Dr Anupama Suwal Gurung

Dr Anupama Suwal
Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Senior IVF Specialist, Laparoscopic surgeon

Masters in obstetrics and gynecology (11 years experience )
Fellowship in IVF and Gynecology Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy (7 years experience )


लगभग 10-15% प्रजनन उमेरका महिलाहरू बाँझोपन अनुभव गर्छन्।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Epididymitis is when the tube at the back of the testicle gets inflamed, often due to infections like STIs or UTIs. Symptoms include pain and swelling in the testicles, fever, and painful urination. Treatment involves antibiotics and rest. If not treated, it can cause infertility. To prevent it, practice safe s*x and have regular check-ups.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Testing for male infertility is essential to identify s***m-related issues, such as low count, poor motility, or abnormal morphology. It helps in planning targeted treatments like IVF or ICSI, saving time and costs by expediting the fertility process. Additionally, it can uncover underlying health issues that might be affecting fertility, ensuring overall well-being.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


ल्युटेल फेज डिफेक्ट (LPD) जब ल्युटेल फेज धेरै छोटो हुन्छ वा पर्याप्त प्रोजेस्टेरोनको अभाव हुन्छ, प्रत्यारोपणलाई असर गर्छ र बांझपन निम्त्याउँछ।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


वातावरणीय प्रदूषकहरूले पुरुष र महिला दुवैको प्रजनन क्षमतामा नकारात्मक असर पार्न सक्छ। हावा, पानी र माटोमा रसायन र विषाक्त पदार्थहरूको सम्पर्कले हार्मोनल असंतुलन, कम शुक्रकीटको गुणस्तर, र मासिक धर्म चक्र बाधित हुन सक्छ। प्रदूषकहरूको जोखिम कम गर्नाले प्रजनन क्षमता सुधार गर्न मद्दत गर्न सक्छ।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Uterine polyps पाठेघरमा हुने वृद्धि हो जसले धेरै वा अनियमित महिनावारी, महिनावारीको बीचमा रक्तस्राव र बाँझोपन निम्त्याउन सक्छ। तिनीहरू सामान्यतया क्यान्सर हुँदैनन् तर गर्भपातको जोखिम बढाउन सक्छ। तिनीहरू अल्ट्रासाउन्ड वा हिस्टेरोस्कोपीबाट निदान गर्न सकिन्छ, र उपचारमा प्रायः polypsहरू हटाउने समावेश हुन्छ। यसले प्रजनन क्षमता सुधार गर्न र असामान्य रक्तस्राव रोक्न मद्दत गर्न सक्छ।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Almonds support fertility due to their high nutrient content. They are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and protein, all of which promote reproductive health. Including almonds in your diet can benefit both men and women trying to conceive.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Drinking too much alcohol and coffee can lower the number and quality of eggs, affecting fertility. Moderation is important when trying to conceive.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


पाठेघरमा फाइब्रोइड भए पनि प्रजनन उपचारबाट गर्भधारण सम्भव हुन्छ।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


बाँझोपनले लाखौं मानिसहरूलाई असर गर्छ - र तिनीहरूको परिवार र समुदायमा प्रभाव पार्छ। विश्वभर प्रजनन उमेरका प्रत्येक छ जना मध्ये एक जनाले आफ्नो जीवनकालमा बाँझोपन अनुभव गर्छन्।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Infertility can be caused by conditions like recurring endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Timely diagnosis and personalized treatment are crucial for improving fertility. With the right medical assistance, individuals dealing with infertility can move forward on their journey to becoming parents with hope.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


A molar pregnancy is when there's a problem with a fertilised egg, which means a baby and a placenta do not develop the way they should after conception.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Listening to baby's heartbeat is really important. It makes every woman feel happy and connected to her child, like a special kind of music that brings them closer together.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Happy Mother's Day to the world's best mom! Thanks for all you do. You're our superhero every day.


Unexplained infertility is when standard infertility testing has not found a cause for a couple's or a woman's inability to get pregnant.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Anovulation, the lack of ovulation, can hinder conception. IVF helps by stimulating the ovaries to produce eggs, offering hope for women with anovulation to conceive

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Best wishes and congratulations to the wonderful couple on this incredible journey! Wishing you both endless joy and happiness as you embark on this new chapter of parenthood.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Modern IVF treatments, like ICSI and s***m retrieval, can help couples conceive even when s***m count is nil, offering hope in overcoming male infertility.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


When you're pregnant, it's essential to pay attention to any unusual symptoms or changes in your body. While some symptoms may be harmless, others could indicate a potential problem for you or your baby. Trusting your instincts and seeking advice from your doctor whenever you're unsure or worried is crucial. Don't hesitate to discuss any concerns you have during your pregnancy journey, as early detection and intervention can often lead to the best outcomes. Remember, your healthcare provider is there to support you every step of the way.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


PCOS र Ovulation समस्याका कारण धेरै वर्षसम्म बाँझोपन झेल्दै आएका दम्पतीले आज छोरी जन्माएकी छन् । अन्य केन्द्रहरूमा ओभुलेशन इन्डक्सन र IUI असफल भएको थियो। हामीले दोस्रो दिनदेखि inj FSH सँग बिस्तारै ओभ्युलेसन इन्डक्सन गर्यौं र 18 दिनमा अन्ततः एक प्रमुख फोलिकल विकसित भयो जस पछि ट्रिगर दिइयो र डबल IUI गरियो। पहिलो प्रयासमा सफलता मिल्यो ।

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


What are the symptoms of hyperprolactinemia?
For anyone, hyperprolactinemia can cause the following symptoms:
-> Infertility.
-> Loss of interest in s*x.
-> Low bone mass.
-> Milky discharge from your ni***es when not pregnant or chestfeeding (galactorrhea).

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Diabetes can affect fertility by reducing s***m quality in men and causing hormonal imbalances in women, making it harder to conceive. Proper management is important for improving fertility chances.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Perimenopause makes it harder to conceive due to hormonal changes, but pregnancy is still possible with increased risks. Consulting a doctor for guidance on fertility options is important.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)


Luteal phase defects occur when the second half of the menstrual cycle is too short or lacks enough progesterone. This can make it hard to maintain a pregnancy. Treatment may involve hormone therapy or addressing underlying causes like stress.

निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्:
Curious about fertility treatments? Drop your queries in the comments or reach out for more information:

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Anupama Suwal (Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Senior IVF Specialist,Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon)
🌐 Venus Hospital, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
📧 [email protected]
📞 +977 01 4590333 | +977 97616 82874 (call/WhatsApp)
🔗 Visit https://www.ivflifenepal.com/ for details.
🕒 Clinic Hours: 12-5 pm, Sunday to Friday (closed on Saturday)

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Uterine polyps पाठेघरमा हुने वृद्धि हो जसले धेरै वा अनियमित महिनावारी, महिनावारीको बीचमा रक्तस्राव र बाँझोपन निम्त्याउन ...
Drinking too much alcohol and coffee can lower the number and quality of eggs, affecting fertility. Moderation is import...
निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहो...
पाठेघरमा फाइब्रोइड भए पनि प्रजनन उपचारबाट गर्भधारण सम्भव हुन्छ।निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक...
निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहो...
बाँझोपनले लाखौं मानिसहरूलाई असर गर्छ - र तिनीहरूको परिवार र समुदायमा प्रभाव पार्छ। विश्वभर प्रजनन उमेरका प्रत्येक छ जना ...
Infertility can be caused by conditions like recurring endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Timely diagnosis and personal...
A molar pregnancy is when there's a problem with a fertilised egg, which means a baby and a placenta do not develop the ...
निसन्तानपनको उपचार सम्बन्धि कुनै जिज्ञासा छ भने कमेन्ट बक्समा आफ्नो समस्या लेख्नुहोला वा थप जान्नको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नुहो...
Listening to baby's heartbeat is really important. It makes every woman feel happy and connected to her child, like a sp...



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Venus Hospital

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Naxal, Narayanchour
Kathmandu, 44600

Dr Nija Rajbhandari is a Consultant IVF specialist, currently working at Vatsalaya IVF Centre, Naxal, Narayanchour.

Nepal IVF & Fertility Centre Nepal IVF & Fertility Centre
Kathmandu, 56004

Nepal IVF & Fertility Center is fertility clinic in Nepal providing all types of infertility treatment services.

National IVF National IVF
Jyoti Bhawan, Kantipath, Jamal
Kathmandu, 66400

National Centre for Reproductive Health

Nhoo Chhetrapati Clinic  , Chhetrapati chowk Nhoo Chhetrapati Clinic , Chhetrapati chowk
Chhetrapati Chwok, Thahiti

gynecological / obstetrics/ infertility /ultrasound clinic

Dr Deepa Chudal, Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr Deepa Chudal, Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Shankhamul Road, Near Tempo Park
Kathmandu, 44600

Certified Obstetrician and gynecologist. Trained in Nepal, India and abroad. Call for appointment.

HOPE IVF & Fertility Services HOPE IVF & Fertility Services
Babar Mahal, Daphe Marga, Nepal Mega College Compound
Kathmandu, 44600


Manmohan IVF Center Manmohan IVF Center
Swyambhu Marg

Opd service , infertility problems, counseling,iui, ivf

Dr. Usha Karki, Obstetrician and Gynecologist/ Fertility Specialist Dr. Usha Karki, Obstetrician and Gynecologist/ Fertility Specialist
Jyotibhawan, Jamal

Clinical Director, Consultant Reproductive medicine/fertility specialist National IVF(NCRH) Jamal.

Manmohan IVF Center Pvt. Ltd. Manmohan IVF Center Pvt. Ltd.
Manmohan Memorial Teaching Hospital(2nd Floor) Swoyambhu
Kathmandu, 44600

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Dr. Swasti Sharma Dr. Swasti Sharma
Daphe Marg, Babarmahal

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Dr Chetana Shrestha Dr Chetana Shrestha
Kathmandu, 44600

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