PEAT Therapy

PEAT Methods for solving emotional and psyhological problems and spiritual growth.


👉What you THINK and FEELwhen you wake up will determinate your whole day!

😍If you use this mechanism, you can dramatically improve your energy and aim your day in desirable direction!

👉Follow for more


👉OBSERVE yourself! But dont explain it, dont analyze, dont search.

💯Pay attention to the contents which are already present in your spirit, because they are answers of your search.

If you think you create, if you observe you are not investing energy any more.

👉In order to solve problems you need to see them but not to think about them.

😍If you need help CONTACT US and LEARN how to do it!

👉FOLLOW for more.


👉If we want to solve our problems we need to REALISE NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL CHARGE because main element of every problem is SUPPRESSED EMOTION.

😍When we manage to do it, immediately RELIEF comes to our body and we cant FEEL the problem any more.

💯Dont hide emotions from yourself, SEE them, ACCEPT them and WORK on them. It will bring FREEDOM and PEACE to your life.

👉Follow for more

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 10/03/2024

👉Make it simple, help yourself.
You will not find answers outside of you.
👉Turn on attention within yourself because everything is given allready, you have to take it.

💯Simplicity is closest to the truth!

😍Follow for more







Take responsibility! 21/02/2024

Take responsibility! Solve your problems with PEAT Methods.Contact us on:www.peattherapy.comInstagram: or Telegram on +4793962628

Is it TRUTH that we can solve one problem with PEAT in 15 minutes? 16/02/2024

Is it TRUTH that we can solve one problem with PEAT in 15 minutes? 🚀When you LEARN to OBSERVE your problems, to SPLITT them on elements and to ACCEPT them, you will see that, it is very possible to solve problem in time mea...

4 ELEMENTS of EVERY human EXPERIENCE! 13/02/2024

4 ELEMENTS of EVERY human EXPERIENCE! 🚀The technique of dividing experience into elements makes Spiritual Technology and PEAT incredibly FAST, QUALITY AND SAFE TOOL for EFFECTIVE WORK ON YOURSEL...

4 VALUES of PEAT TRAINING! 12/02/2024

4 VALUES of PEAT TRAINING! 💯PEAT Training will give you much more then you expect! If you really want to WORK on yourself and IMPROVE your life in all Aspects then PEAT Training is TH...

- The PEAT System is a therapeutic, psychological system created by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski. It primarily serves to work with emotional states, to overcome low states, to raise awareness and bring up emotional energy to a higher level, that's why Zivorad classified it as EMOTIONAL therapies.

- The PEAT System consists of 8 methods for different approaches and goals for Self-Work. 

- Essentially, they all have the same or similar goal, which is liberation from unconscious emotional and mental charges, relief of unconsciousness preassure and raising up the vibration to a higher level.

- Consequence of that are CHANGES reflected in almost all fields of life. Practitioners who apply these techniques manage to release large amounts of negative energy and pressure, which is reflected in calming, balancing, an increasing PRESENCE of peace in different spheres of humans activity. 

- There is also a decrease in the expression of negative emotions, which has a very beneficial effect on the body, and many physical issues.

- By changing mental and emotional patterns, behavior also changes, unhealthy habits change, destructive repetitions of negative programs as well. Man/woman starts to feel freedom from old programs and behaviour. New perception of reality become open and that is essentially important for everyday Life.

- Practitioners also come to a deeper understanding of themselves as well as the energies that flow in their being. It certainly makes life richer and brings simplicity and easeness to everyday living and Work on Oneself.

- PEAT has a very wide application and there is no problem which you cannot solve with this system if you correctly and patiently approach the use of this system.

- If you have questions, ask them in DM.

FOLLOW @peat_therapy for more usefull contents.

#peat #positivechange #personaldevelopment #training #workononeself #spiritual 04/12/2023

- The PEAT System is a therapeutic, psychological system created by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski. It primarily serves to work with emotional states, to overcome low states, to raise awareness and bring up emotional energy to a higher level, that's why Zivorad classified it as EMOTIONAL therapies. - The PEAT System consists of 8 methods for different approaches and goals for Self-Work. - Essentially, they all have the same or similar goal, which is liberation from unconscious emotional and mental charges, relief of unconsciousness preassure and raising up the vibration to a higher level. - Consequence of that are CHANGES reflected in almost all fields of life. Practitioners who apply these techniques manage to release large amounts of negative energy and pressure, which is reflected in calming, balancing, an increasing PRESENCE of peace in different spheres of humans activity. - There is also a decrease in the expression of negative emotions, which has a very beneficial effect on the body, and many physical issues. - By changing mental and emotional patterns, behavior also changes, unhealthy habits change, destructive repetitions of negative programs as well. Man/woman starts to feel freedom from old programs and behaviour. New perception of reality become open and that is essentially important for everyday Life. - Practitioners also come to a deeper understanding of themselves as well as the energies that flow in their being. It certainly makes life richer and brings simplicity and easeness to everyday living and Work on Oneself. - PEAT has a very wide application and there is no problem which you cannot solve with this system if you correctly and patiently approach the use of this system. - If you have questions, ask them in DM. FOLLOW @peat_therapy for more usefull contents. #peat #positivechange #personaldevelopment #training #workononeself #spiritual

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 29/11/2023

WIth IDENTICO Methods we can see that the mistakes were intended for us, they were necessary and very significant on our path. Rather, we created them on our own in order to learn something and get more from the experience and life itself. We need to start to love mistakes because apart from the bitter taste in the mouth that they leave, everything else is grow and progress.
Don't be afraid of mistakes, but learn from them, they will show you potentials you never thought you had.

Learn methods that will help you to take more from mistakes, from yourself and from life.

Learn PEAT and IDENTICO Methods and step into the world of development and practical wisdom. DON'T DESPAIR, FACE LIFE!.


Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 29/11/2023

Join next Workshop - LEARN, FEEL AND SHARE.

Follow and you will be informed regarding future Workshops.

If you have any questions, be free to text us in DM!

Grow every day with !!
+4793962628 - Viber, Wats App, Telegram


Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 18/11/2023

Proven advices from people who have understood the deeper levels of a our being are always a great benefits to anyone who wants to Work on him/herself.

Immediately start applying what you can, what you are not able to apply, imitate as you can, even if you are wrong. The essence is that repetition builds skill that will eventually allow you to turn advice into practice. Mistakes should not stop you but motivate you to be better and better. Make mistakes with pleasure, but be aware when you make mistakes and that's enough. Mistakes are the best teachers.

Follow more helpful tips.

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 14/11/2023

Dont run always for more, dont take from others, dont expect too much.

Give what you want to get and dont think about results. You will never be forgotten because your salary is in your heart!!


Ova Tehnologija vodi vas korak-po-korak do jednostavnog, efikasnog i brzog uklanjanja bezbrojnih poremecaja i dubokih Spiritualnih iskustava.

Koje probleme PEAT uklanja?
Lista je nepregledna: Kako da brzo i trajno oslobodite sebe, clanove porodice i Klijente od briga, strepnje, napada panike, besa, kompulzija, opsesija, tuge, nekih fizickih bolova i poremecaja; teskih fobija kao što su strah od letenja avionom, od pauka, zmija, igala, liftova, javnog nastupa pred nepoznatim ljudima; kako da uklonite najteze zivotne traume, nedostatak samopouzdanja i samopostovanja, stidljivost, vecito odlaganje obaveza i aktivnosti, probleme sa učenjem i studiranjem, povlačenje pred ljudima ili agresivnost prema njima,i mnoge druge. I to za 15-30 minuta. Neverovatno, ali istinito !

PEAT je jedinstven i po tome sto, pored terapije, zadire u oblast Spiritualnog razvoja. PEAT ce vam omoguciti da dospete do najdublje srzi svoga Bica, do svojih Licnih Kodova. Sada je moguce na samom Kursu dubinskim tehnikom PEATA otkriti svoje Praiskonske Polaritete, koje ste kao Spiritualno Bice stvorili kada ste prvi put usli u ovaj univerzum. Izmedju njih vi od tada igrate svoju fundamentalnu zivotnu igru u mnogo varijacija. Drugim recima oni cine vas osnovni zivotni problem. Kroz PEAT dubinski proces vi cete postati Spiritualno slobodni u najdubljoj srzi svoga Bica od automatskih i prisilnih ponasanja i osecanja, sto ce vam otvoriti nove puteve da budete sve sto mozete biti, u svakoj oblasti svog zivota.

Ne samo da cete vi resiti svoj osnovni zivotni problem i mnoge druge teške probleme vec cete na Kursu nauciti da tim procesom kao Profesionalni Procesor oslobadjate svoje klijente, rodjake i prijatelje.

Po recima Gurdjijeva: “Ako hoces da nastavis sa svojim Spiritualnim razvojem, u jednom trenutku moras poceti da poucavas druge."

Na kursu cemo nauciti Metode: Duboki PEAT, DP2 i Mali magični Metod.

Mesto odrzavanja Kursa: Zoom Platforma.
Vreme: od 17h do 21h(CET)
Cena: 300 eura

Ukoliko vidite sebe na Kursu PEATA napisite u komentaru PEAT ili posaljite poruku u DM i dobicete sve potrebne informacije!

Vidimo se na Kursu PEATA!

Dušan Radić Trener Trenera ST


Movies and art generally have big influence to human consciousness!

Movie which I prefer to watch and to recommend to everyone who Works on self:
Meeting with remarkable men.

Link for movie is under.
Write in comment you favorite movie.🔥

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 28/10/2023

Contact us in DM and boost the quality of your life in every segment.

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 21/10/2023

We use DP2 Method when we face certain situations:
1. When Clients having tendency toward depression.

2. With extremely intellectual clients. Such people have difficulty separating thoughts from emotions. Instead of feeling their problems, they report their thoughts about them. DP2 forces them to separate thoughts from emotions. Such people usually understand the difference between those two kinds of consciousness contents the first time.

The practice of DP2

DP2 works with two elements - thoughts and emotions which come reactively and alternately. In DP2, we do not accept images and bodily sensations as contents, but rather lead the client to focus on the thoughts and feelings which follows other contents. Very quickly the problem is solved and does not have tendency to come back. That has been proven by the practice of thousands of people today.

If you want to experience DP2 and to see is it really truth that problem can be solved so fast send message to DM.
FOLLOW ME - peat therapy for more, useful contents.

Photos from PEAT Therapy's post 18/10/2023

1.TI si - Nikada niko nije bio kao ti, niti ce biti. Ni ti sam nisi isti, stalno se menjas i nikada nećes biti kao onaj od juče, jer energija protiče i sve se menja. Konkurencije nemas zato štp konkurencija nepostoji, vec lepota različitosti. Nisu ti konkuretni čak ni oni koji su u istim poslovima kao i ti, jer niko od njih nema ono što ti imaš i zato možes slobodno da svoj fokus sa njih prebacis na sebe i svoje blago izraziš svetu, zato si ovde.
2.TI si – znam da sebe vidiš kao jedno - ono sto te trenutno snadje, a zaboravljaš na sve ostalo. Ali zapitaj se gde su svi oni potencijali, sve one vrline, sva sećanja i snovi, gde su oni sada?Pa tu su, u tebi, svi postoje istovremeno. Pitanje je gde ćes spustiti pažnju i koji aspekt ćes aktivirati. Ne zavaravaj se trenutnim definicijama sebe, ti si mnogo vise od toga.
3.TI si satkan od – čak je i moderna nauka dokazala da je svetlost tvoja bit. Gotovo sve u tebi je svetlosno. Od slika, misli i emocija koje dozivljavas do problema koje osećas, snova koje sanjas i aure koja te okružuje. Tvoj nervi sistem je svetlosan,reči koje govoriš i čujes su od svetla. Tvoje ćelije govore medjusobno na svetlosnom nivou a hrana koju jedes se apsorbuje do nivoa svetla pa se koristi. Zvukove koje čujes tvoje uho pretvara u svetlo a zatim ih salje mozgu čiji su talasi takodje svetlosni..Možda nisi znao ali ti jesi od Svetla!
4.TI si , kada budeš shvatio da nisi to sto osećaš, misliš i vidiš, već ono iza toga, ono iz čega izranjaju svi sadržaji i gde se vraćaju, videćeš da nemaš granica, niti ih možeš naslutiti. Ne ograničavaj se u bilo kom smislu, stvaras iluziju o sebi na taj nacin.Ako to Radis sa namerom, onda budi svestan toga.
5.TI si uvek povezan sa Izvorom – Ne veruješ u to? Razmisli ko ti daruje to sto imaš u ovom trenutku? Kako misliš, osećaš i doživljavaš život? Kako dišeš, i na čiji racun živiš?! Čija energija te pokreće i ko ti daje sve mogućnosti koje ispoljavaš. Ti si uvek povezan sa Izvorom, zato i imas sve te blagodeti. Sve je povezano i sve je Jedno, odvojenost je samo iluzija uma, svaki sekund zivota je dokaz tome.


Da li ti je poznata ova situacija:

Glas u tebi govori da želiš , svega ti je preko glave, i čekanja i traženja…

Donosiš odluku da ćeš bezuslovno početi sa Radom na sebi, Metodom ili Sistemom koji ti može pomoći…

Energija se snažno podiže, entuzijazam i volja rastu, činiš se spreman sam sebi i hrabro izgovaraš: “Krećem od sutra, dosta čekanja!”…


Sutra dolazi novi dan…nalaziš sebe u nekom drugom raspoloženju, imas drugačiji pogled na svet, drugačija osećanja i energija je potpuno drugačija….

Nema ni traga od onog čoveka koji je čvrsto doneo odluku o Promeni….

Brzo prelazis preko toga i kao i svaki dan neke druge ideje pokreću tvoje akcije…

Proces je splasnuo a ti si opet u Istoj situaciji kao i svakoga dana, ali ovoga p**a bogatiji za još jednu ne ostvarenu želju i ne ispoštovanu odluku..

Da, tako to ide, ali nisi jedini, većina ljudi oko tebe ima isti problem…

Da li je moguće izaći iz zacaranog kruga? Krucijalno pitanje…

E pa ovim postom želim da te ohrabrim i podržim! DA, TO JE MOGUĆE!!!

Naime ono sto je bitno razumeti je da te samo razumevanje samoga sebe može izvući iz tačke gledišta koju si zauzeo!

Jedan deo tebe ovu situaciju doživljava kao idealan tenutak za Promenu, drugi deo ima ustaljene rutine i ne želi da menja ono sto mu već dobro ide – očajavane, nezadovoljstvo i strah.

Da, ti jesi MULTIDIMENZIONALAN i to trebas znati!!

U tebi obitavaju različite tačk gledišta kroz koje sagledavaš iste situacije ali donosiš razlicite odluke…..

Medjutim Iza svih tih uskih uvida krijes se opet TI ali ovoga p**a prosiren do beskonačnosti!

Da, jesi to je činjenica!

U redu, ali KAKO DO PROMENE?

Evo ovako:)… Okretanjem pažnje unutra i sagledavanjem uskih prolaza koji definišu tvoja trenutna stanja dobićes odgovor koji tražiš i shvatiti koji deo tebe ocajava, negoduje i oseća strah..

Ali znas sta, ti nisi TO…

TO što osećaš je samo jedan mali deo tebe pogrešno vrednovan….Ti si ona beskonacnost iza toga..

Svako se može Promeniti, i to treba svi da znaju!
Treba ti pomoć?

Zato i pišem ovaj post, da bih ti pomogao…

Posalji PROMENA u komentarima i ponudiću ti proverena, prakticna i veoma efikasna rešenja..😍


PEAT - Primordial Energy Activation and Transedence

With PEAT Methods we can solve various problems such as:
-Panic and anger attacks
-Some physical paind and disorders
Severe phobias such as:
-Fear of flying
-Public appearances to unknown people
-Problems with learning and studying
-Constant postponing obligations and activities
-Aggresion towards people and many more.. Learn PEAT Methods and use them on yourself and others!
[email protected]
+47 939 62 628


Dušan Radić vodi 2-dnevni Kurs Obuke za Procesore P E A T A
30. i 31.Jula (subota i nedelja) 2022 god.
Dušan Radić je Trener Trenera Spiritualne Tehnologije i višegodišnji učenik Živorada M. Slavinskog.
Ova Tehnologija vodi vas korak-po-korak do jednostavnog, efikasnog i brzog uklanjanja bezbrojnih poremecaja i dubokih Spiritualnih iskustava.
Koje probleme PEAT uklanja? Lista je nepregledna: Kako da brzo i trajno oslobodite sebe, clanove porodice i Klijente od briga, strepnje, napada panike, besa, kompulzija, opsesija, tuge, nekih fizickih bolova i poremecaja; teskih fobija kao što su strah od letenja avionom, od pauka, zmija, igala, liftova, javnog nastupa pred nepoznatim ljudima; kako da uklonite najteze zivotne traume, nedostatak samopouzdanja i samopostovanja, stidljivost, vecito odlaganje obaveza i aktivnosti, probleme sa učenjem i studiranjem, povlačenje pred ljudima ili agresivnost prema njima,i mnoge druge. I to za 15-30 minuta. Neverovatno, ali istinito !
PEAT je jedinstven i po tome sto, pored terapije, zadire u oblast Spiritualnog razvoja. PEAT ce vam omoguciti da dospete do najdublje srzi svoga Bica, do svojih Licnih Kodova. Sada je moguce na samom Kursu dubinskim tehnikom PEATA otkriti svoje Praiskonske Polaritete, koje ste kao Spiritualno Bice stvorili kada ste prvi put usli u ovaj univerzum. Izmedju njih vi od tada igrate svoju fundamentalnu zivotnu igru u mnogo varijacija. Drugim recima oni cine vas osnovni zivotni problem. Kroz PEAT dubinski proces vi cete postati Spiritualno slobodni u najdubljoj srzi svoga Bica od automatskih i prisilnih ponasanja i osecanja, sto ce vam otvoriti nove puteve da budete sve sto mozete biti, u svakoj oblasti svog zivota.
Postoje dve osnovne mogucnosti svesnog dozivljaja sveta: Dualisticko i Jedinstveno. Vecina ljudskih bica zivi na dualistickom planu realnosti, dozivljavajuci sve kroz suprotnosti: dobro i zlo, stvaranje i razaranje, napredovanje i povlacenje, svetlost i tama, sloboda i nesloboda, zivot i smrt…Dubinski PEAT proces oslobadja coveka od smrtonosnog stiska sila polarnosti kroz njihovu Integraciju. Upravo je Integracija ili Licnih Kodova bila najdublja tajna tokom mnogih vekova od Taoizma i Tarota, do Kabale i savremene Spiritualne Tehnologije.
Sada je ta tajna obelodanjena na izuzetno jednostavan i efikasan nacin. Ne samo da cete vi resiti svoj osnovni zivotni problem i mnoge druge teške probleme vec cete na Kursu nauciti da tim procesom kao Profesionalni Procesor oslobadjate svoje klijente, rodjake i prijatelje.
Postajuci Procesor PEATA vi cete ubrzati sopstvenu Spiritualnu Evoluciju. Po recima Gurdjijeva: “Ako hoces da nastavis sa svojim Spiritualnim razvojem, u jednom trenutku moras poceti da poucavas druge."
Učesnici kursa dobijaju:
1. Kompletno teorijsko i praktično objašnjenje
2.Materijal podsetnik za Rad sa metodama
3.Rad u parovima (sa ostalim učesnicima kursa) uz moju asistenciju.
4.Snimak kursa
5.Sertifikat o završenom kursu PEAT metoda.
Platforma na kojoj se održava kurs: Zoom
Vreme: od 10 do 14 časova.
Cena: 150 eura
Prijave možete poslati na mejl: [email protected]
Spremite svesku i olovku.
Vidimo se na Kursu PEATA
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Videoer (vis alle)

👉What you THINK and FEELwhen you wake up will determinate your whole day!😍If you use this mechanism, you can dramaticall...
👉OBSERVE yourself! But dont explain it, dont analyze, dont search.💯Pay attention to the contents which are already prese...
👉If we want to solve our problems we need to REALISE NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL CHARGE because main element of every problem is ...
👉Your ATTENTION is creating your PERCEPTION of life and your PROBLEMS.👉With ATTENTION (conscious or unconscious) we crea...
💯You can SOLVE your FEARS once forever!😍Did you try with PEAT system?👉With PEAT you can solve fears in 15-30 minutes!📞Co...
👉Negative beliefs are essentally NEGATIVE THOUGHTS supported by uncoscious FAITH.👉We bealive in them and we follow them ...
👉Follow these steps and you will realize that CHANGE is possible, it is closer to you then you think!🚀Don`t lose your ti...
👉OBSERVE yourself and SEE Identity of ANGRY Person. 👉With Observation and Acceptance you can finally become free from th...
👉One of the most important and the most difficult inner action is to FORGIVE to other people. In this act we actully for...
Integrate DUALITY and enter the state of ONENESS and BALANCE. #psychology #spiritualjourney #duality #dualism #peat
👉The fact that each EXPERIENCE has 4 elements simplifies the work to a level that anyone can apply.🔥Problems are no long...
👉Stop to IDENTIFICATE WITH OR SUPPRESS inner contents because you are making energetical charge on that way, which are r...



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