukkersenkende virkningen av polysakkarider fra chaga.

Ved en studie i Polen med 48 pasienter som hadde tredje og fjerde stadium av kreft, fant man at injeksjoner med chaga sammen med koboltsalt var det mest effektive preparatet. Hos 10 av pasientene ble svulststørrelsen redusert, smertene ble mindre, blødninger forekom sjeldnere og var mindre intense, og rekonvalesensen var ledsaget av bedre søvn og appetitt, i tillegg til at pasientene hadde en generell følelse av bedring. De fleste pasientene var kvinner som ble behandlet med chaga for brystkreft eller kreft i underlivet. Andre kliniske studier har vært gjennomført på lungekreftpasienter med et aerosolpreparat med chaga, og ved uopererbar underlivskreft hos kvinner. I det siste tilfellet ble en ekstrakt av chaga gitt som injeksjoner og stikkpiller.

Mer i kommentarfeltet ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Trowback to last autumn'

Homemade Absinthe 💚
Used Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood), and a bunch of other herbs and spices from my mom's garden. Followed three recipes I found and made my own. Very happy with the result! Can't wait to do it again. Next season I'm going BIG💯


(Bilde: Forglemmegei(Myosotis spp.)

Jeg vil med dette takke alle som har støttet oss, gitt tilbakemeldinger og ikke minst kjøpt produkter 💚🍀🌳✨

Det hele begynte med Chaga (inonotus obliquus) tinkturen som er vårt flag-ship produkt.

Andre produkter(medisiner) vi produserer og selger er;

( ) tinktur
Medisinsk er storborre først og fremst en blodrenser som virker avgiftende på blod og vev, og som kan løse opp forstoppelser i hjertekarsystemet, lymfesystemet, åndedrettssystemet og urinveissystemet. Den kan hjelpe til med å fjerne overskudd av væske i kroppen og den stimulerer utskillingen av giftige avfallsstoffer, noe som letter belastningen på leveren. Storborrerot virker avgiftende på nyrene og galleblæren, i tillegg til at den øker svettingen, noe som også bidrar til å fjerne giftige avfallsstoffer

( ) tinktur
Rosenrot regnes blant de fremste av de adaptogene urtene og sammenlignes ofte med Ginseng. Særlig i forbindelse med stress og depresjoner har urten vist seg å være nyttig. Forskning har vist at adaptogener beskytter mot at det blir frigjort et overskudd av stresshormoner, særlig kortisol, adrenalin og noradrenalin. + Mye mye mer..

( ) tinktur
Gullriste kan brukes som et slimløsende og hostebefordrende middel. Den kan anvendes ved forkjølelse, influensa, kronisk bronkitt med mye slim, astma, hoste og kikhoste. Den kan også motvirke vannansamlinger i kroppen (ødemer) og Gullris har en urindrivende virkning og kan virke effektivt mot urinveisinfeksjoner, revmatologiske lidelser og mer.

Vi på skal legge ut mer informasjon på hver av disse snart. Ennå det ligger allerede en god del informasjon på siden her i tidligere poster. Scroll, Les og Lær

For spørsmål send gjerne på PM og vi vil komme tilbake til deg så for som mulig.

Tuuusen takk til alle sammen!
Vi vil feire alle våre 100+124 følgere på Instagram med en gratis GIVEAWAY
Mer information kommer snart!* 🍀💚✨🌞

Photos from Pagan Remedies's post 21/09/2020

Malas -One time only,
Limited stock.
Handmade crystal malas from Osho Point in Rishikesh India

400,- nok per stykk

Moon stone
Rudraksha seed
Rose quartz
Clear quartz
Chakra mala mixed stones

Also we sell our own double extracted Chaga tincture 🌞💚✨🍄 500,- pr bottle (100ml) equal roughly 75days of use.


Timeline photos 18/08/2020

Pic from today's harvest
Urtica dioica / Stinging nettle / Brennesle

Generelt styrkende, demper veksten av prostatakjertelen, stimulerer dannelsen av røde blodlegemer, øker blodgjennomstrømningen til huden, astringerende (sammentrekkende), blodstillende, sårhelende, smertestillende, betennelseshemmende, immunstyrkende, utrensende, avgiftende, urindrivende, fjerner vann i kroppen, renser nyrene, galledrivende, melkedrivende, blodsukkersenkende, blodrensende, antirevmatiske, antiallergisk, stimulerer hårveksten og beskytter mot skjørbuk.

Brukes innvortes ved anemi (blodfattighet), godartet forstørrelse av prostatakjertelen (BPH), ødemer, diabetes, blæreirritasjoner, blærekatarr, betennelse i urinrøret, nyrestein og nyregrus, revmatiske lidelser, urinsyregikt (podagra), leddbetennelser (artritt), leddgikt, mage- og tarmkatarr, kolikksmerter, diaré, dysenteri, magesår, kroniske sykdommer i endetarmen, galle- og leverproblemer, innvollsorm, hoste, t***e luftveier, høysnue, allergi, astma, bronkitt, kraftige menstruasjonsblødninger, uregelmessig menstruasjon, kutt, sår, neseblod, brannsår, skoldet hud, kviser, byller, kroniske hudutslett, elveblest og hemoroider.

Brukes utvortes ved uren hud, kløende hudlidelser, utslett, kviser, byller, hemoroider, sår, forbrenninger, insektbitt, flass, kløe i hodebunnen, håravfall og neseblod. Videre ved infeksjoner i munnen, trøske, tannkjøttbetennelse og halsbetennelse (urtete som gurglevann), og ved leddsmerter (ved å piske huden rundt leddet med frisk nesle).


Timeline photos 18/08/2020

Pic from today's harvest
Artemisia Absinthium /Wormwood / Malurt

Aromatisk bitter, appetittvekkende, fordøyelsesfremmende, luftutjevnende, stimulerer gallesekresjonen, dreper innvollsorm, styrkende, krampeløsende, betennelseshemmende, desinfiserende, antiseptisk, anti-tumor, menstruasjonsstimulerende, abortmiddel, febersenkende, mildt antidepressiv. Virker avskrekkende på møll og andre insekter.

Fordøyelsesbesvær (f.eks. for dårlig sekresjon av fordøyelsesvæsker), magekramper, magekatarr, tarmgass, halsbrann, gallestein, hepatitt, gulsott og andre galleproblemer, innvollsorm, sen eller ingen menstruasjon, feber, artritt, revmatisme, forkjølelser og depresjoner.

Malurt kan brukes utvortes på skrammer, insektbitt, lus, skabb, kløende hud, muskelsårhet og som et avskrekkende middel ved plager med møll og andre insekter.

Artemisia Absinthium brukes også til å fremstille den kjente nytelsesdrikken 'Absinth' 😍🌿

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

Mere fersk til tørking 😍

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

😍🌿💚🌞🦋Nymphalis urticae/ Aglais urticae/ Neslesommerfugl

Photos from Pagan Remedies's post 13/08/2020

Hypericum perforatum / Prikkperikum /Johannesurt


Antidepressiv, nerveberoligende, beroligende, avslappende, smertestillende, krampeløsende, betennelseshemmende, astringerende (sammentrekkende), sårhelende, antiseptisk, antibiotisk, bakteriedrepende, virushemmende, sopphemmende, slimløsende, urindrivende, innvollsormdrepende, lett galledrivende og antioksidant.


Brukes innvortes ved depresjoner, nervøsitet, nervøs uro, spenninger, angst, irritabilitet, søvnforstyrrelser, tretthet, kronisk tretthetssyndrom, utmattelse, nedtrykthet, tristhet, motløshet, tiltaksløshet, nevralgier (nervesmerter), migrene (især spenningsmigrene), fordøyelsesbesvær, appetittløshet, leversykdommer, gallesykdommer, magekatarr, magesår, forstoppelse, dysenteri, premenstruelle syndrom (PMS), manglende menstruasjon, klimakterieplager, nyresmerter, nyrestein, blærekatarr, sengevæting, candida, influensa, hoste, bronkitt, snue, malaria, hiv, kyssesyke, mareritt og stamming hos barn.

Utvortes ved hudsykdommer (dermatoser), ringorm, kronisk eksem, betennelser, sår (leggsår, liggesår, brannsår), solbrenthet, bloduttredelser, byller, rynker, åreknuter, hemoroider, helvetesild, forkjølelsessår (herpes simplex), isjias, fibrositt, hoftesmerter, hekseskudd, revmatisme, gikt, leddgikt, leddsmerter, trette og ømme muskler, nervesmerter, forstuvinger, klemskader, slagskader, blåmerker, kløe ved insektstikk og bitt.

Det homeopatiske middelet HYPERICUM brukes ved nerveskader, nevralgiske smerter, ryggsmerter, ettervirkninger av hodeskader, knuste fingre eller tær, stikksår, astma, tannpine, kvalme, forstoppelse, diaré, blødende og smertefulle hemoroider, depresjon, døsighet og forsinket menstruasjon fulgt av hodepine.

Prikkperikum er listet som legemiddel og av den årsak selger vi IKKE Prikkperikum på Paganremedies, - men vi deler informasjon om planten fordi den er så fantastisk fin og nyttig.

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

**kbigpharma #

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

Arctium lappa /Burdock /Storborre

Mildt urindrivende, mildt avførende, febersenkende, leverstyrkende, desinfiserende, avgiftende, blodrensende, antibiotisk, antiseptisk, bakteriedrepende, sopphemmende, kløestillende, sårhelende, betennelseshemmende, svettedrivende, galledrivende, blodsukkersenkende, kolesterolsenkende, krefthemmende, nærende og foryngende.

Urinveisinfeksjoner, forgiftninger, opphopning av avfallsstoffer, soppinfeksjoner, bakterieinfeksjoner, kreft, feber, nyrestein, urinsyregikt (podagra), leddgikt, ødemer, gulsott, revmatisme, isjias, høyt blodsukker, høyt kolesterol, dårlig fordøyelse, anoreksi, håravfall, seborré, kviser, furunkler, kløe, sår, brannsår, uren hud og hudsykdommer som skabb, eksem og psoriasis. I kinesisk urtemedisin brukes avkok av frøene ved opphovna, rød og sår hals, feber, hosting, lungebetennelse, bronkitt, meslinger (i tidlig stadium), hudskader, byller og vannkopper hos barn.

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

Rhodiola rosea /Roseroot /Rosenroot

Adaptogen med rask virkning. Minsker utskillingen av stresshormoner og har følgende egenskaper: blodtrykksregulerende, blodsukkerregulerende, kolesterolsenkende, regulerer kaliumkonsentrasjonen i blodet, bedrer oksygenopptaket, virker generelt styrkende, prestasjonsøkende, hjertestimulerende, kreftbeskyttende, smertestillende og urindrivende. Rosenrot er ellers en kraftig antioksidant og regnes som et antidepressivt middel og et afrodisiakum.

Fysisk og psykisk stress, nedsatt vitalitet, binyretretthet, manglende lyst og evne til seksuell utfoldelse, impotens, tretthet, depresjon, svak hjertefunksjon, kreft, overvekt, hoste, håravfall, hevelser og hemoroider.

Timeline photos 14/03/2020

There is a lot going on these days, 5G rollout, covid-19(coronavirus), and incompetent politicians. Stress, fear and a general frustration take a heavy toll on the body and the psyches of people and these days it might be especially important to be aware of our thoughts and emotions. Rather than stressing out and inadvertently doing more harm than good to the immune system and to oneself in more holistic respect, -we can utilize this time and see it as an opportunity.
An opportunity to be kind to ourselves and fill our cups and the cups of those we love, to do so many of the little and big things that we have procrastinated almost into oblivion. BOOKS we've always wanted to read but were to busy too, sort out financial situations, ART, taking up a new field of STUDY. There are so many possibilities and so much potential in all of us, and if we step up to the challenge and embrace the work it takes to reach our goal then we might begin to see that we are truly limitless. And that is true freedom.
Happy quarantine ALL 😇

Chaga amongst being the most powerful and rich antioxidant in the world is also - and meaning that it strengthens and helps the body to regulate the immune system. It's also an which promotes and balances out the body's hormones, greatly reducing the amount of stress you feel and its impacts on your body.

Photos from Pagan Remedies's post 13/03/2020

Back after harvesting some good size pieces of Chaga. "Chop chop!"❤️🍄

Timeline photos 12/03/2020

🌤️*Vil anbefale alle å gå en tur i skogen🌲🌿🌳💯 ..ingen corona der, bare grønt og fred💚 ..og 🍄

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

Here at , we aim to provide a wide range of herbal and fungal tinctures and extracts, all to assist and strengthen the body's natural processes and help more people live a healthier richer and fuller life. "Nature knows the Way"

Our star and flagship product is a Double extracted Chaga tincture which is made from locally foraged Chaga(Norway) and takes approximately one hundred days to make from start to finish. We LOVE and revere this beautiful King of the forest and it's spirt (Báhkkol). Much care, time and energy is used and transformed while we work with this Master mushroom as it helps guide the way into ever deeper knowledge and understanding of natures amazing ability to provide ALL the answers. And after years of working closely with Chaga, my faith and trust have only deepened!
Thank you Chaga(Báhkkol) for all your guidance and help these past years and for everything that is yet to come, 💚 'I LOVE YOU🌲✨🌲🌞❤️🌍🍄✨🌈💯 M&H

Timeline photos 17/02/2020

Went on another hike today and lo and behold this little beauty and many others like it decided to reveal themselves, like; "Here we are! Remember us and watch us grow and come back when we are a little bigger"

Many people would have foraged/harvested these little ones, and at oftentimes damaged the tree on which they grow and maybe even killing it, but with some patience and understanding and with the use of memory - we can return in a couple of years and maybe they will be big enough to harvest.
If we leave a little chonk or part of the inner layer of the chonk when harvesting, we won't hurt and damage the mother tree and the Chaga will continue growing so we can return some years later to the same place and harvest more.
This is important to keep in mind for all the obvious reasons.

Thank you for another beautiful day! 🌍💚🌲🍄✨ Mush' LOVE M&H❤️🙌

Timeline photos 16/02/2020

•Red-belted polypore/Rødrandkjuke
(Fomitopsis pinicola)
There is little tradition of using Red-belted polypore / Red-belted conk in Norway, but from eastern Canada, it has been described that Cree Indians dried and pulverized the mushrooms, and together with water they made a paste that was greased on wounds to stop heavy bleeding. Half a teaspoon of the powder could also be stirred in water and drunk as an emetic to purify the body.
The Blackfoot Indians used a bit of the fungus as a powerful laxative (purgative) but believed that excessive doses would make your hair grey, hence the name apopikatiss, which means "make your hair grey". In another Native American tribe, the mushrooms were cut into small pieces and smoked with to***co to relieve headaches. Traditionally, the mushroom has otherwise been used as a daily strengthening agent to curb inflammation of the digestive tract and to increase the resistance to diseases, including cancer.
King's American Dispensatory from 1895 recommends the Red-belted polypore for stubborn relapses, chills and fever in patients with tuberculosis, and chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, periodic nerve pain and nervous headaches, as well as for excessive urination and hepatitis A.

Researchers have recently found a large number of triterpenes, triterpenic glycosides and antimicrobial steroids in the fruiting bodies of Red-belted polypore, and these substances have been shown to have antibiotic effects. They have been found to inhibit E.coli, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus.
Fomitopinic acids A and B have been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects, and an alkaline extract made from the fruiting bodies has been effective in regulating blood sugar in rats with applied diabetes and may appear to have potential in this area.

Polysaccharides in the Red-belted polypore have anti-tumour and immune-stimulating properties. The fungus has been shown to have a moderate tumour inhibitory effect against sarcoma 180 in mice, and a beta-1,6-glucan from Red-belted polypore has shown a potent antitumor effect in mice. Hot water extract and alcohol extract of the fungus have both been tested on cancer cell lines. The alcohol extract was found to have the best effect on the growth rate of human cancer cells.


"Red-belted polypore contains, among other things, glucan polysaccharides (which have shown anticancer effects), heterogalactan polysaccharides, triterpenes and related phenolic compounds, ergosterol (provitamin D), fomitopinic acid A and B, and lanostanoid steroids.

Moreover it is also;
Anticoagulant, laxative, vomiting, antimicrobial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, blood glucose regulating, anti-tumour and immune-boosting mushroom."

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

Amanita Muscaria (Fly agaric)
This mushroom is a special one. (A little teacher) ..It's been used by shamans to induce visions and to help guide indigenous communities through the spirit realms and back for millennia. Unlike the more commonly know psilocybin mushrooms, this mushroom takes the participant on a journey inward rather than outward. It induces a dream state where the participant will enter into lucidity and do inner work, whatever that may be. The active compounds are ibotenic acid and muscimol. The Ibotenic acid needs to be converted into muscimol for the 'trip' to work. If this is not done correctly the participant will experience nausea, cramps and spasms. This can be incredibly uncomfortable and in the worst case cause permanent damage to the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. To combat these symptoms the indigenous shamans utilised a variety of different methods. Some would have their reindeer eat the raw Amanita and then drink their urine. This process converts a good amount of the Ibotenic acid into muscimol and would ensure a safe practice. Others would dry them on the fireplace and then make a tea or brew which they then drank. The Amanita Muscaria mushroom has also been linked to Santa Claus. The red suit and flying reindeer, and also the stockings over the fireplace are synonymous with the ancient pagan practice of drying the mushroom and then ingesting it as a tea. In other practices the shamans also smoked it. It has also been speculated that the Amanita was one of the active ingredients in the famous 'Soma brew' of the Vedas, ancient India. Other references to the Amanita are; The Tree of Knowledge, The berserker brew of the northern Vikings, The Russian witch Baba Yaga is known for her association with mushrooms in folk- and fairytales, and amongst them, the Amanita Muscaria. 🍀✨🍄 Loove All, M&H 💖🦋

Timeline photos 09/02/2020

Chaga(inonotus obliquus) is amongst other things an adaptogen. •What are Adaptogens?..
Adaptogens are a group of herbs that help the body manage the damaging effects of stress
and support homeostasis.
(Natural equilibrium) •One of the most important functions of adaptogens is their ability to help stabilize the internal environment of the human body by affecting the neuroendocrine system. The chemicals in plant-originated adaptogens enhance the ability to adapt to external environments and avoid cell damage.

Adaptogens may support the following functions*: Immune function
Recovery from fatigue
Blood sugar and blood pressure
Balancing endocrine gland function (think cortisol, insulin, melatonin, thyroid function)
Balancing hormones (both men and women)
Sleep quality
Physical stamina
Focus and mental clarity
Mental and physical endurance
Overall longevity and wellbeing
🌞With Love🌾💚🍄🍀🌟 M&H 😍

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

💚✨🎉Lihkku Beivviin 🍄🍀🗿 The Sámi indigenous peoples of northern Skandinavia consider everything in nature sacred, especially the Chaga mushroom which they called Gitu or Báhkkol, and the Chaga God called Báhkkololmmai, (Chaga God/Man).
The White Reindeer (Great Spirit) is also especially sacred and is widely told about in folkstories and Sami lore. It is also a sign of good luck


'History and Traditional use of Chaga'

Russians and Scandinavians have known about Chaga’s health benefits for quite a long time. In fact, the word ‘Chaga’, derived from ‘чага‘, which is the old Russian word for mushroom. This word stems from Komi-Permyak, the language of the indigenous peoples living near the Ural Mountains. These Native Russians, as well as the Siberian Khanty people, were supposedly the first people to enjoy the health benefits of the Chaga mushroom. The Khanty put the Chaga into a fire and then put the smouldering conk into hot water for use to clean and purify women's ge***al region after menstruation and birthing.

Native tribes around the entire 'Northern Cap' called this mushroom "Chaga". In North America, where the indigenous peoples similarly call it Tiaga or Tsi Aga.
The Norwegian flora name of the mushroom is 'Kreftkjuke' (cancer'tree'-shroom). Records of the traditional use of Chaga dating back to the 16th century states that Chaga mushrooms have been used in folk medicine as a tea and strengthening agent, and in Eastern Europe, it has traditionally been used as a remedy for cancer, indigestion, ulcers and tuberculosis.
in Russia, several native groups drank a brew daily, made from the mushroom, just as we drink coffee or tea. It has been seen that among these people there are very few incidences of cancer, which some believe is because these people drank Chaga, while also having the pleasure of drinking a tasty and cheap drink.

There has been an observed lack of cancers within these groups, which is attributed to the use of Chaga. Meaning this drink may have anti-cancer properties, with the added benefit of being tasty, and cheap to drink. Chaga tea is therefore considered as a cancer preventive medicine, and recent scientific studies have also demonstrated similar results. Likewise, the Khanty people of western Siberia have traditionally used Chaga and still use the fungus to make tea to treat tuberculosis, stomach pain, stomach ailments, liver and heart disease, intestinal worms, and as an internal cleanser.

Reports on the medicinal use of the fungus are also available from Canada, North America, Finland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries. The Nez Perce Indians in North America used the mushroom in pemmican, and they were immune to diseases brought by early settlers. The Cree Indians used the mushrooms as incense and as crush when they were to catch fire. Chaga produces a sweet-smelling incense and is often used in smoking pipe ceremony. Dried Chaga burns well and bits of mushroom can be used as "ignition briquette" when lighting fires in the wild. Chaga has also been used for moxibustion in the same way as (Artemisia vulgaris). Then holding smouldering and glowing mushrooms at specific meridian points on the body to stimulate energy flow. When practising this, care must be taken so that the skin does not get burns. Cree healers are called “Chaga Poashkan or Wiskakecakomikih.“

Chipewyan and Ojibway Nations name for Chaga is Cha’a’ihtthi. They too used Chaga simmering it for hours to make tea to treat viral related conditions.

The Denesulinépeoples of Northern Saskatchewan used two long lines of powdered Chaga to represent two related events. Once both lines were lit at opposite sides, whichever side completed burning first would signify which event would become true. This is known to the Dene people as ETSEN DEK “it smells when it’s burning.”

The Gitksan of British Columbia know Chaga as DIDIHUXW OR DI DIYHUH. Also known by Gitksan elders as MLL’HLW AND TLLUXW. Using Chaga's black coals to relieve rheumatic pain. ‘Take a sliver of the black coal from the crack of the birch tree and burn it for pain in joint.’ The Wet’suwet’en of Northwestern British Columbia uses Chaga for similar purposes calling Chaga by two different names DIDIC’AH CI’ISTS’O AND TL’EYHTSE.

The Tenaina of South – Central Alaska used Chaga to help with toothaches.
As a folk remedy for various cancers, Chaga has been used for inoperable breast cancer, lip cancer, stomach cancer, cancer of the ear salivary gland, lung cancer, skin cancer, re**al cancer and Hodgkin's disease. Later on, in the 12th century, Tsar Vladimir Monomakh, also known as the Grand Prince of Kievan Rus, was widely known as a Chaga enthusiast. Apparently, this ancient Russian leader used these mushrooms to cure his lip cancer. During the 16-17th century, the healing powers of Chaga became more formally recognized in medicinal texts. The mushroom appears multiple times in the traditional folk medicine books of Russia and northern Europe. These ancient texts describe the use of Chaga to treat cancer, gastritis, ulcers, and tuberculosis (Kim, 2007, Saar, 1991) More recently, in the 1950s, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the famed Russian author and Nobel laureate, became fascinated with Chaga benefits while performing research for one of his books. His novel, Cancer Ward, references the healing properties of Chaga mushrooms.

"He could not imagine any greater joy than to go away into the woods for months on end, to break off this Chaga, crumble it, boil it up on a campfire, drink it and get well like an animal." ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Cancer Ward (1968)

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