Maria Tabol- Coach ,Trainer and Speaker

Maria Tabol-  Coach ,Trainer and Speaker

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Cradle Academy
Cradle Academy

Independent coach,trainer and speaker with The John Maxwell Team.Licensed to offer seminars,workshop



Here are 3 questions that every employer should address first to him/her self and after that to their employees in order to find out what's the issues that hold them back from increasing the performance in company.

❓1. How much of your full potential do you bring to your work?

❓2. What gets in the way of your full potential being realized?

❓3. What is the main inner obstacle that prevents your potential from manifesting itself?



Globalization, demographic changes, the further integration or disintegration of Europe, immigration, and multiple effects of the internet and instant communication oblige businesses to change their style.

The biggest challenge to hit business comes from the demands for legal and social responsibility that follow the expert consensus that climate change is both real and man-made. It is imperative that we find ways for businesses to succeed that are in harmony with the planet.

Many companies have already identified that COACHING is the LEADERSHIP STYLE of a transformed culture, and that as the style changes from DIRECTING to COACHING ,the culture of the organisation will begin to change.

❓What important skills or experiences are you missing that will prepare you to LEADING via COACHING?


✅"The only job security we have is our individual commitment to personal development." -Kevin Turner

❓Are you willing to Give Up Financial Security Today for Potential Tomorrow?

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Mastermind Group 30/01/2020

How To Grow Yourself Get 2 FREE SESSIONS now!

To help you start this process of growth, I'm inviting you to participate in one of our upcoming mastermind groups to study John Maxwell's new book "The 15 invaluable laws of growth".It can add value to individuals at every stage of personal growth-- from just starting out to very experienced.
If you desire to grow and improve results, don't miss this opportunity!
For more details please press the link below. Thank you!

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Mastermind Group This training curriculum will help you understand how can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual.


Have you ever experienced the power of a mastermind group?

- By bringing fresh ideas and different perspectives, masterminds groups help you learn throuhg feedback, advice and group brainstorming.

-Program material will assist you in developing your leadership abilities for greater impact and professional success.

-Experience both personal and professional growht by interacting with other like-minded people as you work through the program togheter.

Want to know more?? Let's talk!! Connect with me to learn more about how I can help you through coaching, speaking or training.
You can call me at 40578016 or send me a message.



✅If you want to be around growing people, become a growing person.
✅If you're committed , you attract others who are committed.
✅If you're growing, you attract others who are growing.


Anytime you compromise your integrity, you do yourself an incredible amount of damage. That's because integrity really is your best friend. It will never betray you or put you in a compromising position. It keeps your priorities right. When you're tempted to take shortcuts, it helps you stay the right course. When others criticize you unfairly, it helps you keep going and take the high road of not striking back. And when others criticism is valid, integrity helps you to accept what they say, learn from it and keep growing.


⁉️ As you interact with your family, your coworkers and the clerk at the store today, recognize that your life touches many other's lives. Certainly ,your influence on your family members is greater than that on the strangers you meet. And if you have a high-profile occupation, you influence people you don't know. But even in your ordinary day-to-day interactions with people,you make an impact. You can make the few moments that you interact with a store clerk and a bank teller a miserable experience or you can get them to smile and make their day. The choise is yours!

Minute With Maxwell: Are You a Plus or a Minus? - John Maxwell Team 18/09/2019

+++++Relationships ++++++

Minute With Maxwell: Are You a Plus or a Minus? - John Maxwell Team Relationships have the power to influence both the positivity and the negativity in our lives. When the people we know serve us by adding value to our lives,...


❗The difference between being a boss and being a leader: ("Developing the leader within you 2.0" by John C. Maxwell)

-📣Bosses drive workers; leaders coach them,
-📣Bosses depend on authority; leaders depend on goodwill,
-📣Bosses inspire fear; leaders inspire enthusiasm,
-📣Bosses say,"I"; leaders say," We",
-📣Bosses fix the blame for any breakdown; leaders fix the breakdown,
-📣Bosses know ho it is done; leaders show how,
-📣Bosses say, "Go"; leaders say ," Let's go!".


"The heart of leadership is serving others
first ,before yourself."(John Maxwell)

✅The definition of leadership has nothing to do with the hierarchy or anyone's position within the company; it has nothing to do with imposing views but it's about listening to those who know. LEADERSHIP IS ATTITUDE assumed by those looking for something different, who are committed to achieving a goal and whose conviction they manage to transmit to others through enthusiasm and optimism in order to reach a common goal.

What is leadership for you?


What's the purpose of a mastermind group?

❗ The purpose of a mastermind group is to bring together likeminded people who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes to their lives in a collective group
❗ By surrounding yourself with people who can build you up, you are choosing to gather experience and skills from your peers
❗ When you join my facilitated group, you'll receive a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education and support in a way that will sharpen your business and personal skills
❗ Mastermind classes bring you a synergy of energy, commitment, excitement and can profoundly shape your life and business, ensuring your success through challenges and goals
❗ We will study leadership, communication and growth principles and practices

❗ Are you ready for it????🤗


🔴Growth Thrives In Conducive Surroundings🔴

Its possible to change without growing,but its impossible to grow without changing.
Growth thrives in conducive surroundings.If you are in a positive growth environment, be grateful.
If you are not ,do what you must to change your environment and yourself ( John Maxwell)


📌 Why is personal growth so important?

- Personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one's fullest potential.
- Personal development is a vital part of a person' s growth,
maturity, success and happiness. It is the foundation of emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual health.
-Personal growth has a profound effect on every single aspect of our life. That's why we must wisely choose the right growth environment.✅

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What does it mean to be a Jonh Maxwell Team Member?

It means much more then a title.. It means now I have the responsibility to add value to other people ,companies and organizations., to lead by Living Intentionally and teaching and coaching others to maximize the untapped potential and to move their dreams and hopes from their sub conscience mind to the conscience mind.

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Pedersgata 32c


Mandag 10:00 - 18:00
Tirsdag 10:00 - 18:00
Onsdag 10:00 - 18:00
Torsdag 10:00 - 18:00
Fredag 10:00 - 18:00
Lørdag 10:00 - 17:00

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